Keeping My Sister in Line - Cover

Keeping My Sister in Line

Copyright© 2020 by Eddie Davidson

Chapter 5

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Tiffany and Teddy have been watching their parents consensual BDSM sexlife through the in-home security cameras. They get caught acting out those sexy scenes by their parents. What follows is the lesson that neither of them will soon forget. **Contains BDSM/Humiliation/Incest**

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Consensual   Reluctant   School   Slut Wife   Incest   Mother   Brother   Sister   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Rough   Spanking   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Polygamy/Polyamory   Black Male   Enema   Exhibitionism   Fisting   Prostitution  

(As Told by Teddy Reddick)

My sister was fully naked. I took a mental snapshot of that immediately. I couldn’t believe I was finally seeing her fully naked in all her glory after all those miserable times up in my bedroom serving her in the nude while she was fully clothed.

Tiffany’s legs were spread wide apart while pushing her back against the wall. Her thighs and lips were trembling. It must have been agonizing to squat in that position. I could see her pussy was dripping a little as a clear ooze dribbled down her thighs.

She had a tuft of black pubic hair even though she was very blonde. My sister’s tits jutted out in front of her, and she had puffy strawberry colored nipples. Her tummy rippled slightly at the effort of holding herself up. She was holding her nipples with her fingers and pulling them out in front of her. She looked relieved to see us.

My mind began taking mental pictures. I can still see her long hair flowing down her back and the look of terror and wonder on her face. Tiffany usually had a little bit of a confident swagger and an aloof expression. Still, in that moment, she looked utterly vulnerable, and it was very hot – even though she was my sister.

The part that neither of us was prepared for was that my mother was holding the same pose. I had seen her plenty of times on a tiny ten-inch screen. I had never seen her naked in person. My mom’s long red hair was around her shoulders. She held her mouth open wide like she was waiting for a cock to be stuffed down her throat and wouldn’t resist anything put in her mouth. Mom was holding her pert red nipples and tugging them. She had her legs parted, and I could see inside her inviting, wet pink, bald cunt. My mother had on her high heels and a stainless steel collar but nothing else.

Annabelle seemed amused. She was sitting on the couch giggling and offering encouragement to them when we walked in.

“What are you doing, Gloria?” Dad asked my mother in shock.

“You said to demonstrate to Tiffany how to properly perform a wall squat, Sir,” she answered him.

“I meant you should explain to her how to do it,” Dad said in exasperated shock.

“Pardon my mistake, Sir, You said I would be responsible for teaching Tiffany from a dominant perspective, and I was to teach her from a submissive one. I was only demonstrating the proper techniques and acting as a proper role model,” my mom explained politely. She asked if she should stop, but she took no action to cover herself.

“You are already against the wall, and you look so cute,” Dad realized it was a bit too late for modesty. “You are right, and that was my mistake for not being more clear with my instructions,” he looked disappointed in himself. “I expected you to teach as a dominant would, by placing her in the proper position and then adjusting her body when she relaxed. You did nothing wrong,” Dad told her. My mom looked pleased but didn’t adjust her position.

“Is this what you guys do upstairs?” Annabelle adjusted herself excitedly on the couch.

“This is one exercise of many. It is intended to teach patience and obedience. The endurance of discomfort while being exposed and vulnerable is the lesson here,” Dad explained. He waited to address my sister. I could tell from the way her lips were quivering that she was in extreme discomfort.

“Are you still interested in training through choice number two?” Dad said.

“Will mom have to do everything I do, Sir?” my sister looked straight ahead. Her tits were jiggling slightly from the effort. It was incredibly sexy to watch her hold this position. It was definitely not getting any easier for her to hold the position. I fully expected my sister to scream and fall to the floor. I think she can be tenacious when she wants to be and she seemed to be summoning up the endurance to match my mother’s ability to hold the position for as long as she could.

“No, this isn’t about your mother. This is about you and the choice you wanted me to give you,” Dad said.

“I am sorry, Sir, I should have asked the question differently. If Teddy tells me to do something, will mom have to demonstrate it first before I do it?” she asked.

“You will refer to your brother as Master Teddy while you are in training,” Dad said. He wasn’t sure why she was asking that.

I was, though. My sister was clever and devious. She was sure I’d never ask my mother to do something nasty. She wanted some kind of checks and balances to make sure I didn’t do that.

My father must have been clever and devious as well because I think he figured it out. “Master Teddy will have a list of expectations for you. I will be at work all day tomorrow, and as you can see, Cherry will not be capable of putting you through your discipline training or punishing you. I won’t ask her to become a dominant because that is not her path. If there is something he needs to see done properly, then she will show him how it is done. Is that what you wanted to know?”

“I would just feel a lot better if anything Master Teddy tells me to do Cherry has to do too, Sir,” she said. I was flattered to be called a Master even though my sister probably didn’t think of me as one. “If he tells me to spend an hour like this and even she can’t do it, then that would not be fair,” my sister’s voice cracked a little. I could tell it was only a matter of time before she was going to fall out from this exercise.

“Your brother will be getting payback against you for dominating him. The rest of us will be getting payback against you by watching you be dominated and have your privacy stripped from you the way you took it from us. I see no reason to make your mother endure the same training as you do,” Dad said.

“I am sorry for speaking out of turn, but I would be happy to demonstrate, Sir,” my mom said.

My dad seemed shocked.

“I know I should not speak unless spoken to, but in order to prevent any argument over me, I would volunteer to do anything that my daughter does in the proper fashion,” she said. My father seemed confused. “They have both seen me trained many times and have not learned anything from those lessons. If you are present, you can provide guidance. I can be a demonstration dummy so that any training is applied safely,” my mom said.

She said she could endure a lot of pain and that it was very unlikely I could ever hurt her. Dad looked surprised and a little uncomfortable. He clearly didn’t expect our mom to volunteer.

“I appreciate the offer, and I will take that into consideration,” Dad smiled proudly at her. “It all depends on Tiffany. You’ve been given the choice. Anything you did to your brother, he can do to you once I teach him how it is done. Anything you saw us do in the videos might be done to you if I think it is appropriate. You will have five weeks of training. If you pass all of my tests in obedience, humility, and patience, then you are free. If you do not, then you will finish your restriction under option one,” Dad asked her if that sounded good.

“When does Master Teddy have to be trained?” she asked. I could tell she was huffing in pain.

“Master Teddy will lose his authority over you if he ignores his responsibility or doesn’t punish you when it is appropriate. He will still put out your food, make sure you wash yourself, and report on your behavior at school however if he fails in his new responsibilities, he will merely have his authority to punish you revoked. If he abuses his authority over you, then he will join you and be trained for five weeks just like you, starting from the day he begins training!” Dad insisted that he would put a stop to all of this immediately if I abused my new found authority.

“He watched the cameras for months before I did, Sir,” Tiffany pouted.

I admitted I had been watching for four months prior to that.

“We’ll make it an even six months for you, Teddy. That should be enough of a consequence so you don’t want to find out what happens,” Dad said.

“Would I be able to help with his training if he abuses his authority over me, Sir?” Tiffany asked.

I could tell my Dad didn’t think I would abuse my authority. He said he didn’t believe she’d take this choice at all. He said he wouldn’t leave me in charge if he thought I would abuse the authority, though. “Yep, just like you abused your authority over your little brother. You would be the boss of him,” Dad said.

“What about Annabelle, Sir?” Tiffany huffed.

“Annabelle is outside of this,” Dad seemed confused.

“Awww,” Annabelle seemed genuinely disappointed.

Dad told her that she could give her sister reasonable orders around the house. “You can tell her to bring you something or give her one-word commands when she isn’t busy. Simple things,” Dad said. He said that in exchange, she would be expected to tell on her sister if she was impolite or broke any rules.

“I can tattle!” Annabelle was on board with a license to tell on us.

“Mistress Annabelle, would you also swear to tell on Master Teddy if he were to abuse his authority?” my sister asked. Her nipples were getting extremely hard as she shook against the wall trying to hold herself up with all of her might.

“Yes,” Annabelle answered with delight. My Dad said that Annabelle wasn’t a Mistress. “Master Teddy is a Master in training. Annabelle would be a Miss or a Ma’am,” he said.

“Can I be Princess Anabelle?” Annabelle asked, and my dad smiled and told her that would be fine.

Tiffany asked Annabelle to pinky swear. Annabelle got off the couch, and pinky swore with Tiffany. Tiffany had to remove a finger from tugging her nipples in order to do it.

“I guess Mom would tell you everything anyway,” Tiffany said.

My dad told her that was absolutely right. “I knew about you making your brother clean in his underwear. I thought it was just weird brother and sister hazing. I told your mother to ignore it and assumed it would stop. Now, we’ve spent a long time talking about choice number two. I want to lay down one more stipulation on you before you make your final decision,” Dad said.

My sister bit her lip slightly and shivered.

“You will have one chance to change your mind. When I get home from work tomorrow, I will get a full report from everyone on what happened. That is the point of no return. If you accept the training, I will give you a new name and a collar to wear for five weeks. You won’t be able to quit the moment it gets hard. Every Sunday, we will sit down as a family and talk about what you have learned and your behavior. You will listen to our feedback. At the end, you will be permitted to talk. If I determine you are learning, you will continue. If you fail to learn the lessons we are teaching consistently, then the fault lies with you, and I reserve the right to end this at those sessions. You will then complete option one,” I said.

“No, Sir,” my sister said.

“No, Sir? This is not a negotiation,” My dad informed her.

“I am sorry, Sir, I may not learn right away. I may make mistakes. I don’t want you to be able to pull the ripcord and let me quit. I want you to find a way to make me learn. If in five weeks I don’t, then you can make me finish choice one,” she said.

Dad seemed impressed. If she had managed to stubbornly stumble her way through a week of this training, he could have told her she wasn’t doing well enough and made her quit next Sunday.

“I need some assurance you won’t half-ass this like you did the Summer you were supposed to paint the fence. I need some assurance you will pick up the lessons I teach you. You may not be ready to understand any of them,” Dad countered.

“Any time she fails a week, she could repeat the week?” Annabelle offered from the couch.

My dad reflexively dismissed her input but then realized it was a good idea. He put it to her. “The family will vote. I am the tiebreaker. If they feel you failed to learn the lessons and were not putting in a good effort, are you prepared to repeat the week?” Dad asked.

“Would that also apply to Master Teddy if he were in my place, Sir?” she asked.

“Yes,” Dad said.

“Yes, Sir,” she agreed.

“This would be a lot easier under choice number one,” Dad seemed wary. My sister was making it too easy for him.

“If I want to live down the infamous summer where I didn’t paint the fence, then I have to demonstrate that. You said that after five weeks of payback, you will let me have my phone back, and trust me enough to let me go out on my own, Sir?” she said.

“Yes, I guess I did,” Dad considered her words and seemed to think about it. “Yes, if you really could do this for five weeks and learn what I teach you, THEN I could trust you completely,” Dad said.

My sister had one more question. “If Teddy successfully trains me and gets his payback, he STILL has to remain in choice one unless he does what I do for five months, Sir?” My sister was obviously angling to get me the maximum punishment.

“Yes,” Dad said. He winked at me.

“Did you just wink at Master Teddy, Sir?” my sister looked offended.

“Look, I don’t think you will make it five whole weeks. I think you will chicken out shortly. You will blow a fuse and tell us all to go to hell for making you get up at the crack of dawn to scrub the floors with a toothbrush. Oh yeah, your video didn’t show your mother doing that. You wonder why that kitchen floor is so spotless? She uses a toothbrush when you are at school,” Dad said.

My sister huffed.

“I don’t expect Teddy is going to spend five weeks doing what you are doing much less five months either. I believe you will quit, so I am probably wasting my time trying to teach you anything. I would never set you up to fail so you have my word right now that if you give me your best effort, I won’t LET you quit. I will make you repeat weeks until you get it through your thick head what it means to submit and think of others before yourself and live a life devoted to service. If your ass chaps from the number of spankings you get then too bad, so sad, tough titty for you. If your brother fucks up, I will personally deal with it appropriately. I am fair, and I don’t play favorites even though you have always thought you were my favorite,” Dad smirked.

She looked ashamed of herself when he said that.

“If Teddy had wanted to learn to submit, I’d teach him myself. If he fucks up, I’d address it. He knows that. We had a long talk about it. I told him that I didn’t think you would be naked when we walked out here. I thought you’d already be belly-aching about someone looking at your little cunt and whining that I am a big meanie. You proved me wrong. I am okay with being wrong. I also told Teddy that I thought you wouldn’t make it until tomorrow. If you prove me wrong again and you still want to proceed, then I am going to train you hard for five weeks and make you repeat any weeks in which you don’t do a good job. If anyone abuses their authority, we’ll address it. I want you to understand that BDSM power exchange doesn’t mean NO limits. People who think they have no limits just have very limited imaginations,” Dad said.

My sister wanted to know what the limits were going to be. I did too.

“We’ll talk about that. Your mother’s limits are not going to be the same as yours. You have not learned or experienced as much as she has. Tonight I’ll go over the basic house rules and protocols with you. Anything you did to your brother will most likely be expected of you. I will teach him first. Tomorrow, I will have a list of training exercises and chores for you to complete. You are being judged and graded at all times. You must be on your best behavior. If you fail to accomplish a task in a timely and polite manner, backtalk, or need correction, it will be Teddy who administers it,” Dad said.

He had read the things we had done in private. He referenced several of them. It shocked me that he was fine with me doing the same thing to my sister. I was excited and hopeful that I’d really get to do that. I was pretty skeptical my sister would ever let me.

“Teddy can’t just start whacking me though for fun, right?” Tiffany asked.

“You whacked him for fun, didn’t you?” Dad asked her. He reminded her that I would be Master Teddy to her. He had a trace of a smile on his face. “You and your brother will learn that punishment without purpose is counter-productive. If you get whacked as you call it for doing your best, then you will lose your motivation to do your best. He will, however, apply pain as part of your daily training. Is that something you are unwilling to endure?” Dad asked her.

“You are not going to whack me harder than anything I ever did to Teddy, will you Sir?” Tiffany asked.

“That’s a good question. I don’t know your pain tolerance, but the simple answer is no, it will not. You probably never tried any of the paddles or floggers on yourself, so you have no idea what they feel like. I think we will start with that after you shave that nasty bush between your legs,” Dad said.

He told my mother to get the shaving equipment and bring it downstairs. He told my sister to get into the relaxed position. My sister didn’t know what that was. I knew what it was. It was one of many different one-word commands that my father used to instruct my mother to adopt a certain position.

It was obvious that Tiffany hadn’t paid attention to any of those protocols. My dad told her to shake out her arms and legs and then kneel with her legs apart. “Your arms can go where you like. You don’t have to hold your mouth open. You can talk casually as long as someone is talking to you. You must still use proper etiquette and titles when speaking to your betters,” Dad said. He promised her he would teach her some of the other primary one-word commands.

“I can teach her the rest tomorrow, Dad!” I assured him. I listed off Attention, Inspection, Punishment, and some of my favorite slave positions for him.

“Inspection? What does an inspection position involve, Sir?” she asked quietly.

Dad had his first quandary. The inspections he did of my mother were sometimes very intense. He literally seemed to be looking at what she ate for lunch while he looked up her ass at times. My sister had never inspected me. She would never have put a finger in my butt OR near my mouth.

“You will be inspected, but it will be modified. I can’t have you being tempted to hide things on your body or go without any inspection,” Dad said. “Your brother is going to inspect you properly and thoroughly but not as intensely as the ones you saw me give your mother on camera!” he said.

I was shocked he’d let me inspect her at all.

Tiffany scrunched her nose in disgust at the idea that SHE’D be the one receiving personal inspections of any sort, especially her naked body. Dad told her that her nose-scrunching had to stop as well. “I want to see a pleasant face. You scowl all the time,” Dad observed.

“I can’t help it, Sir. I have a resting bitch face,” she said. Resting bitch face, also known as RBF, or bitchy resting face is a facial expression that unintentionally appears as if a person is angry, annoyed, irritated, or contemptuous, particularly when the individual is relaxed, resting or not expressing any particular emotion.

“You have an ACTIVE bitch face, too!” I quipped. My father laughed, and I could tell that my sister was having a hard time holding her tongue. She wanted to say something back. My Dad wanted me to push Tiffany, and I was going to do just that.

There was a part of me which didn’t want to push her TOO hard. I didn’t want her to quit. I wanted to see how long I could make this last. I realized my father was probably right, though. My sister, naked on the floor, was just too good to be true. I felt she would never go through with this to the end.

Then again, she had slid onto the ground in a kneeling position with her legs apart. Her piercing blue eyes were staring daggers at me anytime I dared try to get a glimpse at the meaty-pink folds between her legs.

My mom was quick to return, holding a silver tray. She had a bowl of warm soapy water, some towels, a mirror, and several razors, including an old fashioned straight edge razor.

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