Keeping My Sister in Line - Cover

Keeping My Sister in Line

Copyright© 2020 by Eddie Davidson

Chapter 4

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Tiffany and Teddy have been watching their parents consensual BDSM sexlife through the in-home security cameras. They get caught acting out those sexy scenes by their parents. What follows is the lesson that neither of them will soon forget. **Contains BDSM/Humiliation/Incest**

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Consensual   Reluctant   School   Slut Wife   Incest   Mother   Brother   Sister   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Rough   Spanking   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Polygamy/Polyamory   Black Male   Enema   Exhibitionism   Fisting   Prostitution  

(As Told by Teddy Reddick)

I had just missed the conclusion of my sister’s slow and agonizingly arousing striptease when we walked into our kitchen. If she wasn’t naked when I came back, I would never see her nude. I know I shouldn’t be excited to see my sister naked, but after everything she put me through, I couldn’t wait to go back to the living room and take a mental snapshot of her naked body that I would never forget. I had images of my mom’s sexploits burned into my memory that I admit I’ve used to masturbate to many times.

If Tiffany had just stripped quickly, it might have been anti-climactic. She took her time as if considering whether or not she’d really go through with it.

“Your sister is about as stubborn as your mother was when I first met her,” Dad said as he clapped me on the shoulder and sat me at the kitchen table.

I could never imagine my mother being stubborn or willful. If my father was a tree, he would be an unbending and mighty oak tree. He provided lumber and built things. He delivered acorns of wisdom to those who needed it. My mother would be a willow tree that bent with the wind and provided shade to everyone.

“I took you out of the room because I wanted to have a talk with you alone. I am a big believer in total honesty. Anything I would say to you now, I should be able to say in the living room. However, there are times when we need to talk privately to keep our shit straight, so we are on the same page,” Dad smiled at me.

I knew I was in trouble, and it made me uneasy that he talked to me like an ally. My father never spoke to me like a peer either, and yet I felt like he was doing that now.

“Do you know what I do for a living?” My Dad asked me. I told him that I thought he worked in IT or something.

“I negotiate with people. I negotiate with people that report to me to get them to do the best job they can do. I negotiate with upper management to help guide the business and be a good steward of the company’s money. I negotiate with our clients to make sure they thank their lucky stars they are dealing with me and not someone else because I say what I mean and I mean what I say. I may not have the best news for them, but I will never blow smoke. They know I shoot straight,” Dad said. He paused to let that sink in as if trying to evaluate if I understood him.

“Do you know what currency I negotiate in, son?” he asked.

“Money?” I guessed. I assumed if people didn’t do what he said, they lost money.

“Fuck no,” Dad explained there were financial impacts to his decisions, but that wasn’t what he meant. “My currency is honesty. If I start telling people a bunch of bullshit that they want to hear and empty promises, I lose that currency. There are ways to deliver a message that is positive, but sometimes you just have to be blunt and come right out with it. Do you know how much currency you have with me right now?” Dad asked.

“Zero?” I replied.

“Bingo!” Dad held up a goose-egg symbol with his fingers. “You’ve been watching me do things with your mother for longer than five weeks. You’ve never even touched a pussy in real life, have you?” Dad asked.

I was shocked he’d ask me that question. He said that I’d heard much worse if the sound was on during those videos I watched of him. I agreed and told him I hadn’t been with a girl.

“You should be out meeting girls your own age and doing things that are age-appropriate. Instead, you’ve been watching me, and your mother, and I am going to tell you this for your own good, son. That is extremely creepy and disturbing!” he said.

I apologized, but my father didn’t want to hear any of that right now.

“I wanted to ask you about your submission to your sister. Did you enjoy any of it?” he asked me.

I said that I didn’t. He looked at me and carefully studied my face. “I think part of you liked it,” he said.

I have to admit there were times that it was kind of interesting. I also liked the attention I got and the fact that Sheila seemed to enjoy it when I told her stories about what my sister made me do.

“It was probably like a roller coaster ride. You couldn’t put the brakes on or steer where you were going. You got a little adrenalin rush, didn’t you?” he asked. I nodded in agreement. “Your mother does too. The thing is though I am like Disney World. My rides are safe, and I test them and make sure they are fucking safe. Your sister’s ride was like the rickety carnival where the drunk carnie that runs the ride put it together the night before. It’s got screws loose, and it might collapse at any moment or send you flying out in the parking lot if he goes too fast,” Dad continued his metaphor. I understood what he was trying to tell me.

“There is no weakness in submission. Your entire report misses the point of any of it. You made it sound like you were this reluctant victim of your sister’s machinations and that you had no choice. You had a choice every day, though. You could have quit at any time. You could have come to me, and I would have put a stop to it,” Dad said.

I nodded that I understood that now.

“It takes a powerful person to truly submit to the will of another. It takes self-determination and an internal strength to give your obedience and not expect anything but guidance and discipline in return. You may not understand that now, but the desire to continue it every day, even though it was difficult, is a strength. You showed that even though you didn’t realize it. Your sister’s report is much better. It paints a very different picture of you. I want you to read it sometime,” he said as he dropped her printed confession in front of me. I didn’t pick it up, but I nodded.

“We are going to take our time in the kitchen. Once I am good and ready, I am going to walk out into the living room. Your sister will probably have already quit. I told your mom to show her a very uncomfortable position. Did you ever see me make your mother press her back against the wall and sit on an invisible chair,” Dad asked.

I had seen her do that. She had to pull her nipples and stretch them with her legs wide apart. I nodded.

“It is excruciating. Your mother is incredibly strong, and it has taken a lot of practice for her to be able to do it for a long time. Your sister is not strong. She will get a taste of hell, and she will crumble. I realized that I was wasting my time spelling out for her the terms of option two. She probably just wanted to make me tell her what I’d make her do so she could call me a pervert and tell me no. It is a power move to get me to provide her all the conditions of her training only to reject them. I am not going to play that with her. Instead, I will give her some time to soak up that pain. She should already be feeling it in her thighs and back as her muscles start to strain. We will walk back in there, and I will ask if she wants to do this every day, and she will say no. I didn’t want you to get your hopes up that you would be your sister’s keeper,” Dad said. I said, I understood.

“On the off chance that Tiffany is more resilient than I give her credit for, then I am going to ask you to take on a role. You can spank your sister, pinch your sister, and give her orders around the house. We’ll go over the boundaries. I don’t think it would last more than a day. I have to work tomorrow, and I know you guys are home from school. If I gave you this authority, I need you to understand that it is very temporary. You will need to make sure your sister does her chores, completes her training exercises. You will even control her bathroom breaks and when she eats,” he said.

“Wouldn’t mom do that?” I asked.

Dad shook his head that she wouldn’t. “Your mother is a submissive at heart. I can give her a list of things to accomplish and tell her to put your sister through her paces, but I don’t think she has the heart to execute any corrections,” he said.

“When I was your age, and my Dad used to spank my siblings and me. He would tell us that this was going to hurt him worse than it did us. That was bullshit. The old man had a sadistic streak a mile wide, and he would have torn up Tiffany’s ass and turned it red for half of the shit she says on a GOOD day,” he chuckled.

He explained that with my mother, it was actually true, though. “It would hurt her worse to administer a punishment to Tiffany or you. That is why I am going to ask you to be strict and not let your sister intimidate you. She is going to tell you that after this is all over, she is going to pay you back in spades for anything you make her do,” he said. He knew her pretty well – that was precisely what I thought she’d do.

“I will stand behind your decisions as long as you are acting properly. If you have a little fun at her expense while she tries to make her point with me, then that is fine too,” Dad said. He didn’t explain that comment, but I was relieved to hear that I had a little room for interpretation of his instructions. “If she tries to retaliate for anything you do to her, I want you to swear to me now that you’ll come to me and not allow her to blackmail you or tempt you by using Sheila,” Dad said.

I smiled.

“You are a good looking boy. She is way out of your league and older than you. She drives a car! I say go for it. The worst thing that Sheila could tell you is no. You won’t get a yes until you hear no a lot from girls. If one tells you no, then you learn from that experience, and you move on to the next one. Don’t let your sister become your dating service, son.” Dad offered more good advice. I smiled.

“Now, let’s talk about your real punishment,” Dad said. “That’s right, I may forgive, but I don’t forget. You wired up the house cameras and watched us for months. I am shocked that you knew how to do that. Here, see if you can lock down your sister’s phone and make the passcode 1234. I don’t want her to be able to do anything but call or text us,” he said.

I quickly went to work on her phone. It didn’t take much effort to reset her security. I pointed out that we were in the contact list but with different names.

Dad laughed as he saw that his name in her contacts was “Asshole.” Mom’s was “Annoying Bitch1,” and her sister Annabelle was listed as “Annoying Bitch2”. I was in her contacts as “Turdmuffin.” It was classic Tiffany!

“Wow, that’s not a shocker,” Dad laughed. “I want you to do the same thing on your own phone. You understand why, don’t you?” he asked. I nodded that I did understand. He also told me to delete any photos that were on both phones. I suspected she had blackmail pictures of me. I was only too happy to get rid of them.

“If I can’t unlock it with 1234, then there will be hell to pay,” Dad assured me. “You are going to be on Xbox restriction until you graduate. Are you comfortable with that?” He asked.

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