Keeping My Sister in Line - Cover

Keeping My Sister in Line

Copyright© 2020 by Eddie Davidson

Chapter 3: (As Told by Teddy Reddick)

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 3: (As Told by Teddy Reddick) - Tiffany and Teddy have been watching their parents consensual BDSM sexlife through the in-home security cameras. They get caught acting out those sexy scenes by their parents. What follows is the lesson that neither of them will soon forget. **Contains BDSM/Humiliation/Incest**

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Consensual   Reluctant   School   Slut Wife   Incest   Mother   Brother   Sister   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Rough   Spanking   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Polygamy/Polyamory   Black Male   Enema   Exhibitionism   Fisting   Prostitution  

(As Told by Teddy Reddick)

My dad sent us to our rooms to write out a confession of what happened over the last few weeks. He and my mother talked about what should happen. I was mortified. My father and little sister had both seen me with jizz on my face sucking my own dick. I felt there was no way I could live this down. I don’t know if I could ever look my little sister in the eye again after she saw me dash to the bathroom with my dick flopping, and my face glazed with cum either.

I cleaned myself up and got dressed, and waited after I submitted my confession to my father. I wrote as much detail as I could about the humiliating training sessions. I admitted getting turned on by their interactions as Master and Slave. I took full responsibility for showing my sister the camera. I had agreed to her dirty games in order to get an introduction to Sheila.

EDITOR’S NOTE: My confession is omitted from this story. It would have been redundant when compared with my sister Tiffany’s confession. Writing every detail of my humiliation forced me to relive it in my head. It was, in a way, a punishment in itself. Yet, at the same time, there was something very cathartic about the exercise. I realized a lot of my confusion was brought on by curiosity about what went on in my parent’s secret dungeon. I also realized that I enjoyed on some level serving my sister because she made me feel valuable. She gave me attention and approval and I had enjoyed on some level what I was doing. I didn’t want to admit that in my story, but I alluded to it at different points.

My father is a man of few words, but he uses them very wisely and sparingly. He had given us both this assignment, and I wondered very much if my sister had reached any of the same conclusions in her own confession.

Not surprisingly, Tiffany did not. When I brought it downstairs for my father, he was seated next to my mother. Annabelle was up in her room. My mother seemed concerned about my well-being. She didn’t look angry or upset, but I knew that she was well aware I had been watching her sex games with my father. My mother’s nature was to remain very poised and graceful. She smiled at me wistfully when I approached. I couldn’t return her gaze.

My father took my report and began leafing through it. I had printed it for him so that he could read it.

“This seems a little light on details, but at least you seem to take some responsibility for your actions,” he said. “Is this all you want to tell me and your mother?” he asked.

I hadn’t anticipated my mother reading my dirty confession. I could only imagine how betrayed she felt, knowing I had watched her act like a puppy and engage in deeply humiliating sexual exercises. I felt incredibly guilty about that now that she knew what I had done.

I know it may sound crazy and this is no real excuse. The person I saw as my mother sitting on the couch seemed like an entirely different individual than Cherry, the sex slave. I wanted to see them as two different people entirely. I never wanted to hurt my mother and have her find out what I was doing.

I know it may not make sense, but I felt she was not the same person as she was when she appeared on my Alexa screen in the nude. I suppose that is how I justified getting horny watching her play with herself or suck my father’s cock. I wondered if she could ever forgive what I had done or see me the same way after this.

“It is everything I can remember. I am sorry for what I did,” I apologized to them both politely and sincerely with regret clearly on my face.

“We will discuss it after I have had time to read both confessions. You two have done something that even Doctor Phil and Jerry Springer combined have probably never seen. No parenting book in the world could have prepared me for what I saw in your room.

My mom walked in on me when I was your age when I had my pants around my ankles and a dirty magazine on my lap. I could have dealt with that just fine. This, however, is on a completely different level. I don’t want to make a judgment or point fingers about what I have seen until I have all of the information. So you will understand if right now I don’t accept your apology. I don’t know if you owe me one. I don’t know if you owe me much more than one. I suggest you shut your mouth and turn around and go back to your room. I will call you down when we are ready to talk about this as a family,” he said.

I wasn’t sure if he was going to include Annabelle in that discussion. I didn’t want her there. She deserved some explanation, but like my mother, I considered Annabelle completely innocent. She was separate from my wicked games with Tiffany. I didn’t want to spoil her rosy outlook with this extremely naughty and torrid situation. What Tiffany and I had done was bordering on incest, and I wasn’t sure if Annabelle would ever forgive me.

The whole house of cards between Tiffany and I had come crumbling down. I should have stopped when Sheila found out about it. I thought she might tell everyone at school what she saw me doing in the bedroom.

I also thought Sheila would think I was a total freak when she saw me acting like a puppy. In reality, during our date, she asked me about it and seemed interested in how it felt. I could imagine her as a playful puppy. Sheila has that same exuberant, excited, quality that my mom sometimes has when she is very happy.

I knew I probably had no chance to date Sheila as her boyfriend, but my sister’s promise that I could, kept me obedient and willing to play her games. I felt since Tiffany had seen me do it already, it didn’t matter if I continued to play the wicked games.

All in all, this was the most humiliating experience I had ever had in my life. I knew I would get in a lot of trouble when I was finally called downstairs. I just wanted to get it over with and face the music.

I had been the one to wire the cameras and start peeping on my parents. I knew for that alone I was going to be in deep shit with them. I was willing to accept any consequences that my father had for me. He was a stickler for consequences, and he never went back on a punishment. If he grounds you for a month, you stay grounded. I don’t care if you pulled a dozen orphans out of a burning building. He’ll tell you that it was a good job, then he would send you home to finish your restriction and take you out for pizza after that, to celebrate your heroism. I knew I was probably grounded for life.

The Family Meeting

“Grounded for LIFE!?” my sister yelped like she thought my father’s sentence was unfair.

“I didn’t say grounded for life. I said that what you have done is so beyond the pale that it warrants an appropriate punishment. Your choice will be to accept restriction until you graduate from High School. I am not saying you can’t have fun. I am saying you won’t have freedom to come and go as you please. Your phone will be locked down so that you can text only us. Your internet usage will be tracked. You will not go to parties or social events alone. You can still go but you will be chaperoned by one of us. You can use that time to focus on your school work and education. I will get you some counseling as well,” My dad explained.

All in all it was very reasonable considering what we had done. I was still waiting for him to hand out my sentence.

“You say that I have a choice, but you aren’t giving me a choice,” Tiffany threw her hands up in frustration.

“It may have been a poor choice of words to say choice. I meant to say that you made a choice to behave as you did. You violated our trust and privacy. You could have potentially hurt your little brother. He might have choked or had his circulation cut off. He could have fallen and broken his back or bitten down on his penis. You could have damaged the ceiling by hanging him from a rope. You manipulated his friend and your friend. The list is so long that I am getting exhausted just describing it, and you are talking about why I am not giving you more choices?” My dad seemed exasperated by my sister’s audacity in not admitting her guilt and just accepting her fate.

He was clearly trying to get through a very difficult conversation. He didn’t want her to nitpick his words and expected her to pick up on his intentions. I certainly did!

“You are talking about missing prom, missing homecoming, missing dating, missing pep rallies, parties,” Tiffany said she was almost a Junior in High School. She was going to miss out on the best years of your life.

“Oh honey, the best years of your life are not high school. Please don’t think this is the peak,” my mom offered her some sage advice.

Tiffany however didn’t want to hear it and stuck her nose up in the air and pouted. It was classic Tiffany to huff derisively.

My mother and Annabelle sat on the couch, quietly listening to their discussion. I wasn’t sure how much of the story Annabelle knew, but I could tell from her face that she knew we had done naughty things in my bedroom. She had seen me naked, and I couldn’t return her gaze.

“What? I was just doing what YOU GUYS DO ALL THE TIME! DO YOU NEED COUNSELLING?” my sister was not content to accept her punishment.

My sister did not take any responsibility for her actions. She blamed my parents for doing the same things we did. I could tell my dad was not going to accept that as an excuse, and I wasn’t sure why my sister couldn’t see the futility of making that argument. I think she was so embarrassed by being caught, she was not willing to accept blame.

My dad did not take her bait. He let her throw a mini-tantrum. “What your mother and I do in our private lives is none of your business. You made it your business and found out. There is a world of difference between a consensual domestic discipline relationship between a husband and wife and what you did. The fact that you don’t see that, only tells me you need counseling from a professional,” Dad said. “The counseling is to help you. All of this is to help you. You will have less distractions from your friends and you will have more time for studies. You won’t be tempted to get into trouble because you won’t be ABLE to get into trouble. The counseling is optional, and if you don’t want it, then that is fine too. However, you won’t be going out to parties or other events without supervision from your mother or me. It is just that simple,” Dad said. He added that her choice was to take this experience and learn from it or not.

I agreed with him. I could see that there was a considerable difference between their relationship and our voyeuristic imitation. I truly regretted my actions, and now that I stopped to think about it, I regretted invading their most intimate moments and violating their privacy.

My sister was intent on arguing, though, and my father hushed her when she refused to see the point.

“I have no reason to share with you the personal dynamics between your mother and me when we are alone. The fact that you both violated our privacy and observed means that you had a very skewed view of it from fetish-play you saw inside of a tiny screen. You did not have the context of what it means to us and what your mother and I get out of it. You foolishly attempted to recreate that dynamic for yourselves by imitating us. I get it. Monkey see – monkey do,” Dad scoffed at our naïve ideas.

He stood up and told us to all follow him. I could tell my mother was reluctant, but she was the first off the couch. My dad took us to his bedroom and opened the closet door to his dungeon. “In the Garden of Eden, the myth says that God had built a paradise. It was safe and provided everything that his children could want,” my father waved his arms to indicate that our house was this paradise. “God told his children not to eat from the tree of knowledge, and do you know the first place they went the moment he turned his back? That is right, they could have eaten from any tree and been fine. They chose the one tree that he told them not to touch because they didn’t understand it. They wanted to understand what was so important about it,” Dad continued his metaphor for what we did.

“Since the dawn of time, boys have been trying to peep into the girl’s showers to see the tree of knowledge. I don’t know if girls do the same, but I know I did my share of peeping when I was your age. I was told not to smoke by my dad. He smoked three packs a day. I started smoking because he did. It was a nasty habit and tasted terrible. I did it because he told me I shouldn’t do it. I found out it wasn’t shit when I tried it, and I threw half a carton in the garbage when I came to that realization,” Dad explained.

He showed us his dungeon room. It was meticulously arranged to maximize the space. Whips, floggers, dildos, and sex toys were hung with care along the wall. There were wooden racks and sexual exercise machines that my mom used to sit on and fuck herself with.

Annabelle’s eyes were huge, but Tiffany and I had seen this room many times on the screen. It was much larger than life when we were standing inside the little space.

“So now you have seen the mystery room! Now you know that your mother and I participate in a consensual relationship of BDSM. That is bondage, discipline, dominance, and submission. I am the Master in our relationship. I am the head of household. There is no abuse. It is completely voluntary on your mother’s part. She is the submissive. We have lived this way since before any of you were born. Do you have any questions?” he asked.

Annabelle asked what the word submissive meant. My father asked my mom to explain.

She smiled and said with a very caring smile, “I am submissive by nature. I provide and serve my family. It is my nature to clean, cook, and take care of you. I enjoy giving pleasure to others and making them happy. I crave rules and structure. I obey your father because I trust and love him, and in exchange, I also surrender certain decisions to him because I know he will make the best choices for me,” my mom said.

It sounded incredibly sweet.

Annabelle observed she must be the same way. “Like when you tell me to brush my teeth or not to eat too many sweets?” she asked.

“Exactly. You know that we have your best interests at heart. That is a relationship built on trust,” she explained.

“That’s sweet and all, but what about that, means shoving a giant dildo up your ass?” Tiffany grabbed a two-ended dildo off the wall and let it flop around. It provided a little levity, but I could tell it wasn’t time for levity right then.

“There are elements of my training that are probably better left for another time.” Mom didn’t address Tiffany’s question.

“Training? What are you in training for?” Annabelle asked with anxious curiosity. She wanted to help my mother train for what she could only assume was some type of special Mother-based Olympics.

“I am an eye for an eye kind of guy,” My dad said. “If I had it my way, I would give your brother a chance to pay you back for all the things you made him do just to satisfy your curiosity,” Dad said.

He was obviously not serious, but I smirked when he suggested I could give Tiffany payback for all the humiliation she put me through.

“You do have your way! Everything is always your way!” my sister shrieked angrily.

My dad obviously intended to lay things out for us and be reasonable. He was not trying to argue or be vindictive with my sister however she was really testing his patience. “When I first discovered your games in the bedroom, I was amused. I thought it was so over the top that it had to be a setup for a practical joke of some kind. Once I realized you had been watching us over the cameras in the house and were imitating us, my first impulse was to make you both march around the house naked and take away YOUR privacy. Society would probably frown on making you go through what your brother went through. I went back downstairs and calmly asked for an explanation. You have provided that. I also considered sending you both to private school far away from here so that I didn’t have to see you. The cost and the fact that I love you prevents me from taking that option.So instead, I reached a fair punishment that I think will keep you both in line and actually improve your grades. This is not a negotiation. This decision has already been made,” he said firmly.

“You aren’t being reasonable, though! You are talking about almost three years of my life! I am sorry! I didn’t realize the consequences of what I was doing. Give me a chance, Daddy! We didn’t think it was that big of a deal at the time. I think you are just making this a big deal because we caught you with sex toys, and now you are embarrassed!” Tiffany said.

My sister did sound apologetic. She also was clearly trying to manipulate my father by pointing out the harsh sentence he handed down could have something to do with his own humiliation from having his BDSM life discovered.

“If you are truly interested in anything in this room, you are welcome to come here with me when I have the time, and I will talk to you about them. This room is no longer off limits to you. You are welcome to come here when your mother and I are not using it and look around. You know about it. The cat is out of the bag. What we do in here is nobody’s business, but since you made it yours, then you know we lead a consensual M/s relationship,” he said. “There is nothing inherently dirty or disgusting about what consenting adults do in private,” he reiterated.

Dad was being surprisingly open and honest with us. I know my father pretty well, and I could tell he was wrestling with how much to tell us, and he felt the best approach would just be honesty.

“You have the internet, and a simple search for Moby Dick Hardbound edition on Google will probably bring up pictures of half the toys you see in this room. What I do not want you doing is trying to get your information from dirty websites and videos. There is no rush, though, to talk about these things. You have your entire life to develop an interest in things like this when you are old enough to appreciate them. In the meantime, we have more important things to discuss. I brought you up here because I wanted to dispel the mystery. I had to smoke a half of a carton of cigarettes to realize the mystery wasn’t what I wanted. I am hoping that now that your curiosity is satisfied, you will realize this room is just a room and nothing special,” he said.

He wanted to go back downstairs and talk about our punishments. Tiffany wanted to keep arguing and pointing fingers. However, instead of talking about herself, she started trying to shift the blame to me. It was classic Tiffany.

“What about him? He was the one who hooked up the camera, and he was the one who did all of this with me! Is HIS choice to be on restriction too?” she seethed.

“We haven’t gotten to Teddy yet. We are still talking about you,” my dad wasn’t going to let her change the topic until HE was ready. He wanted to settle things with her first.

I wasn’t very popular in school and didn’t plan to be. There would really be no penalty to missing prom or homecoming. I probably would have wanted to play Xbox on those nights anyway.

“Your brother will have the same punishment. He will be forbidden from using the Internet, his phone will be locked down. His Xbox will be locked up,” My dad said. I began to panic quietly. My stomach was in a tizzy – my beloved Xbox would be going away? Now, I knew how Tiffany probably felt about her social life being in tatters.

I accepted my punishment and apologized profusely for the harm I had caused.

“Do you see? He admits it! There is no reason to punish us both! You said you would give us choices! You said if it was up to you, then you would let him have payback! An eye for an eye! Yet, now you are saying that our punishment is the same. His is even a year longer because he is just a Freshman! Where is my payback on Teddy?”

“Payback? What are you talking about?” my dad didn’t understand what she was talking about. None of us did.

“He gets an extra year! Obviously, you admit he did MORE than I did. Teddy set up the cameras. Teddy is the one who asked me to watch. Teddy is the one who was naked. I wasn’t! He got naked. I never took off my clothes!” my sister was not making sense. She was just reacting. If she knew what was best for her, she would have just shut up and quietly accepted the punishment.

My father is not the kind of guy to defer a punishment. He would make me wait until Graduation day to turn on the Xbox again. I knew that, and I was ready to accept that fate. My sister, on the other hand, must have known that, and she was in total melt-down panic.

They say there are five stages of grief and loss that lead to acceptance. Most people experience all five, but some don’t. Those stages are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. I had gone straight to acceptance, but my sister was mixing up denial and anger in a single step.

She quickly moved into bargaining. “You said if it was up to you then you would give him payback and that I had a choice,” she pleaded. “It is up to you! Let me make it up around here! I’ll do whatever!”

“No, you won’t,” Dad said. We all knew she wouldn’t keep her word. She’d promise to help around the house and then say that mom did things better and quickly stop. She’d be reluctant to do anything and have to constantly be goaded into getting up and doing chores. It had happened anytime Dad put her in restriction around the house. He reminded her of the summer she was supposed to paint the back fence. Tiffany ended up whining and complaining until mom did all the work for her instead.

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