Keeping My Sister in Line - Cover

Keeping My Sister in Line

Copyright© 2020 by Eddie Davidson

Tiffany's Confession (Part One)

Coming of Age Sex Story: Tiffany's Confession (Part One) - Tiffany and Teddy have been watching their parents consensual BDSM sexlife through the in-home security cameras. They get caught acting out those sexy scenes by their parents. What follows is the lesson that neither of them will soon forget. **Contains BDSM/Humiliation/Incest**

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Consensual   Reluctant   School   Slut Wife   Incest   Mother   Brother   Sister   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Rough   Spanking   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Polygamy/Polyamory   Black Male   Enema   Exhibitionism   Fisting   Prostitution  

“God dammit Teddy, what the fuck is going on in here?” my father stood in the doorway of my room wearing only a bath towel. He was breathing heavily, and his chest was heaving. My father is a big man, and he can be pretty intimidating. He had every reason to be shocked by what met his gaze when he’d thrown open my bedroom door.

I was looking straight towards him when the door opened and I was the first face he saw even though I wasn’t standing. I was on my back on the floor and completely naked. My legs were above my head and my ankles hooked into the bottom of the bed’s footboard. Basically I was folded in two after having sucked my own cock. I am pretty flexible.

The thing was, I’d just cum all over my own face a moment before he barged in. Even more incriminating was the sex toy shaped like a dragon’s penis I had in my asshole.

Yet as shocking as it may seem, I wasn’t the one who was actually in trouble.

You see, what my dad saw was my older sister Tiffany standing over me with a cat of nine tails in her hand. She had been whipping my ass while I sucked myself.

The remnants of the ropes she had tied my wrists and ankles together with, were around me. My big sister had suspended me with a nylon rope however the rope wasn’t strong enough to hold me and neither was the ceiling she’d hung me from. She had been whipping my ass hard while my feet were elevated over my head and I sucked my own dick.

When I fell to the floor, it didn’t hurt that much but it made a loud thud and upset a shelf of my books which made even more noise than me when they crashed to the floor too. The sounds had alerted my parents and my dad discovered me with my dick in my face and jizz running down my chin. What first registered to my dad was my older sister standing over me with the whip and of course my matching, freshly lashed ass. He came to his own, instant conclusions.

There was also the matter of the Alexa on the table. It was tuned into our house’s Ring Network. The one connected to our front door, among other things. We had security cameras around the perimeter of the house and others inside too, connected through Amazon’s Ring network.

At the moment, the Alexa screen showed my parent’s bedroom. Well, not exactly their bedroom, but their playroom. They have a room connected with theirs that is set up like a BDSM dungeon. My mother was bound and tied up with rope in a very similar position to the one I was in but she couldn’t move because her ropes hadn’t broken. It was fairly evident that we had been spying on them during their intimate playtime without their prior knowledge.

“It isn’t what it looks like,” Tiffany gasped.

“What DOES it look like?” Annabelle, my curious little sister, brushed past my father and looked around the room. She too had been alerted by the noise and my father’s shouting. She walked in with a goofy expression on her face but she wasn’t prepared for seeing me laying in a lump with cum dripping down my face. I’ll never forget how her pretty face quickly changed into shock and disbelief...

Hi, my name is Teddy Reddick, and I am a Freshman in High School. I am the typical nerdy boy who loves to play video games and read anime that you think of when you picture a high school freshman.

My sister Tiffany is the kind of stuck-up blonde girl you picture when you think of a high school girl named Tiffany. She has long wavy blonde hair, piercing blue eyes, an athletic build and a slightly upturned nose with just a hint of freckles. She is smart but very shallow and until a few weeks ago, we used to avoid each other.

We had been fast friends when we were little however when Tiffany entered middle school, she decided she had no time for the kinds of things that interested me. I was fine with that as we all mature at our own pace.

Around that time, she began to occasionally play a trick on me or get me in trouble with my parents. It was sometimes something I did wrong, and other times she’d blame me for her own mistakes. I know it was all perfectly normal sibling rivalry though.

That was until a few weeks ago when I made a discovery. You see, I figured out how to control the security cameras within the house using the Alexa interface. I am pretty good with computers and it really wasn’t that hard. My dad used the same password he used for Netflix and we all had that.

At first, I spied on my sisters. Tiffany didn’t do anything particularly noteworthy. She stared endlessly at her phone and gossiped, but she didn’t parade around her room doing anything particularly worthy of watching.

My younger sister Annabelle pretended to be a cat in her room. At the same time, she played Animal Crossing on the Nintendo Switch. I’m sure she would have invited me to watch if I had been so inclined.

What good is being able to control the entire security system if you can’t find anything juicy to use against your sisters? I honestly wasn’t hoping to catch a glimpse of them changing or anything bad like that. I was just hoping to catch them cheating on their tests or doing something that might help give me a little leverage the next time they caught me doing something wrong. Annabelle hardly ever did anything wrong, but Tiffany definitely did.

After my failure to gather dirt on them I put the cameras away and didn’t think about evidence gathering again for a while. I eventually started toying with the cameras again later that evening and that’s when I first spotted my parents.

I felt incredibly guilty, too. I saw them in what I assumed was their bedroom but it looked different. It looked like a full-scale Medieval dungeon intended to be used by the Spanish Inquisition to elicit a confession through the application of pain and torment.

I realized it wasn’t their bedroom at all but what had to be their playroom. A secret room they had in the master bedroom that we’d always assumed was closet space. It wasn’t very large, but it was packed with wooden crosses, dildos, whips, and all sorts of sex toys.

I admit that I know I should have turned it off as soon as I discovered it. Still, I am a teenage boy with an active imagination and a very active libido, and I just couldn’t do that. I watched my parents roleplay some very naughty scenarios.

My father was always in charge. He might interrogate my mother and try to extract information from her in one scenario. In another, she was a prisoner, and he was the warden. They were both frequently naked, and I should say that my father is very well endowed.

As to my mother, well, I shouldn’t say this about my own mother, but if I had to be objective, by anyone’s standards she is an extremely attractive woman. She has curly red hair and huge fake tits. She looks fantastic. She usually wore a metal collar while she was serving him in their playroom dungeon. I’ve seen her wear that around the house, but I never had any clue that they lived an alternative BDSM lifestyle.

After the first few times watching their sessions, I began to research BDSM and learn more about it. I found Twitter to be an incredible resource for finding dirty pictures. I have to admit however that my guilty pleasure was secretly watching them on that tiny Alexa screen without their knowledge.

My father called my mom “Cherry” in most of those encounters. He also called her cunt, bitch, whore but he never called her Gloria. I found it possible to separate the sexual dynamo Cherry from the Mother I knew and loved in what I considered “Real life”. I found as long as I thought of them as two different people it was much easier to jerk off to the images of her doing the nastiest things on my video screen.

I also admit that I jerked off several times because the intensity of their scenarios was so incredibly hot. I had to stop thinking of them as my trusted parents and just as actors playing roles. I saw my father tie her to a rack and feed her from a dog dish. She seemed to love being his little slut puppy, and she would wiggle her ass back and forth for him, excitedly with her tongue hanging out.

My sister burst into my room one day looking for something. She caught me with my hands down my pants, watching the Alexa. She immediately seized upon the opportunity to shame me. Once she saw what I was watching to get off, she thought I was a sick puppy - her words. That didn’t stop her from starting to watch too.

What follows is the report my father made Tiffany write after he caught us together that night.



“What are you looking at, you little turd?” I asked with a smirk as I swung the door to my little brother’s bedroom fully open. My little brother’s door was open slightly, and I saw him crowding around a video screen with an impish grin when I was passing by.

The look of shock on Teddy’s face told me that I had just caught him doing something he shouldn’t be doing. I hadn’t caught him with his pants down around his ankles jerking off, but the way his face turned red, I felt like I had.

My little brother Teddy and I have had a friendly rivalry since we were very little. I am only a year older than him, but being a sophomore in High School makes me seem much more mature than him. I’ve also grown into my body (boobs), and I am almost as tall as my mother now. Teddy, on the other hand, is a string bean. He hasn’t matured much since middle school. He reminds me of Dewey from the TV show Malcolm in the Middle.

I smiled like a German Stormtrooper strutting into a farmhouse knowing that refugees are hiding out and wanting to toy with the people that are providing them shelter. That probably doesn’t paint a very good picture of me, but at this point in my life, I think it was pretty accurate that was exactly the kind of thing I might do. I was sassy, frequent belligerent, vain, prone to staring at my phone to avoid listening to people talk. It helped that I was cute as a button, had long blonde hair and pretty blue eyes that frequently got me out of trouble.

I wasn’t a demon seed that was constantly in trouble, but I knew how to manipulate my way out of things if I got caught sneaking out or smoking. My parents frequently let me get away with just about anything because they were both pretty laid back. I was also my dad’s favorite between my two other siblings and me.

I am sure you are wondering what my little brother was looking at on the screen. I certainly was, but I wasn’t prepared for what I was about to see.

The woman in the video was completely naked except for a pink leather dog collar and a white tail stuffed between her ass cheeks. She was on the floor on all fours wiggling her ass. The red-headed woman’s body was voluptuous, and she had huge tits. She was acting like a happy dog that was excited to please her master.

The bald-headed man standing in front of her was holding out a treat and making her sit up and beg. The woman raised herself off the floor and panted with her mouth open wide to beg for a treat. He made her turn in a circle and then threw the treat at her. She jumped a little, and her tits jiggled as she dashed for the treat. She was smiling broadly like she was enjoying this, even though it should have been incredibly degrading to her.

I had never seen anything like this, but I knew my little brother was a pervert, so it didn’t surprise me he’d be into something like it. I had the internet and even on TikTok and YouTube I had seen some freaky shit but it wasn’t something I went looking for when I did searches.

Teddy wasn’t looking at a laptop or a cell phone. He was looking at one of those Alexa style home devices that we have in our house. It allows video calling from various rooms in the house, and we can see who is at the front and back door. I don’t have mine hooked up because I don’t want my mom’s smiling face staring at me, telling me to get my ass up for school in the morning through the video camera.

My mind was already calculating all the chores that I was going to make my brother do for me so that I won’t tell anyone what I caught him looking at. My mom took care of most of the chores around the house, but I would think of something I wanted him to do for me.

Teddy didn’t react like I thought he would. I assumed he’d try to deny he was looking at porn and say that he found this video clip by accident. I wasn’t sure how he made the Alexa show him porn, and I didn’t care. I was prepared for him to deny it. I was planning to tease him for months about what I caught him watching. I’d savor his denials.

Playing practical jokes on each other and making fun of each other was just part of growing up in our household. Granted, Teddy was normally the butt of my jokes but so was Annabelle.

It was nothing personal. I was already thinking of all the ways I could probably use this against him. I wouldn’t actually tell my parents I caught him, but he didn’t have to know that. I could make Teddy my do-bitch for life from my perspective.

I hadn’t seen my little brother’s penis since we were little and used to play out in the yard in our underwear or take baths together. I have to admit the one thing that would have been icing on the cake was to catch him with his pants around his ankles. I would have been disgusted to see my own brother’s penis, but it would have been totally worth it to tease him a little more. I didn’t want to think about the fact he was jerking off to this. At the same time, it had to be incredibly humiliating to be caught, and I was going to use that to my advantage if I could.

It wasn’t until I looked more closely at the screen that I realized why my little brother wasn’t immediately denying he was watching this by accident. He wasn’t yelling at me to get out of his room, either. Teddy stared at me like he wasn’t sure what to say at that moment.

Once I realized that the woman in that video was my mother and that bald-headed man was my father, I understood why. The screen was small, but the reason I had not recognized them right away was that I just didn’t think it could possibly be them. There were lots of bald-headed men and red-headed women.

I’ve been in the shower with my mom before when I was little, and I knew she has much bigger tits than me and a very curvy figure. I just didn’t process that this slut on the ground barking like a dog and running around orange cones my father set up as an obstacle course could be my mother.

My parents were very touchy-feely with their affection and obviously loved one another very much. They had a standing “Date night” they have been maintaining for years where they go out without the kids once a week. They don’t hesitate to hug or kiss around us, but there was nothing in the past that I ever noticed that told me they might be kinky – not like this.

“That’s Mom and Dad?” I asked dryly. I knew it was, but I needed to hear Teddy say it.

“Yes,” he seemed confused when I needed confirmation.

“How did you get this video?” I was shocked. My mind was racing. I am normally thinking two steps ahead when anything happens about how it could benefit me in some way. I was too stunned by this unbelievable turn of events to process that.

“It isn’t a video. It is happening now,” Teddy explained. He told me that there has been an active Ring Front Door Camera in their bedroom for weeks. “I don’t know how it got hooked up. I don’t know why it got hooked up. I was just messing with the Alexa in my room one day, and I realized that it was one of the nodes on the home network.”

Teddy is much more tech-savvy than I will ever be, and I assumed his jibber-jabber about how the home camera system worked was true. “So you’ve been spying on mom and dad when they have sex?” I whispered. At first, I was going to tease my little brother and threaten to expose him if he didn’t clean my room and carry my books home from school for me. It was going to be some pretty standard brother hazing until I realized these were OUR parents.

I wasn’t sure what the fuck I could do with this now!

I felt very creepy for even being a part of this. I was fascinated with what I saw on screen, and I couldn’t look away.

“Does this look like sex to you?” Teddy smirked. He was right. My father plucked the tail out of her ass, and my mom stuck it in her MOUTH to clean it as she kneeled in front of him. He pointed to his lap and sat down on the bed. She climbed over his lap and presented her ass to him. She was so vulnerable, and it seemed like she surrendered all of her authority to him. I didn’t understand why she would do that.

My mom being a typical red-head, was very outgoing, sassy, but she was also very poised and graceful. She kept the house, and she was definitely a feminist and all about female empowerment. Yet, in the bedroom, she was acting like a timid little mouse that belonged to my father. He began to smack her butt until a rosy red color appeared. It appeared they were saying something to one another.

“Does this have sound?” I asked. I no longer cared to tease my brother about what he was watching. I felt enthralled by what I was watching.

“Close the door,” Teddy instructed me like we were now co-conspirators. I suppose we were because I wanted to watch as badly as he did. I was mesmerized by what I saw, but I wasn’t turned on by it. I felt like someone watching a puzzle, trying to solve the mystery of what was happening. I wondered why these people were doing what they were doing. Was it for money? Fun? to get their jollies?

I assumed Teddy was watching to get his jollies.

“You are gross for getting off on watching mom’s tits jiggle like that,” I told him after I shut the door and plopped down on his bed to watch my mom’s tits jiggle on my dad’s lap.

“You are too!” he said, and I conceded his point silently. He turned up the sound so that I could hear.

“What are you?” my father asked my mother.

“Your whore, Master! Three, thank you! May I have another!” she replied enthusiastically.

“You belong to me, Cherry! If I tell you to get down on your knees and become my dog, what will you do?” he asked as he slapped her ass hard. My dad is a burly guy, and he left a firm handprint on her ass.

“Get down on the floor and bark like your obedient dog, Master!” My mom admitted happily and counted another swat like she couldn’t wait to get hit again.

I have to admit that I haven’t had sex yet. I’ve given head and done other stuff but I haven’t given anyone the green light to my end zone if you know what I mean. I pretend I am not a virgin, and I’ve masturbated plenty of times in the privacy of the bathroom or my bedroom. It isn’t that I am saving myself for marriage. It isn’t for lack of guys who would fuck me if I would let them. I am pretty, and yet I think I intimidate most guys my age. If my sarcasm doesn’t scare them off and they pursue me, I definitely don’t want them. I assume any guy who wants me is not good enough for me. I know it sounds weird, but I only want guys that don’t want me, and even then, I wouldn’t want to actually have sex.

I’ve always known I could catch a dick if I wanted to fuck some random boy at a party. I just haven’t had any interest in doing it. I think because I knew it would never be a problem for me because I am pretty and have a nice body. I also assumed Teddy would form a nice, lasting relationship with his right hand, and they would probably marry each other. Annabelle is cute, and she has crushes on boys, but she is too immature to start dating.

I was feeling uncomfortably wet between my legs, and I was feeling strangely guilty for being turned on by watching the helpless way my mother mewled and yelped as my father beat her ass. It was obviously not abuse and perfectly consensual.

I had some idea that Bondage was a game people played. I’ve been in Spencer’s gifts and Hot Topic at the mall and seen leather collars and handcuffs. My parents took it to a completely different level. They had pink rubber dildos, and that night, I watched my mom sit on one and fuck herself up and down while sucking another all the way down her throat. I watched my father use a cat of nine tails on her, and he tied her up with scratchy rope and forced his cock down her throat. She sucked his dick clean after it had been inside her pussy just like she sucked every dildo she used clean before she put it lovingly back into a case of sex toys they kept in their room.

There was even a time when he put her on a treadmill. He made her walk really sexy with two dildos pumping in and out of her ass and pussy. He handcuffed her wrists to the treadmill so she couldn’t stop walking. He put a bell around her neck and left her there for hours to walk endlessly with suction cups tugging and stretching her nipples. She had this fine sheen of sweat on her body as she struggled to walk-fuck herself for him. He wasn’t even watching and yet she never once complained or hesitated. It was incredible and I couldn’t stop watching her walk that treadmill and wiggle her hips as her tits bounced up and down on what seemed like an endless and futile chore.

I got so turned on that I could no longer stand watching my parent’s sex games. Every time Teddy commented on what we were watching, I felt a pin sticking into my back that reminded me I should not be watching this. Teddy told me how previous sessions had been very different.

“What do you mean?” I asked. My mind was a bit blown that my seemingly ultra-normal mild-mannered parents had this secret sex life that was so colorful and intense.

“They roleplay,” he said. I knew that roleplaying was something that nerds did. They played Advanced Dungeons and Dragons and rolled dice. That didn’t make sense to me, and I didn’t believe it.

Teddy told me that they didn’t use dice. “Mom pretends to be a little girl, or a cat, or Dad’s hostage!” he listed off a few of the sexy scenarios my parents played out in the privacy of their bedroom. My Dad was always the one in charge, and my mom was always the one getting tied up, swatted, fucked, and used.

I felt this was unfair. “Are you sure they never turn it around? Doesn’t Dad have to be the naughty little schoolboy who needs to stay after class for extra lessons?” I said. I theorized that was the type of porn that guys like.

“No,” Teddy chuckled with a certainty that my dad always called the shots. My dad was quiet around the house. He had confidence, but he seldom needed to raise his voice or personally deal with us. My mom was the one who kept everyone in line and dealt with the small problems around the house. She didn’t have to yell or raise her voice either. We were generally pretty good kids.

The last time I had been punished by my father was when I was in middle school. I got caught shoplifting. I had done it many times and gotten away with it but eventually I got caught. My dad made me spend two weeks cleaning the house over the summer. I was supposed to paint the back yard fence. My dad insisted I do it but it was hot and sweaty work. I eventually complained until my mom did it for me. He wasn’t happy about it – but after that I limited my shoplifting quite a bit. I still do it now and then. It’s mostly for the thrill of getting away with something.

How about just a pizza guy who forgot his pizza, and mom has to teach him a less for being naughty?” I suggested as a possible roleplay scenario for them.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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