Keeping My Sister in Line - Cover

Keeping My Sister in Line

Copyright© 2020 by Eddie Davidson

Chapter 13 (As Told by Ted Reddick)

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 13 (As Told by Ted Reddick) - Tiffany and Teddy have been watching their parents consensual BDSM sexlife through the in-home security cameras. They get caught acting out those sexy scenes by their parents. What follows is the lesson that neither of them will soon forget. **Contains BDSM/Humiliation/Incest**

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Consensual   Reluctant   School   Slut Wife   Incest   Mother   Brother   Sister   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Rough   Spanking   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Polygamy/Polyamory   Black Male   Enema   Exhibitionism   Fisting   Prostitution  

(As Told by Ted Reddick)

t wasn’t like a magic wand that hit me and suddenly I was a man simply because my Dad started calling me Ted. It was a pivotal moment for me though and one that I will never forget. I felt recognition from my father that represented I had completed some rite of passage to manhood.

I was still far from having the experience or confidence that I do now that I am much older, however at the time, I thought I was pretty hot shit. I remember being much more decisive and smiling a lot that evening at the mall.

I didn’t hesitate to press the button on the girls joy buzzers to shock them or give them a little treat. I could zap my mother and Taffy with a single press of my phone and adjust the intensity from pleasurable to annoyingly shocking.

I felt incredibly powerful. I wasn’t sadistic with my new toy but I enjoyed playing with the settings and watching the affect it had on them both. Their facial expressions, body movements, sudden jerks of their body and the fact they were both secreting their juices simply because I chose to give them pleasure or abruptly take it away was magnificent. I could also express my wrath with a single sharp zap or leave it on to let them know I was displeased.

When we entered the Food Court, my dad made the executive decision that we would all eat at Chick-Fil-A. He told us to give our orders to Cherry, and she and Taffy would bring the food to us. He remained with them to observe and pay at the counter.

Annabelle and I found a table nearby.

“What were you thinking when you asked Dad to buy you those panties?” I asked my little sister.

“What? I thought they were cute. They had candy on the front of them,” she said coyly.

“C’mon! They have just a string covering the butt,” I didn’t believe she could be that naïve.

“Dad is calling you Ted. He is talking about Taffy giving blow jobs. Everyone treats me like a baby. I wanted some big girl panties. What is the big deal? Don’t be weird about it, Ted,” she said.

I felt a little embarrassed about my question and I apologized to her. “Are you really going to wear them?” I asked.

“If I had them on now, you wouldn’t know it,” she giggled impishly.

“Dad freaked out when you came out with them on,” I observed.

“Yeah, the entire room acted like they had never seen a girl’s butt before. The entire lingerie store is full of naked mannequins and pictures of women in lingerie,” she shrugged.

“Yeah, I guess they weren’t used to seeing one as young as you,” I smirked at Annabelle.

“As pretty as me,” Annabelle corrected. She whipped her long blonde hair around proudly and smiled.

“True, but Dad may have got the impression you want to do the same things as Taffy and Cherry,” I said.

“Gross! I don’t want you sticking fingers up my booty-hole!” Annabelle scrunched her nose in disgust.

I was about to say something snarky back to her and suggest she make that clear to dad when I observed someone walking up to my mother in line as if he knew her.

He was a big black guy about 6’2, and he was in his early twenties. “Cherry! What up, bitch?” he smiled at her. “You ready to go down tomorrow night? I’m bringing in my buddies from the 404!” he said proudly. I could hear him because he was talking very loudly. “You bringing this fine-looking little snow bunny with you?” he asked. He looked Taffy up and down.

I didn’t hear what my mother said to him. She was speaking in a normal voice, and the food court was busy.

“Hey, Mike,” he acknowledged my father. “No, I didn’t know she was your daughter,” the man said without shame. “I didn’t think Cherry was old enough to have a daughter this fine. She look like she take after her momma with that booty!” he said.

My dad said something to him, and then the man nodded. “Right, right! I will be there, brother!” he fist-bumped my father and said, “Peace!” as he took his tray and left.

Taffy blushed as she stood in line and ordered for us. I enjoyed watching her squirm up there as the cashier ogled her tits. Once they had our food, they brought it to our table. My mom and sister waited with their hands flat on the table.

“Your sister should join you for lunch like this. She will bring your food and set it in front of you. When you are ready for her to join you, you can tell her she can sit,” Dad explained. This was only for public places, and at home she wasn’t permitted on furniture at any time without special permission.

Dad waited for the girls to give us our food and then gave them permission to sit. They both thanked him politely. Taffy and Cherry noticeably had no food – just a small cup of water.

When my sister went to take a drink from it, my father slapped her hand. “I will tell you when you can drink. Until then, I want you to politely wait without staring at my food. If I need anything, you will get it for me immediately,” he said.

Taffy stared around like a dimwitted moron – waiting to be told she could have the simplest pleasure of a drink of ice cold water. It was hilariously satisfying.

“Yes, Sir,” my sister acknowledged him politely.

“I’ll have your mother make Taffy a sack lunch. Give her about 10 minutes to eat. In this case, we will give her bits and pieces of our sandwich and hand feed her. At school, you probably can’t get away with that,” Dad said. He offered Cherry a piece of his sandwich, and she ate it from his hand.

I offered a piece of one of my nuggets to Taffy. She reluctantly took the bite after first trying to take it with her hand. “Mouth only,” I said.

“Yes, Sir,” Taffy acknowledged my instructions.

Dad said he had a talk with Taffy and reminded her that she needs to acknowledge she understands. “I would prefer she repeat back what she understands. Feel free to zap your sister if you aren’t sure she truly understands,” Dad said. He told Taffy to expect to be zapped after she answers me and to assume she must be more explicit in her speech. He zapped her as an example.

“Yes sir, I understand,” Taffy said as she put her hands on her crotch.

Dad zapped her again much more intensely and told her not to touch herself without permission. He told her to try again.

“Yes, sir, I understand. I will only eat what you offer with my mouth hole,” Taffy said. She sounded pitiful. She was learning to be obedient and polite even if it cost her dignity and was uncomfortable.

“Hey, Tiffany!” I heard the familiar voice of Sheila from behind us. She had seen us from across the food court and was coming over to visit.

Taffy rolled her eyes like she couldn’t believe she had to endure the presence of her best friend while she was being humiliated. Dad smiled because this was an excellent opportunity to teach me what to do if someone she knows talks to her during lunch.

My parents knew Sheila because she had been to our house several times. They also knew I had been on a double date with her and doted on her.

“Wow, what are you wearing?” Sheila chuckled as she approached and noticed the small miniskirt my sister had on.

“Stand up and model it for her, Taffy,” I said.

“Yes, Sir,” my sister answered me. Tiffany’s pretty face couldn’t have been redder. She stood up and twirled slowly.

“Wait. What’s going on? Did you two switch roles?” Sheila looked overjoyed once she pieced it together. “Your parents know?” she realized that my parents were not shocked by her behavior.

Taffy looked right at my father with an accusing stare. She seemed to be imploring him to let her stop this behavior.

“What do you do when someone asks you a direct question, Taffy?” Dad asked.

“Tell them the complete truth, Sir,” my sister said under her breath. I couldn’t eat anymore because I was afraid I’d laugh my ass off. Taffy’s butt trembled as her knees went weak from the shock my father gave her, to remind her of her place.

“Yes. My father caught us watching him and my mother in their bedroom. He is teaching me a lesson, Ma’am,” she admitted.

Sheila’s smile grew wide with wonder. She wanted to know more.

“Wait. You knew my son and daughter were peeping on us?” Dad asked Sheila.

“Well, I had some idea. I never watched you myself. Tiffany tricked me into coming over to meet her brother. I walked in, and he was naked on the floor, pretending to be a dog. I had a lot of questions,” Sheila looked apologetic.

“I bet,” Dad agreed. “If you have any questions now, you are welcome to sit with us and ask,” he offered.

Sheila looked over her shoulder and waved off her friends. She sat down with us, and we caught her up to speed on how we got caught and the five weeks of discipline. Sheila was elated and thought it was hilarious. Sheila gave my dad the skinny on how unscrupulous Tiffany could be.

She told us Tiffany started rumors to destroy rivals and friends alike. Tiffany liked to play people against one another so she could come in and play peacemaker. Sheila told us that Tiffany was basically the template for the movie, Mean Girls. “I think she watched that movie and used it as an instruction manual for high school. She used to be much nicer, but then she grew a set of tits and became this backbiting, bitch,” she said.

Dad asked her why she was still friends with Tiffany if my sister had treated her like crap.

“If I stopped being friends with her, she would have destroyed me and made me a laughing stock at school. I guess I was friends with her because I was afraid of what she might do if she no longer considered me a friend. I knew she wanted stuff from me. I knew she was using me for her own ends. I guess also I liked it when she gave me attention,” Sheila admitted.

Dad said that was understandable. He said that Tiffany was the classic female narcissist. “The discipline she is receiving will make her more humble and considerate. Please let me know if she ever behaves like that again, and I will give her another five weeks to think about her lessons,” Dad said.

“Did you do anything wrong, Mrs. Reddick?” Sheila asked my mother. My mother had been quiet the entire time.

“No, Ma’am, not recently,” she answered politely.

“Mom just likes things this way,” Annabelle shrugged like it was perfectly normal for my mother to be disciplined.

My mom smiled and nodded to confirm what Annabelle said about her.

“Could you guys adopt me? No offense, Taffy, but this is fucking awesome. Your parents are fucking wild and amazing,” Sheila couldn’t believe this shocking turn of events, but she definitely approved of it.

“I have been your friend for years, and you’ve always treated me like a dumb slut. I know I am the fat friend you hang out with to make you look prettier. I know you were using me to get something from your brother, but I was flattered that anyone would go to that much trouble to go out with me. If this really teaches you to be a better person, then I am totally for it,” she laughed at Taffy.

“Thank you, Ma’am,” Tiffany replied begrudgingly.

“It can’t be all bad, is it?” Sheila asked Taffy.

“No, not all bad, Ma’am,” Taffy blushed.

“What do you like most about it?” she asked.

Taffy was reluctant to give an answer, but she knew my father expected total honesty. “I guess the low setting on the joy buzzer is not all that bad,” she admitted.

“I need one of those,” Sheila laughed that she would have to check it out on Amazon. She volunteered to help me at school. “I share a lot of classes with Tiffany. I can let you know if she doesn’t behave herself,” she said. Sheila also had no problem calling me Ted the first time she heard my father start calling me that.

“It’s a bummer you can’t go on dates without supervision, Ted,” Sheila told me. I think she had a whole new appreciation for me now. I looked down at my plate.

“I can’t ignore what his role was in all of this,” Dad said.

“I guess your favorite part is making your sister hop around like a puppy?” Sheila asked me.

I smiled and said that I was still trying to figure out my favorite part.

Annabelle blurted out that my favorite part was the blowjob I got. We had left out that part of our summary of what happened at home. I blushed hard, and so did Sheila.

“Oh wow! On that note, I should probably go.” Sheila, usually jovial and pretty wild, felt the need to leave the table. She laughed, but she was clearly a bit overwhelmed after hearing that.

Dad told Sheila she was welcome at the house anytime. He asked her to keep what she knew to herself. “Not everyone would be as understanding as you. If they want to know, they can ask us. We don’t however advertise how we live,” Dad said.

“Oh, you can be sure I will visit soon, Mr. Reddick,” Sheila answered him. She assured him that she would keep this to herself because no one would believe it anyway. Sheila winked at me as she left the table and rejoined her friends. I watched her pretty plump ass jiggle away.

“Oh great, she is going to tell everybody at school,” Taffy lamented as soon as she was gone. She was still red in the face from everything she had heard.

“There are consequences to actions. What Sheila does is not my responsibility. I am responsible for you,” Dad said. “You have spread rumors all over school. I am finding out more and more about you,” Dad looked at Taffy sternly.

After we finished, Dad said that if there were table scraps, the girls could lick them off the table with their tongues. That got a few strange glances!

Dad told me that at school, such an instruction would probably be going a little too far. He reminded me not to advertise that my sister was my slave but that if anyone asks, I could tell them that she was being punished, and I was in charge of her at school.

We did have ice cream after that. The girls brought us our cones, and they enjoyed one each. Cherry sucked hers like a cock and put the entire thing in her mouth playfully. We laughed about it as a family.

Cherry and Taffy showed appreciation for the ice cream. Taffy’s face suggested she genuinely considered it a treat after all. I was thrilled to see that at least on the surface, my sister seemed to be showing a little change.

The old Tiffany would have probably scoffed at how silly it was to consider ice cream a treat. She might have said ice cream would make her fat and then complained that whatever flavor she got wasn’t exactly what she wanted.

It was a surreal evening. Dad let us do a little more window shopping, and then he took us home when the mall closed.

Near home, dad stopped the car and told the girls to get out. It was still about a block from the house. He said they could jog home and undress in the backyard. “Tap on the glass when you are naked,” Dad said.

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