Keeping My Sister in Line - Cover

Keeping My Sister in Line

Copyright© 2020 by Eddie Davidson

Chapter 12

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 12 - Tiffany and Teddy have been watching their parents consensual BDSM sexlife through the in-home security cameras. They get caught acting out those sexy scenes by their parents. What follows is the lesson that neither of them will soon forget. **Contains BDSM/Humiliation/Incest**

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Consensual   Reluctant   School   Slut Wife   Incest   Mother   Brother   Sister   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Rough   Spanking   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Polygamy/Polyamory   Black Male   Enema   Exhibitionism   Fisting   Prostitution  

(As Told by Teddy Reddick)

We waited nearby casually talking amongst ourselves while Taffy and Cherry touched the flag pole. Their legs were parted, and I could tell that the joy buzzers were sending stimulation to their tits, cunts, and assholes.

“It has a setting where it alternates between body parts and randomly increases or decreases the intensity by three,” Dad showed me on the app. I had already found that setting, but I smiled and nodded. He laughed that I probably already figured that out for myself.

“If only women’s bodies were as simple to figure as technology, huh son?” he laughed as he increased the intensity. Taffy’s leg started to shake involuntarily as if one leg just wanted to get up and run away from where it was on its own. It was a little breezy, and it wasn’t long before my mother’s skirt flew up slightly, and her butt cheeks were revealed.

The girl’s backs were arched a little so that their butts were sticking out. I think my mom told Taffy to do that because she may have engaged in this exercise before.

“Ah, here we have our first looky-loo,” my Dad noticed a nice older gentleman watching my sister and mother with curiosity. I smiled because my mother used that same term to describe someone who stopped to watch her.

The silver-haired gentleman watched them with some interest and smiled. He seemed to be puzzling out what they were doing.

“If I were a betting man,” my Dad said “I would bet that this guy is going to walk over and talk to them. Don’t make it obvious you are listening, but see if you can hear what they say to him,” he said.

We casually moved a little closer but not enough to make it obvious we were eavesdropping. As far as the old man was concerned, we were just casual strangers at the mall like everybody else. He had no idea we’d sent Taffy and Cherry to the flagpole.

My father was correct with his prediction. The man watched with a smirk and approached my mother.

“I am sorry if this seems impolite, but I couldn’t help but notice that your skirt keeps flying up,” he informed her politely. His intent was clearly to help my mother avoid any further embarrassment. When she didn’t remove her hands from the flagpole to straighten her skirt, he seemed puzzled.

“Thank you, Sir, for letting me know, I hope it didn’t offend you?” my mother responded politely. She kept her hands where they were and seemed to push her butt out a little more when she arched her back.

My sister did the same thing. I could tell my father was amping up the intensity because my mother bit her lip like she was deeply enjoying the massage on her private parts from the joy buzzer.

“If you don’t mind, can I ask what you are doing?” the old man was obviously puzzled by my mother’s reaction.

“It’s a competition sir. We both have to keep our hands on this flagpole for ten minutes,” Cherry answered him politely.

“That’s incredibly bizarre. May I ask if you two are sisters? You look quite similar in the face,” he observed politely.

Taffy scoffed as if it was an insult. My mother corrected her and informed her that Taffy was her daughter.

“I am Cherry, and this is my daughter Taffy, Sir. I’d offer to shake your hand, but I can’t remove them. I guess I’ll shake something else for you,” my mother wiggled her butt playfully.

“Oh my!” the old man beamed with gratitude when my mother engaged him that way. He looked lonely and bored.

“They just made his day,” my Dad whispered to me. “The goal isn’t to hurt people or freak them out by shocking them. If your mother can make somebody happy, she does. She has to stand at the flagpole anyway. It wasn’t always that way with her, and it was NEVER that way with your sister,” Dad explained.

“Thank you for talking to us, Sir,” Taffy said. “I am sure you have some shopping to do?” she said. It was polite but obviously an attempt to get him to move on. The fact he was standing there with them was only drawing more attention to what was already a strange scenario. A few other people leaving the mall stopped and stared, but no one approached. Most just giggled, and a couple women looked scornfully at them for daring to be in public in such risqué’ outfits.

“Oh, I have nothing to do and all day to do it,” the man said. “If I am bothering you though, I will be on my way,” he looked at his watch and sighed.

“No, it’s fine if you want to stay, Sir,” Taffy surprisingly politely suggested that the man was welcome to continue talking to them.

Dad seemed impressed. “I would have knocked off a few points for how curtly she asked him to move on. I am surprised she asked him to stay,” he said.

Annabelle theorized that Taffy probably thought if the old man walked away, it would only be an invitation for an even weirder pervert to walk up and talk to them.

“Not all men are perverts, Kitten,” Dad said to Annabelle. “Most are but not all,” he laughed at his own joke.

“So what happens if you both win and it is a tie?” the old man asked them. He seemed to be talking to my mother at first, but now he looked directly at Taffy.

“Then we get to have ice cream, Sir,” Taffy answered.

“Okay, I get it. You are on some sort of diet, and you will only treat yourself if you earn it,” the man smiled as if he just worked out a mystery that had been puzzling him.

“Yes, sir, we are on a new diet,” my sister said. It was technically true and not extremely explicit. The man hadn’t asked what kind of diet, though and I felt that was okay. My father didn’t say anything about her response, so I assumed it was acceptable.”

“I must say that when I walked over here, I didn’t expect either of you to be so polite or considerate to an old man like me,” the man looked pleased to have anyone to talk to at all – especially pretty women.

“Thank you, Sir.” My mother blushed and looked appreciative of the compliment she had received. My sister did the same thing as she imitated my mother’s contrite and submissive speech. It was different from the casual way she spoke to us, but it seemed very natural coming from Cherry. It sounded completely forced, coming from Taffy.

“Well, I wish you both success in your endeavors to maintain your diet. Before I go, I wanted to tell you something,” he said directly to Cherry. He leaned in close to my mother. He looked as if he were trying to be discreet and tactful as he whispered something in her ear.

“That’s because I am not wearing any, sir,” my mother answered him politely.

My Dad tried to contain his chuckle. The man had clearly tried to warn my mother that it looked like she might not be wearing any panties when her skirt flew up.

The old man blushed. His wrinkled, pale skin took on an almost boyish quality as he smiled. “What would happen if someone was to try to pat your bottom while you touched the flag pole? Would you remove your hands to slap them?” he asked.

“No, sir, I wouldn’t,” my mom said. “I am intent on completing my challenge,” she said. She told him she would apologize to the man because he probably did it by accident.

The man took that as an invitation to touch her. He was clearly reluctant to test out his theory. My mother arched her back a little to push her butt out further. She looked straight ahead into Taffy’s eyes. It seemed like she was offering her body to a stranger who was clearly twenty years older than her.

He looked around to see if anyone was watching him. We looked away casually so that he wouldn’t realize we were watching this drama play out. He stood behind my mother and then casually felt her up with his fingers.

“Oh my,” he said when he removed his fingers. They were dripping wet. My Dad had turned up the setting to eight and was letting it buzz now.

“I didn’t realize it was that kind of competition,” the man raised his eyebrows excitedly. However, instead of hanging around and trying to go further, he retreated to a different part of the mall and avoided eye contact with them.

I noticed that Taffy actually giggled playfully after the man left. I had never seen her expression look genuinely amused. She usually had a trace of sarcasm in her laughter. Taffy almost looked as innocently amused as Annabelle when she laughed. Cherry laughed as well. It seemed like the two of them were sharing some inside joke after the man left.

“Most guys will talk a big game. They won’t do anything if given a chance. Cherry could walk up to ten men at the mall and ask them if they want to fuck, and all ten of them would probably smile and be flattered but chicken out before it actually happens,” he said.

Annabelle seemed shocked. I know I was, as well. What man would pass up a chance to have sex?

“Men get easily intimidated – especially in public. It is better if they proposition her. That way, they don’t feel they are being tricked. If something is too good to be true, it probably is. When your sister started trying to make deals with you, didn’t warning bells go off inside your head telling you it was probably a trick?” Dad asked me.

“Yeah,” I agreed.

“Those warning bells are primal instincts. You need to hone them a little more through experience and learn to trust them. Your first reaction is usually the right one. Your mother flirted with him and let him go as far as he wanted to go. I don’t want you offering your sister to anyone at school. If one of them touches her on the butt, that isn’t a big deal. If that man had tried to lift your mother’s skirt and leave it that way or yank her titties, I would have intervened. You have a duty to protect your sister at school, too,” Dad said.

I probably looked nervous. I wasn’t exactly a burly fighter in stature.

“You don’t have to kick anyone’s ass. You just need to make sure that you don’t put her in a situation that is going to put her at undue risk. We are in a public place. That man wasn’t going to hump your sister. If he had touched her butt, then so what? A butt touch wipes right off. The key at school will be not only safety but also not going too far and getting kicked out of school,” Dad told me.

“I can make Taffy do something like this?” I asked my Dad. He was happy I was inquiring about boundaries and limits. He told me that was a good sign that he could trust me. My father explained that just because someone submits does not mean there are no ground rules or limitations.

“I wouldn’t make her do the exact same thing if I were you. Get creative. I’ll stand behind any decision you make as long as it is in the spirit of the training and not abusive or putting your sister in harm’s way. Try using an incentive like letting her have some of your lunch or an extra bathroom break as a reward if she does well. You can order her to do it, but if you give her an incentive to do extra, that will pay off for you. You could challenge her to pick up all the trash and cigarette butts in the quad over her free period. If she bends over deeply and puts on a good show, that means extra rewards later. Give her dares that make other people smile. It’s not about hurting your sister. She can be humiliated by them, but in the end, that old man is going to never forget what just happened today,” he said.

Annabelle said that what just happened was beautiful. She swooned as if she was so happy that man had a little time with my mother and Taffy.

“Yeah, it was just like the plot to the movie, ‘Up’,” I laughed as I compared that exchange to the old man who had a heart-warming journey of self-discovery in a Pixar movie.

“He was definitely, UP,” My dad chuckled that it may have also had something to do with a little blue pill.

Annabelle looked at us like we were heartless bastards for not seeing how cute that last episode was. Dad told her we were only joking and she folded her arms and waited. She wanted to see another cute little encounter like that one but nothing else happened.

There were other people that stared at Cherry and Taffy, but no one else approached them. I saw a few dirty stares as well but mostly from women who noticed their husbands were leering at them.

Dad turned the settings up to nine and left it there for the final minute. Their hips gyrated, and their expressions became goofy, but neither Cherry nor Taffy removed either hand from the flagpole. The wind blew both of their skirts up a little and exposed their bare bottoms.

Dad congratulated them when the time was up and told them they could have ice cream.

“Yes!” Taffy pumped her fist with enthusiasm. She was sweating, and her hair looked a little out of place. She had begun the exercise acting like she didn’t care about winning, but now she seemed to be looking forward to savoring the flavor of her winnings.

My father said that she would have her reward after he went over some other basics and did a little shopping. My mother curtsied slightly and lifted her skirt on the side a little to thank him. Taffy did the same thing.

“At school, I want you to be polite. You should dip your knee, but you don’t have to raise your skirt any higher than that when you perform a curtsy,” Dad told her. He made her practice it a few times outside the mall. People watched her practice and giggled.

Taffy looked mortified.

“Oh, if this bothers you, wait until we get inside,” Dad said. He ordered my mother to teach her how to walk in public. The two of them jiggled their tits and swiveled their hips, so their big butts stuffed inside those tiny skirts wiggled from side to side. It was incredible to watch them bounce in step with one another around the mall. They walked a few feet in front of us. My Dad directed them through the mall. He told them if he gave them a hard shock with the joy buzzer, to stop walking immediately.

It was fun watching him test it out. We’d be walking along, and Taffy would recognize someone from school and look down so they wouldn’t notice her. My Dad would watch for her body language and suddenly ZZZZZzap her. She’d stop, and her tits would bounce up and down a few times from pure momentum as she halted next to my mother.

Usually, the person from school saw her and avoided her.

“You don’t have many friends at school as Tiffany. I am sure you’ll have a few more as Taffy, though,” Dad said when he prompted her to start walking again.

He also taught them to sit. My mom sat in a massage chair, and Taffy joined her. Their legs were wide enough you could see up their skirts if you stood directly in front of them. You could just see a hint of dark, bald pussy lip. Dad told Taffy not to pull the skirt up but never to close her legs.

Everything was on view if you stood in front of them. Dad told them not to adjust themselves even if someone looks right between their legs. They should smile and look flattered anyone took an interest in what is between their legs.

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