Keeping My Sister in Line - Cover

Keeping My Sister in Line

Copyright© 2020 by Eddie Davidson

Chapter 7

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 7 - Tiffany and Teddy have been watching their parents consensual BDSM sexlife through the in-home security cameras. They get caught acting out those sexy scenes by their parents. What follows is the lesson that neither of them will soon forget. **Contains BDSM/Humiliation/Incest**

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Consensual   Reluctant   School   Slut Wife   Incest   Mother   Brother   Sister   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Rough   Spanking   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Polygamy/Polyamory   Black Male   Enema   Exhibitionism   Fisting   Prostitution  

(As Told by Teddy Reddick)

“Are you really grabbing mom by the pussy? What are you now? Trump?” my sister rolled her eyes as I approached her cage. She had only been pretending to respect me in front of my Dad. Tiffany talked down to me like things were normal between us now that he wasn’t home.

I kind of expected her to do that. My sister wasn’t tamed after a night in the cage. She was angry and frustrated after being humiliated. She was lashing out at me because my father hadn’t backed down when she tried to bluff him.

“You know not to talk to your brother rudely. You must be respectful,” my mother snapped to my defense as I guided her into the living room with my two fingers. I had arched them inside of her pussy, and she was incredibly wet.

“Or what? He is going to spank me? He is going to spank me anyway,” Tiffany simmered with frustration and anger. She was bound on her back. Her wrists were tied crossways to her ankles, and her legs were pulled over her head. Her pretty, freshly shaved bald pussy and plugged asshole were on display for me.

“Yes, I am going to spank you, but only when you are bad, and you are being bad!” I said. I didn’t sound nearly as confident as my father. My sister really had all the power even though she was in a cage. If she refused to cooperate or let me spank her, I wasn’t going to be able to do it. I think my father was counting on that to happen today, before he got home. I asked my sister why she was not calling us Master and Ma’am.

“She doesn’t have to call me, Ma’am,” my mother explained. “I know your father said that initially, but when I am demonstrating as Cherry, I asked that he not require her to speak respectfully to me,” she said.

“Yeah, I can be as rude as I want, to Mom. She gets off on it, Sir,” Tiffany chuckled.

“I don’t get off on it. If people are polite and nice to me it makes it difficult for me to get into the headspace of submission. I ask that you talk to me the same way you always have. I’ve asked your brother to be a little more rude and direct with me,” she told her.

“Yeah, I can see how rude he is! Finger banging you,” Tiffany chuckled sadistically in my mother’s direction. She sneered and looked at me as if I was a total pervert. Then she sighed and said we may as well get started. “You can look all you like, Sir. Just please let me out before I piss all over myself,” she asked politely.

I didn’t feel like I was really in charge. I was obviously not commanding respect the same way my father did. My stomach grew uneasy as I realized that my mother was fighting my battles with Tiffany for me. I want to express to you that I desperately wanted to speak up and take command of the situation. My sister’s sour face and tone intimidated me. I was waiting to get a word in edge wise between the two women as they faced off against one another.

“Your father taught you how to beg for release this morning. That isn’t how you talked to him!” my mom said. I removed my fingers from her pussy, and she lifted my hand and began to suck my fingers. It made me instantly hard. She cleaned them like they were two dicks, and her pussy juices dripping from them was her most favorite flavor.

“TEDDY is NOT my father,” Tiffany seemed to think any effort was wasted on me. My mother reminded her that she was being judged on how well she did, and if she didn’t want to repeat this week, she would straighten up pretty quickly.

“This is just a little game Daddy is making me play for Teddy. I have to say the magic words to get released and pretend I think you are my better. I think we both know that isn’t true. If you want to believe what I am going to do and say today is because I respect you, that is fine. I’ll do whatever I have to do,” she said sourly. Tiffany’s voice changed after that. She spoke in a slightly higher octave in a sickly-sweet imitation of Annabelle’s sugary voice using my mother’s submissive speech.

“Good morning, Master Teddy. I’ve missed you. I crave your control over me. I beg you to educate me today and allow me to serve your every whim. Please permit me out of the cage so that I can begin my training under your discipline!” she said.

I looked at my mother for confirmation that was what she was supposed to do. Tiffany was checking the boxes of submission, but she had already told me she really didn’t mean it. It was still strangely satisfying to hear her say it out loud. I could tell she didn’t enjoy talking to me that way. I bent down and unlocked the cage and opened it. She could not climb out because she was tied up.

“Thank you, Master, I appreciate you putting up with my nudity. Do you mind pulling me out of the cage and unbinding me, please?” she asked. It sounded rehearsed as if she was just repeating what she had been told to say.

She said please. She sounded polite and yet I felt like she wasn’t being genuinely respectful. I wasn’t sure what to do with her. I wanted to go back upstairs and start all over from the beginning. This was not nearly as easy as I thought it would be the night before.

I grabbed my sister by the hips and slid her out on to the carpet. She reminded me of a baby that needed changing with her legs above her head. I began to untie her. She complained that the cage was too tight and the carpet burned her knees.

My mom smiled when my sister mentioned carpet burn as if she heard some inside joke. She had very little empathy for her daughter. That helped to emboldened me to have less sympathy toward my sister’s humiliation.

My father had provided me with a rudimentary understanding of how to tie knots and untie them the night before. He had also taught me that certain rope had more give and would stretch when the slave starts to struggle and sweat. He said that nylon rope, on the other hand, constricted. I was glad he used nylon rope on her.

I was still just a confused boy who had very limited experience. I was doing my best and I think my sister enjoyed watching my uneasiness in handling her.

“That was close to how you are supposed to speak to your betters. You can’t just phone in your responses, Tiffany. You have to really believe you need to change if you are ever going to change,” my mother judged her.

“I am doing my best, Cherry,” Tiffany said. She was new to this just like me. I felt a little empathy toward her. I realized she must be struggling with this turn of the tables between us. She used my mother’s slave name like it was some kind of insult.

“In the morning, I greet your father and beg him to train me. I always thank him for putting up with my many shortcomings,” my mom said. She assured Tiffany that in time after watching her she might start to understand the point. “Your brother is giving up HIS time to train you this morning. You need to show that you are thankful and not make him feel guilty about having to keep you in line,” she said.

“Oh god, he would be peeping from his Alexa if the cameras still worked even if he wasn’t invited to watch,” My sister told our mom sarcastically. I felt she was using a loophole in the protocol to be able to make snide remarks to my mother instead of addressing me directly. I was eager to get started with her so I ignored most of her rude comments.

I was grinning that I finally had the upper hand with my sister. If the worst thing she could do was mock me indirectly it only made me feel that much more powerful.

My father’s list for me included a section called morning ritual. My mother explained that she followed something similar when we were at school. “On days when you are home, I had to make some modifications to mine, but this is essentially what I do every day even when I am not supervised,” she explained to me. She said she would walk me through each item on the list and provide me with options.

He had also been clear about my little sister Annabelle’s role in all of this. She was not to be exposed to everything but if she wanted to watch the training she could. She could order the girls to do simple tasks as long as it did not interrupt their chores. Annabelle could not punish the girls but I could.

I was actually surprised my little sister had been interested in any of this. She spent most of the night last night watching my father’s explanations and demonstrations with a wry grin on her face.

Annabelle had discovered me with spunk on my face laying flop down naked the night before. She knew I must have sucked my own cock and let my sister tie me up. Dad said there was no way she could participate in the household and not know what was happening. He just didn’t want to over-expose her to any of this.

I allowed Tiffany to stretch out her muscles. She would have done so even if I had not told her. She rubbed her wrists and sore butt. It was pretty clear my father had spanked her before he left for work.

“The first thing on the list just says Bathroom.” I showed my mom the list.

“Oh great, he has a list, and he doesn’t even know what to do with it,” Tiffany chuckled.

“Your brother is learning. The lesson he needs to understand right now is that this kind of sassy talk is not tolerated. I don’t know what your father would do if I were to act like a smart-ass. I think ten minutes in the corner is warranted,” my mom looked at me.

“Okay,” I answered her.

“It is a recommendation, Sir. I am not telling you that you have to punish your sister. You have to decide that,” she said.

“Fine, corner time for ten minutes!” I didn’t feel like I was in control. I felt like I was doing what my mom told me to do.

Tiffany sighed and walked over to the corner without argument. I thought that was a big win for me. “I really need to piss, though,” she reminded me passive-aggressively. She stood in the corner as if it was the dumbest waste of time ever.

“Hold your ass cheeks apart,” my mom corrected my sister’s position in the corner. She guided Tiffany’s hands, so she could grab her own ass cheeks and give them a hard pull and keep them separate. “Nose and nipples right in the corner. Clear your mind, control your breathing. Do not think about anything. Take four-second breaths in with your mouth and deep breaths out of your nose,” she suggested.

“Is this some kind of meditation?” Tiffany scoffed.

“You can think of it like that. Clear your mind, focus on nothing right now. You are angry and you are taking it out on your brother. I actually understand you better than you may think. You have to spend the next eight hours doing what you are told before your father gets home. If you do the very minimum and keep sassing you will repeat this week. If your goal is to shave time off your restriction, that isn’t how to do it. You asked for this treatment. If you want to get this done, you will stop playing dumb games because the only thing you will win is dumb prizes,” my mom said firmly. She wasn’t talking submissively towards her. She was talking like she normally did towards us.

My mom asked if there was anything she could do for me while we waited. I could have asked her to do anything.

“Do you need to use the bathroom now while we wait?” I asked.

“I can hold it and shit and piss when she is ready,” my mom said she would demonstrate the proper procedure for me.

“Why do you keep saying shit and piss and not just use the bathroom?” I asked. I had heard her say this before, but I hadn’t asked for a full explanation before.

“Your sister and I must speak in the most vulgar terms about our bodies. That includes our bodily functions. It is easy to sugarcoat things and use a euphemism like going to the powder room. However, there are many reasons we could do that. We might go to apply makeup or just take a break for a little while. We are going there to shit and piss Master Teddy,” she said.

“What if you only have to piss?” I said.

“It is an opportunity to piss and shit, and I only get three a day. I make the most of it every time, Sir. I have five minutes to finish. I will definitely try to do both, each and every time. Your father woke up early to give us both enemas, but I will be able to shit for demonstration of the procedure,” my mom said.

“I think I know how to take a shit,” I was joking.

“I am sure you do, Sir. Your sister has to follow the house procedures though. I’ll demonstrate those. Your father takes away our privacy and the comfort your sister took for granted. He also sets a strict time limit so that we don’t lollygag in the bathroom and we get right to it. I know it may sound disgusting. One reason it is included in the training is even the most mundane household task can be used to condition us. The opportunity is wasted if we don’t include it in our training. It is normally a private moment of solace for women to enjoy some quiet. It is now a degrading reminder of my place - one that I accept and see value in,” my mom said.

I could hear Tiffany scoff, but she didn’t say anything snarky.

“I used to have all the time in the world in the bathroom before I started submitting to your father. It was a big adjustment, but now I’ve learned to appreciate having to hurry up and finish. Do you want us to go outside or inside the house?” she asked.

“You use the bathroom outside?” I asked in shock. I suppose I should not have been surprised but it seemed far-out even for my parents. The backyard was fenced in but it wasn’t 100% private outside. The neighbors houses were two stories and they might have seen into the backyard. I had a semi-erection just thinking about peeping on a woman pissing with her leg cocked like a dog in their backyard. It was an incredibly hot scenario.

“No, sir, there is no bathroom outside. I shit and piss in the yard when you are not home. If you are home I always use the bathroom inside the house to shit and piss. I am not always supervised, but your father does spot checks on me,” she smiled. “I thought you had cameras everywhere and watched me?” she asked with a playful smirk.

“Just in the dungeon. I didn’t know about the bathroom or the yard!” I said.

“If you had, would you have watched?” she asked me with a kind of knowing-grin.

I felt embarrassed because I shouldn’t have been proud that I had violated her privacy. I could tell she didn’t mind now. I told her the truth that I would have watched. When she asked if I wanted a demonstration inside or outside, I said that I’d like to see her inside.

I don’t know how to explain why I made that choice. I thought it would be far out to see my sister shit like a dog on the lawn. I just didn’t want to seem like a total pervert towards my mother. I was also concerned that the neighbors might see. We had a fenced-in backyard, but all the houses around us were two-story houses. The wooden fence around our house had knotholes in the wood and cracks that someone could look through as well.

“I was concerned you’d find the task disgusting. I understand from reading your report that your sister made you sit in the bathroom with her and hold her toilet paper roll? But you couldn’t watch, Sir?” she said.

I nodded that it was true.

“I am sure you could certainly smell her on the toilet, though,” my mom smirked playfully.

“So, what would you like to do for the next ten minutes?” I asked my mom for suggestions on how to fill the time.

“That’s up to you, Sir. I can do anything you want. I can’t really start cleaning right now and get much done. I don’t usually have down-time when you are at school. If you want me to act like a puppy you could have me do that. I could join your sister in the nearest corner,” she suggested helpfully.

“Why would I put you in the corner?” I asked my mom. “You didn’t do anything wrong,” I said.

“Nobody puts baby in a corner,” my sister quoted the movie Dirty Dancing. It was a cult classic in our house. I told her to shut up at the same time my mother did.

“The time starts over if you talk, let go of your ass cheeks, or move too much,” she told her.

“I didn’t know that!” Tiffany pouted.

“Now you do,” my mom grinned. She seemed pleased that Tiffany was getting her comeuppance and more than willing to be a stickler about any rules. I made a mental note to myself about the details to these rules as she told them to me. I checked the time on my phone so that I would not keep my sister in the corner longer than ten minutes.

“If you want me in the corner, it wouldn’t be as a punishment. It would be as a demonstration. I would accept it as part of my training. Your father will let you punish me today if I am a bad girl but I am seldom disobedient or mischievous. You wouldn’t get much practice that way. Part of my role today is as a practice dummy for you, so if you want to punish me then you don’t need a reason, Sir. Sometimes your Dad wants me in the corner just to maintain my discipline training anyway,” she added.

“What is the difference between punishment and training, then? If you end up doing the same thing?” I asked.

“Punishment is a corrective measure as a consequence of my failure to perform my duties. Just like an athlete though, I train by engaging in activities you may think of as a punishment for your sister. The training helps keep me in the correct mindset. Usually, during the day I have no one to correct my little mistakes and foibles. At night, I admit what I did wrong to your father and he may punish me. If I didn’t do anything he would have me train and that can be what is called a maintenance beating to help keep me in line. It is good for me. It also amuses your father, and it pleases me to please him,” she said.

“What would my father like you to do if we weren’t here, and you had a spare ten minutes?” I asked.

“He would tell me to go to my spot and masturbate if he had nothing else for me to do,” She said. She told me she spends a lot of time stretching and training her cunt and asshole. “I am always ready to be used. I stretch my cunt and asshole muscles to accommodate bigger and bigger objects but also to tighten them and give me additional control,” she explained.

I hadn’t seen her masturbate in person before. I knew she trained in the dungeon to take big dildos because I had seen her put her own fist in her asshole before. I could tell she knew I would be shocked by her offer, even though I had watched her on the house camera.

“You are probably going to see me in my spot many times. I’d imagine your father will give Tiffany a spot if she continues her training. Would you like to watch, Sir?” she asked. She said if I told her to, “Go to your spot,” she would go.

I gave her the order, and my mother dutifully crawled to a spot in the center of the living room in front of the couch. She found a nearby flesh-colored dildo from the box and squatted over it. She began dipping herself down on top of it. She was literally fucking herself with the dildo while she used her hands to rub her nipples. She looked right at me as she played with her clit and began touching herself.

“When I play with myself is that too much for you, Sir? Does it offend you or gross you out? I don’t know exactly what you saw me do on camera. I assume you saw me do this before, Sir?” she asked. She wasn’t accusing me of being a peeping tom. She just wanted to make sure this wasn’t too extreme for my tastes.

“Yes, I saw you do that and more,” I admitted. She should have looked embarrassed because she was naked and playing with herself but I was the one who looked red in the face. I was getting so horny watching her that I wanted to go to my room and jack off just to clear my head of all the lustful thoughts I was having. I was growing increasingly comfortable talking to my mother as if she were a slave. I still found myself ogling her marble-sized swollen nipples and naked body as I talked to her.

“Oh good,” she said, and she began to hump the dildo. She took twelve inches to the base. I could see white fluid emerge at the base of her pussy as she gyrated. Her nipples began to leak slightly, and she sucked up the yellowish-white fluid they produced, with her fingers.

“I give milk like a cow. I suppose you knew that too, Sir?” she asked with a wry grin.

I did not know my mother could lactate. I had seen my father attach what looked like very painful suction devices to her nipples, but I didn’t know she actually expressed milk. I guess I had never looked that closely because I didn’t know that was a possibility.

It seemed surreal to spend the morning watching my big sister hold her ass cheeks apart in the corner of our living room. I was close enough to where she was that I could smell the cheddar-cheese smell of her ass-sweat. She was breathing slowly and remaining quiet. Just a few feet away my mother fucked herself on a dildo on the floor like a sex-beast.

“If you want me to cum you can tell me to cum, Master,” my mother said breathlessly as she lost herself in pleasure.

I told her to cum, and she looked disappointed. I think she wanted me to tease her and force her to get right at the edge of having an orgasm. I hated when my sister made me do that for her. I could see that my mother enjoyed her orgasm, but her facial expression suggested she had wanted to prolong her experience.

I usually wanted to cum as quickly as I could when I masturbated. I didn’t quite understand what would motivate her to want to drag it out.

My mom went to her knees and told me that she had three times per day she was permitted to shit and piss. “If I need to go any other time, I can, but I have to beg special permission. You will be the one to give that to me today. You don’t have to let me, but I would have to clean up the consequences of my failure. Your dad usually won’t make me hold it more than an hour,” she said. I knew that applied to Tiffany as well today.

I told my sister her time was up in the corner after the 10 minutes had passed. It was the first time I didn’t experience self-doubt like I should not be the one telling her what to do. I felt like I had turned a very important corner when I told her that her punishment was over. I feel like I had started to accept that I really was calling the shots today. I just had to continue to believe that!

My sister surprised me by thanking me and turning around. She bent slightly at the knee. It was a polite curtsy she had learned the night before. “Thank you Master for punishing me. I should not have spoken out of turn. I am sorry for my rude behavior. I am ready to behave now,” she said politely. I could tell she had learned to respond after a punishment like that from my father’s instructions as well.

“Both of you slut walk to the bathroom,” I said. My mother licked her dildo clean and quickly returned it to the box she retrieved it from. She grabbed her ass cheeks and walked toward the downstairs bathroom. My sister still bristled from having to obey me, but she wasn’t openly defiant anymore. She wasn’t openly questioning my orders either.

My sister offered a lemony face like she thought this was over-the-top and it was. She was holding her ass cheeks very wide apart and shimmying her naked body through our house. She was accompanied by my mother who was doing the same thing only she had her chin up and her tits pushed out like she was slightly amused and happy to be walking this way.

My sister almost giggled at one point though at how completely absurd the entire thing was. I have to admit – I took several mental snapshots of their hands on their asses as they both climbed the stairs.

Tiffany still had an aura of arrogance about her that bothered me. She wasn’t vocal about it, so I couldn’t really call her out for it. She just acted like she was too good to be doing what my mother was doing. Tiffany didn’t openly say that walking with her hands on her ass was stupid, but her aloof expression said it for her.

I tend to avoid conflict. I felt like it was the wrong time to be too strict or nitpick my sister’s behavior.

She complied with my orders though and that made me happy. I lacked confidence as a trainer and I knew that. I was in way over my head this morning, even with my mother’s help. If Tiffany blew up and yelled at me I would probably crumble and relinquish my authority over her.

She complied with my orders though and that made me happy. I know I lacked confidence and I felt I was in way over my head this morning, even with my mother’s help. I tend to avoid conflict so I felt like it was the wrong time to be too strict or to nitpick my sister’s behavior because if Tiffany blew up and yelled at me, I would probably crumble and relinquish my authority over her.

Once we were in the bathroom my mother left the door open. “The bathroom door stays open,” she said. “Do you mind if I go first to demonstrate, Master Teddy?” she asked.

I told her that made sense. This was all new to me but my father had taught me that privacy was a rare commodity for the girls going forward. He said they need to be constantly supervised and exposed. They cannot hide. You are not doing them any favor by respecting their privacy. It leads them to feeling like they can get into mischief and no one will punish them. He told me that their vanity must be kept in check as well and that is why when possible they should be humiliated.

My mom asked me to give her five minutes to finish shitting and pissing and time her. She squatted on the floor in front of the toilet. At first, I thought she was going to shit directly on the tile floor of the bathroom. “When I am alone, this is how I have to prepare myself,” she assured me as if reading my mind. She pushed her plug out of her ass and used her thighs and pussy to set it flat on its base. “You can always remove it yourself if you prefer,” she said. “I am not supposed to touch it with my fingers, without permission,” she said. Then she got on her hands and knees and picked up the plug with her mouth and clenched it in her teeth.

“Can you underthand me when I talk like thith, Thir?” she mumble-spoke with the plug in her mouth. I nodded that I could. My mom lifted the toilet lid and seat. She squatted on the rim of the toilet like a bird on a perch. She opened her legs wide and told me the timer usually begins now. “When I am alone, I have to approximate how much time I have. I thuppose there ith a camera in here?” she looked around the ceiling.

I laughed and said that I didn’t think so.

“I try to keep myself honest, Sir,” she chuckled, and a stream of piss began to squirt from her cunt. I wondered just what part of her pussy it came from. It was a much bigger stream than my dick could ever produce all at once. My mother let out a small toot of a fart. It was the first and one of the only times I saw her get embarrassed that day.

She seemed concerned that I had to smell her farts. “Sorry about that, Sir,” she said. What looked to me like creamy, chocolate ice cream crinkled out of her asshole in a perfect banana shape. I was impressed with how perfect it looked. My mom smiled as I watched her do what I would consider one of the most personally intimate and embarrassing human activities in an incredibly uncomfortable and vulnerable manner.

“Everyone has to shit,” she shrugged like it was perfectly natural for us to watch her complete this ritual. I could tell my mother was humiliated on some level and at the same time she seemed amused by being exposed this way. Women are very complex creatures to me.

Tiffany folded her arms in front of her and stood with her hips akimbo as she waited for her turn. I slapped her butt and told her to continue to hold her ass cheeks. I thought Tiffany might slap me back, but she made a small sigh and followed my instructions. The more Tiffany did what I told her without sassing me, the more my confidence grew.

When I announced time, my mother stepped off the toilet. She carefully bent over and spit the plug in her mouth onto its base on the floor. She began to finger her pussy then licked her fingers. She didn’t bother to flush.

“Aren’t you going to flush?” Tiffany asked her.

“No need, you’re next, buttercup!” my mom smiled and began fingering her asshole just like she’d done with her pussy. She licked her fingers clean again.

“Are you cleaning your ass with your fingers?” Tiffany asked with a disgusted expression.

“No need to waste toilet paper. What do you think is on my butt plug? Peanut butter?” she asked as she tasted herself. There wasn’t any real mess when she finished taking a shit anyway. It still seemed shocking.

“I am NOT doing that,” Tiffany said. “I never made him lick his own asshole,” she said as she started squatting on the tile floor to push out her butt plug.

“I’m sure that’s true,” my mom acknowledged. “I suppose if you are too disgusted with yourself to clean your own ass, I could do it for you,” she offered.

Tiffany looked flabbergasted. She farted loudly as she pushed the plug out of her anus. I saw her pussy lips expand and puff out as she ejected the plug. She bent over it and exposed her pink asshole to me. I loved seeing it unplugged for some reason. She had a dark black hole in the center of a pink starfish-shaped rosebud that seemed so mysterious. I suppose now that her cunt lips were flapping and exposed, her exposed asshole was the last bastion of total nudity for me to look at. My sister looked over her shoulder at me and flipped her long blonde hair out of the way before she went down on the small brown plug and gingerly picked it up with her mouth.

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