Luke's Initiation Ao - Cover

Luke's Initiation Ao

by Harry Bolo 69

Copyright© 2020 by Harry Bolo 69

Young Adult Sex Story: Luke a new student, does not like bullies, and has never been with a girl before

Caution: This Young Adult Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Superhero   Sharing   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   First   Oral Sex   .

He was sitting, laying back on the bench just getting some sunshine onto his skin. Luke was 20 and had been in university for 3 months He was only 160cm tall but well build having been a champion bantam weight junior boxer. Although he never entered the adult world of boxing he still maintained his figure and strength through continuing his training program. Due to his family strict upbringing he kept to himself and had his own room in the student block, unlike others who shared with up to six people.

As he sat up looking around he saw, in the corner, one of his follow mathematical students with some jocks laughing at her. They walked away laughing and she stayed seated with her head down. He was not sure if she was crying or not. His phone alarm went off reminding him of his next class. As he started to walk towards it she rose and slowly walked in the same direction. He realised they were in the same class.

She walked into the lecture theatre and sat in the top back corner. He decided to sit one seat away from her. Looking at her face he could see she had been crying. He opened his study books and kept an eye on her. She opened her books pretending to be reading, her head moved across the page but no pages turned. Finally as the other students arrived, two jocks came in, not of this class and called out “Where is the bitch who calls the police.” She started to cry and pack her items. Luke whispered “Stay where you are, don’t let them see you move.”

The lecturer walked in and told them. “What are you two boys doing in my room, go back to your pens now.” Everyone in the class laughed at the remarks. They were too stupid to see the double insult. They walked out fuming.

During the lecture the professor wrote an equation on the board and then stated “Select a partner, I will be away next week. You are to either prove or disprove this. I’m not interested in the results, I want to see your workings formulas towards your results. Even if you fail I would like to see what you were doing. Class dismiss.”

Luke look at the girl “Interested in being in partnership please?” She nodded but did not move. As the room was now empty Luke asked “Are they bulling you?” She nodded. Luke moved one chair closer. She pulled back towards the corner. “My name is Luke, how can I help?”

“Mary.” She looked down.

The two jocks came back in “There she is, get out of the way runt.”

Luke stood up, yes he was small, but they were about to find out so is dynamite. He walked towards them, one pushed him away, Luke smiled and the next thing they were both laying out cold on the floor. Luke returned to Mary, “Did you see them push me?” packing his stuff up

“Yes, but what happened to them?” They walked out together.

“I use to do some light weight boxing because I was bullied at lower school. If they try and do anything to you again, I’ll speak to them again and not be so kind. Shall we go to our next class!”

As they entered their next class some of the students looked surprised one whispered to the other “How come she is here, I though the guys were going to make her pay?”

The teacher walked in “Come on, come on, sit down.” Luke and Mary sat together on front.

Someone flicked some paper balls at Mary. Luke caught the second one and flicked it back into the sender’s eye. Top shot. They fell backwards with the shock. Which caused a ruckus in the room. Another teacher walked into the room asking “Who was last to leave the last class.” No one answered. Luke grabbed Mary hand holding it down.

The first teacher asked “Why?”

“They have just found two sports boys laid out on the floor, they are being taken to hospital now. We are just wondering if anyone saw anything.” Mary looked at Luke who smiled at her.

Everyone started talking so Luke answered Mary, “They will be OK but will have a big headache. Can we have lunch together please?”

“Yes.” Mary answered surprised. As the class was in disarray it was dismissed.

One of the class females who believes she is it said to Mary “What did you do to my boyfriend bitch?”

Mary replied “Told him his dick is too small for even a microscope to find. But there again, with your tunnel you would not feel anything even with a train going through it.”

“Bitch” she yelled out.
Mary stated “The truth hurts, everyone knows that.”

The class laughed at her as she realised everyone was listening and ran out.

Luke replied “Ouch!”

Mary said “Come on lunch time.” they walked to the cafe. Luke looked at her all the way not believing what just occurred.

Finally Luke holding Mary’s hand asked “Will you be OK with them, even if they gang up on you.”

Mary answered “Yes, they tried it once and discovered, like you, I can handle myself, that’s why they sent the boys. We all went to a beach party and were just singing and drinking when one of the girls stripped off and wanted a boy. Three jocks stripped off and were having a go. I did not like to be part of it, when the police turned up. I was let go saying because my father is a policeman. They have all been charged with obscene behaviour. They don’t realise police can only charge you with comments you make. If you don’t speak they cannot charge you. I knew that, they didn’t listen but blabbed everything. Now I am the bad girl, when infact they are the stupid ones.”

They entered the cafe and four jocks stepped in their way Luke quietly stated “Mary love, do I have to lay out four more?”

They parted that quickly they barrelled over a teacher who put them on report.

Mary and Luke had a nice quiet lunch together with everyone watching them.

Mary stated “Well there is no need for me to ask you if you will be OK, What did you do, it was so fast?”

Luke replied “I use to do boxing and have lighting reflexes, I just tapped their chins with an upper cut. The KO happened when their heads hit the floor. Do you have a boyfriend?”

Mary smiled “No why are you asking?” Luke went red.

“Um, o, um, I’ve never had one before, girlfriend I mean. Yes I would like to go out with you again if you will have me?” Mary reached out and kissed Luke on the lips.

“Yes. Meet me after school with your swimmers at the rec hall, I have pool practice, then we can have some time together. See you later.” Mary walked away looking a lot more confident. Luke just stared at his new girlfriend admiring her sexy walk. At least she was not too tall for him. She was 163cm 30b, 20, 25, like him strong shoulders, through her swimming.

Three jocks then sat at his table one threaten him with “Watch yourself you are on our watch list.”

Luke smiled “I’ll warn you now first and last warning, anyone and I mean anyone touches either me or my girlfriend. They shall not be laid out like your other boys this morning but have growth plates in their bones broken so bad it will end their sports career. And I will make sure, you, have three broken for threatening me now. Get lost.”

They were not expecting such a reply and all moved quickly away from him. The rest of the cafe people noticed then chatted. Luke knew they would try something. He would be ready.

One of the boxing crew saw what occurred and sat down with him “Trouble Luke?”

Luke smiled “Na, you know Jocks showing off in front of the girls.”

He replied “Ask if you need us, I wish you would join our team mate.” as he walked away.

Luke saw one of the jocks speak to the boxer, no idea what he said but the jock ran away quickly, he turned to Luke smiled and winked at him. Luke wondered what story he told him.

After lunch attending his next three class, he felt everyone was whispering about him as they looked at him. He, as usual, sat on his own. He met Mary outside the rec hall She was smiling at him she kissed him saying “Did you win the national boxing titles?”

Luke replied “Yes three times, how do you know?”

Mary smiled “It all around the uni, the jocks are scared of you now. Some idiot will try however, the boxing team has warned them if they touch you they will use them for their practice bags.”

They entered the pool area and went into a joint change area, Mary stripped off in front of Luke. He stared at her. She looked at him with one foot in her swimmers showing everything “What have you never seen a naked female before?”

“No.” Luke whispered.

Suddenly seeing Luke was embarrassed she held him. “Sorry, never, no sisters, mum, never?”

Luke lost what to do or say said “no” softly.

Mary pulled away. He stared and admired her nakedness “Well you helped me I will help you, come on change, I have my practice to do.” and put on her swimmers.

He changed whilst she watched him, ‘nice package’ she thought. Exiting the change room they placed their clothes in a joint locker. Mary put the band on her arm and they entered the pool together. Mary went off and did her laps.

Luke went over to the diving pool and did some amateur diving. On one dive four jocks jumped on top of him, realising what was happening Luke did take a deeper breath of air. As they jumped on top of him, he punched one of their legs just above the ankle. And he swam to the other side of the diving pool. Raising himself to the side he sat. Mary came running over. He pulled her down saying quietly “Watch.” A teacher saw the move and called the boys out looking for Luke. Three of the boys moving out of the pool stood the fourth stood, yelled and fell back into the pool. They pulled him out. The other three saw Luke on the other side sitting and glared at him. He smiled holding Mary hand. The coach help pull the fourth out realising his leg was broken. They stretchered him away. Luke went over to one of the other jocks and advised “Tell your head boy you broke the rule, he will now have three done.” He ran away to report.

Mary asked “What occurred?” Luke told her with a smile. Mary gave him a full body hug not caring who was watching. Luke fell into the pool with her to cover his embarrassment. Mary did feel it though and smiled. They showered and returned to the changing room.

Mary sat Luke down and removed her wet swimmers and handed Luke her towel. Speaking softly she asked “Dry me please. He held the towel and started to dry her from her neck down. He was nervous and it showed. Mary helped and he ended up feeling her boobs. He dried her tummy then she lifted her leg for him to dry he did most of it. She changed legs and just as he got to the top she held his hand and raised it between her legs. As he touched her vagina she shook with an orgasm. He tried to pull away, she pulled his hand closer to her, rubbing his hand along her slit and juicing his hand. After a minute she pulled his hand to her lips and licked some of the juice, she then presented him with some. He lick his hand and liked the taste. “My turn, Stand please.”

Luke was embarrassed to stand as he was hard. She pulled him up and removed his swimmers then held his hard on. She bent over and kissed it. Squatting down with legs open she swallowed his nine inch cock. He had no idea what to do so he stood there. He looked down at her head then her open legs. He shot his load. He pumped into her mouth whilst now holding onto the walls. Mary happy sucking his cum deep within herself. When he finished, Mary raised herself and kissed him deeply. Hugging him. Mary said “Tonight we shall have the honey pot.”

They separated and dressed. Walking out hand in hand they entered the cafe for dinner. Luke was astonished with Mary that he does not even remember what he eat. He just copied Mary in her dinner choice. They did not speak much at dinner.

When they were walking back to Mary’s bedsit, her 3 room mates asked her what occurred in the pool as it looks like the boys sports career could be finished after jumping on each other in the pool. Mary smiled at Luke. Mary dropped off her swim stuff saying “They were playing around jumping on people.” They walked back out holding hands. Mary continues “we need to find a quiet spot.”

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