A Femme Domme Tale - Cover

A Femme Domme Tale

Copyright © 2020 by melanieatplay and Pat Harvey (dba Left Side Signals)

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A young wife discovers her husband's submissive nature, and she takes control of their marriage through a series of adventures where she discovers herself and heightens their sexuality, going deeper and deeper into a sub-culture she'd never before considered. A story of ultimate love, along with the necessary sacrifice to achieve that heightened level. EXTREME SEXUALITY! REVISED/EDITED

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   BDSM   DomSub   FemaleDom   Light Bond   Rough   Spanking   Polygamy/Polyamory   White Male   White Female   Anal Sex   Analingus   Enema   Oral Sex   Pegging   Big Breasts  

“Do you ever think about me dominating you in the bedroom?”

I witnessed the shocked look in his eyes. “Why in the world are you bringing this up?”

It was all I could do to not burst out laughing.


Perhaps I should start from the beginning, two years ago. I have to admit, our marriage started very normal. Chris and I met during our senior year of college at UNLV. He was a political science major, and I studied computer science. Interestingly, we had never even taken a class together until the fall of our final year, and I couldn’t even remember seeing him around campus.

He still doesn’t believe this, but I knew we’d get married on our second date. Of course, being a man, it took him almost another year to reach the same obvious conclusion. For whatever reason, I just knew that we would wind up together.

My instant attraction to him was very atypical because my thought process was very analytical and methodical. I guess that’s why I like computers: Unlike people, numbers never lie, ones and zeros, binary code, the basis of all computer programming.

We had a good sex life. Not great, mind you, but good. Chris was a little smaller than some of the guys I had been with, but he was more than adequate and got the job done in the bedroom. We are both very open-minded, and we loved to role-play, which kept our sex life interesting.

Chris confessed to me a couple of times that he had a ‘Dominant Female’ fetish, and, at the time, it didn’t particularly interest me. In all honesty, I found it a little boring. I had never considered myself a take-charge person, and I didn’t have a dominant-type personality. He never pushed the issue, and we both seemed content to let it drop.

When it came to my priorities, sex just never topped the list. I wanted good grades, to have a great job, and to live the American Dream. Those were the important things in life to me.

During high school and three years of college, sex was easy enough to find when I wanted it. I’ve been told many times that I’m pretty, and even though I’m a little on the plump side, guys still seemed to like my body, and there was never a shortage of men who were willing to take care of me. I’d hook up, have fun, and leave the next morning. Pretty simple.

Until I met Chris, relationships were just an encumbrance. In my life plan, romantic entanglements would just hinder my goals, which was the last thing I wanted. Also, I never liked dealing with someone’s idiosyncratic issues or forcing them to deal with mine. However, when you’re twenty-two and see graduation and adulthood on the horizon, you realize it’s time to get serious and start thinking about the future. And I knew I didn’t want to be alone for the rest of my life.

Chris proposed to me the night before our graduation. Of course, I accepted.

I also suggested that we take a pre-marriage counseling course. Being the systematic and rational person I am, I thought it would be wise to see a therapist so we could work out some of the little issues in our relationship now so they wouldn’t become major problems.

Chris was a great guy with a level head, and I thought I could concentrate on my career while he took charge of our marriage. Of course, I wanted to give input when I thought it was required, but I was more than happy to let Chris handle the day-to-day issues. At the time, that idea seemed reasonable enough.

Upon graduation, my life went exactly according to plan. I had been interning for two summers at a large Strip casino in their massive IT department, and once I had my degree, they put me in charge of a small division. My career was taking off at an exponential rate, and it wasn’t long before we had saved enough money to move out of our shoe-box apartment and buy a house in the very exclusive neighborhood of Lake Las Vegas.

As my career flourished, Chris’s seemed to wither. He got a position on a state senator’s re-election campaign, which kept him busy for a few months. Unfortunately, he was again looking for work once the November election was over. He seemed to drift aimlessly from one consulting job to another and never seemed happy or fulfilled in his career.

His discontent with his job was the genesis of our marital difficulties. We seemed to have constant power struggles over very minute things, and it appeared to me that, at times, he would come home just looking to pick a fight over anything. Despite this, we had a good marriage and were best friends. Yet there was an underlying tension that I know both of us felt.

Our situation improved dramatically when Chris decided to go back to school for his Master’s Degree. He picked up a paid position as a teaching assistant under one of his old professors, and I saw a noticeable improvement in his demeanor and our marriage.

It was a transition period for Chris, and it was about that time when our marriage changed.

Our computer was running slowly, so I pulled up the history to delete it. Being in IT, I knew every facet of computers. On the other hand, Chris’s knowledge of computers ended with powering the machine on and off.

My jaw dropped open at my discovery.

To my utter shock, I learned that Chris had been visiting Femme Domme sites, and some of the material he was viewing was very graphic. Not only did I learn that he was looking at images, but he was also reading stories and testimonials of men whose wives and girlfriends were doing very graphic and almost disturbing things to their respective partners.

Do men really enjoy that?

I have to admit I felt very hurt and betrayed. My initial reaction was to confront him when he walked through the door. It upset me that he went online to fulfill what must be an obvious need instead of sharing it with me. Then I remembered our time in college. He had told me about this side of his sexuality, but I had disregarded it. At the very least, I hadn’t realized its significance.

Then, the analytical, or perhaps even the manipulative, part of my personality took over. I knew he had no idea that our browser tracked everything he did when he was online. I decided to hold my fire, as it were, and see how this developed.

I quickly discovered that it was a pain to check up on him. He only viewed Femme Domme sites when I wasn’t home, and rarely was I home alone to snoop. Fortunately, my problems were solvable with the stroke of the keyboard, so to speak. For a mere $29.99, I downloaded a spy program on our computer that automatically tracked his browsing and sent the results in real time to my phone. Now, no matter where I was, I knew exactly what he was looking at and when he was doing it.

To understand his obvious obsession, I started reading the articles that he was reading. Many websites contained links to other articles that provided even more material. And that’s when I made a rather extraordinary discovery: the FLM, or the female-led marriage. Espoused by a well-known feminist author, the FLM lifestyle had a whole society centered around women who took total control of their husbands. I read everything I could about these men who gave complete control to the women in their lives and the women who led them. I had to admit I was intrigued.

I also discovered that most articles and pictures he read and viewed centered on male chastity. I know this must sound incredibly naïve, but I was shocked to learn there were devices some of these women made their men wear that prevented them from touching themselves, becoming erect, or having orgasms!

Is this really what Chris wants?

In the following months, I was a voracious reader of my husband’s favorite subject. I spent hours researching stories and testimonials from women who had taken total control of their men and marriages. I viewed dozens of different male-chastity devices and read countless reviews from Domme women who had rated their effectiveness. I also read extensively on male anatomy, physiology, and psychology.

In keeping with my personality, it was a slow and methodical process. However, as time passed, my attitude changed from contempt and disgust at my initial discovery to arousal.

During my research, a particular website, FetLife, was referenced over and over by the BDSM community. I created a profile there and could read the numerous message boards and communicate with other women in the lifestyle. I was also able to answer my questions and give me advice.

After months of extensive and exhaustive research, I finally came to one simple conclusion: This lifestyle was very arousing to me, and if this was what Chris needed to be happy, then why shouldn’t I at least try to give it to him?

As I read about other couples and their active and imaginative sex lives, I came to another realization: Chris and I were in a sexual rut. At least, it felt like that to me. We made love several times a week, yet it felt like we were just going through the motions. When we had sex, there was no heat, no passion, no intensity. To be honest, our sex life was boring, just plain boring. I concluded that it was quite possible that one of us, or perhaps both of us, would reach a point where we’d question why we were together.

It was time to take action.

We had just finished our dinner this particular Friday night, and I poured Chris another glass of wine. Then I saw that he was about to go into the living room and watch the news.

“Hold on, Chris. Can we talk for a bit?” I said hesitantly.

“Sure, what’s going on?”

I took a deep breath. “Do you ever think about me dominating you in the bedroom?”

I witnessed the shocked, almost frightened look in his eyes.

“What ... why in the world are you bringing this up? Where did this come from?”

It was all I could do to not burst out laughing.

Because you’ve spent well over a hundred hours viewing Femme Domme material over a couple of months, I thought. I gave him a cold look.

“If you’re not interested in having an open, honest conversation with me, take your wine into the living room and watch TV.”

I saw him shrink in his chair and lower his eyes in embarrassment. “Yes, I think about it.”

I sipped my wine and waited for him to continue speaking.

“Since I was a teenager, I’ve fantasized about being controlled by a woman. I ... I ... tried to bring it up with you in college, but you didn’t seem that interested, so I just let it drop.”

I took a moment to reflect on his statement. “Is this just some pubescent teenage fantasy, or is it something you want, Chris?”

I paused momentarily, and it was as if I could see the wheels turning in his brain.

“It’s something I want and have dreamed about for as long as I can remember,” he said in a voice barely above a whisper.

He lowered his head, apparently ashamed. After several long moments, he looked up at me to gauge my reaction, his eyes searching, almost pleading.

“I’m willing to explore this with you, but I have some conditions,” I said.

He looked at me expectantly, with bated breath, and waited for me to continue. I tried to keep my voice calm even though I wanted him to know how serious I was.

“If we are going to do this, then it has to be real, not just some bedroom game.” I paused to let my words sink in. “I have to get something out of this lifestyle, too, because it can’t just be about you and your wants and desires.”

“I understand,” he said solemnly.

“For this to be fulfilling for me, we must take it out of the bedroom and live it.” His eyes widened as I continued. “For this to work for me, I would have to be the head of our marriage and require your total submission in all areas of our lives.”

His mouth dropped open. I smiled inwardly upon seeing the stunned look on his face.

Shit just got real, babe, didn’t it?

He attempted to speak, but his voice cracked, so he took a moment to compose himself. “W-w-where did this come from, Greta?”

I smiled. “You’ve been on many Femme Domme sites, and even though you didn’t know it, I’ve been viewing them with you.”

A shocked realization broke on his face, and I gave him a few moments to sink in this new information. I had originally planned on bringing up our passionless sex life, but I didn’t feel the need now because it was obvious that I had his full, complete attention.

“Your options are pretty simple. This can continue to be some jerk-off internet sex fantasy, or you can explore it in real life with me.”

I looked down at the table and watched as his hands trembled. Again, I could tell he was deep in thought. I didn’t want to pressure him. Yet I had momentum, and I didn’t want to lose it.

From my extensive research, I knew that Chris had to consent to entering this life with me. My plan wouldn’t work if he felt coerced into this monumental change I proposed in our marriage. I finally broke the silence.

“You seem very hesitant, and I don’t want to pressure you. What if I give you a week to think this over so you can decide if it’s something you really want.”

Our eyes met again. “No, Greta.” He paused to take a deep breath before continuing, “This is what I want, what I’ve always dreamed about, and I want to have this type of life, this type of marriage, with you.”

I smiled. “What specifically do you want to explore with me, Chris?”

I was already pretty sure I knew the answer to my question. However, it was important for him to give voice to his desires. Through my research, I learned that requiring a submissive to verbally express his wants made relinquishing control more real and substantive.

He looked down as if afraid to answer my question.

“Look at me, Chris,” I ordered.

He looked up sheepishly, and our eyes met.

“I want you to have control over my orgasms, and I want to experience male chastity,” he said in a voice barely above a whisper.

There we go.

“We are going to explore a lot of different areas of BDSM, Chris. Some of which I think you’ll like. However, there may be things I will require of you that you won’t like. Regardless, I want you to remember that you consented to give me complete control over you and our marriage.”

I paused again to let my words sink in.

Wordlessly, he nodded his head up and down.

“That’s not good enough, Chris ... say it!” I hissed.

He hesitated for a few moments. It was as if he was trying to reconcile his excitement of me taking control with his fear of the unknown. Then he took a deep breath.

“I agree to give you full control over every aspect of our marriage, Greta.”

I smiled. “Go to the bedroom, take off your clothes, get into bed, and wait for me.”

“Okay,” he said demurely.

“No,” I snapped. “From now on, you’ll address me as Ma’am.”

His hands were again visibly shaking, and I could see the excitement on his face.

“Yes, Ma’am,” he said softly.

“Now go!”

Quickly, he rose from the table and proceeded to our bedroom.

I have to admit, I was incredibly excited as well. I had been planning this evening for weeks in the hopes that Chris would agree to my ‘redefinition’ of our marriage. My first instinct was to rush into the next phase of my plan. Then I realized I was in control now and could make him wait on me for as long as I wished.

I sat at the table, sipped my wine, and mentally planned the entire evening down to every minute detail. It was a heady feeling.

I had never experienced this type of complete control and power over another human being. It was a different experience, and I quickly realized I loved it. I took a moment to revel in and savor this exquisite new sensation.

It also made me realize that something within me had changed. This evening represented a turning point in my relationship with Chris, and I knew I’d never again be able to return to our traditional marriage.

I finished my glass of wine and took the other full glass I had poured for Chris into one of our guest bedrooms. Once there, I took the outfit I had hidden from the back of the closet.

Two weeks earlier, I had purchased a black strapless leather corset. It had spiral steel boning that came up right below my breasts and left them exposed. I also purchased a pair of Stewart Weitzman black leather highland boots to go with the corset. They had a three-inch heel and rose to my upper thighs. To complete the outfit, I also bought a black Lycra G-string.

Once I’d put on the outfit, I stood and looked into the full-length mirror, and my jaw dropped. Amazingly, I had transformed myself into a dominatrix straight out of Chris’s Femme Domme websites.

My long, curly blonde hair cascaded over my exposed breasts and tickled my erect nipples. My eyes traveled down to the black leather corset that was holding in my pudgy middle. I weighed 160 pounds and wasn’t in that great shape. But the tight and toning bodice gave me a transforming, classic, hourglass appearance.

I was also amazed at how tall I looked. At 5’6”, I was a little taller than the average woman. However, the additional height from my three-inch heels made me feel like I would be towering over anyone near me.

Without realizing it, I was hyperventilating due to my almost uncontrollable excitement. I took a deep breath in an attempt to calm myself down. I looked again into the mirror and saw that my wet pussy had already soaked through the Lycra thong.

I thought of stalling to make Chris wait on me even longer. However, I knew that any further delay was torturing myself as much as it was probably torturing Chris. In one long gulp, I downed the glass of wine.

It’s time.

I stepped out of the bedroom and immediately heard the clicking of the high-heeled boots along the ceramic tile flooring of our hallway. I couldn’t help but feel like a mythical warrior princess who was marching into battle. A silly thought, I know, but that image seemed to capture the moment perfectly.

I opened the door to our bedroom and saw Chris sitting naked in the middle of our four-post king-size bed with his erect cock proudly on display. I watched his mouth drop open as he took me in. I loved how his eyes traveled up and down my body, drinking in every detail of my dominatrix outfit. My nipples were almost painfully erect, and the wetness of my pussy had created a large dark wet spot in the crotch of the Lycra thong. I couldn’t remember the last time I was so worked up.

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