Separation Saves a Marriage - Cover

Separation Saves a Marriage

by Tony Tiger

Copyright© 2020 by Tony Tiger

Erotica Sex Story: It was a circuitous way to improve a relationship but it worked.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Sharing   Slut Wife   Swinging   Pregnancy   .

Tina was devastated. Her husband suddenly announced that he didn’t want to be married anymore and left. She thought that the last five years had been ok, even if not exciting.

As the word got around at work, she discovered that the married women were not very sympathetic and the divorced ones too bitter to be of any help. Men started paying a lot more attention to her. She cynically thought they were just sniffing around for some available lonely pussy.

After two weeks of sleeping alone she was getting more than a bit that way so when one of the nicer single men invited her to dinner she accepted. He got a chaste kiss at the door. When he asked her out again and treated her like a princess, he got laid.

She was deep in thought later that night, fingering her pussy wet with the first “strange” cum since her college days. She hadn’t dated a lot before meeting her husband but had been intimately involved with another guy when they began going out. She remembered those few months fondly as the sexiest time of her life with two men vying for her time and pussy.

With the gate opened, a married co-worker got his dick drained on the first outing. She resisted a man at church, figuring that was not the place to get a reputation. Besides, two was enough for starters.

The marriage counselor recommended to her husband that he woo her as he had once done, asking her for dates to see if the spark could be rekindled. He resisted the idea but finally asked her out. It was tense and awkward at first. Finally, he admitted that he was lonely. He’d not made any “new friends”, as he obliquely put it. When he asked if she had, she revealed she’d gone on a few dates but nothing “serious”, reminding him that they were still married.

They set another date the following Saturday. Her single boyfriend had stopped over that afternoon and lust got the better of her. She chased him out with no time to straighten up the bed before her husband picked her up for dinner.

He wanted to go back to “their” house after the meal and she offered him some of his favorite whiskey while she poured a big glass of wine for herself. As they sat in the family room, she felt a little funny, thinking of another man’s sperm still swimming around inside her. With some alcohol in them both her husband got a bit bolder. “We always had good sex, I thought. Do you miss it? I do.”

What a dilemma! They had been good in bed, she recalled. Not wonderful but satisfying most of the time. Some good memories stirred her loins and she did feel an urge. An idea struck her. “Since we are still married I guess it would be alright and our counselor might approve. But I want you to go get some condoms.”

He gave her a funny look so she explained, “I don’t know what you have been doing since we split so it is for safety. That’s my condition; take it or leave it.” He stood up and she didn’t know what he’d decided as he walked out the door. He was back in fifteen minutes, time enough for her to wash her crotch and straighten up the bed. Thank goodness she’d put down a towel earlier.

He held out the package and she led him to their bed. They undressed and she took a condom out of the six-pack. They had rarely used them and he was all thumbs so she opened it and unrolled it over the erection she hadn’t seen for two months.

She smiled inside as he ate her and commented how sexy she tasted. “If he only knew, would he think that?” It was mostly lust, him from blue balls, and her thinking about earlier that day. Both did get satisfied though and told each other that.

He wanted to see her Friday evening but she said she had plans and also Saturday but he could come over for Sunday dinner. One of those nights, Saturday, was a date with her single man but Friday was to keep her husband guessing. She’d go somewhere in case he drove by to check.

She fucked her Saturday date all night and he left about noon, plenty of time for cleaning up body and bedroom. The spouses had a nice home-cooked Sunday dinner and, as he helped clean off the table, he came up behind her and kissed her neck as his hand came around to cup her breast. It did feel good so she turned and kissed him, thinking about sucking her friends cock that morning. The thrill of it turned her on in spite of all the sex of the past eighteen hours. She walked to the bedroom with her husband close behind. She let him undress her as her lover had done on that very spot yesterday. It was so hot and wicked!

She handed her husband the condom package. She’d removed two and hid them as part of her teasing. It was obvious he noticed. He looked at her and couldn’t hold his thoughts back. “I drove by early this morning and there was a car in the driveway. Did you have company last night?”

Her nipples hardened up and she noticed his cock was nearly erect. She stared directly at him, “I don’t have to account for my time. Do I ask you what you do? Do you want to fuck or have a quizzing match?”

She knelt down and gave his mushroom head a quick suck before rolling the condom on. He fucked her so furiously that it broke and she felt his sperm join her lover’s. No comment by either of them.

After a snooze, she propped herself up and said, “Since you seem to like questions, I’ve got a few about us. Are you OK with that?” He nodded and reached out to fondle a hanging tit.

“First, if I did have a date overnight, how would you feel about it?”

He had to ponder how to reply, then, “We are still married so I wouldn’t be too happy.”

She pushed, “So you don’t want me to enjoy myself when you aren’t here to provide it? You are the one who left, after all.”

“Um, that’s a good point. I guess you have to make your own decisions.”

That was dodging the issue, she noted, so, “If I’d been laid in this bed last night or this morning, would you still have wanted to fuck me now??

“I’m not sure how I would react to that.”

She grinned, “You never had any qualms when we were dating and you knew that another guy was also getting in my pants. There were two times I remember that you both had me less than an hour apart and I thought you could tell.”

He gazed into the distance, “You’re right, I could and it was pretty hot but we weren’t serious then.”

“So what are we now, Mr. ‘who-doesn’t-want-to-be married’? As far as I am concerned, paperwork aside, I’m a free agent and I’ll fuck who and when I want. If you want to win me back you are going to have to work at it like back then.”

He countered with, “What if I don’t?”

“Then you can be just another fuck-buddy like the one that was in this bed this morning. I wouldn’t kick you out since you know my body so well.”

That news caused a growl issue from him like she’d never heard before and he pinned her to the bed, She struggled a bit, not too seriously, as he rammed his rod all the way with one push, then began humping ferociously. She bucked her hips back and moaned, interspersed with “Fuck! Harder! Deeper!” until he gave a big groan and collapsed on top of her.

His ear was near her head as she murmured, “Damn! That was great. Best fuck I’ve had today! He grunted something she couldn’t understand and his cock twitched inside her.

They showered and she said he had to leave. She was expecting company soon. He looked at her quizzically but she kept a straight face through her teasing lie.

She laid in bed reflecting on the day and trying to figure what was in her husband’s head, the big one. She’d gotten the measure of the little one. Getting back together had appeal to her but she was enjoying her outside sex life too. Could she have both? It might make her sexier and more interesting to her husband, based on his reaction this afternoon. It would take more circumstances and tests to see exactly how he might feel over a longer term.

The counselor was pleased that they were seeing each other regularly and asked each of them their feelings privately. Those would only be shared in a joint session.

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