Ecstasy Upon the Seventh Scaffold - Cover

Ecstasy Upon the Seventh Scaffold

by Midsummerman

Copyright© 2020 by Midsummerman

BDSM Sex Story: Ursula would be queen. One last male remains in her way - the gallows beckon. A gratuitous tale of execution, inspired by my love, of both hangings, and the rightful triumph of dominant femininity over masculinity. Treated to the lusty control of womanhood from an early age, the heir to a kingdom is deservedly usurped by a ruthless woman. Betrayed to her by the earlier controlling woman, who's seen to it that his destiny would always be to entertain the sadism of dominant femininity.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Slavery   Heterosexual   High Fantasy   BDSM   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Sadistic   Snuff   Torture   Masturbation   .

Ursula’s cunt tingled wildly, her clitoris poking its beak-like protrusion hard against the rub of her fingers, as she savoured the delightful magnitude of what her dominance was to reward him with, and her anticipation of his reaction to absolute defeat when he faced what he’d earned. In a spiteful tease to deceive him initially, the cart had set out on a route in the opposite direction to that which it now headed, but now, having taken a circular route, the cruel pleasure of his mistress became more and more apparent as they approached the long valley he knew as the Hanging Meadows.

His cock boned rigid as Ursula held his head back so that he may savour the view, as the cart rattled up the track between the trees to an open field where a tumult of excited females parted to allow its entry, and a stout gallows came into view, the noose glimmering in the bright sunlight. His buxom Mistress and the women accompanying her on the cart grinned with satisfaction as they viewed the horror on his face whilst he gasped in disbelief, now knowing this was to be the final view of the land he was once to inherit, and at the delight of the horde of women who relished seeing a male who was doomed to accomodate the gallows. The pleasure of that feminine crowd was tangible, they knowing that the woman who held his head high to face them before going to his death, had dominated and defeated him, and would usurp him on his death, having disposed of all related to him. The spiteful culmination of her sordid activities, was to be pleasurable indeed.

Kneeling upon the raised board to display him with the utmost humiliation, the waiting women jeered and taunted the hapless male, naked but for the short leather jerkin and gag, arms bound behind him, his cock stiff and poking erect in submissive defeat in anticipating the final and ultimate pleasure of his Mistress. He was to be the seventh to hang that day, the last male amongst the company of six, common criminals, a philanderer, and two perverts. The small crowd that had gathered at the seventh gallows had come specifically to enjoy his execution high on the rope, but they’d be joined by others who’d seen six males pleasured by the rope that day already.

As the cart trundled up to the foot of the mound upon which stood the gallows, the horde of pleased women surged forward in their delirious haste to get a closer look at the male, to feel his fear and study the erect cock which revealed the torment of his perversion; he could not hide his inner excitement at being snuffed so humiliatingly before women, by a woman whose sadistic spite had seen him spend in submissive ecstasy many times. His eyes were diverted from the place of his own execution as a distant but raucous roar of appreciation came from further down the field; his cock bobbed as he saw the silhouette of a male on another gallows, wriggle and jerk on the rope as the women voiced their pleasure, and beyond that five more sturdy sites of execution fading into the distance. All displayed the bodies of males in their final ecstasy, hanging spent on having paid the ultimate price for their weakness before dominant womanhood.

Ursula’s spiteful satisfaction was supreme as she taunted the male before the exhilarated female horde who studied the male’s last moments of life as he knelt in bondage under the shadow of the gallows.

‘Welcome to Seven Gallows Meadow my pet. You’re the final exhibit to be displayed for our pleasure today, and know that your death is necessary in my achieving succession ... but know that it gives me pleasure anyhow.” Her smugness was cheered by the women wholeheartedly, having known the oppression of masculinity for too long; though this individual had been blessed with the weakness that allowed Ursula to enjoy his breaking, his stiff cock represented all that was evil in their eyes, and they relished his hanging.

One of he women aboard the cart, stepped forward with the whip he’d come to know so well, handing it to Ursula, who posed regally with it trailing from the cart, giving a nod to the black hooded Execution Mistress, to let her know the final satisfying step of his journey to death, was about to occur. She lifted his tied wrists, having him bow automatically to her, his anus clenching at the plug as he took in the plump figure of the woman who was to hang him. Ursula taunted him once more, the lingering moments before his death to be savoured for as long as possible, fuelling her cruel enjoyment ... and allowing as many women as possible to attend from the other hangings, and witness her triumph over him.

“I’ve so enjoyed seeing you reduced satisfactorily, and having had word that all your Kith and kin have now been successfully disposed of, the pleasure I’ve yearned for since the day I first had you begging at my feet, is now here ... you’ll surrender your seed and your life for me within the hour...” Her broad grin accompanied her gaze across the meadow, the mass of excited womanhood now moving on to the seventh gallows, appetised deliciously by the prior six hangings, the sixth male to be made an example of, now hanging limp, high up on the rope in displaying the efficient strangulation of the noose. The advance of the leering mass of spitefully enthusiastic femininity, exciting her further.

“ ... and you’ll have the attention of the entire crowd.’

The women applauded as the bewildered male had his hands untied temporarily, so’s he be led on all fours up to the noose by his Mistress, and allowed to enjoy the shame of displaying his ringed balls and broad anal plug to all those close by. Their sheer enjoyment in witnessing his humiliation before death was made clear by the raucous volume of their jeering, as he was pulled from the cart by eager helpers, then whipped smartly to ensure his haste to the gallows, across the last bit of greenery he’d ever touch. His cock pulsed rigid and dribbled a thread of pre-cum on savouring his dilemma, and came close to losing his seed on viewing the majesty of his Mistress’s generous arse before him, as she ascended the steps to the platform from which he’d hang for her.

The women scoffed with contempt on seeing him sniff at Ursula’s broad backside, in the shadow of the inviting noose before her, he knowing he’d never enjoy the delights of being enveloped by her sumptuous flesh ever again. His cock continued to dribble pre-cum, he now immersed in a teasingly submissive euphoria; he was to be hanged for the pleasure of the woman who had broken his spirit completely, witnessed by a massed crowd of women whose eagerness to see him writhe on the rope was expressed universally. Ursula’s proud and pompous progression in leading her condemned slave to be bound and noosed, broken only by her delight in taunting him as he was knelt before the hooded executrix.

‘I know you thought spending before the women’s council as you were broken on the wheel was your ultimate pleasure, your mess was plentiful enough, but you’ll give twice as much as you hang - it’ll be your last, and your humiliation will be total as the women witness your pleasure at succumbing to the rope.’ His cock wagged erect to betray the lust for submission he couldn’t hide; the cruel revelation and spite of the woman making him eager to suffer for her, the sheer ecstasy of the horde of women so keen to see him join the other males who hung spent and satisfied. As he looked down at the crowd, knowing he was about to be displayed for their pleasure, the sense of hopelessness only excited his masochism, having those women laugh and sneer with righteous contempt on sensing his only partly suppressed eagerness to join the other six, high under the stout beams which mirrored each other into the distance.

Each hard step had registered on his knees as he was led on the slow ascent to the high platform, accompanied by the sharp whip to see him presented to the execution Mistress. Her sneering grin below the black hood showed him she’d ensure the slow and humiliating journey to his death would be savoured by him and all those who witnessed his being displayed. It was also her pleasure to have every male appointed to her gallows know the taste of the whip upon the platform prior to her supervising the noosing, and Ursula’s male would be no exception, his growing enthusiasm to know the lusty strangulation, warranting a thorough thrashing before he was allowed to disgrace himself below her beam. She’d take the utmost care to have the noose placed just so - making sure that death did not come too swiftly and having both victim and audience enjoy the longest possible pleasures the rope could offer, before it exacted its primary and permanent purpose. The plump and saggy breasted executrix never tired of preparing males, and she had noosed many, and not just those at the behest of feminine authority. Her cunt bulged, hit and moist in her tight leather leggings, as covertly, she glanced down through the wider gaps in the boarding, to see her pet of the moment knelt bound and naked below the platform.

Down in the gloomy shade of the ominous structure, unseen by the crowd of delirious women, whose rapture had him longing to masturbate, he’d been placed there by his stern Mistress before the crowd arrived. Whipped and beaten into total submission as per prior pets who’d then enjoyed her sadistic penchant for execution, he’d been promised the noose she treasured would be worn by him when she was satisfied he’d earned it. The only other male there, he looked up through the gaps in the woodwork, his cock rigid as he awaited the crash of the trap door, lusting to be led up those steps by his Mistress to know her ultimate pleasure, and knowing that not only would that pleasure come one day, his denied lust to masturbate would be fulfilled by her later, when she discussed the graphic pleasures of today’s hanging with him.

The hooded woman sneered at the bound pet, wriggling in a futile lust to masturbate there and then, before returning her gaze to the pleasures to be had immediately, her own urge to masturbate peaking, as she enjoyed the enthusiastic ridiculing of the male she’d shortly hang. He’d succumbed to the sexual pleasures of being dominated by femininity, and would so deservedly pay the full price for his weakness upon her gallows, bringing tart satisfaction to every woman witnessing it.

On reaching the lofty platform, Ursula’s male was then paraded in a circuit around it by the proud dominant, to allow all of the women so impatient to see him hang have a good view of him, and for he to take in the elevated vista. He cowered in a masochistic aura, his anus tingling wildly at the lush submission he felt toward the powerful Ursula, her pleasure in informing him that every cousin, however distant, had been dealt with accordingly and left him as the only obstacle between her and wealth, had him longing to beg to lick her pucker in honour of it. The gag he wore prevented any hope of that, or any chance of begging for the mercy which would never be forthcoming, nor did he want anything other than to die for her.

He could see the massed faces which showed unanimous pleasure at just that prospect, his prolonged strangulation whilst he struggled on display, their utmost desire. They were pleased to note his cock boning hard with the carnal delight of his own submission, poking down from the balls which showed the tight ring of ownership as he was paraded on all fours; his cock pulsing rigid as he took in the six other gallows from on high, noting the surge of the crowd of women from the penultimate victim’s display. The six other males now left to hang lifeless having each provided their final exhibition to please the women, the entire massed crowd would now enjoy the spectacle he would provide. Ursula’s haughty smile, indicated to the eager crowd that she was now satisfied with his initial display, leading the male to a central point before the noose and having him kneel to face it.

‘You’ll now know a final taste of my whip, to complete your defeat at my hands and ready you to enjoy the noose, though I know you already relish hanging for me ... you’ll spend wonderfully on the rope after I’ve imposed my authority over you for the benefit of our audience.’ The male was in no doubt of that as he stared up at the noose while two of Ursula’s assistants removed his leather jerkin to allow more flesh to be exposed to the kiss of her whip, his eyes wandering from the rope to the massed cruel grins of those women, each and every one in his view over the parapet, and then to Ursula as she strutted and posed with the whip. The magnificent female had punished and dominated him into total submission, breaking his spirit completely and conditioning him to crave her sadism ... she now showed that sadism in its extreme, as he cowered in defeat upon the gallows she’d seen him to. He now yearned to know the grip of the rope, hanged by her and his utter defeat at her hands displayed on high for all to witness.

His cock pulsed and dribbled pre-cum freely as Ursula loosened up the whip with a few cracks to the air, just her dominant pose in victory, so genuine as she enjoyed the lusty eroticism of the moment, having many of the women in the watching crowd lick their lips as the enthusiasm built. She alway achieved a superb arousal when whipping males, whipping a male in public enhanced the buzz at her cunt no end ... and whipping a male upon the gallows before she saw him hanged would take her close to orgasm. He could sense her pleasure as the sound of the whip teased his ears ... and his erection bolted to a rigid salute to her cruel authority, in knowing he’d not fail to appease her sadism unde the whip, with the promise of the noose to come.

She wore a broad and cruel sneer as she raised her arm and swept the whip back, then the whole of her body shimmered as she sent the whip to his flesh, her thighs and buttocks rippling, and he let out a muffled cry through the gag as the lash wrapped about his buttocks ... as much with masochistic pleasure as with the biting pain which surged through his cut flesh. Her cunt began tingling with pleasure instantly, while the crowd applauded his misery on seeing the whip leave its mark, her complete power over him expressed in the pleasure of her sadism, so potently felt atop the gallows where he’d know the ultimate price of his submission to her, and each repeated stroke of the leather braided whip emphasised her utter pleasure in confirming it ... Quivering and squirming in obedience to the pain he so earnestly deserved, he knew the rank pleasure of further humiliation and shame was to come, as Ursula allowed herself a pause to catch her breath, he to savour the pain, and the crowd of women to enjoy his distress as his eyes welled from his gagged face, as he wallowed in self pity below the shadow of the noose he’d not escape. Many of the women sighed with ecstatic pleasure at the magnificent symbolism of sheer feminine power, the utter dominance of womanhood demonstrated by the shapely Ursula’s prowess with the whip, in control, authority, the dominant sex, whilst the symbol of masculinity squirmed in defeat below her whip, ready to beg the gallows, put in his rightful place at her feet, his face about to show the shame of complete surrender to her.

The spiteful fervour of the feminine crowd had him wanting to spend his seed in honour of the shame they sought from him, as Ursula drew back the whip she’d now show no leniency with, the crowd baying with delight as he was quickly reduced to tears, on three more biting lashes being applied with haughty pleasure by Ursula, basking in the victory of her dominance over him. Holding the whip aloft and pulling his head back so a larger portion of the crowd might witness her glorious triumph in his tears, her cunt was wet with an arousal she was never likely to match after that day, on savouring the consequences of the pleasured applications of her whip ... but her sadism was not quite sated, nor would it be ... till she saw him give up his seed and quiver on the rope.

‘Oh yes, each lash takes you closer to the noose you savour! You’ll know its full pleasure when I’m satisfied you’ve earned it.’ His bleary eyes took in the spite of the massed female onlookers as he wept like a child, seeing the abject pleasure in each and every face at his humiliation as he snivelled ... beaten by a woman, defeated by a woman ... about to be hanged by a woman. The lust in their eyes which more than clearly illustrated their sexual arousal and concurrence with just such thoughts, kept his cock rigid, as so many of those eyes focused on that rude erection with a delighted contempt. His standing member shaming him, with betraying the knowledge that the pleasure of his defeat was mutual, giving the women an intense delight.

His aching cock perked all the more, his balls and anus tingling wildly, as Ursula’s spite had her turn his weeping face to view the line of the six other symbols of feminine ascent to power, the six males having already enjoyed the delight of feminine appeasement by sending their seed down to the boarding, hanging limp in defeat as they stretched away into the distance. He bucked his cock high on being drawn up to his knees on the leash by one of Ursula’s assistants, smiling in gratitude at having the chance to show her control over him so shortly before he hanged, his lusty submission peaking as he watched the other corpses dangle having known the ecstasy of the rope, and yearned to feel the lash again in his haste to join them. Ursula felt him tense in submissive urgency, as she took the leash herself, sneering with dominant pride, her cunt bulging in her eagerness to oblige him further with the whip, her slot wet with arousal at his torment, as she flicked the whip with her other hand.

“Oh yes! There’s more for you before you hang for me, I want every woman here to fully appreciate beyond any doubt, just how thoroughly you’ve been broken by me!’ The women were already more than aware of it, and the exasperation in her tone, emphasised that she needed any excuse just to thrash him further, and as those six spent males pointed their line toward the rope he’d earned too, he crouched in submission with the flesh of his buttocks high, inviting the cut of her whip as she released the leash, and incurred her utter contempt, ensuring his final whipping before death would be severe indeed.

The delighted fervour of the crowd increased as he cowered before the noose and duly received his just and deserved reward for being the cur he was. The Executrix openly rubbing her budding clitoris through the leather camel-toe so prominent at her crotch, her noosing of him couldn’t come soon enough, as she and those women fortunate to have a view of his rear, took full advantage of stimulating masturbation at the sight. She and they were treated to the sight of his balls hanging, the tokens of his masculinity exposed, and perhaps inviting castration by the whip, his anus, open to the air, but teased by the stretch of the broad anal plug, the brown ring of his pucker which graced its rim, clenching and dilating in his submissive lust to know that whip.

Some women came, moaning into satisfying orgasms at the sight, others baying like harlots in requesting to see him whipped, the sounds having him like his anus higher. Ursula could hold her spite no longer, curling the leather lash down hard to his flesh. relishing the adoration of her feminine audience on the administration of each spiteful stroke, as he was shown the power of womanhood and knew the lush sadism of that superiority. As he writhed and wept in showing the feminine crowd his submission to her whip, they saw his true colours, and were smugly content in knowing that he could never have hoped to be her permanent slave ... never mind ruling over the land he’d cede to her, when his obvious eagerness to know the rope was indulged.

With her cunt fit to burst into spontaneous orgasm, she let the whip drop and nodded with a panting smile to the Executrix, her pleasure in dealing with the cur would now begin, the crowd applauding her approach, the snivelling wretch’s appointment with the rope now imminent, a leather hood in her hand, her smile of spiteful contentment so apparent on her face. Taking the leash, and hoisting his head high in triumph, she took full advantage of her sexual excitement, venting her contempt upon the pathetic cur ... the quivering male having his mind taken swiftly from the pulsing pain of his glowering weals as the sneering Executrix slapped his face hard, several times, his cock wagging erect with the pleasure of being humiliated further, as the crowd of women voiced their raucous approval of the spiteful act.

“There! Now you’ve felt the hand of the woman who’ll hang you ... and God knows I’ve seen just how much you warrant every last moment of the slow and lingering death I’ll award you!” Her vicious slaps and the promise of the pleasure he’d award them, were greatly appreciated with uniform spite from the feminine onlookers, none less so than the wickedly smiling eyes of one grey haired woman that caught his, after the first punishing slap, and conveyed the pleasure of each impact, her attention giving his cock and extra special tingle as he was chastised.

This was his former Nanny, a woman who’d taken great pleasure in slapping the noble prince habitually herself, had shown him the cane at her whim, and had masturbated him as soon as his owned balls granted her that pleasure of seeing him spend ... and had ensured that he was set on the unbending route to domination by womanhood, and the gallows she’d now take such smug pleasure in seeing him adorn. The sincere pleasure in her eyes, and seeing her there, alerted his memory to the day that Ursula had taken command of him. He’d not known how she’d found him, so covert was his existence at that time, but now her smile confirmed the realisation that she had led Ursula to him ... her reward, the only thing she’d have asked, would have been to have the pleasure of seeing him hang, and the cock she’d milked so often when in her hands, pulsed lustily in knowing she’d have that pleasure.

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