A Change in Course - Cover

A Change in Course

by L1ghtsDawn

Copyright© 2020 by L1ghtsDawn

Erotica Sex Story: Gabriel had a fetish for stinky feet, and even worse, for his own mother's feet, for a long time. Unbeknownst to Gabriel, she is aware of that. One day, his mother decides to give him exactly what he wants, and even more... without giving him a say in the manner. This story contains mother / son incest, non-consensual sexual content, as well as a very intense focus on smelly, stinky feet. You have been warned.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   FemaleDom   Masturbation   Foot Fetish   .

Gabriel approached the front door of his home and tried to open it like that out of habit, only to find it locked. He chuckled to himself as he got his keys out to unlock it; normally at this time of a Friday, his mother would already be home, but it was of course silly to assume that she had no other things to do.

With a heavy sigh, Gabriel entered and wandered into the living room, stretching his arms. Work had really worn him out this week, especially today. He had gotten this job a few months ago and while he enjoyed it well enough, it sure could be stressful sometimes.

Gabriel walked to the couch and sat down. The heat today – the sun was now setting, but it was still very warm – probably added to his exhaustion and he felt thirsty as well. Right at the moment, however, he just needed to sit down for a bit. He thought about starting up the laptop and browsing for apartments to rent again. A smile came on his face at that moment...

Where Gabriel was staying and living right now was actually his mother’s house, where he had also lived for most of his life. After finishing school, it had unfortunately taken him quite some time to find a job and he and his mother had agreed that he would move out once he finally got one.

It was not even like his mother had been pushy about that idea; it had come from Gabriel himself. He wanted to be free; and what better way to start that than moving into your own place?

However, after beginning work and finding out that handling his own finances - after not caring at all about that for most of his life - wasn’t as easy as he thought after all, Gabriel had sheepishly asked his mother to give him some more time. A request which she happily granted, promising him that he could take all the time he needed.

There was in fact another reason – the true one – why Gabriel wanted to move away from his mother. It was not that he disliked or hated her in any way – much the opposite was the case – it was more complex than that, much more complex.

At this moment, Gabriel perked up when he heard a key being shoved into the keyhole and unsuccessfully trying to unlock the already unlocked door, before said door was then opened and in walked his mother.

“Oh! You’re home already, sweetie,” she said, coming into the living room.

He turned his head to look at her with a small smile. “I just got home, too. Directly from work.”

Gabriel’s mother, Miriam, was a truly impressive woman in many ways. Standing a good head higher than him – with Gabriel being of average height – she was not just very tall, but also remarkably beautiful. Despite being in her early forties, strangers often guessed her to be in her late twenties at worst. She had long, reddish-auburn hair and a fairly light skin tone, with distant traces of freckles in her well-shaped face.

Miriam smiled lovingly at Gabriel, walked up to him and put one hand on his shoulder, kissing him on the forehead.

“Mom, come on, stop-” As Gabriel was protesting, he caught a whiff of his mother’s scent, making him gasp.

It smelled faintly of perfume that had worn off mostly and failed to mask the musky, sweaty aroma of a hard-working woman. It was the unique and unmistakable personal smell of Miriam, only today, it was much stronger than usual.

This made Gabriel highly uncomfortable and it did not help that he had to dodge his mother’s truly massive breasts that were bulging beneath her blouse.

Miriam made a sound that was somewhere between a hum and a short laugh as she withdrew. “Same here. Work was really exhausting today.”

Gabriel nodded and made a sour face. “Yeah, I can relate. Did they make you work overtime?”

“No, no; I’m a bit late because I missed my tram and then decided to just walk here.”

“What? You walked all the way, out in this heat?”

That would mean ... No, oh no! Gabriel desperately tried not to let his thoughts drift into a certain direction. His best kept secret was on the line here!

“Yes, to be fair, I needed something like that, it clears up my mind, but it was quite the workout...” Miriam said and Gabriel could not help but look her up and down a bit.

His pulse quickened and his heart raced as he realized that Miriam did indeed look like she had just hit the gym; her hair was moist and sticking to her skin a bit, her face was slightly reddened and glistening with sweat and there were some unsavory, dark spots on her clothes. It was becoming harder and harder for Gabriel to keep control.

“ ... especially in those shoes,” Miriam finished and Gabriel looked down at his mother’s feet.

His eyes bulged and he silently cursed himself; he was done for now. Miriam was wearing a pair of shoes that she often wore for work, they were shiny, black dress shoes. They looked like leather, but it was in fact only fake leather; synthetic. These shoes made his mother’s feet sweat like crazy.

Gabriel could not help thinking about and imagining how his mother’s feet would be right now and this was his doom; slowly, but surely, he was getting an erection.

This was the side of him that Gabriel had to keep secret from everyone – especially his mother, of course – at all costs, it was what he considered to be his darkest, most shameful side.

Gabriel had found out that he had a thing for feet many years ago and while he felt a little bit unsure about that still, he had done his research about it and found out that this was a relatively common occurrence with people. Of course, he was still very careful how he handled this, he would not just tell anyone about this – again, certainly not his mother – but he could imagine perhaps sharing it with his wife for example, should he ever have one.

No, the truly problematic aspect regarding this was about his mother specifically. Miriam had always had naturally strongly sweating feet and the weird thing about her smell was, Gabriel had never really hated it. This was true for the scent in general, but the smell of her feet in particular. For a long time, he remembered liking it even, not in a sexual manner, but just like a pleasant aroma; just like the scent of incoming rain in spring, it gave him peace and comfort and in a strange manner, he enjoyed getting to smell it.

It had happened some months ago; on one evening, when Miriam’s feet had been particularly ripe – which happened often enough – and Gabriel had accidentally gotten a close whiff of them. The scent of his mother’s feet, which he had always more or less enjoyed, had been so sharp and pungent, so strong, that it had hit him like a punch to the face. After that evening, Gabriel’s mind had been thrown into total disarray and he could not shake the memory of smelling his mother’s feet in that particularly stinky state out of his head ever since.

Gabriel snapped back to the present time when he heard Miriam speak. “I’m grabbing a drink, do you want something?”

“Yes, yes, sure,” Gabriel said, blinking a few times and thinking slowly as Miriam walked out of his field of vision and into the kitchen. “Do we have some ice tea left?”

This was good. Gabriel would just wait a little bit for his partly-erect penis to calm down again and then he would go upstairs to relief some pressure. He did want to actually wait for his drink first and then see if Miriam would go somewhere else on her own. Otherwise, he’d just take his glass with him and excuse himself.

Gabriel yawned and stretched his arms. There was that little devil in his mind who urged him to think into a certain, forbidden direction, but Gabriel managed to resist, staring unrelentingly at the TV in front of him. One that was still turned off and black.

With a small laugh, Gabriel searched around the couch for the remote. At this moment, Miriam came back and he heard the clinging of the glasses as she put them on the little table in front of the couch. However, he also heard a very distinctive something else.


Gabriel’s heart skipped a beat as he looked down to the ground and sure enough, one of his mother’s big feet was just descending and about to land.


Gabriel shuddered, closing his eyes and trying hard to think about something, anything other than his mother’s heated, moist feet, oozing with sweat in those hot, stuffy shoes of hers. For them to create such an audible noise, even through her shoes, they must be absolutely marinating in pure footsweat in there!

It was no use trying to tame his thoughts at this point. With each of his heartbeats, Gabriel’s cock throbbed bigger and bigger and he hurriedly covered his crotch with one arm, giving his perverted boner something to fight against and hopefully concealing it from view. Spying some magazine that had been discarded onto the couch at some point, Gabriel snatched that as well for additional cover.

Miriam sighed and let herself fall down onto the couch as well, shaking up the whole thing. She took her glass of ice tea, took a sip and then turned to Gabriel with a smile.

“Here’s your tea, honey.”

“Ahhhh, ah, yeah!” Gabriel looked up from the magazine which he had now masterfully planted over his lap, his last line of defense. “Thanks, mom!”

He reached for his ice tea, drinking a bit of it. Gabriel thought that it had a bit of a strange, bitter taste to it; perhaps the pack had been opened for a few days already. Since he was very thirsty though, Gabriel took a big swig, drinking about one third of the glass in one go and then placed it back onto the table with a hearty sigh.

“Hmmm, that was good. My throat had been parched,” Gabriel said, to which Miriam giggled briefly for some reason.

“Yes, it has been and still is really warm today.” Miriam looked at the magazine on Gabriel and smirked. “What are you reading there?”

“Uhhhhm ... Well, I’m not really into this,” Gabriel said truthfully enough. “I’m just sitting back for a moment, to catch my breath and cool down, you know. I have some project I’m working on on my PC, so I’ll probably go do that later.”

The real project he planned to work on was jacking off furiously to the thought of his mother’s feet, but naturally, Gabriel would not say that. He just wanted to announce early on that he’d take the first opportunity to leave.

Gabriel knew that it would be better for him not to think about his mom’s feet or footwear right now, but his mind was already running astray, like a free-spirited horse that had jumped over the fence of its enclosure, and Gabriel was just as likely to force his perverted thoughts back as he was to catching an actual, galloping horse.

After the first incident, Gabriel’s mind had been very confused, conflicted. Much to his shame and horror, there was no denying that he had been sexually aroused by the smell of his own mother’s feet! Thus, he had tried to avoid them to the best of his abilities for a while.

It had been of little use. Living together with Miriam, whose feet regularly stank up rooms so badly that the smell would linger for hours if no windows were opened, made avoiding that smell literally impossible. He would have had to constantly hold his breath or get a gas mask and how would that have looked? Gabriel had tried to ignore it, then, to just force his mind to go into another direction.

However, his subconsciousness had betrayed him cruelly. More and more often, his mind accidentally thought of his mother’s feet, her worn shoes, her sweaty, dirty socks – that foul, sweaty stench that always carried a similar characteristic – just when he was about to climax during his masturbating sessions. After a while, his mom and her feet had started seeping into his dreams at night, giving him wet ones sometimes if he had just opted not to masturbate before going to bed.

It had near driven Gabriel insane. The more he tried to avoid it, to fight it, to resist giving into the perverse love of his mother’s smelly, stinky feet ... The more he found himself wanting them, craving them, needing to feel their wicked, naughty aroma going up his nose.

It was then when Gabriel had committed his first grave sin. Up to this point, even though he had been ashamed and confused about himself, he had not truly felt guilty yet. It was as if some higher force was at play there; he had not actively decided to enjoy that sort of thing, he had not actually done something. It had not been his fault!

That had changed one evening, when his mother came home – wearing the same black dress shoes she wore on most days to work – and disappeared into she shower right away. Gabriel had stood there, over her well-worn, stinky shoes, imagining clouds of pure smell rising up from them. That smell had been so strong that it made his knees buckle, just from standing up straight close to those shoes. He had wanted to – desperately so – control himself, but finally, he had given in.

Taking his mother’s shoe with shaking fingers, finding the material still being very warm, Gabriel had stuck his face inside and drawn a deep breath. The pure, overwhelming stench of months worth of his mother’s footsweat had blasted over him and completely fried his brain in an instant! It had been a thick and murky, musky stench, smelling of rich, ripe cheese, with a very powerful, almost painful sharp bite to it. It was so strong that it felt like his lungs were being set on fire.

In fact, the stench of his mother’s shoe had been so powerful, that it had been too much for Gabriel to handle. He had flinched back breathlessly, coughing and hacking, dropping the shoe. His dick had been on full mast. The overwhelmingly powerful reek of his mom’s feet had been stronger than himself, they had defeated him in some way, but upon realizing that, that only turned him on even more.

Gabriel had stuck his nose back inside hurriedly, imagining his mother standing behind him and forcing him to do it, leaving him no other option. He had sniffed the rich, noxious stench again and again, huffing deeper and deeper, taking in the unmistakable, personal scent of his mother’s pheromones together with the typical reek of stinky feet. At this point, Gabriel had slumped down on the ground, fighting off his pants with one shivering hand.

He had both sniffed the stinky shoe and beaten off like an absolute madman, like a beast with no human sense at all, drowning in the mind-numbing stench of his mother’s sweaty feet and in pure pleasure. Within seconds, Gabriel had reached his climax, he had nutted harder and more intensely than ever before in his life.

When he had come back to his senses, he saw with dread and great shame the product of his indecency, splattered not just over his pants, but the floor as well. With quivering limbs, Gabriel had then managed to clean everything up hastily and disappeared in his room just as the sounds of the shower stopped.

At that point, he had told himself that it had happened only once, just one time and that he would never do it again. He told himself this lie every time he did it again. Just once more ... When Gabriel had stuffed his face in the crusty, thick gym socks of his mother after stealing them out of the dirty clothes box. After he had tried out all of her shoes which she had left standing around. After licking the insides of her sandals, after sucking on her worn pantyhose, after fantasying over her bare feet over and over again...

Gabriel had been completely and entirely lost then, addicted and craving the nasty, naughty smell of his mom’s sweat, thinking and dreaming of her feet every day now. That was the final frontier, however. He could not possibly ever get to her feet without her knowing. And he could not let that happen, ever.

This was the reason why Gabriel needed to get out of the house as soon as possible. He loved his mother, he truly did love her not just in his perverted way, but also in a more conventional matter. If she ever found out, she would be so shocked, horrified, she would hate him forever, it could be no other way!

Gabriel knew he could not resist her feet anymore. He could not just decide not to crave them like an addict needing his heroin. Continuing to fight this losing battle was a suicide mission. Getting far away from her was his only chance at absolution, as much as it broke his heart. The only viable option was to flee.

“Ahhh, I see. Yes, I think I will just sit back and relax a little, myself,” Miriam said, making Gabriel flinch a little. “I do have some housework to do, but...”

Miriam smiled and came closer to him on the couch, putting one arm around his shoulder. “This is so nice, isn’t it?”

Gabriel could not help but shiver slightly. His mom was radiating moist warmth like a swamp in summer, he could feel the sweaty fabric of her clothes sticking against him slightly and worst of all, her musky scent was even stronger up close. She was stinking up the entire room and he was right next to her.

His penis reacted hungrily and greedily to this, trying to push up the magazine, which Gabriel had to avoid. There was no way he could just stand up and leave now; Miriam would undoubtedly see his raging erection. Gabriel would just have to wait until she left, eventually. As long as he covered himself, he was safe.

“Are you alright, honey?” Miriam asked, rubbing his shoulder a little.

“Y-Yes! Yes, sure, I am just a little tired, is all. But you are right, just ... just relaxing is nice.”

Miriam hummed and leaned onto him a little bit, making Gabriel gasp when he felt her hefty, huge boobs press into him a bit. And as if his arousal was not yet painful enough, Miriam went one step further when she put one foot up over her other leg, beginning to untie it.

“Oof, it gets so hot and stuffy in those shoes. They were pretty cheap for how nice they look, but my feet can’t breathe at all in them, haha!”

Gabriel was hardly paying her words any mind, his eyes were glued on her foot. If she took off her shoes in such a state ... Gabriel did not know what to feel and think. He was, on one hand, deathly afraid of getting aroused through the roof by his mom’s feet while she was right next to him like that. On the other hand, there was nothing more right now that he wanted than to breathe in that nasty, cheesy smell of his mom’s feet, her sweaty, clammy feet after being stuck in hot shoes, working and walking for hours on end...

So he just sat there, waiting. His patience was soon rewarded. Miriam let out a sound that almost sounded like a moan as her big foot slid out of her shoe.

“Hmmm, this feels soooooooo good,” she said dreamily, putting her bare foot onto the glass table, the thick, round heel touching the glass and her long toes far into the air.

Gabriel thought his eyes would pop out of his head as he stared in awe at his mother’s foot. He could only see the back of it, but even that was so covered with fresh, warm sweat, that it was trickling down her light skin lazily. Around her heel, the glass of the table began to fog up because of the moist heat and above her toes, he saw the air shimmering like hot asphalt in the summer. Not only that, but her foot was in fact so hot and moist that it was steaming just a little bit, like a cup of hot tea. Just beholding this made Gabriel’s penis throb painfully and he could feel the precum leaking out and staining his underwear.

Yet all of this was nothing compared to the smell.

Of course, Miriam’s feet naturally smelled, even stank, on most days. Their intense sweating meant that just after being in shoes for a short time, they would develop quite an odor, and it was the worst after work. However, Gabriel was certain that they had never achieved such an monstrous, downright hellish reek before!

His mother’s feet smelled of ripe, almost rotten cheese, of old, stale popcorn and spicy cornchips, mixed together with the typical salty punch of sweat and the indescribable personal aroma of her pheromones. The ungodly mixture created such a thick and potent smell that Gabriel felt like he was literally being choked, as if his very body was refusing to take this toxin in and his eyes watered and burned from the piercing sharpness in the air.

It was the same nasty stench he had tasted often before, but the sheer intensity and power of it now made every breath feel painful, as if his body was desperately shouting at Gabriel that inhaling those fumes was about as healthy as sticking his head into an active nuclear reactor. And yet, Gabriel forced himself to breathe in deeper and deeper. The damage it did was apparent; he now felt as dizzy as if he had downed eight beers in a row and everything around him seemed to get blurry and the lights dimmer.

“Oh ... Oh dear!” The voice of Miriam rang out and Gabriel saw through eyes sticky with tears that now she had placed both of her sweat-dripping, reeking feet onto the table.

Miriam coughed a few times, waving one hand in front of her face. “Phew, my feet absolutely stink! I should have known better than to wear those shoes without socks. I’m so sorry for having exposed you to this, baby, mommy is going to put her shoes back on right now!”

This was it. This was Gabriel’s last and only chance to get out of this pinch with his terrible, dark secret and at least a shred of his dignity still intact. Had he been able to think clearly right then, he would have known that. But Gabriel was far too gone at this point, his brain was on stand-by and his raging boner had taken over. He wanted to- no, he needed to stew in the murky, reeking fumes of his mother’s sweaty, stinky feet, he needed to bask in their breathtaking corruption, he just needed it!


“No... ?” Miriam sounded confused and rose one eyebrow. “What do you mean, surely you don’t want to smell mommy’s sweaty feet when they’re so nasty and stinky like that?”

Gabriel groaned. There was nothing in the world he wanted more. It took him a considerable effort to even form a sentence.

“It doesn’t bother me, mom. Just, please ... Please...”

“Awwwwwww,” Miriam made, squeezing Gabriel against herself, further shaking him up. “You’re being a real trooper! Well, if it’s ok with you, then I will just let my feet air out for a little while.”

Gabriel managed a weak smile, trying not to drool. He felt like he was about to pass out for some reason and he was so insanely aroused that he thought he might indeed achieve an orgasm without even touching his penis. Its steady throbbing against the fabric of his clothes and the resistance of the magazine was not quite the most luxurious stimulant, but with such an otherworldly scent invading his nostrils and filling his lungs with every breath he took, perhaps that would be enough.

“Do you think my feet are pretty?” Miriam suddenly asked and Gabriel realized he had been starting them for a while now.

And did he ever think that! Gabriel had spent easily hundreds of hours of his life looking at photos and videos of women’s feet online, but even so, his mother had some of the most attractive and beautiful feet he had ever seen, especially in person. They were absolutely huge in size, significantly larger than his own, so much so that she often had trouble even finding shoes that fit them.

Despite their enormous size, Miriam’s feet had something very elegant and feminine about them, they looked all around very soft and inviting and they were always perfectly taken care of. Their relatively long and large toes had short-cut and unpainted nails and as she spread them apart now, Gabriel swallowed hard as he noticed thick, sticky strands running in-between them - glistening like moist spiderwebs in the morning dew - formed by a horrid mixture of slimy footsweat and thick, gray toejam. Gabriel would love nothing more than to shove his face right into them.

“Y-Your feet...” Gabriel’s mind got heavier and heavier and he felt himself swaying a little, as if he was standing on a boat high at sea. “Your feet are gorgeous, mom.”

Once he realized what he just said, it was already too late. Miriam, however, giggled at that in a way that sounded simply off.

“Awww, you’re such a sweetheart! Want to get a closer look at mommy’s feet?”

Miriam crossed one leg over the other, bringing her foot dangerously close to her son’s face, sole-first. From this position, her foot looked even sexier. The entire foot was rather slim, but the heel and footpad looked full and thick, plump almost. The light-skinned valley of her inner sole was smooth as still water and shining with a thin layer of sweat, while the heel and footpad were discolored into a yellowish-brown tone, oozing thick sweat like a sponge.

Gabriel’s arousal was so excruciatingly intense that he thought he might go crazy any second now. He breathed out and then took a deep, longing sniff, causing the overwhelming foot-stench of his mom’s sweat-dripping, unwashed cheese-foot to crash over him like a tidal wave and push him backwards.

He reeled and felt himself falling. He tried to steady himself, to move his arms at all, but it was as if his body wasn’t responding. Everything seemed to move in slow motion and Gabriel realized even through his hazy mind that something was very, very wrong.

Gabriel felt the soft hands of his mother on his shoulder and closed his eyes for a moment. He felt the couch’s cozy surface on his back and instantly felt more tired than he had ever been before. His mother was talking all the time, but he could not quite understand all of it.

“So sleepy! ... little nap?”

“No,” Gabriel protested meekly.

He faintly heard the fluttering of paper and when his eyes looked to the side, he noticed the magazine landing on the floor, stripping him of its protection.

Gabriel wanted to speak, but found that impossible to do now, as well. His eyes were incredibly heavy and the last thing he saw as they slowly closed on their own was his mother’s huge feet, both of them, being swung into the air and slowly descending towards him.

Gabriel was lost in a sucking torrent of darkness. It felt to him as if he kept falling and falling, albeit very slowly. A part of him wanted to just give in and relax, but that was not possible: his pulse was racing, his heart pumping like crazy and he felt an intense pressure building inside of him.

And the smell ... A horrible, sickening smell was in the air, robbing Gabriel of his breath. What could it be, he wondered. The stench was intensely familiar to him and despite its horrid, cheesy and bitter flavor, inhaling it aroused him to no end. It caused him to suffer, but it was good, so good. It simply stank in a good way, if that made any sense.

Then he figured it out. Feet. The smell of stinky feet. The typical, cheesy and sweaty scent of some feet who had been sweating hard and being hardly washed. Gabriel breathed in deep. He loved this stench, this wicked reek; but the sheer strength of this particular draft was hard to take even for a deviant like him.

Gabriel heard a voice, faintly, it sounded so far away. He could not make out words, but he soon remembered who it belonged to: Miriam, his mother. And then, suddenly like a bolt of lightning, he put two and two together. It was the the smell of his mom’s feet. Gabriel moaned. He could feel the moist warmth of them being radiated on his skin, he was almost in touch with them.

The next moment, Gabriel tensed up, a searing hot sensation rushing through his entire body as he felt a touch on his crotch. His attention-starved cock reacted gladly and as the slight touch shifted into a gentle rubbing motion, Gabriel felt himself approaching climax with the speed of a cheetah rushing down its prey.

His breathing intensified and accelerated further and soon Gabriel was pumping the foul, cheesy reek of his mother’s sweat-laden stink-soles into his lungs with wild abandon. As Gabriel’s mind was battered into mush by the merciless aroma of stinky mom-feet, the muscles in his body tensed up tighter and tighter, the continuous assault on his throbbing penis soon pushing him over the edge.

Gabriel shivered weakly as he experienced a quick, but very powerful orgasm, the coma-inducing foot-fumes of his mommy’s sweaty stinkers enhancing the forbidden experience tremendously. The feverish waves of his climax soon died down, leaving Gabriel in an even more exhausted, but significantly more relaxed state.

Thankfully, the gut-wrenching reek of feet seemed to die down, or at least dissipate a little bit, allowing Gabriel to drift away into a deep, peaceful sleep.

Gabriel woke up with a start. He looked around and blinked a few times. This was his room. Everything was so incredibly dark. It felt unnatural and wrong. He saw his limbs move on their own as he got up, picked up his phone from next to the bed and approached one of the windows. The sky outside was glowing brightly in an orange color. With growing worries, Gabriel took a step to the side and turned the lights on. They seemed to work, but the room remained pitch black.

“Oh God, not this again!”


With a sudden gasp, Gabriel was awake. He looked around hurriedly, he was in the living room. He believed to hear some noises approach from somewhere, but it sounded still very far away. Gabriel sighed in relief when he realized that he was alone. He knew that he had to get up without knowing exactly why.

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