The Key Club - Cover

The Key Club

Copyright© 2020 by Melanieatplay

Chapter 2

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 2 - A young couple decides to open their marriage.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cuckold   Sharing   Slut Wife   Swinging   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Oral Sex   Size  

Author’s Note: I want to thank my friend and editor Harvey for all his help on this piece.

We drove home in silence. I knew both of us were still trying to mentally process everything we’d experienced at the Browns’.

As we pulled into our garage, an apprehensive restlessness washed over me. I could only equate this feeling to coming down from a mind-blowing high. The sexual euphoria I’d just experienced now had to be reconciled with the reality of my husband and our marriage.

God ... My husband and I just had sex outside our marriage.

Those words echoed in my mind over and over. The thought sent an uneasy chill down my spine.

For weeks, we’d talked and fantasized about opening our marriage. There was no doubt our words and actions had enhanced our withering sex life. But now we had to live with the decisions we’d made, and I hoped our marriage could survive what we’d just done.

As we walked through the front door, John turned and faced me.

“Do you want to talk now ... or should we talk in the morning?”

My mind was racing and my heart was pounding. I knew sleep would never come until we’d found a resolution to some of my lingering doubts.

“I’d like to talk now, if you’re up for it.”

“I’ll make us a drink.”

“Okay ... I’ll go and change.”

I walked into our bedroom and slipped out of my little black dress, thong, and bra. I desperately wanted to shower. Don came inside me twice and I could still feel his semen oozing out of me. In the end, I decided against a shower because I didn’t want to keep John waiting. Instead, I scrubbed what was left of the makeup off my face and put on a pair of my thickest cotton panties and one of my long sleeper shirts. Hesitantly, I walked out into the living room and joined my husband on the couch. Wordlessly, he handed me a glass that contained three fingers of Jack Daniels.

“How are you feeling?” he asked.

“Oh, you know ... it’s just the same old Friday night, right?”

We both let out a little laugh, which helped ease some of the tension I was feeling. I often used humor to help alleviate stressful situations, and this time was no different.

“Are you okay ... are we okay?” I asked hesitantly.

He shot me a stunned look. “Of course we are ... did everything go okay with Don?”

I took a deep breath and breathed a sigh of relief. “Everything went fine.”

He took a sip of his drink and looked seriously into my eyes.

“Before we did this, one of our rules was that we were going to be open and honest with each other about everything we’d done and neither of us wanted to keep secrets. Does that still stand?”

“Yes, of course it does.”

I was the one who’d insisted we talk afterwards and share everything concerning our experiences with others. It had seemed like a good idea at the time, but now it felt incredibly difficult opening up and being honest with my husband concerning everything that had just transpired.

“Do you want to start or do you want me to?” he asked.

“I can start, I just don’t know where to begin.”

There were a few moments of silence.

“Let’s start from the beginning.”

“You want to hear everything, right?”


I took a deep breath and spent the next several minutes conveying everything that Don and I did together. I told my husband how we danced, engaged in oral sex, and concluded by telling him that we had sex, twice. My descriptions were graphic and I went into vivid detail concerning everything we’d said and done.

I was worried that going into minutia would result in angry, resentful, or even jealous feelings within my husband. However, none of my apprehensions were realized. When I looked down, I couldn’t help but notice the story of my evening with Don produced a large, straining erection inside my husband’s trousers. At that moment, I decided to seize momentum and accelerate the sexual heat that was building between us.

“You have a very slutty wife, don’t you?” I said wantonly.

A little smile broke across his face. “I like Don’s word better, I have a very open wife.”

There was a hungry, animalistic look in his eyes. “You really swallowed his cum?”

“Yes, baby, I did. Just like I do with you.”

I let my words linger in the air for several seconds while looking into my husband’s ravenous, lust-filled eyes.

“And you didn’t make him use protection?”

“No, I didn’t, and he came inside me, twice.

He reached down and rubbed his hard-on through his pants.

“Now I’m glad we took precautions.”

After our second child, Monique, was born, we mutually decided I should resume taking the pill. We hadn’t ruled out the possibility of having another baby, but both of us knew we needed time to enjoy the children we had before we even considered the possibility of having a third. But now, as we entered into this “open” marriage lifestyle, my resuming birth control took on an added significance.

“Should I have made him use a condom?” I asked seductively.

“No.” He paused for a moment in reflection. “We agreed we’d give each other the freedom to do everything we wanted.”

I took a sip of my whiskey and looked into my husband’s eyes. “Tell me about Margot.”

“What do you want to know?”

I broke into a little smile. “Everything.”

He took a moment to collect his thoughts.

“I was much more nervous than she was; it’s been a long time since I’ve been with anyone other than you.”

I was taken aback by my husband’s frank admission. He’d always been the consummate ladies man, and to learn that he was anxious before spending the evening with Margot was quite a revelation.

“Did she have to show you where she wanted it to go?”

He laughed at my gentle ribbing. “I wouldn’t go that far.” He took a sip of his drink before continuing. “She was ... you know ... just okay.”

My jaw dropped and I made no attempt to hide the shocked look on my face. “You didn’t enjoy being with her?”

“She was very ... I don’t even know the right word to use ... mechanical.”

I waited semi-patiently for him to continue.

“I think you’ve spoiled me over the past six years. She wasn’t really good at...”

“Giving head?”

“Yeah ... it felt like she was just going through the motions. It was pretty obvious she did it because it was something she was expected to do ... not because she enjoyed doing it.”

“Some women have a real problem with it.”

“Not you.”

I seductively looked into his eyes. “I’m not most women.”

I started having sex and giving blowjobs at a very early age and taking a man in my mouth was something I always enjoyed. However, some of my friends in high school and even college despised the taste of semen and hated giving head. It was just something that I’d always loved and never had a problem with.

I took another sip of my drink and reflected for a moment. “Her oral skills aside, how was the sex?”

“Again, it felt mechanical. I mean ... I think she enjoyed it, but I’d liken the experience to being with a sexually repressed high-school girl.”

“Did you go down on her first, warm her up a little?”

“I did ... or I tried ... but she was almost ... well, she acted tense and frigid, like she didn’t want me there.”

I tried, most likely unsuccessfully, to keep my expression calm and even. I definitely was not expecting to hear this type of negative report.

“She has such an amazing body and then ... well, let’s just say it was a let-down,” he added.

Margot did have a stunning physique. Unfortunately, being easy on the eyes and spending time in the gym didn’t necessarily translate into being a good lover.

“Did she ... ummm ... make you wrap up?”

“Yeah, I think she wanted to ensure that I had the entire high-school experience.”

We both laughed at his little joke.

“I’m teasing. I figured she’d want me to use a condom and I was okay with that. I just wanted the evening to go better than it did.”

“I’m sorry things didn’t go that well.”

I was a little surprised by my admission. It was a new, strange feeling telling my husband that I wished he had a better time with his lover. I remembered the nervous, jealous feelings I experienced when I saw John holding Margot’s hand before the couples separated and went into their respective rooms. As it turned out, there really wasn’t anything to be jealous about, at least not this time.

“Tell me more about you and Don.”

“What else do you want to know?” I’d already given my husband a very graphic, detailed account of my evening with his best friend. I wasn’t sure what else I could add.

“Did you like his cock?”

I could feel my face burn into a deep, red ember. “You know ... it was okay.”

His face broke into a grin. “I was honest with you about everything ... including what a shitty lay Margot was. I expect the same honesty from you.”

“He has a nice cock,” I sheepishly admitted.

“I know, I’ve seen it in the shower after we work out at the gym.”

“I hope you weren’t looking at it too closely. I don’t want to lose you to the dark side.”

He laughed. “Hey, I didn’t mean it like that. I just meant I knew it was something you’d enjoy.”

I looked down and was unable to meet his intense gaze. I wasn’t sure how much more I wanted to admit. Then I remembered we’d promised each other brutal honesty; if this new lifestyle was going to work, we had to be completely open and transparent with each other.

I looked up into my husband’s eyes. “He has a big cock and he knows how to use it.”

“It’s bigger than mine, isn’t it?”

“Yes ... it’s not that much larger, but I could ... you know ... feel the difference.”

There it was again. That hungry, lustful look in his eyes. “Get your arms up,” he said huskily.

I complied and raised my hands above my head. Wordlessly, he slipped my oversized sleeper t-shirt off my body exposing my large, full breasts.

“What’s up with the granny panties?”

I felt another blush break across my face. Normally, I wore sexy little thongs under my clothes. Even when I’m on my period and wore panties, I choose lingerie that made me feel sexy and reved John’s engine. So I wasn’t surprised at his comment regarding the underwear I’d changed into after we got home.

“I haven’t showered since ... you know ... I knew we needed to talk and I didn’t want to make you wait.”

He reached over and slid his fingers through the elastic band of my thick, bulky panties. I raised my bottom up off the couch and he slowly slid the panties down my long, tan thighs and threw them onto the floor. Slowly, I opened my legs wide, revealing the most intimate region of my body to my husband. The petals of my vagina were red, puffy, and swollen ... the aftermath of my evening of intense sex with Don.

“Pull your lips apart,” he said huskily, “I want to see the effects of that big cock on my beautiful wife.”

I lowered my hand and used my fingers to open my vagina. Immediately, Don’s semen began oozing out of my pussy.

“God, that’s so sexy, the way it seeps out of you.”

“Do you like that, baby?” I said seductively.

“It’s so fucking hot, I can’t even put it into words.”

I wasn’t sure how far to take this ... but he appeared to be so into it I decided to go all in.

“Do you see how swollen I am from him ... what his big cock did to me...”

He stood up and quickly removed his shirt.

“He tore me up with his big cock for hours, honey...”

With trembling hands, he undid his belt and unbuttoned his trousers, letting them fall to the floor.

“I took that big cock in my mouth, baby, I got him ready for me ... he loved using my hot, slutty little mouth.”

“Oh, fuck, Lisa ... fuck...”

“I loved how he used my body, how hard he used me ... how good he fucked me.”

He slid his boxers down his thighs and my husband’s big cock sprang into view.

“Where did I let him come, baby?”

He took his cock in his hand and began to slowly stroke it. “You let him come in your mouth, then in your pussy,” he moaned.

“How many times did I let him come inside me, John?”

“Twice ... he came inside your pussy twice.”

“I want you to see what he did to me, baby.”

Under my husband’s lustful gaze, I dipped two fingers into my vagina and moved them around for several seconds. Then I extracted them and held them up, ensuring he could clearly see how saturated they were.

“That’s what he did to me, baby, that’s what he did to your wife.”

“Oh, God, Lisa ... I want you, I want you so bad.”

I took my sodden fingers into my mouth and sucked my and my lover’s combined juices from them, licking them clean.

“I love how his cum tastes, baby, I want him again.”

A large dollop of pre-cum had formed on the head of my husband’s cock as I wantonly goaded him on. He was more than ready.

“Come here, baby, make love to me ... I need you so bad.”

He stepped forward and slid between my open legs. There was no hesitation, no foreplay. It simply wasn’t needed. He rested the head of his cock at my aperture and easily slid into me with one long, smooth stroke. I wrapped my long legs around his torso and he began to slowly move in and out of me.

“Oh, God, Lisa ... your pussy feels so wet.”

“Your cock feels so good inside me, baby,” I cooed.

I raked my long fingernails over his chest and my husband grimaced in pain.

“I love how slutty and dirty you are,” he moaned while thrusting into me faster and harder.

I knew how worked up he was from all the teasing, and as he increased the pace I reasoned he wouldn’t be able to last much longer. I slid down the couch several inches, which adjusted the angle so his thick cock was rubbing perfectly against my clit.

“I want you to come inside me, baby. I want to feel you squirt in me nice and deep.”

His eyes were closed as he aggressively rutted into me.

“Yeah, baby, you feel so good, your cock feels so good,” I moaned into his ear.

His breathing changed and he tensed up. Just as I felt him squirt inside me, my world went dark as a powerful orgasm overwhelmed me.

As I was coming back around and my senses were returning, I felt my husband’s weight crush me into the couch. We shared a deep, passionate, loving kiss and held each other tight for what seemed like an eternity. When we broke the tender embrace, we looked lovingly into each other’s eyes.

“I love you, John, and I love being your wife. You’re the only man I want to share my life with; no matter what we do, I’ll always be yours.”

A little tear filled his eye and he quickly wiped it away.

“I love you, Lisa ... each day I find a different way to love you ... you’re mine and you always will be.”

We showered together and slipped into our bed. John spooned me tight against his body and we fell into a deep, restful sleep.

It was Monday evening, and once again I had sweat dripping off my body. My best friend, Jill, and I had just completed an intense pilates workout, and we were cooling off with a bottle of water in the small cafe inside the gym of our gated community.

I’d spent the weekend wondering if things would change between us. She was obviously more accustomed to this lifestyle than I was. Regardless, I’d just slept with her husband three days prior and I wasn’t sure how she’d take it or the effect it would have on our friendship. Thankfully, none of my worst fears were realized, and because we were the only ones in the cafe I didn’t have to worry about other people eavesdropping on our conversation.

“So ... did you have a good time last Friday?” she asked.

“Yeah ... you know ... it was nice.”

I wasn’t sure how much I wanted to reveal about my night with her husband. I hadn’t talked to Don concerning how much he shared with her about his “Key Club” evenings, so I wanted to hold my cards close to the vest, at least initially.

She shot me a skeptical look, then smiled.

“Well, Don won’t stop talking about how much fun he had with you, so I hope your evening with him was better than just nice.”

I breathed a sigh of relief when I realized I could be open and honest with her and whatever I revealed wouldn’t damage our friendship.

“Don is a ... you know ... really good lover; I had a great time with him.”

“He’s always wanted you, it’s like a fantasy of his finally came true.”

I could feel a little blush break across my face. We frequently ‘dished’ to each other about our sex lives with our husbands, but talking about her husband and having that intimate knowledge about what he was like in bed was an entirely new and different experience.

“He’s a really good lover,” I said honestly.

“I told you he has a nice cock, didn’t I?”

I think she actually enjoyed seeing the flushed look on my face and the embarrassment in my eyes. It was all in good fun, though, and it felt great to open up to my best friend.

“He’s a real cocksman, but don’t you dare tell him that; I don’t want him getting a big head.”

We both giggled uncontrollably.

“How was John’s evening, what did he think of Margot?”

“Well ... that didn’t go quite as well, unfortunately.”

I spent the next couple minutes relating John’s time with Margot and the ummm... uninspiring evening they shared together.

“To be honest, I’m not surprised. From what I’ve been told, all of the guys dread pulling her key,” she said.

“I don’t want to say bad things about her, but let’s just say John wasn’t impressed with his first Friday-night experience.”

“There’s been whispers of ejecting them, but all of the women enjoy being with her husband, Tim. So ... the unlucky guy who pulls her key every month just kinda takes one for the team.”

I found it fascinating to learn of the inner dynamics of the Key Club. If Margot didn’t like sex and had a difficult time getting into it, why did she choose to be there? Perhaps she was only participating each month to keep her husband happy? Regardless, I didn’t want to say more bad things about her and pile on concerning her less-than-desirable reputation among the men.

“I just hope John’s experience is better next time,” I paused for a moment in reflection. “I don’t know what the rest of the women are like, but if he doesn’t have a good time next month he may start questioning why we’re there.”

A stunned look broke across her face. “Really?”

“Well ... could you blame him?”

“Yeah, I see your point.”

We each took a sip of our water and there was a moment of comfortable silence. When I looked into her eyes, I could see the wheels spinning inside her head.

“Can I propose an idea?” she said hesitantly.

“Ummm ... okay.”

“Don and I were talking last night; what if we had a couples evening?”

I made no attempt to hide the stunned look on my face. “The four of us?”

“Yes ... but not all together. I’d spend the night with John and you could spend another evening with Don.” She paused for a moment before continuing. “The four of us having sex in the same room is a hot idea, but I don’t think either of you are ready for that yet.”

I knew we weren’t ready for that yet. At the very least, I knew I wasn’t. Having sex with another man while my husband watched was an advanced move that I was in no way close to considering. However, spending another night with Don was an appealing idea that merited consideration. In all reality, the odds were it could be months or maybe even a year before he pulled my key again. Her idea took the random chance of pulling keys out of the equation.

“How would this work, exactly?” I asked.

“We’d treat you to an evening at the Bellagio. We’d get adjoining rooms so we could be close ... but not too close ... you know?”

This idea was sounding better and better.

“So you’re talking all night, then?”

“Yes ... from check-in to check-out the next day, we’d be with each other’s husbands ... kinda like an extended date-night.”

“What about the Key Club, is this something that’s even allowed?”

She broke into a little laugh. “We’re all consenting adults here, honey. This doesn’t have anything to do with anyone besides the four of us.”

I took a moment while my mind ran wild with the possibilities of what she was proposing. I’d only been able to spend three hours with Don while we were at the Browns’. What she was suggesting was considerably longer.

An entire evening ... all night.

The dampness forming between my legs was no longer the result of our intense workout.

“I’m open to this, but I’d have to talk to John.”

A sly smile broke across her face. “I’m not Margot. I’ll put a smile on your husband’s face that will last well into next week. Tell him that and see if he’s game.”

“I can’t believe they really want to do this.”

I looked into my husband’s unsure, searching eyes.

Maybe this isn’t such a great idea.

When I arrived home, John had both of the kids down for the night. Even though I was exhausted from a long day at work and my time at the gym, there was an edgy anticipation upon seeing my husband. I had a huge, juicy secret welling up inside me and it felt like I was going to explode. I’d hoped he would be receptive to Jill’s idea and, at the very least, consider it. But now he sounded less than enthused about their idea of how the four of us should spend Friday night.

“We don’t have to do this and I don’t want either of us feeling pressured to make a snap decision,” I said.

“What do you think we should do?” he asked.

Normally, John was very decisive and excelled at making the right decision regardless of the circumstance. It was an interesting juxtaposition to see him hesitant and unsure of himself.

“We’ll tell them we need more time to think about it.”

He shot me an exasperated look. “Why don’t you tell me what you really think?” He hesitated for a moment, collecting his thoughts. “Over the past month, we’ve been more open and honest with each other than at any time in our marriage, and I want that to continue.”

I thought for a moment. “Jill wants you, bad ... and I’m sure she’s been twisting Don’s arm pretty hard to make that happen.”

“From what you told me about your evening with him, I’m sure he didn’t need much convincing to be with you again.”

A little smile broke across my face. “I think that’s a correct assessment, counselor.”

“You want this as much as I do, don’t you?”

“Yes,” I said simply.

He looked lustfully into my eyes. “I’ll call my mother tomorrow and ask her if she’ll keep the kids again.”

We made love that night with an abandon that I was now growing used to. Despite the momentous changes we were making, our marriage felt so strong, so solid. We were communicating better than we ever had in the past, and that new openness was something that I know both of us felt.

The thought of spending an entire evening with Don produced an exciting yet fearful feeling within me. Additionally, there was the apprehension of Jill and John spending the night together. I didn’t have to deal with any jealous, possessive emotions due to his uninspiring experience with Margot. However, I knew Jill would ensure that wouldn’t be the case this weekend. Despite my mixed emotions, the weekend couldn’t come fast enough.

“Are you excited, nervous, or both?” John asked as we pulled into the valet station at the Bellagio.

“Maybe a bit of both,” I replied while he eased our Land Rover Evoque to a stop. “I know we’re going to have a good time tonight.”

“I really hope you’re right.”

“I know I’m right.”

I wasn’t sure what to wear for the evening, so I decided on a reliable standby. I chose a Wonder Wurl little black cocktail twist skater dress. The short little frock featured a twisted racerback with cutouts that left much of my back exposed. It had a princess-seamed surplice bodice and stretch-knit lycra fabric that hugged my curves. I also put on a little black thong, and to complete the ensemble I chose four-inch black suede ankle-strap heels. The little black dress and heels were set off perfectly by my long, flowing blonde hair that I chose to wear down. Just like last weekend, I painted my nails a blood red to add a pop of color.

After we checked our car with the valet, we made our way inside. While walking through the main casino floor, I was immediately mesmerized by the myriad of flashing lights and sounds of the slot machines. I could feel the energy in the room as the gamblers tried their luck at the blackjack and craps tables.

John’s arm was securely around me as we approached the Petrossian Bar, the designated place we were to meet Don and Jill. When we got there, I was a little surprised to see only Don. He was wearing black dress slacks and a crisply pressed white collared shirt under a stylish sport coat. My husband was similarly dressed but he chose to wear jeans instead of more formal-looking trousers.

After the guys shook hands and did a little ‘bro hug,’ John spoke.

“Don’t tell me you pissed off Jill and she backed out,” he teased.

“She’s waiting for you in the room; unless you’d rather spend another evening with Margot ... you know I could try to arrange that,” Don deadpanned back.

The guys broke out in good-natured laughter while I shook my head.

“C’mon, Lisa, you have to admit that was funny,” Don said.

“Maybe neither of you are man enough to take care of her,” I teased.

That elicited a big laugh from the guys.

“Yeah, we weren’t man enough for her ... that had to be the problem,” my husband joked.

There were a few seconds of comfortable silence until John spoke again.

“Well, I guess I’ll head up to the room.”

My husband pulled me into his arms and we exchanged a soft kiss. Then he softly whispered in my ear.

“Don’t get into too much trouble tonight,” he gently teased.

I broke into a little smile. “You know I could say the same thing to you.”

“Have a good night, baby ... I love you.

“I love you too, John ... so much.”

Our marriage felt so good, so strong. I never imagined this lifestyle would bring us closer and allow us to communicate in ways we never had in the past. We were so open and honest with each other now ... the tender feelings were almost indescribable.

I’d packed a small overnight bag and I gave it to John to drop off in the adjoining room. I wasn’t sure what Don had planned, but I knew I didn’t want to carry a bag around all night.

“Are you hungry, Lisa?” Don asked, which broke me out of my deep reflection.

“I am,” I admitted, “I haven’t eaten since breakfast.”

“Would you rather eat here or at Prime?”

The Petrossian Bar and Prime Steakhouse were very expensive restaurants and it made me feel a bit uncomfortable, given that Don and Jill had already paid for the rooms.

“I’d like to eat at Prime, but only on the condition that you let me pay.”

“You’re my date and I’ll be the only one paying this evening,” he said with a good-natured smile.

Date? Interesting...

When Jill proposed the idea of having a couples evening, I assumed Don would want to go straight to the room like our spouses. However, the idea of being on a date with him was far from unappealing. Regardless, I wanted to tease him a bit.

“That’s very misogynistic,” I said while harshly cutting my eyes at him, “thinking that I’m incapable of paying for dinner.”

“Oh, no ... I ... I ... I didn’t mean it like that ... I never meant to imply that...”

I burst out laughing, and a little scowl broke across his face that was quickly replaced by a wide grin.

“You just love messing with me, don’t you?”

“I do, probably more than I should.”

He amorously took my hand in his and we made our way through the casino. It was such a disparate feeling, walking ... holding hands... being with a man who wasn’t my husband. I pushed those uneasy feelings out of my mind and willed myself to concentrate on the handsome man who was at my side.

“A table for two, please,” Don said when we reached maître d’s station.

“Do you have a reservation, Sir?” the young man asked.

I looked into the crowded restaurant and resigned myself to a long wait.

“No, unfortunately, we don’t.”

“It’s going to be at least an hour.”

I leaned in and whispered into Don’s ear, “We can go somewhere else, it’s okay.”

Don reached into his pocket, pulled out a $100 bill, and slid it across the large wooden lectern.

“My wife’s hungry and doesn’t want to wait; will this help?”

The young man smiled appreciatively and slid the C-note into his pocket. “A table just opened up, if you’ll follow me, Sir.”

“So I’m your wife now?” I teasingly whispered into his ear.

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