Off the Bench and Into the Game With a Star Player - Cover

Off the Bench and Into the Game With a Star Player

by Pettybox

Copyright© 2020 by Pettybox

Erotica Sex Story: She's out with her sister who reads the lips of an admirer that piques her interest, wondering what this sports stud might teach her in a sudden fling. She doesn't know what she's getting into, but she's not shy either.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Reluctant   Analingus   Double Penetration   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Squirting   .

I’m Mariss Foley and my older sister is Merritt. I’m 19 and Merritt is 20, but everyone thinks we are twins, we look that much alike. I would not be bragging to say we are “hot”. We both have nice bodies and light brown hair, with pleasant faces. We both resemble younger versions of our Mother, who recognized early on, that her daughters were going to be sought after.

As I approached my 16th birthday she took us both aside and said she had something uncomfortable to do, she wanted to give us “the talk”. We both laughed and told her we didn’t need to see her get uncomfortable, we already knew the score, after all, it was the 21st century.

“Oh, I know you’re both aware of the birds and bees and suspect one or both of you are no longer intact.”

“MOTHER! Intact?” Merritt said, “Did I read you right? If you wonder if we are virgins just let it be known it is a private and personal matter and if we had questions we know we can ask you.”

“Your response only makes me sure you’ve both, at least, talked about it.” Mother said pointing a finger.

At this point I should mention one thing that separates Merritt and I, she is totally deaf, since she was 8 years old, a result of high fever associated with measles. She was hospitalized and in a semi-quarantined situation for almost 4 months then. Since that time she has become a very efficient lip reader and except for occasional blips in the volume of her voice, depending on her surroundings, most do not detect her deafness.

Merritt just nodded and Mother near bowled us over with her next words.

“God has given women the ability to enjoy great pleasure through sexual contact either at your own hands or with a partner. Just be sure you know the partners you choose and be sure they deserve what you choose to offer. You may find your greatest pleasure is achieved alone, but do not deter yourselves from enjoying the company of a partner. My mother hid and kept knowledge of such joys from me and I missed out on a lot of life before I met your Dad and got away from home. I’m not telling you I would approve of either of you becoming promiscuous, but please make sure to make your lives full of the joys of being a woman.” She professed.

My sister and I were both dumbstruck by her words, but pleased she had been so frank with us. At the time I knew Merritt had been with a man, her boyfriend, and I had entertained the thought with someone I had been seeing, still holding on to 2nd base. So, over the years she and I had spoken many times about our sexual dealings and conquests, so to speak.

While at 19 and 20 we both went to colleges away from home, when my Dad offered us a chance to go away with him and Mom to Venice, Florida during our Spring Breaks for a conference they had to attend, we jumped at the chance. We could have our own rooms and even bring a boyfriend, if we were seeing anyone (we were not).

Our 3rd day of our 5 day “break” was a cloudy, but warm, day and we opted to do some shopping in the local boutiques and clothing stores. After walking without buying for a couple hours we found an empty bench along the main drag and sat to rest. I volunteered to get us each a gelato, if she held the bench. A deal was made.

As I began to walk the few doors down a woman was trying to get her wheel chair over the small curb and a handsome man sitting there across from us jumped up and easily lifted the chair for her. I noticed the strong tanned arms of the guy and how muscled his calves were. Now, he was salt and pepper haired and I suspect over 50, but in fine shape for his age and obviously still a good looking guy, but, oh what a hunk he must have been! He smiled as I gave him the once over while I walked down to get our treats.

I quickly had our cups of gelato and walked back up, still taking time to check out this guy, who was sitting with another older man. I am not unaware that my sister and I both have nice walk-aways and we know men’s eyes follow us. Walking past this guy I exaggerated my hip sway, just because I could and I enjoy the tease. When I sat down with Merrett she was giggling and I asked her what was funny.

“When you walked by that guy over there I lip-read what he said to his friend, “Oh to be 18 again, I’d eat that until it was bald.”, as he nodded toward you.”

I have to admit I felt a tingle exactly where he wanted to place his tongue on hearing his words. I love being eaten and the guy who did the best job for me was a memory I used in the shower many times.

I chuckled back to my Sis and we continued to chit-chat about shopping, clothes, and occasionally the butt of a guy walking past. While my eyes trailed back to my hunk of the moment, I noticed a man come up to him and hand him a baseball that he signed. Over the next 10 or 15 minutes 3 or 4 other men, mostly at least 40, came up offering baseballs to sign. It was safe to assume he was a former player and easily recognizable. We watched a woman leave a store with a big box on a hand cart as she stood to wait for the bus. Once the bus came she got on and turned to pull up the cart up and simply could not do so. My supposedly famous hero sprung up and lifted it on for her. He was a gentleman. Upon finishing our gelato I volunteered to run the empty cups to can beside the other bench. My Sis, shaking her head and smiling, let me. I dropped a spoon and bent over to give him a nice look at my backside. My Sis said he nudged his pal and repeated what he said before, adding, “and I bet that’s a fresh slice of pie!” to his private side-comment.

I was flustered more than I thought I could be from a little side fantasy as the two men stood and spoke before the older man walked one way and the apple of my eye went into a nearby sports store. My Sis wanted to walk back to the hotel, but I opted to lag, saying I might try on an outfit I saw earlier. She waved me off, having her fill of shopping, saying she would see me at a planned dinner meet-up with Mom and Dad.

I went directly into the Sports store and saw Mr. Hunkie talking to a clerk and then peel off and browse a bit and even still sign another baseball for a supposed fan. I turned and saw a stack of boxed baseballs and took one to buy hoping the guy wouldn’t leave soon. After I paid I approached him and asked, “Would you be so kind?” as I offered him the ball.

He melted as he took me in and reached for the boxed ball.

“Would you like me to open the box?” He asked.

“I would love you to open my box.” I answered with a shitty grin.

He wasn’t sure how to take my answer, but as he signed the ball I said in a low voice, “You wouldn’t have to be 18, and it’s already bald and ready to serve.”

He was taken aback by my comment and looked up with a little grin as he handed to ball back.

He had signed, “Bobby Rosen, H.O.F 2006, WS MVP 2001”. None of meant much to me, and I later found out it meant Hall of Fame 2006 and World Series MVP 2001. It meant nothing to me as I was not a baseball fan.

I asked, “could you add, To Marriss?, (spelling it)

“I could do anything you want, but you’re so young and I’m old enough to be your Father.”

“One never knows, ... does one? I bet you could do things my Father wouldn’t dream of with me.” I said looking him square in the eye.

It was then I realized he was probably accustomed to being “picked up” as he casually, without hesitation asked, “Would you like to see my trophy?”

“Oh, Would I? I would love to hold it and kiss it.” I said feeling like the whore I wished I could be, but never had the guts for.

“Come, and I’ll show you my trophy room.” He said offering his hand.

“Come? Sure!” I said to insure he knew that he, and I knew, what was going on.

We walked to the back of the store and out to a stair case with a sign that read, “Only residents beyond this point, Apts 1 and 2 with a narrow pointing one way, and Apts 3 and 4 pointing the other. We went to the right and up one flight of stairs where he opened a door and showed me in. He turned to me and searched for a line, but I helped him, brushing a hand over his growing problem, saying, “is this your trophy?”.

“You might say it’s yours.” He said confidently while I pulled my hand back.

I think he waited for me to be the aggressor and then wondered aloud, “Do you make a habit of picking up older men, it that your thing?”

“I’ve only been with a few men, and none much older than me. Your crass comment intrigued me though.” I said.

“I still enjoy women, but ones my age aren’t as fit as you.” He said as he reached for my hips and pulled me to him.

He moved in for a kiss and I let him press his lips to me, showing me what a sexy kisser he was. Suddenly his hand gripped my ass and he pulled our middles together. His experience was suddenly obvious as I was being shown how a man seduces a woman. He humped up a bit to let me feel the bulge in his shorts and I reached between us for it.

He released my lips and looked down at my hand as I stepped back and used both hands to work at his belt and zipper. His shorts fell to the floor, weighted by keys and change, and he stood there, commando, before me.

His cock was beautiful, hard and ready. I wanted to drop to my knees and worship it, but instead I bent and filled my mouth with the purple head to relieve his ache. With a few swirls of my tongue he sighed and I stood tall and he took my hand to lead me to a side room with a large wide divan. I was about to sit on it when his hand went to the tie on my top behind me. He pulled it away and whisked it over my head, leaving my upper torso nude. “Oh, you are a beauty. Young breasts like I haven’t seen in years.” He said as his hands busied themselves feeling me before he bent and kissed each nipple.

He moved to get me to sit and then lie back as he covered me, fitting his cock into the part in the crotch of my shorts. His breath was hot as he kissed my lips and quickly moved down to maul my tits with his hands and mouth. No “boy” I had been with had done this to please me. I knew I was getting wet and wanted relief when he shifted on me, keeping his mouth attached to my nipple, as his hand dug hard in my crotch, holding my pussy through the cloth of my shorts. Then he unsnapped my shorts and lowered my zipper. I wasted no time to reach to my sides and push them down.

He went up to his knees to look at me.

“You are bald, ... and your pussy is as fresh as I hoped it might be, I’ll bet you’re tight.” He said as he put his hand around his cock.

“I hope this fits.” The same thought ran through my mind. I had jerked off guys before and the head was usually like a dollop of ice cream on top of the “cone” of my hand. When I held his in the kitchen, there was a good inch, and more, added in between my fist and the head.

I only had actual fucking sex about 6 times, given my share of blowjobs to avoid “the deed”, and had been finger-fucked a bunch of times. I really hoped he still intended to go down on me, even though he didn’t need to “bald” me with his tongue, lips, and teeth. I had one steady boyfriend who loved eating me in hopes of getting his dick in me, but I’ve always been selective, especially before I went on the pill. Most guys are happy to “settle” with a blowjob.

“You’re trying to make me think you’re Miss Innocence, but I think you’ve done this a lot of times, picking up men who could be your Father.” He said as he began to get in a position where he could use his mouth on me.

“That’s where you’re wrong. I like being eaten and your words just made me tingle at the right time. My sister read your lips. You may not want to believe I’ve been with less than 5 men, and done the deed less than 10. My mouth and hands may not be as innocent; I’m as fresh as you hope.” I said boldly.

He went to his knees and turned me a bit as he kissed my belly and tongued my belly-button on his way south. His fingers parted my lips and his thumb spread my wings before he kissed my clit and his tongue began to excite me. It became instantly obvious he was quite adept at this as he dug his face into my slot. His hands went under my legs and gripped me pushing my legs up and back, until he was holding me open and going to town, licking and sucking my pussy. It was heavenly, he was so attentive, reacting to every squeal, breath-catch, and jolt he created. I was just hoping for some play when his long finger slipped up into me. If his intention was to drive me into spasms of orgasms, his job was about to push me over.

I hoped his neighbors we out or used to hearing a woman being thoroughly fulfilled, because I was not holding back anything. I was loud and vocal as my body shook and jolted. He suddenly applied my pressure to my legs and pushed them up even higher as his tongue slipped down and licked my asshole. No one had ever done that to me, and to tell you the truth, I never even imagined anyone ever did that. I was a newbie to sex compared to a lot of my friends and even my sister who confessed some of her exploits, but this was new. If he asked me I would have slapped him into the middle of next week, but the bold, lightning quick foray by his tongue to my most private place was exciting me in ways I never knew. His tongue licked and drove into my little space and every effort I made to shut it quickly stopped as my body told me how much I liked and enjoyed being eaten between my cheeks. As much as he was making me jump and tingle with his tongue there, my pussy suddenly missed him and without a word from me, he dove back into my slot with his mouth.

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