Fantasy Becomes a Reality at the Beach - Cover

Fantasy Becomes a Reality at the Beach

Copyright© 2020 by Pettybox

Chapter 1

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 1 - He had watched a certain lifeguard for a few years running on his vacations to his favorite beach. Little did he know, he was on her radar as well.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting  

I met her at the beach. She “sort of” rescued me. Carole was a lifeguard about to go off duty. She was walking her RESCUE board to the “Lifeguard Shack” (aptly named) where their equipment was stored. I was sunning myself on a formation of rocks the locals called Rock Island Reef. It was no more than 30-foot-long and 6 to 8 feet wide. It was mostly craggy rock but there were 2 slabs perfect for laying out without being disturbed, simply because there was so little room for anyone else. Now when the tide went out the reef was at full size and about a 300-yard walk from shores edge. The water never got much above your chest on the walk out, but there were a couple drop offs where the tide currents dug bowls in the sand floor, some 3 or 4 foot deep. If you didn’t watch for them, they could surprise you. At half and high tide, they could surprise and swallow you, and that wouldn’t be a problem, if you knew how to swim. I wasn’t in that class. I loved the ocean, could not swim a stroke. I took lessons, but never took to it. I’m a pretty fair athlete, but I sank like a stone and couldn’t float to save myself, literally.

I had just figured that I dozed and was going to have a tough time back to shore. I was gauging and figuring if I should walk laterally a bit and then to shore to avoid the drops I knew existed, but going another route, I may find bigger troubles. I noticed she had stopped on her walk back and took an interest in me. I tried to act nonchalant and made like I hadn’t noticed her and started to wade back in. At the reef, that was already half swallowed up, the water was to my waist when I stepped off and feared what may lay ahead of me. I was feeling ahead a bit in smalls steps to be ready for drops when I heard a whistle blow. I looked up to see her holdingup both hands as if to say “STOP”. She took her board and waded out till she could hop on it and paddled, quite deftly, over the waves and she got to me in no time.

“Overstayed your welcome here, huh?” she said, looking all smiley and cute in her red bikini.

I blushed and nodded.

“I see you out here every day, you misjudged the tides. You have to learn to swim.” She said shaking her head.

“Let’s get you on the board and I’ll get you into where you can safely walk. Some of the bowls have been 8-foot-deep after the storms last week. I’ve been out to bring a few kids in this week.” She said before shaking her head and looking at me disdainfully, “but never an adult.”

“Umm, I’m a kid at heart?” I said trying to be cute.

We waded back toward the reef so I could easily get on the board and with her tow rope was walking me in. She disappeared 3 different times below the surface and jetted herself forward under the water to pull me in until she could easily, safely get me where I could hop off and take care of myself. I said thanks and grinned at her as she hopped on the board and rode a wave to shore. I gathered my pride, went and got my beach shoes and towel from my spot and headed back to my rented condo.

She came out of the lifeguard shack as I passed it and I apologized.

“Sorry to have caused you so much trouble, I’ll be more careful in the future.”

“Not a problem, it’s my job. My name’s Carole.” She said extending her hand.

“I’m Roddy, glad to know you.” I said as she nodded.

“Headed up to the lot? I’ll walk with you.”She suggested.

“I’m going that way, I’ve got a condo at “Summers Season Resort” right here.”

“Oh? Nice places, I bet.” She said.

“Come up for a tour some time.” I said, not meaning “with me”, they advertised for personal tours all the time.

“Oh, I didn’t mean to see my place, they do...” I started to apologize when she stopped me.

“Not to worry, I see their ads. I didn’t think you were giving me a line. I get hit on all day by a lot of creeps, I don’t think you’re one of those.” She grinned and then blushed.

“I’ve thought you were cute, had like a blind crush, (when only one of the 2 people know about it) and hoped we might meet up sometime. Your predicament made meeting you perfect.” She said as if it took bravado for her to be so frank.

“Really? I’m flattered.” I said. “Maybe we could grab dinner tonight, or some other night if you’re not busy.”

“Ha, there’s the line!” she said with a chuckle.

“So, another night?” I said hopefully.

“No, tonight’s fine. Where and what time did you have in mind?” She said.

“The Lobster Pound, if we get there for 5. A pal of mine is holding a table for me. It disappears at 5:15.”

“Oh, it just so happens you have a table for two reserved. How did I get so lucky?” She smart-alecked.

“They don’t have tables for one, a table for one is for 2-3, or 4. Cut me some slack. I intended on eating alone and waiting for the band to start across the street at “Smitty’s”. They start at 7.” I said defending myself from her thinking I was a pick-up artist.

“I can’t make 5, sorry. I planned on going to my brothers in Kennebunk, showering, and meeting my friends at Newcomb’s Tavern. He’s twenty minutes from here, so it would take me an hour, and with dinner traffic, I wouldn’t even make 5:30.”

“If you have a change of clothes, you can shower at my place, it’s got 2 showers.” I said hoping she wasn’t thinking I was being creepy.

“Let me see your ID.” She asked.

“What, are you a cop, too?”

“No, but if I take a picture of your photo ID and send it to my brother, he’ll know who to look for if I end up strangled in a ditch tomorrow.” She said as if she thought it could be a possibility.

“I thought I was a little more credible than that.” I said as I fished for my ID.

“Look, you can’t be too careful. I know I’ve seen you here all week, and last year too, but there are a lot of creeps out there.” She said as she looked at my picture ID and then snapped it.

“Just Roddy, huh? Not short for Rodney or Roderick? Why not just Rod?”

“Teen humor made my high school sweetheart nervous. My friends called me “Rod the Bod”, or “Rod as in Dick”. When she introduced me to her parents to present me as her Prom Date, I became Roddy. She was the most popular girl in school and Roddy caught on fast. Roddy WAS my given name, actually my Moms maiden name.”

“OK, RrrrroddyMcClellan ... whose 34!” She said exaggerating.

We were just passing the little coffee, newspaper, souvenir shop and the owner and his wife were sitting on the bench and they hollered.

“Hey Roddy, Carole.”

Carole smiled knowing I was OK in their minds. Then we heard then mocking, “Roddy and Carole, sittin’ in a tree. K-i-s-s-i-n-g.”

Carole turned and glared at them as they laughed like hell.

“All the tourists here, but we get hassled by two locals. Hard to get a moment.” She said.

“I could kiss you right here on the street, give them a little show!” I said laughing.

“I could also kick you in the balls right here too. I’m a black belt, but I fight dirty.”

“Whoa, it was just a joke. A black belt, huh? Let me get a picture of YOUR ID to text to a friend.” I said as a little tit for tat.

“It’ll just say my name is Carole Sentry, all you need to know.”

“Funny how the game changes when it come to MY safety!” I chuckled as we got to her car.

“Godddd!!!! Show me in and where the shower is before we talk each other OUT of this. It’s just dinner to get to know each other.” She said as got to her car and she took a bag from her trunk.

We got to my condo and I showed her in. Her change of clothes was in a light brown millinery bag with the hanger hook peeking out and I pointed upstairs.

“Top of the stairs, just off the bedroom, there’s the soap and shampoo the place leaves there, or use mine, I don’t care. I’ll shower down here, I have stuff here too. Meet you in the living room when you’re ready.” I said as she smiled and went up the stairs.

I watched her go up, ogling her cute ass until she put the hanger bag behind her and said, “Stop that, it’s creepy!”

“Not really, it’s very cute.” I said as I went to the other shower.

I know from live-in girlfriends and overnight dates that chicks take forever to shower so I stripped and got my clothes for dinner and went to the shower. In 5 minutes, I was out and opened the door to let cool air in while I dried and dressed.I was just tucking myself and my shirt into my clean shorts when I looked up and saw her standing there watching me dress.

“I’m impressed!” She said with a smirk.

“With the condo?The shower?, the...”

“Yeah, those things too. I liked watching you not knowing I was here. I guess I’m being creepy, now.” She said with a cute smile.

I didn’t really know what to say, but she helped me out.

“Umm, we have no guarantees, except nothing happens tonight, but other nights, who knows? I’m no virgin, I’m no slut, but I’m certainly not shy. Ummm ... I didn’t know that I would find out what I might be dealing with if I should ever want to go that far, (she motioned towards my middle with her eyes) AFTER we know a little about each other. I like you, you aren’t a kid. I’m 29, but everyone thinks I’m 20 or so. Lifeguards here are supposed to be “college age”, and local. I’m really neither. One younger guy I thought was OK took me out for drinks and to hear a band. When we danced, he was sexy and he had me fighting the urge to do him, “first date style”. Then when I let him hold me close, he told me he couldn’t wait to “stick it up my ass”. He found out on the dance floor that I’m a black belt, and that I go for the balls first. I’m not telling you this to warn you, because I don’t think you would ever be so bold. I’m telling you so you know there is no game playing with me. We are going out because I’m attracted to you, and, hopefully, you to me. In time we may decide we want to further this, maybe not. Let’s just see what happens, OK? There will be no first date screwing around, probably not second or third date either. Let’s make this so we enjoy each other.”

“How about if I go back home before a 2nd or 3rd date?” I asked wondering how she might further the relationship.

“You’re from New Hampshire, around Concord, at least according to your license plate, so can I be around, or not, ... if we don’t work out.”(She winked and nodded at the fact she knew where I lived) “I know how deep the water is before I dive in the pool. If I didn’t think I could further the relationship I wouldn’t have bothered telling you I had the blind crush. I’m not a pick-up.”

“How long have you been stalking me?” I wondered aloud, pissing her off a bit, I think.

“Don’t get your undies in a bunch, I’ve seen you here for 2 seasons now, thought you were a handsome gentleman and wondered how I might handle it if you came on to me. I just did a little checking, stuff anybody can get, ... if your brother is an ex-cop, and now a part-time cop.” She said smirking. “You obviously weren’t interested until I made the first move, and that would NEVER happen. You made your own situation. Enough of this reality show, are we going out or not?”

“Yes, where are you parked? You can move your car to my parking spot here, I’ll give you the placard.”

“I’m OK by the beach.”

“They ticket and tow after 11.” I warned her, “We’re going to hear a band after.”

“I’ll walk down and get it.”

“No, I’ll ride you down and you’ll park in my spot and we’ll go.”

“All planned out, huh, I bet you’re quite the player.” She said fishing for her keys as we went out to the parking lot.

“You’re quite the game player yourself, Miss Detective.” I said shaking my head as I opened her door.

When I got in my door, she was smiling ear to ear. I looked at her inquisitively and she said, “I think we have this now, no more questions of trust, it is what it is from here on out, OK?”

“Honesty is all you’ll get from me and I expect the same back.” I said as we drove the short way to the Beach Lot.

I gave her my placard and we each drove back to Summer Seasons. She walked out from the lot and got in with me. She seemed to hesitate a bit and leaned over offering herlips and we kissed, one a peck, then another, more than a peck.

“I had to get that out of the way, you are a sweet man. A gentleman.”

“I’ve never felt so violated.” I said with a smile and she gave me a light swat on my leg. “Yeah, I bet!”

We had a great dinner of crisp green salad, lobster, fresh corn, and chowder. We sat back with Irish Coffees and kept our conversation going. We truly did have a connection to have great conversation. We tip-toed through politics and religion and found we mostly agreed on everything, at least in principle. It was 8 o’clock when we finally pushed our chairs back and made our way to the car. Looking across the street we saw there was no parking so we decided to just walkover to hear the band at Smittys.

We found a table and got light cocktails, sat near the bandstand and waited for the band to finish their first break. Once they came up, talking was out of the question, so we decided to dance.

Carole could dance really well and I must admit she had me excited by the way she moved. When they played a song we could hold each other to, she accidentally-on-purpose kneed my erection a few times and pulled me close a few times to feel it jab her belly.

“I’m getting to know your friend pretty well already. You gave me a free peek before and you’re showing him off on the dance floor.”

“Would you be offended if I called you a cock-tease.” I said smiling.

“No, it’s not what I’m shooting for. I just see it has a quality I personally adore.” She whispered.

I pulled back from her to get eye to eye with her, an inquisitive look on my face.

“If talking about it is teasing, I shouldn’t continue.” She said coyly.

I pulled her in tight to make sure she felt it.

She whispered, “It’s a show me. You’ve heard of a “grow-er, not a show-er”? You seem to just go up and down. It doesn’t seem much bigger now than when I saw it asleep.”

I was without words for a second and then asked, “Do you shave your pussy, or let it go natural.”

“Depends, if you get to see it tonight or not. Tomorrow it will be baby smooth.”

“Cock Tease.” I said.

“How long has it been for you?” She asked, and she was serious.

“About a month, and after watching the bikini tops and thong bottoms on the beach I’m ready to take care of business.” I said as the song ended and we walked to the table, arm in arm.

“You won’t have to, I’ll do that for you. I’ve been naughty with you and you don’t deserve it, the tease.”

“You said no first night screwing around, you shouldn’t go against your own principles.” I schooled her.

“I HAVE been a tease and I’m sorry. I’ll keep my clothes on, but you’ll be happy. Now let’s not talk about it, you don’t want me to change my mind.”

“If I can’t make YOU happy, forget it. I don’t roll that way.” I insisted.

“Whatever I do will get me off, I have my kinks.” She said as she polished her drink off and motioned the waitress.

We listened to the next song and, I suppose, reflected on the last few minutes. She turned to me almost apologetically, “When I said yours had a quality I like, don’t get the impression I’ve known THAT many. My number is under 20 and with the jobs I’ve had, that’s good. Lifeguard, Bartender, Bar Hostess at Logan (Airport), it’s easy to meet guys. I get tested 2 couple times a year, so don’t worry there.”

I took her words in but had to tell her,”That’s none of my business and the thought never crossed my mind. We aren’t 18 anymore. Shit happens. Listen, this all started with you warning me to, basically, keep my hands off you, and take things at a slow pace. I really like you and would like to see you again to explore us. You’ve talked about my junk enough to make me feel uncomfortable with how I planned on treating you to make you want to be with me again.”

She almost looked at me like I just took away her puppy. Her eyes teared a little and she took a deep breath before saying, “I’ve had my eye on you for a couple summers and you never gave me a second look. When the opportunity came up for me to actually meet you, and then for you to ask me out, ... my mind raced. Separating reality from the fantasies in my head has been ... difficult. When I saw you nonchalantly dressing while I ogled, it set my mind off. My big bold mouth said things I would never say to a guy on a first, second, or even 5th date. It was because I had already played out things in my fantasies. I don’t want this to go fast, because that always makes things blow up on me. But you do have me a little crazy. Can we go and be alone?”

“Sure, and just so you know, don’t think I haven’t noticed you for these 2 summers, it’s just I don’t have any great opening lines for a lifeguard, I thought you were way out of my league, and while you’re there, you ARE working.”

The waitress came to see if we wanted a refill and we got the check and in no time were out and across the street to my car, arm in arm. When I opened her door for her, she pressed her lips to mine for a long kiss, that ended with a big smile before she got in. She moved over and we necked a minute before I started the car.

“Don’t bring me back to your place because things will happen there that I will regret and second guess for a long time. Don’t think I don’t want to fuck you, RIGHT NOW! I do, but for a lot of reasons I can’t, WE can’t, let that happen.” She said as soon as I got the car in gear.

“Let’s just go down by the ocean, then I’ll walk you to your car, and then I’ll walk back to mine and I’ll see you tomorrow.’

“No, we can go by the ocean, but drop me at my car, I’ll back out and you pull in. Let’s keep it simple, we don’t need people seeing us parade around.”

“As you wish.” Was all I said and I drove to the ocean lot near my condo.

There is one bar and a dance club on the lower beach that stays open until 2 a.m., so the police clear the parking lot at 3 a.m. Since parking is at a premium in both of those night spots the local Trolley makes its last run at 2:30 if you parked there. When we got there, we saw just one other car in the lot, it was 1:30. We parked in a spot that was inconspicuous and gave us alook at anyone else who drove in.

Right away we necked up a storm, feasting on each other’s mouths as our hands roamed each other’s body. Every time I tried to get a hand on her tits or down her pants, she stopped me, but I was persistent. Finally, she pushed my hand away and pushed herself away.

“If you think that I don’t want your hands all over me, inside of me, you’re dead wrong but let me explain something to you. I NEVER do this on a first date. I’ve done it on a one nighter pick-up one time. I felt like a tramp for days, knowing I did something for the sex of it alone. I may pass it out a little too easy at times, I let my needs pass my morals. Roddy, I really like you and I don’t want anything to happen to make you NOT like me. You’ve got me so worked up I’d like to be bent over this seat getting it, but ... I have my period, but it might be my last day. I haven’t trimmed my little garden in a week or so. If I want to give you that, it should be nice, neat, and clean. Please don’t think I’m a tease, I’m really not. Now, I am going to open your pants and take out that problem you have going there. I’m going to stroke it nice and softly to work you up to an orgasm. I only want you to enjoy it. I am going to unbutton my blouse and unsnap my bra. I’ll be playing with my nipples as I do this and I can almost guarantee I’ll have as good a cum as you. But, here’s the thing, I don’t want any help from you, just sit and enjoy. I owe you this, and I WANT to do it. Just to ease your mind, when this happens again, I will have you in my mouth, it’s just not appropriate tonight. When I’m ready to get oral, I’ll be ready to give it.”

I began to protest about being “owed” and she held her hand up to my face.

‘‘SHHH. You just sit and enjoy.” She said as I felt her hand on my belt, then the snap on my shorts, and then my zipper. Her fingers found the slash in my boxer briefs and she worked my cock out. She sat back to let the ambient lighting illuminate the area and she looked it over.

She laughed through her nose and I looked to her face to see her smiling wide.

“You have a nice dick. I think we are going to get along just fine. We couldn’t find a subject we didn’t agree on tonight and we have so much more to talk about. Plus, we had a good time tonight, dancing, laughing, and kidding around. But this dick, ... it’s gonna make me happy.” She said as her hand went in her shirt.

“Shhhhh, just be quiet and sexy.” I whispered.

She cuddled her head into the crook of my arm and watched her hand stroking me. The fact her hand was massaging or pinching at her nipples was obvious and she began to like squeal under her breath. She pulled her hand out of her shirt and pulled a wad of paper towels she had stashed in the waist of her pants. She unfolded themawkwardly with one hand and laid them on my knee before continuing her playing in her shirt.

“Are you close? I know I am.” She said, her voice breaking a bit. “Once I see that spurt and smell that cum, I’ll be off.”

“Squeeze a little harder and let your thumb trail up the head.” I said beginning to lose my breath and start to grunt.

She pulled her hand from her shirt and took the paper towels to catch my load.

“Arrrrgghh.” I moaned as I shot into the towels and onto her hand as she scissored her legs a bit and panted, groaning.

“Oooooo, baby, baby that was good. Good for me and you. Your cum smells so sweet, so good.” She said as she, sort of, melted into me and then used the towels to dab my little pulses of cum afterwards.

After 4 or 5 minutes I sat up quickly, knowing I had dozed.

“Oh,” she said, “we faded off, we better go before the cops wake us up.”

I started the car and kind of put myself back in my pants while she straightened her clothes out.

We kissed goodnight deeply and long before she moved towards the door.

“Would you like it if I picked up stuff after my shift tomorrow and came to your place and made you dinner?”

“Umm, that would be great, but make me a list. I can pick it up.” I told her.

She smiled at me saying, “What kind of surprise dinner would THAT be? I’ll make you something special. I’ll get the stuff and shower here, OK? I’ll see you at 6.”

“If that makes you happy, OK. I guess I’ll probably see you on the beach anyway.”

“Not sure about that, they may shift me down a spot or two, depends who shows up in the morning, and the weather. If I’m not here, just know you’ll see me at 6.” She said as she got out and backed out her car.

I pulled into my spot and I was ready for bed, for sure.

I hadn’t been sleeping so well the whole vacation, so I was surprised to see 10:30 on the clock when I woke up. I guess getting jerked off by a beautiful womanat 2:00 in the morning will do that to you.

I would be lying if I didn’t say that I was a little disappointed in Carole and myself for the night before. I might have wanted her to act a little less forward about the sex. She was honest, at least. If she had turned and hid when I was standing there with my junk out, she would have seemed more “typical”, I suppose.

I dressed and was going to get a breakfast sandwich and coffee at Mickey Dee’s. When I got to my car there was an envelope stuffed through the window where it meets the door frame. It was almost all the way in and opening the door let it drop to the garage floor. It was simply addressed, RODDY.

“I suspect you woke with the same remorse that I did about OUR behavior last night. I can be alittle forward at times and I acted around you like I’ve known you for years, when I only knew you in fantasy. It sounds like a stupid excuse for my talk and actions, but it’s all I have. I know you went along with everything like a horny male might. I hope you know that I’m not a “sex crazy” who went off the rails. I’ve already had you so many times in fantasy, that I got a little alcohol in me and separating it all was difficult. When I saw you half naked, I should have yelped and bolted, but you fulfilled my minds picture so perfectly. Realize, I only stalked you in my mind, except for the plate check. I’m really not creepy like that. I saw you, I liked you and I played out things in my mind and it just got carried away. So now you know where I’m coming from, but I don’t want to lose this chance to know you.

You were all I thought you would be as a person and I thought we hit it off quite well and I hope you still want to see me tonight to make dinner. If you don’t want to pursue this any further leave a message on my cell, 207-555-5555. I will understand. Otherwise, see you around 6. EXTREMELY SINCERE, Carole”

If someone else told me the whole story from the time she paddled out to get me right up to the note, I would have told them to run away screaming, but ... something about her rang, as she said, sincere. The way she acted and talked to me was like a woman who I had known intimately for a time. In her mind, that was true and she let the situation get away from her by assuming I was privy to her thoughts. I was more than willing to pursue it all a bit further. She was #1, very good looking, #2 very smart, #3 very sexy, #4 very honest and sincere. To walk away would have been crazy, at this point. I deserved a chance to get to know her further.

Once I did get to the beach that day Carole was not at Lifeguard Station 4 as she was most days. Where there were usually 2 guys together manning the tower, or two girls together, today it was one and one and my mind told me she switched off with someone to avoid me in case I wanted to reject her, as per her note.

When I was going up to grab a bottle of water I looked up at the guards and asked, “What’s the water temp today?”. “It’s 68 degrees Sir.”

So, I quickly countered, “Where’s Carole today?”

“She was called in for qualifications refresher. We all get one surprise class each summer. I imagine she’ll be back later, or tomorrow.”

I stayed at the beach until 3:30 enjoying the sun, the people, the air, and the cool refreshing water. If Carole did come back, I didn’t see her as I ended up camped down the beach as the tide came in and I had to move. At 4:00 I was in my condo, showered and in the recliner ready to doze off the sun I had taken in.

When my doorbell rang, I startled to see 6:20 on the clock and after a second ring I realized it was NOT morning but evening and it must be Carole. I rushed to the door and opened it as she was turning away.

“Whew, Oh God! My heart was sinking. I thought you bailed on me. I just called you an inconsiderate bastard under my breath. I didn’t think you could do that.” She said going past me with bags of food.

“Sorry, I took a nap and really began to cut wood, I wasn’t even sure what day it was when the bell rang.”

“I hope your kitchen is well equipped for this. Sorry I’m late, I had a surprise class and was chastised about my age. I’m ten years older than the rest of them, but passed all my requirements better than anyone, according to the instructor. I was renewed for next year if I want it, and I could also be an instructor, they don’t know I already am. But I have to shower and get dinner going.”

“What can I do?” I asked.

“Four things, shuck the corn, open the 4 oysters, clean the 4 shrimp, and don’t try to join me in the shower.” She said as she took one bag with her change of clothes in it and asked, “Can I use the shower down here?”

I walked her back to the guest bath and as I did, she asked, “My apology letter didn’t scare you?”

“No, and it wasn’t an apology, it was reassuring more than anything. I think we are on the same page. I felt as you did about last night, but not sorry for anything.” I said.

She set her bag down on the shelf in the bathroomand came and hugged me, kissing me on the cheek. “Go take care of those few things and I’ll be out in 10 minutes.”

I laughed and said, “A woman who takes short showers, unbelievable. That’s how you caught me yesterday, I figured I was safe for another 20 minutes.”

She gave me a sheepish look and said, “I’m not sorry for what I saw, just sorry for not acting embarrassed and have it looking like I saw it every day. Now, get out. I have to get undressed.”

I went out to the kitchen and did as she asked and true to her word, she was out in 10 minutes, her wet hair pulled back in a towel.

“Go mix us a couple drinks as I get things going. I’ll have a bourbon on the rocks. Ummmm, Beam or the like, ... NOT Jack, OK?”

“I can do that, meet you on the sofa.”

She clanged and moved pans and baking sheets for a few minutes and she was out to meet me.

“We’ll have Oysters on the half shell and Shrimp for an appy, then baked scallops encasserole. If you have a shellfish allergy, just murder me and leave me in the dumpster, I’ll be so embarrassed.”

“No problem, just a little unsure of the oysters. I’ve shucked a lot for parties before, but never got the nerve to eat one.”

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