Card Party - Cover

Card Party

Copyright© 2020 by Robin Pentecost

Chapter 8: Party at Pryzcks'

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8: Party at Pryzcks' - Friends and neighbors, they get together on Fridays. For years, they've spent the evenings with refreshment, talking, playing board games and cards. Their children, also friends, hang out together at another home. How's that going to work when things change?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual   Incest   Polygamy/Polyamory   Nudism  

At the appointed time, the six adults gathered at the Pryzck home. Susan went to Peter and gave him a thorough hug and kiss, to which he responded with a thorough grope. Maria crawled up Adam like a flagpole, and Vern and Alice renewed their acquaintance in similar ways.

Alice adjusted her low-cut dress and began handing out drinks. When everyone was served, Maria called the group together.

“Susan, Alice and I met on Wednesday for lunch. I guess you guys know that. And I said I’d watch the kids at my place Thursday. I’ve got to say they were good as gold. They did their homework, they helped each other appropriately, they fooled around a bit...”

“Fooled around – how?” Vern wanted to know.

“Oh, you know. Just games and messing with each other’s heads. Some touchy-feely stuff, but nothing very sexy. Rob and Eileen spent a lot of time holding hands; almost necking but not quite. And they’d all go off with each other, or guys and girls, and talk. Just like really good friends. I’ve got to tell you they’re a really cool group of kids.”

“Well, you should know,” Adam spoke up, “that we’ve told Sally and Kyle that they can spend private time in Kyle’s room.”

“Sorry, Adam, I told the girls that at lunch. I forgot to tell you I’d done that.” Adam shrugged. “But that does kind of change things with the afternoon study thing.”

Alice said, “And we told Sally essentially the same thing on Wednesday. So, that means, unless we tell them otherwise, they can be having sex when they’re studying at our house, too.”

“Well,” Maria said, “what effect does that have on the other four? I haven’t seen any real interaction between Andy and Eileen or Rob and Patti – probably the age difference. But does allowing Sally and Kyle private space mean the others can have it, too?”

Vern added, “What do we mean when we say ‘private space’? Is that space where they can have sex, or is there some invisible limitation they have to observe?”

Peter and Adam looked at each other. Peter spoke. “I suppose we weren’t thinking that far ahead when we gave Sally and Kyle that option. I mean, we all knew, didn’t we...” he looked at Adam and Susan, “ ... that if they wanted to have sex it was up to them – we assume, at least I certainly do – that they are having sex. But we...”

Alice continued for him, “ ... we got mousetrapped when they all wanted to get together to study. Now, is it really fair to tell Kyle and Sally they can’t get together privately when they’re at our place to study?”

“Hey, we make the rules, don’t we?” Vern blustered.

Maria spoke up, “Well, yes we do, Vern. But you know as well as I do that if the rules don’t make sense they won’t be obeyed.”

Susan chimed in, “Of course that’s true. But what we’re really talking about here is, what are the other four kids going to be doing if Kyle and Sally are fucking ... excuse me, taking private time?”

Peter looked a little funny. “You’re suggesting that Bob ... Rob might be making out with Patti? And so on?”

“Let’s get to the core of this,” Adam said. “Let’s stop beating around the bush. We’re talking about whether all of these kids are going to be having sex on these study afternoons. With the possible exception of when they’re at Maria and Vern’s.”

“Yes, I guess we are, sort of,” Vern said. “But that’s pretty much a question for you guys, since Maria’s always there. She can keep an eye on things.”

“Well, hey. I’m not the sex police,” Maria said. “And if you think I want to have them over here every afternoon, you can think again.”

Vern chuckled. “She wants the house free for her boyfriends.” He ducked as Maria threw a pillow at him.

Adam intervened again. “No, seriously. What we have to accept, if we allow our kids to use our houses without an adult present, is that there’s a very good chance they will have sex in one or more combinations. Are we all clear on that, and is it a problem for anyone? Because if it is, we need to do something about it right away.”

There was silence for a moment, and Susan said, “I propose we all think this over and make a decision before next Monday. Agreed? I’ve got to say that I want to talk to Adam about the possibility of Eileen hypothetically having sex with Rob and Andy. I don’t think either of them would force her. In fact, there’s a very good chance she’d entice one or both of them just to see what it was all about.” She looked at the other parents. “Before Monday, okay?”

Maria replied, “Well, I guess we all want to think about the results if we make it possible for all these kids to mix and match as their hormones suggest. I know none of us is concerned about coercion, nor does any of us think any of these kids aren’t ‘good enough’. But it’s a decision we have to make for each family.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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