Card Party - Cover

Card Party

Copyright© 2020 by Robin Pentecost

Chapter 6: Sunday

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6: Sunday - Friends and neighbors, they get together on Fridays. For years, they've spent the evenings with refreshment, talking, playing board games and cards. Their children, also friends, hang out together at another home. How's that going to work when things change?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual   Incest   Polygamy/Polyamory   Nudism  

Sunday morning, as was their custom, Kyle and Eileen brought coffee and buns into their parents’ bedroom. They crawled into the big bed – Eileen next to her dad, Kyle next to his mother – sipped their drinks and talked, mostly about nothing.

Susan stretched the rules on this occasion. “Eileen, Bobby was over here all day yesterday. He stuck to you like glue. Have you got something on him? Are you making him your slave or something?” Her smile belied her accusation.

Eileen giggled. “No, Mom. It’s just we’ve gotten to be real good friends.” She turned to look at Susan. “I found out that he’s a really nice guy. Not like those other guys in my class. He listens to me, he pays attention. I guess you could say he respects me. Most of the boys just want to look at my tits.”

Kyle chuckled, “And he doesn’t?”

Eileen blushed and glared at Kyle. “Well I should hope so.” Her temper ebbed, and she went on. “He’s cute and I like him and I know him real well, and I trust him.” That settled it.

“Well, he’s welcome here any time, you know,” Susan said. “If you need anything from me, let me know.”

When the coffee was gone and buns consumed, the young people went off to shower and dress. Susan threw back the covers and went to pull on a longish tee shirt. “Funny,” she said, as Adam pulled on his sweat pants.


“I don’t remember when the last time was they both came in completely naked. Usually Eileen wears a shirt and Kyle wears briefs.

“You’re right,” He paused and looked at her. “I probably shouldn’t mention it, but she sure felt good next to me.”

Susan looked back at him. “So did Kyle. I don’t think we better go there.” They hugged and kissed and went on with the day.

Adam brought cans of soda when Kyle was putting the lawn mower away.

“Thanks for getting that done today, Kyle.”

“Well, I forgot yesterday, dad. I know you don’t like me to do it on Sunday, but I figured...”

“Well, that’s only because I like a quiet Sunday, you know.” He gestured to a bench in the back yard. “Tell me how it went last night.”

“Great. Just great. We had supper at that little restaurant off the food court. That was a good idea, and thanks.” He took a pull at his can. “And, wouldn’t you know, Tommy Canfield walked by and saw us.”

“Is he the one Sally turned down?”

“Yeah. And he was pissed off. I was kind of sorry he was the one she ditched, ‘cause we’re friends; I really didn’t want him to get mad at me. Well, she jumped up and dragged him in to sit with us and explained why she turned him down. He accepted it and didn’t stay long. It looks like it’ll be okay.”

“That’s a good woman, Kyle. Not all girls would be that thoughtful.”

“Don’t I know it! But she is. I still can’t get over how she got me to ask her out.”

“Talked you into it, did she?”

“Well, she told me – Friday – that Tommy had asked her out, and I said I wasn’t real happy about that. And she asked why she shouldn’t, because I’ve never asked her out. She knocked me over with that.”

“Why haven’t you?”

“Asked her out, you mean? I guess I was always afraid if I did, we wouldn’t be friends any more. I mean, isn’t it different if she’s your girlfriend?”

“It isn’t for your Mom and me. We’re friends as well as lovers. She’s my best friend there is.”

“Even more than Mr. Pryzck or Mr. Fratelli?”

“Oh, hell yes. I mean they’re friends, but there’s so much I can talk to your Mom about that I can’t mention to them.”

“Oh.” Kyle thought for a moment. “Yeah. I guess that’s right. I can’t think of anything I couldn’t tell Sally.”

“Not even being naked with your sister and your mother?”

Kyle blushed. “No, not even that.”

“Today’s the first time in a while I’ve seen Eileen naked. Does that mean anything?”

Kyle looked at his father. “No, I don’t think so. What do you mean?”

Adam ducked the question. “Nothing really. It’s not a problem. How did the rest of your evening go? You sit in the back row?”

Kyle chuckled. “Yeah, we did. I don’t think either of us saw much of the movie. Sally had to stop and check out which one we went to.”

“I was always sorry your Mom and I had to go out in public to have some private, touchy-feely time. You guys can always spend time in your room, you know.”

Kyle looked a little surprised. “Really? Thanks. You’re not scared we’ll, uh...”

“Make love? Well, Kyle, if she wants to, you haven’t a chance, and you might as well be comfortable. And you know about condoms and she knows about birth control pills. There’s just one thing you should keep in mind.”

Kyle managed to get his mouth closed. “What’s that?”

“It’s always the woman’s choice, Kyle. It’s always what – and when – she wants. Sure, you can say, ‘Not now’ or ‘Not that’ or ‘Could we try... ‘ but in the first instance it’s the woman’s choice.”

“Kind of hard to see saying ‘No’.”

“Hey, how many girls do you know who’ll offer sex just to get you to do something? Well, maybe not sex, but kisses, or a feel, or something that’s almost a promise?”

“Ah, I see what you mean. Yeah, you’re right. No’s a good idea. For them.” He looked honestly at his father. “I don’t think I’ll ever say no to Sally.”

“Well, the day may come, Kyle. You’re both only 17 and time passes and things change, but I think you’re on the right track.

“Dad,” Kyle began, “what about sex? I mean, why do they say it’s wrong?”

“Well, who says it’s wrong, Kyle? Think about that. And what are the reasons?”

“Well, the churches say so, and the sex-ed books say you should wait for marriage or ‘maturity’ – whatever the fuck that is. And parents are always saying it.” He shook his head. “I guess that must mean it’s wrong.”

“Unless you’ve satisfied their rules, right? Marriage, maturity, with the approved person or whatever?”

“Yeah, I guess.”

“Well, it’s my opinion that the only reason there are advanced life forms on earth is sex. The only reason we exist is to have sex and to reproduce.”

“Come on, dad.” Kyle shook his head in disbelief.

“No, Kyle. Think about it. We higher life forms – I’m not talking about bacteria here – we have enough intelligence to make selections, choices. And humans have enough intelligence to either build cathedrals or destroy all life on earth. But it’s all so we can have sex and reproduce. And being humans and only semi-intelligent, we also make rules about why we shouldn’t do what we’re made for.”

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