Card Party - Cover

Card Party

Copyright© 2020 by Robin Pentecost

Chapter 26: The week

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 26: The week - Friends and neighbors, they get together on Fridays. For years, they've spent the evenings with refreshment, talking, playing board games and cards. Their children, also friends, hang out together at another home. How's that going to work when things change?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual   Incest   Polygamy/Polyamory   Nudism  

“Morning!” Sally said, as Kyle came down his front steps Monday morning, dressed to run. Sally, in tight running shorts and a mesh top over her sports bra, was jogging in place.

“God,” Kyle said, his face lit with pleasure. “You look just gorgeous.” Sally kissed him soundly, and they ran off, side by side, down the broad sidewalk.

“How’s things at home?” Kyle asked.

“You mean what happened when Dad got home?” Sally glanced at her partner, noting his grin and nod. “Well, when he came in the door, Mom just grabbed him and pulled him up the stairs. They didn’t come down for supper, and I had to take it up to their room. When Rob and I brought the trays in, they were still in bed, bareass, sweaty – and they sure looked happy. This morning, they were as bad as you and me when we were first together. Smooching and touching.” Sally grinned at him as they stopped to let a car pass and the two young lovers crossed a street. “What about your folks?”

“Just about the same, different details. Mom came in, the two of them kissed and groped for about ten minutes. Eileen and I got hugs, and Mom told Dad, ‘We need to talk,’ and they went upstairs.”

“I hope that wasn’t as ominous as it sounds,” Sally said as they jogged along in the cool-warm morning.

“Oh, hell no.” Kyle chuckled. “It wasn’t more than ten minutes before we heard Mom screaming.”

“She’s a screamer?”

“Yeah, that’s where Eileen gets it, I guess. Anyway, they did come down for supper, but Mom told us she was ‘going to have her desert upstairs’. She was pretty vocal until Eileen and I went to bed.”

“You sleep together last night?”

“Yeah. With all that going on, it seemed the right thing to do.”

“You going to screw her?”

“You going to screw Rob?”

“Hang on,” Sally came to a halt and turned to face him. “Is this a big deal?”

Kyle put his arm around her waist and pulled her to him. He lightly kissed her lips. “Not if it isn’t for you. I mean, we’ve screwed Tom and Melanie, and we’re not even that close to them. If you want to make love with Rob, it’s all right with me. I don’t own you, I just love you.”

Sally hugged him tight and turned to run, Kyle following. “Good. That’s how I feel about you and Eileen. As for Rob, I haven’t made up my mind, but he is so sweet. Last night we just lay there. We could hear Mom and Dad making love and it felt really great. Rob got me off a couple of times, and I blew him.” Sally glanced at him. “It was sort of a house-full of love.” She considered a moment, looked up at him. “Eileen said that screwing you would mean you weren’t her brother, just her lover. Way I see it, screwing Rob would mean my brother is my lover, too.” She shook her head. “Have to see what happens; not sure how I feel.”

“Yeah. That’s it.” He reached for her hand, and they ran hand in hand for a while.

“I’ve been thinking about that, too,” Kyle said. “About fucking Eileen.” Sally grunted her interest, and Kyle went on. “The other day, I woke up with my dick between Eileen’s thighs. I could have slipped into her. But that would have made her my lover, not my sister anymore. I guess that’s how I feel about it – right now, anyway.”

“Nailed it!” Sally said. “I want my brother as my brother, not as a lover. He eats me till I’m nuts, and I think I give him pretty good head, but that’s all either of us wants from each other.” She turned and grinned at Kyle. “Right now, anyway.”

“Yeah,” Kyle agreed. “But how does that work for Andy and Patti?”

Sally ran on for a while in thought. “You know, I think Andy and Patti have always been more lovers than sibs. They’ve always been so close, even before we all began fucking. They love each other in different ways than we do Eileen and Rob. What do you think?”

“Works for me.” Kyle turned and jogged backwards for a few feet. “You want to get together with Tom and Melanie again?”

“You horndog!” Sally laughed. “You bet!”

“Hey, you two!” Melanie and Tom walked up as Kyle and Sally entered the school building on Thursday and headed for their lockers.

“Hey, yourselves.” Sally replied. “I was going to look for you. How about we get together and hang out?” She grinned broadly, and nudged Kyle. Melanie was wearing a spaghetti-strap top that displayed her full breasts.

“Sally,” Tom said. “You look terrific!”

“Tom, you just think you can see my nipples.”

“If that’s not them, you’ve got bullets in your bra.”

“Nope.” Sally looked at Melanie. “Look. How about this afternoon?” Melanie looked to Tom for confirmation and agreed. “Well, the rest of our gang is going to my house, let’s meet at Kyle’s. Finals are next week and it’s going to be crazy. We may not get another chance for a while.” The bell rang.

“See you after school,” Melanie said.

“Join us for lunch why don’t you?”

When the Pryzcks, Davidsons and Fratellis met for lunch in the school cafeteria, Donna and Henry LeBeau joined them.

“We spent the weekend at Hidden Lake!” Patti exploded with the news. “We were all naked all weekend!” Suddenly conscious of where they were, she explained more quietly, “Mom and Dad and the LeBeaus – we all went to Hidden Lake. It’s beautiful, and you only need to wear clothes if it’s cold or you feel like it.”

Kyle looked at Henry. “I guess you’re used to it, but I’d guess you all had a good time.”

“Newbies really get off on it at first, but Donna and I really enjoy the freedom. And, of course, you get to eyeball the girls.”

“And,” Donna said, “we get to eyeball the guys. To be honest, I can’t say I mind the attention, either.”

“Look guys,” Patti said, getting everyone’s attention, “there’s two, maybe three big things came out of this weekend up there.” She leaned forward and lowered her voice. “First, Mom and Dad and the LeBeaus were doing it just as much as we were.” She looked at Donna, raising an eyebrow in question. Donna nodded. Patti continued, “And, Andy and I aren’t exclusive anymore.”

Eileen whooped quietly, “Wow! You happy about it?”

Andy spoke up. “Yeah, we really are. I mean, we’re still together, but, well, we’ve branched out.”

“Who with?” asked Sally.

Henry said, “Donna and me. It was fun, and now we know we can be with others and still love each other. It’s really great.”

“Patti,” Eileen asked, “does that mean I can get after your hunk of a brother?”

Rob whooped. “Geez, Eileen. Don’t hold back!”

“Why should I? We’ve talked about it enough. And you want to get it on with Patti.” She turned back to Patti. “Well?”

“You’ll have to ask Andy. And, I suppose, Henry. As for me...”

Sally interrupted, “Look! Here are Tom and Melanie. I asked them to join us.”

The newcomers crowded in on the end of the table. Rob said, “Patti, tell us about this camp.”

“Well, you know where it is, and it’s a really big place.” She looked a question at Henry.

“About a hundred acres,” he said, “with a neat lake.”

“And,” Patti continued, “there’s this big house with lots of bedrooms; they all have a king-size bed, closet and half-bath. Showers are common. You’re not supposed to screw outside where the little kids can see you, but it’s no trouble to skip into the house for a while.”

“There’s this sort of hedged place,” Andy told them, “only 15s and up are allowed. There are places where you can be sort of alone but outdoors, and one big area where anyone inside can see what you’re up to.” He looked around and spoke quietly. “We saw our folks doing it with the LeBeaus there one day.” He grinned widely. “Boy, did we razz them about it.”

Kyle looked around at the others. “Look, We were talking about getting together this afternoon; why don’t you two come to our place? We can talk there and not worry about who hears us.” Everyone agreed.

As they left the lunch room, Eileen collared Sally and dragged her into the girl’s bathroom. “I need to ask you something,” she explained.

“I don’t want to be late,” Sally demurred.

“Just this, Sally,” Eileen said quietly, after checking that the stalls were empty. “I’ve been talking with Rob. You know that stuff you and Kyle have been pushing about how you won’t have sex with us because you’d lose a sib?”

“And?” Sally asked, with a frown.

“Well, we’d like the two of you to think about this: maybe, if I screw Kyle – if you agree, I wouldn’t do it otherwise – I wouldn’t lose a brother, I’d gain another lover.” Eileen’s face lit up. “I mean, I already love him, and he’ll always be my brother. Rob feels the same way about it.” She looked Sally in the eye. “what do you think?”

Sally’s face had gone from pale to pink, her expression from shocked to pensive. She paused, temporarily at a loss for words. The bell rang. Sally gave Eileen a quick hug and headed for the door. “Gotta go,” she said, “I’ll talk to Kyle.”

Louise Wilson pushed open the door to the dress shop. A salesperson greeted her and directed her to Alice’s office.

“Louise! I haven’t seen you in ages! What brings you here?”

“Well, I’m not looking for clothes right now, Alice, I wanted to chat. Have you got time?”

“Aren’t you working at the health department?”

“I’m playing hooky this morning. Anyway, it’s been a while. I’ve missed seeing you and Peter. How is he?”

“He’s fine, busy. You’re looking really well. I think you’ve lost some weight.”

The two women sat together on the old sofa in the office and spent a few minutes renewing their acquaintance, comparing notes. They had been good friends for years, but had drifted apart. Eventually, Louise got to the reason for her visit when Alice asked her about her daughter.

“Melanie’s great, doing well in school. She’s got a boyfriend, Tom Canfield.”

“Oh, good,” Alice said. “He wanted to date Sally, but she’s going with Kyle Davidson.”

“I heard. And, well, that’s sort of why I wanted to talk with you, Alice. Tom’s lived next door for years, and since they’ve gotten together, his father and I have gotten to be pretty good friends.”

“Bill Canfield. Runs an engineering business. I remember him. Nice guy.” Alice considered for a moment. Her relationship with Louise had always been open and frank. “Tom and Melanie are lovers, I guess. You two getting together?”

Louise breathed a sigh of relief and grinned broadly. “You bet! We finally realized we were wasting our lives pining over our losses. When Tom and Melanie started ... Well, started fucking...” Louise looked sharply for Alice’s reaction and, seeing nothing but a grin, went on. “ ... we did, too. God, Alice, it’s so good to have a good man in your life.”

“Don’t I know. I’m really glad you came by. I was sort of wondering whether I ought to go out and look you up.”

Louise grinned. “I wonder if it’s for the same reason I came in? Is it about Kyle and Sally...”

“ ... and Melanie and Tom. Yes. Yes, it is. Sally told me she and Kyle had gotten together with them. Is there a problem?”

“Not with me or Bill. Is there with you?”

“No, but if there were, is there anything we could do about it?” Alice chuckled. “Peter and I realized quite a while ago that there are some things where you have to just try and be there and hope things go well. We ... Well, come on, Louise, you and I were pretty close for a long time, until your husband died...”

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