Card Party - Cover

Card Party

Copyright© 2020 by Robin Pentecost

Chapter 2: The kids at Fratellis

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2: The kids at Fratellis - Friends and neighbors, they get together on Fridays. For years, they've spent the evenings with refreshment, talking, playing board games and cards. Their children, also friends, hang out together at another home. How's that going to work when things change?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual   Incest   Polygamy/Polyamory   Nudism  

“It’s our house, you know,” Andy Fratelli said. “You and Sally may be the oldest, but it’s our house.”

“Hey, Andy, we know that,” Kyle Davidson replied. “All I said was, we have to follow the instructions your mother gave us.”

“Yeah,” said Patti Fratelli, “but there’s problems.”

“Well, tell us. What’s the problem?” Sally Pryzck asked.

Patti stood up and reached for her can of soda. “Look. Mom told us they won’t be home until morning, right? And she told us to work out the sleeping arrangements. That’s the problem.”

The six young people had spent the evening in a variety of ways, playing video games, watching a movie, reading or doing homework, just as they usually did when their parents were at their card party. They’d become used to it over the years and had worked out a way to get along. And because they got along, they became friends. The two oldest, Kyle Davidson and Sally Pryzck, were acknowledged to be the authority figures, at least to the extent that they could say “No” or “Stop” when necessary. That had kept them out of a lot of trouble, although being youngsters, there’d been a lot of pretty wild games and risqué happenings. “Truth or Dare” was a game they rarely played anymore because they’d just about reached the limits that any of them wanted to push. On the other hand, their tablets and phones roved through the seamier parts of the Internet; their parents did not believe in Parental Controls, relying more on effective communication.

All six of them were good students, mostly because their parents required they get their homework done and because they spent time with them making certain they understood what was required and setting clear rules they had to meet or negotiate for modification.

On the other hand, the oldest – Kyle and Sally – were Juniors, the twins, Sophomores; and the youngest – Bobby Pryzck and Eileen Davidson – were Freshmen at the local High School. They were all still young and with both the daring and hesitation of young adults. Tonight they had a problem: their parents weren’t going to be picking them up a little before midnight. They would have to stay at the Fratelli’s all night.

“Well, let’s talk about it,” Sally said. “How many bedrooms have you got, four, isn’t it? What’s the problem?”

Patti dropped into an easy chair. “Simple. I don’t want to share a bed.”

“Okay,” Kyle answered, “you sleep in your bed, Sally and Eileen get the guest bedroom, Andy has his room and Bobby and I sleep in your folks’ bed. Is there a problem with that?”

“Naw, I guess not. Sorry, I wasn’t thinking,” Patti conceded.

“Anyway, we get to stay up and watch the late stuff on TV,” Bobby said.

Eileen went to sit next to Patti on the arm of the chair she’d taken over. “Did your Mom say why they were staying there? They never did that before.”

“No. She just said ‘We’ve decided to spend the night here’. That’s all; the rest of it was instructions about breakfast and stuff. And ‘We love you’, and ‘Be good’.”

Sally said, “I think I would have asked for more information. Sounds strange to me. What the hell are they going to do all night? As far as I know they don’t play cards all that much any more.”

“Do you think it’s a swap thing?” Andy asked.

“You mean, are they screwing each other? Your mom and my dad?” Eileen speculated. “I mean I know Mom and Dad do it a lot, and your mom is pretty cute...”

“Well, it sounds fishy to me, but it’s clear they all agree or Ms Fratelli wouldn’t have sounded so positive. Guess we’ll have to ask them tomorrow,” Kyle said, then, grinning, went on, “or do you want to call them back and demand an explanation?”

Eileen laughed. “Are you kidding? Our Mom’s a lawyer, for god’s sake. She’d tie me in knots before I got the question out. What the hell, we’ll either find out or not. In the meantime, we have all night to have fun.”

The young people went back to what they had been doing, playing games and watching TV. Eileen and Bobby were on the floor with pillows, watching TV and talking quietly, Kyle and Sally sat talking on the sofa.

“You got a date tomorrow?” Kyle asked, knowing that she seldom dated.

“Well, sort of.” Sally replied. “Tommy’s asked me to a movie, but he only asked me today at school, and I said I’d tell him tomorrow morning. How come you never date? We could double.” Her short blond hair framed a pretty face.

Kyle blushed a little. “Well, I just don’t know anyone I want to ask. I guess that’s it.”

“Are you shy, Kyle? Afraid to ask?” Sally knew Kyle’s reticence and his unwillingness to face a turndown – at least from a girl. She scooted over on the sofa, bringing her knees over his thighs, her arm around the back of the sofa. Her body was close to his, and she put her hand on his where it lay on her thigh. “Is that it?”

Kyle looked at her, so much closer than before. He felt her warmth and reveled in it. He turned his hand to take hers in it. “You know me too well. Yeah, I guess that’s it. But I don’t really know anyone I want to ask. They’re all ... I don’t know.”

“How come you’ve never asked me?”

Kyle’s eyes widened, then he looked away. “You wouldn’t want to go out with me, and anyway, Tommy’s asked you.” he said.

“Why not? I mean, we’re already dating, aren’t we?”

What?“ Kyle turned toward her, which brought his arm against her breast. Either he didn’t notice, or didn’t care. Sally obviously didn’t. “What do you mean, we’re dating?”

“Well, unless I’ve forgotten something, we’ve been together every Friday night for the last three years or so.” Her eyes were bright with mischief. “Isn’t that a regular date?”

“But it’s just...” Kyle sputtered to a stop. “You’re just pulling my chain.”

“Oh, a little bit, Kyle,” Sally admitted. “But I see more of you – Fridays and at school and after – I see more of you than I see of any other boy. Doesn’t that mean something?” She moved herself a little closer. There was no doubt in his mind that her breast was firmly in contact with his arm.

Kyle stared into her blue eyes. His free hand moved spasmodically and then he looked across the room, staring for several long moments. “Yes, Sally it does.” He swallowed hard. “Fridays are kind of different, I mean with all the others here, but yes, you’re the girl I see the most of ... except maybe my sister.”

“Is that okay?”

“Oh, yeah, it’s okay. I like you, Sally.”

“So, will you take me out? Tomorrow?”

“I’d like nothing better. I never thought...”

“OOH, Bobby. Look!” Eileen shouted, “My brother’s getting all gooey with your sister!”

Sally chuckled low in her chest as she felt Kyle stiffen. “Pay no attention. It’s a date. We need to get away from these rug rats.” She leaned forward and kissed his lips, brushing them with hers and breaking away with a glance around the room to be sure they were no longer being watched by Eileen or anyone else. Then she looked back, and he kissed her.

They separated somewhat, still holding hands. Kyle held Sally’s hand with a feeling he’d long wished for but not experienced until now. Kyle realized his arm, where it was trapped under Sally’s breast, had gone to sleep. He struggled.

“Am I too heavy?” she asked.

“No. Arm’s asleep.” Sally shifted so that Kyle’s arm could curl behind her and her breasts were now firmly against his chest. She rested her head on his shoulder. They spoke, but not about anything special, particularly not about what was happening, what she’d implicitly told him.

On the floor, Bobby had reached over and shaken Eileen’s shoulder. “Cut it out, Eileen. Can’t you see what’s happening there?”

“What? What do you mean?”

“I mean my sister’s finally gotten your brother’s attention. I think she had to practically jump his bones, though.”

Eileen looked again at the couple on the sofa. “Yeah, I think you’re right. How do you know about it?”

“Sally’s been sort of mooney lately. She talks about Kyle a lot. I think she’s got a serious crush on him. Doesn’t Kyle say anything?”

“Not about girls, Bobby. That’s one thing he never talks about. But I know he likes her. I can tell the way he looks at her when she’s not looking.” She rose up on her elbow and looked down at Bobby. “Sort of like you look at me. I catch you at it sometimes, you know.”

“Of course I know, Eileen. I like you a lot. You’re great.”

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