Naked in School — A Parent's Story - Cover

Naked in School — A Parent's Story

Copyright© 2020 by Terry

Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 - When the Krill family moved to their new city, they didn't realize the city permitted public nudity and The Program was in the schools. After a year, Kari and Kevin are looking back at the adventures they had with their three children, Kathy, Kate and Keith. Before moving, the Krills never imagined what they would experience in their new city.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   ft/ft   Consensual   Fiction   Brother   Sister   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Voyeurism   Nudism  

“Remember when you taught the girls how to give hand and blowjobs.”

“To tell the truth, I don’t think I will ever forget it. With all the things a mother has to teach their daughters about, this is the one thing I never thought I would have to do.”

“I have always thought you were a great cocksucker,” said Kevin. “I have gotten blowjobs from other girls, but, except for one girl, you are the best.”

Kari was impressed with Kevin’s compliment. “Thank you, sweetie.”

“I also feel the girls have a great teacher.”

While eating dinner, the conversation turned to The Program. Since this was new to Kathy, Kate and Keith, this was an interesting topic of conversation.

Kate said, “There were two naked boys in one of my classes, today. It was so cool. When they came into the class, they both had erections.”

“Did they ask for relief?” asked Kathy.

“Yes,” replied Kate. “They asked for help and one boy got a handjob from the girl while the other one got a blowjob. The girl giving the blowjob really looked like she was enjoying it a lot. Of course, the boy was enjoying it a lot too.”

Kari asked, “How old are the girls?”

Kate thought for a second and said, “The girls and the boys are14 or 15.”

Kari had a little bit of a hard time believing 14 and 15 year old’s were giving and getting blowjobs, in spite of the fact the first time she had given a blowjob was when she was fourteen, “Kathy, Kate, have either of you given Relief?”

Kate said, “No, I haven’t. I haven’t been in many classes where there have been nude students, but I would like to. I have volunteered, but I haven’t been picked.”

Kari was surprised she was surprised at Kate’s statement. “Really? What would you like to do to the boy?”

After taking a sip of her milk, Kate replied, “I guess I would have to give the boy a handjob. I would like to give him a blowjob, but I don’t know how. The girls I have seen giving blowjobs look like they are really enjoying it and the boys really enjoyed it. I wish I knew how to do it.”

“I agree with what Kate,” said Kathy. “I haven’t volunteered, but I would like to do it. I just wish I knew how to give a blowjob.”

“How about you, Keith,” asked Kevin, “anything interesting happen to you today?”

Keith said, “There were two nude girls in my gym class today. It was really cool showering with the girls. I was surprised the girls didn’t seem to be embarrassed.”

“The Program has been going on for a while, so they are use to having members of the opposite sex in the showers.”

Kathy asked her brother, “Did the boys have hardons?”

“Most of them, including me.”

Kathy thought, ‘I wouldn’t mind showering with a bunch of boys.’

The family talked about The Program a little more and then the conversation turned to other subjects.

Later on that evening, Kari and Kevin were in bed. “That was quite a revelation that the girls revealed at dinner.”

“It doesn’t surprise me too much. They are seeing it and seeing how much the girls are enjoying it, of course, they would like to try it,” said Kevin. “I know if I saw boys enjoying getting blowjobs when I was in school, I would liked to get one.”

“A while back, Kathy asked me about giving oral sex. Since then and after what I heard tonight, I was thinking of giving the girls...” Kari took a deep breath...”lessons on how to give handjobs and blowjobs.” Kari was hoping Kevin would react, but he didn’t. “Also, I think that both girls should be started on birth control.”

“I think those are both good ideas.”

“I know it is the right idea, but I kind of wished that you hadn’t agreed with me so quickly.”

“I know, Babe, but seeing they have experience so far and what they will be experiencing in the future, it is bound to happen and a lot sooner than we would like.

Kari punched Kevin lightly in the chest. “You know I hate it when you are right.”

Kari decided, if she was going to teach the girls how to give hand and blowjobs, she should approach it as if she was going to teach it in a classroom. She had a teaching degree, but hadn’t done much teaching lately because of raising a family and with Kevin’s job, the family didn’t need the money. However, with the kids being older, she was thinking of applying for a job, maybe as a substitute teacher.

As she figured out how she how she was going to teach this unusual lesson, she thought ‘these are classes that wouldn’t be taught in a school back home. Of course, if classes on these subjects were held, attendance would be pretty good.’

Kari started on her lesson plan, which didn’t take long to complete. She read it over a couple times and decided it was ready.

A few days later, Kari and Kevin were at the kitchen table talking. “Well, tonight, I will be giving Kate and Kathy their lessons. Do you think you and Keith could find something to do for a while tonight?”

“Sure, Babe, just give me a call or a text when it is okay to come home,” said Kevin. “To tell the truth, I’m having a hard time believing that you will be giving our daughters blowjob lessons. I know my mother would never do that.”

“Neither would mine,” said Kari, “but I had a good friend who helped me with that part of my education.”

This wasn’t something that Kari wanted to do, but considering everything that was going on, the situation kind of demanded it. After supper, as requested, Kevin took Keith and left the house. Kari told the girls to come to her bedroom in a half hour and she wanted them to wear clothes.

Kari was sitting on her bed when there was a knock at the door. Kari said come in. Kathy and Kate came into the bedroom. Both girls had an excited, but nervous look on their faces.

Kari had sit on the bed with her. They talked for a couple minutes before Kari said, “You know why we are here. Now, this is something I really don’t want to do, but considering everything, I guess I have to.”

Kathy and Kate looked at each other and Kathy said, “We understand that, Mom. We appreciate you doing this for us.”

“If we were back where we use to live, I would ask if you had ever seen a penis, especially an erect penis, but I think know the answer to that question would be yes. I know you have seen an erect penis, but I wish you hadn’t seen one this soon.”

Both girls giggled and Kate said, “Yes, we have seen a few.”

“The question I have now is have you ever touch or played with a penis before coming here?”

Kathy thought about it for a bit and then said, “If I have, I don’t remember and I haven’t touched one here.”

Kate mirrored the comment of her sister. “I don’t remember playing with any penises, except for Keith’s.”

“I was wondering,” said Kari, “how did you start stroking Keith?”

Kate thought for a few seconds and said, “Most of the time when we would take a shower together, Keith would have an erection. One time, I saw him rubbing it. When I asked him why he was doing that, he said it felt good. Then, he asked me if I wanted to rub it. I said sure and stroked it for a little bit. He said he liked me rubbing it, but it didn’t do anything for me.”

“Did he ask you to do it again?”

“He would ask once in awhile, but not too often. Most of the time, I wouldn’t do it, but I liked watching him.”

“Did Keith ever return the favor and rub your vulva?”

Kate thought about it for a little bit. “If he did, I don’t remember. I don’t think at that time, I realized how good it would feel to have my vulva rubbed.”

“How about you, Kathy?”

Kari could tell Kathy was nervous. After a few seconds, Kathy finally said, “No boy has touch my vulva.” Kathy knew that Kari read between the lines, but was relieved that Kari didn’t say anything about her comment.

Kari was relieved at Kathy and Kate’s answers. She decided to start the lesson. “First, any time you’re handling a penis, listen to the boy. If he says to do something, do what he says.” Kari took a deep breath as she said, “As you get more experience with penises, you will be able to anticipate what a boy might want you to do.”

Kathy and Kate giggled at comment, but Kari could tell it was a nervous giggle.

Kari picked up a cucumber and said, “This one is about the size of a normal male.” Picking up another one, Kari said, “This one is about the size of your Dad, as you probably have figured out.”

Kathy took the cucumber from Kari and studied it. “You’re right about that.”

Kari took the cucumber back. She used it in conjunction with a picture to explain the different parts of the male organ. Kari didn’t know if she should be happy or concern about how attentive Kathy and Kate were to her information about penises. After explaining the anatomy of the penis, she gave the girls a bit of a quiz. The girls did very well on the quiz, which again, she didn’t know if she should be happy or concerned.

Now, it was time for the lab portion of the lesson. Kari took the cucumber in one hand and grasped it with her other hand. Then, she started to stroke the cucumber. “When boys masturbate, this is how the majority of them do it.” Kari continued to stroke the faux penis. As she stroked it, she thought about some of the penises that she had stroked.

“Mom?” said Kathy. “Mom?”

Kari snapped out of her dream state. “What?”

“You kind of zoned out,” said Kathy. “What were you thinking about?”

Kari hated to tell her children about her sex life and history, but she always tried to answer their questions. “Well, as I was stroking the cucumber, I got to thinking about some of the penises that I have stroked. There were a couple that I still remember once in awhile.”

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