Naked in School — A Parent's Story - Cover

Naked in School — A Parent's Story

Copyright© 2020 by Terry

Chapter 28

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 28 - When the Krill family moved to their new city, they didn't realize the city permitted public nudity and The Program was in the schools. After a year, Kari and Kevin are looking back at the adventures they had with their three children, Kathy, Kate and Keith. Before moving, the Krills never imagined what they would experience in their new city.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   ft/ft   Consensual   Fiction   Brother   Sister   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Voyeurism   Nudism  

“I couldn’t believe that in addition to that we have experienced here,” said Kari, “we helped another family get interested in family and public nudity.”

“As we, have said, things keep getting weirder and weirder,” said Kevin.

After returning from their vacation at The Meadows, it didn’t take long for the Krills to get back to real life mode, but once in awhile, they would revert back to vacation mode. Usually, especially at dinner, the conversation would turn to talking about their vacation. All the Krills enjoyed retelling the stories of their adventures at the resort.

While they were at The Meadows, some new neighbors moved into the house next door. A few days after they returned from The Meadows, Kari and Kevin met the new neighbors. “We are the Reynolds. I’m Chet and this is Kris. These are our children, Sylvia and Roger.”

“We are the Krills. I’m Kari and this is Kevin. Welcome to the neighborhood.”

Kevin called their kids over. “And these are our children, Kathy, Kate and Keith.” Everyone exchanged greetings.

“Kathy, would you take Sylvia and Roger and entertain them while we talk to their parents,” said Kevin.

“Sure, Dad,” said Kathy, who lead them to the backyard.”

The two families talked for a few minutes, just some small talk to find out a little bit about each other. “Since we are new here, could you tell us where the best grocery store is? We don’t have much food in the house and I would like to stock up,” asked Kris.

“Well, I usually go to Super Foods, but there are a couple more stores that aren’t too far away,” said Kari. “I’ll give you the address.” Then, Kari had an idea. “Tell you what, Kris, why don’t I take you to the store. If you need to stock up, you will probably need help getting your supplies.”

“I was going to help her, Kari,” said Chet.

Kris laughed as she said, “I appreciate the offer and I accept. Sweetie, I think with the amount of stuff we need to get, I think Kari would be more help. Women are a lot better shoppers. Besides, if Kari goes, you don’t have to.”

Chet laughed as he said, “You’re right. I didn’t think about that.”

“I’ll have one of my girls to help us.”

“Okay,” said Kris.

“Kathy,” shouted Kevin.

It didn’t take long for Kathy to come to where the adults were standing, “Yes, Dad.”

“Your Mom and Mrs. Reynolds are going to the store and they will need some help. Would you help them, please?”

“Sure, I’ll be glad to help,” said Kathy

About an hour and a half later, Kari, Kathy and Kris got back from the store. They had bought a lot of groceries and it looked like it would take awhile to unload them, so Kevin, Keith and Chet unloaded the car, while Kari, Kris and Kathy started to put the groceries away.

Kari said, “I know you have been pretty busy. Why don’t you come over to our house for dinner.”

“Oh, you don’t have to do that, Kari,” said Chet. “We can order a pizza or something.”

“I can tell you where you should your pizza from, but you and your family joining us for dinner is not a problem. We are happy to do it for our new neighbors,” said Kevin. “Why don’t you come over about 6:00.”

After dinner, the kids went to the living room to watch TV. It was a nice evening, so the adults went outside and sat down on the porch. They were having a pleasant conversation on a wide variety of subjects and a couple of adult beverages. Finally, Chet brought up a new subject.

“I got a question to ask you,” said Chet.

“Go ahead and ask,” said Kari.

“You have lived here for about a year, correct?” Kevin said yes. “Over the last couple days, as we were going around town, doing errands, we have noticed ... nude people in stores and walking down streets,” said Chet.

“We never have encountered anything like this,” said Kris. “What is going on?”

Laughing Kari said, “We experienced the same culture shock when we moved here. It took a little bit of getting use to, but it’s normal to us now.”

For about the next 10 minute, Kari and Kevin explained about the public nudity. Finally, Kari said, “There is one more thing that you should know about. I’ll be right back.” Kari left and a few moments later, came back with a brochure. She handed it to Chet, who read it and then handed it to Kris who also read it.

After reading the brochure, both Kris and Chet had a perplexed look on their faces. “Does every student has to take part in this ... Program?” asked Chet.

“Yes,” said Kevin. “About the only way that students don’t have to take part is to be in certain private schools or being home schooled.”

Kris and Chet still were perplexed about The Program. Looking at the brochure, Chet said, “Can you explain these parts of this Program?” He pointed to the sections on Relief, Reasonable Requests and Outreach.

Kari and Kevin took a few minutes to explain the parts of The Program that they had asked about. Kris and Chet listen intently and didn’t say anything until after Kari and Kevin had explained to them.

“Your kids have been in this Program?”

Kari said, “Yes, all three have.”

Kris asked, “If you knew about this Program, why did you move here?”

“We didn’t know about The Program and public nudity being in effect here before we moved here, but we didn’t have a choice,” explained Kevin. “I had got a huge promotion at work and we had to move here. If I hadn’t, I would have lost my promotion and it might have ruined my standing in my company.”

“I guess we can understand that, Kevin,” said Chet. “We moved here by choice, but I wonder if we would have moved here if we would have known about this Program.”

“The outreach part of The Program,” said Kris, “have you done it?”

“After we here and found out about The Program, after talking about it, we decided that we would deal with it proactively. We started to practice family nudity and then we did some public nudity before the kids were put in The Program,” said Kari. “Some of the stores offer discounts to nude shoppers. Every time I think about it, I laugh. It is strange to shop for clothes when you aren’t wearing any.”

Kris looked a little embarrassed as she said, “Yes, it does. Your kids weren’t embarrassed to be nude in front of each other and you and Kevin?”

“Kathy and Keith were a little bit at first. Being naked in front of us wasn’t problem for Kate. She hates to wear clothes, so she is nude most of the time,” said Kari.

The two couples talked about it for a little bit and then the conversation changed. Finally, Kris and Chet decided that they should go home. “We had a great time talking to you. We are happy to have meet such nice neighbors,” said Chet.

“Oh, yes,” said Kris. “I think we will enjoy having you as neighbors.”

“We feel the same way,” said Kari. “If you need anything, please feel free to ask.”

The two family said good-bye and the Reynolds returned to their house.

The next Sunday, the Krills were taking part in their normal Sunday routine. They were in the living room, in the nude, watching sports. In the fall, it would be football or hockey and in the summer, it was baseball.

As they were watching the game, the doorbell rang. As she normally did, Kate jumped up and answered the door. A few moments later, she returned with Kris.

When Kari saw her, she said, “Hi, Kris.”

Kari could tell Kris was trying to figure out what the Krills were doing. “Hi, Kari. Hi, Kevin. Am I interrupting anything?”

“No,” said Kevin. “This is our normal Sunday routine.”

“Would you like something to drink, Kris?”

“Do you have any ice tea?”

“I’ll go and get some,” said Kari. “Have a seat. I’ll be back shortly.”

Keith got out of the chair that he was sitting on. “You can sit here, Mrs. Reynolds.”

“Thank you, Keith,” said Kris as she sat down.

Kari left the room and returned in a coupled of minutes with a pitcher and some glass. As she poured and passed out the drinks. Kari smiled as she saw Kris trying not to stare at Kevin and Keith’s penises. She didn’t blame Kris, because it was probably a long time since she had seen an unfamiliar penis.

After passing out the drinks, Kari sat down and asked, “How are things going at your house?”

Kris said, “It’s going slowly, but we are getting there. I hope we don’t have to move again anytime soon. I hate moving.”

“I agree with you, Kris,” said Kevin. “It is such a pain to move.”

“It has been a long time since we have moved. I kind of forgot what a hassle it is to move.”

“I agree,” said Kari. “I didn’t realize how much you had to do to move.”

“That is part of the reason that I came over,” said Kris after taking a sip of her ice tea. “A couple of installers are scheduled to come to our house tomorrow. If they don’t come tomorrow, it will be at least another week before they can come again. We just found out we have an important appointment we have to keep.”

“Is there something we can do to help?” asked Kari.

“I was hoping you could wait for the installers,” said Kris. “I’ll call them first thing in the morning to let them know you will be waiting for them.”

“We will be glad to help out by waiting for them,” said Kevin.

“Here is the key to the front door,” said Kris as she handed Kate the keys, who gave them to Kari. “The first installer should be at our house around 9:00 and the second one around 1:00. Are you sure this won’t be a problem?”

“No,” said Kari. “One of us will be home all day, so one of us will be available.”

“That takes a load off my mind,” said Kris, as she stood up. “Here is my phone number in case there is a problem.” Kris told Kari her phone number.

Kari laughed as she said, “We are glad to help. We know what a pain it is to get everything organized after a move.”

“I should be getting back to my house. We got some things to do for our appointment tomorrow. Thanks again.”

“You’re welcome,” said Kevin. “We are glad to help.”

“Kate, would you show Mrs. Reynolds to the door,” said Kari. “Like Kevin said, we are glad to help.”

“Again, I appreciate your help.” With that, Kris said good-bye and followed Kate to the door.

After Kris left, laughing said, “We sure gave Kris a shock. Even though we told her and Chet that we practiced family nudity, I have a feeling she didn’t completely believe us.”

“I hope we didn’t shock her too much,” said Kevin. “It had to be shocking to walk into a home full of naked people.”

“Kate, what did Mrs. Reynolds say or do when you answered the door?”

Kate thought for a moment and said, “I guess she was surprised or maybe shocked to see a naked girl answering the door. She didn’t say anything or acted surprised.” After answering, Kate went back to watching the ballgame.

Kari said, quietly to Kevin, “I’m confident there were a couple more things that she saw that shocked her.”

Knowing this wasn’t the answer, Kevin said, “Kate answering the door in the nude?”

Kari stuck her tongue out at Kevin. “She was probably shocked seeing those two fine pieces of man-meat that were in front of her.”

“I did notice she had a hard time trying not to stare at them,” said Kevin.

Kari smiled as she said, “I bet she was getting a little damp in the panties.”


“It wouldn’t surprise me if those were the first strange penises she has seen in a long time,” said Kari, “and probably she hasn’t seen penises as formidable as yours and Keith’s.”

Kari sat down on Kevin’s lap. All was normal for awhile and then, Kari noticed something starting to poke at her pussy lips.

Kevin knew that his penis was poking Kari in her nether regions. He knew that Kari had to know where his penis was located. Suddenly, Kari started to move her butt, which caused his penis to start inflating. The more it got bigger, the more Kari seemed to be rubbing it. He started to feel a dampness on his penis. Kari must be getting turned on.

Kevin didn’t know that Kari was thinking, ‘I wonder if I can get Kevin into me.’ Kari was trying to position herself and her pussy so Kevin could enter her and without the kids noticing.

After about an inning of play, Kevin’s penis had gotten hard enough to penetrate and Kari had positioned herself well enough to allow Kevin’s penis to enter her. Finally, Kevin was in Kari.

Kari whispered into Kevin’s ear, “You know, we shouldn’t be doing this.”

“I may have given you the idea, but you encouraged it,” said Kevin.

A couple days later, Kris came over to talk to Kari. They greeted each other and Kari got them some coffee. They made some small talk before Kris revealed the reason for her visit.

After taking a sip of her coffee, Kris said, “I’m sorry for interrupting your family time on Sunday.”

“You didn’t interrupt anything,” said Kari, “but I bet there was something that surprised you when you stopped by.”

“Yes,” replied Kris. “Even though you said you practiced family nudity, I thought you were kidding. It just shocked me to find out that your family were nude together.”

“After we moved here and found out about the nudity here, we decided that we would have a nude day, just to get use to being nude. We found out it was comfortable and convenient to spend time in the nude. We then decided to have a family nude day. At first, it was going to be just one day, but it didn’t take long for us to be nude whenever we wanted. Now, we don’t think anything about being nude in front of each other.”

“Even though unconsciously I must of known that there are families who were nude in front of each other, but until now, I never known anyone who did that.”

“When I was growing up, I hardly saw any of my family members, including my sister who I shared a room with, nude,” said Kari, “but as often I could, I would be nude. It just felt more comfortable without any clothes on.”

Kris didn’t say anything for a few moments. “When I was growing up, I was an only child. I don’t recall ever seeing my parents nude. The only nude people I remember seeing are other girls in the school showers. I lived on a farm and there was a secluded pond that I would go swimming in. At first, I would wear a suit to swim in, but after a while, I didn’t wear a suit.”

“That sounds like an enjoyable time.”

Kris sighed and said, “It was, but I didn’t have anyone I could share it with. I didn’t have many friends who could come and visit. Also, I think my parents would have been very upset if they found out that I was being nude outdoor and about my desire to be naked.”

“After you left home, why didn’t you continued your desire to be nude?”

“I don’t know,” said Kris. “I guess I never really had the opportunity to be nude outside the bedroom or the bathroom. I guess I just forgot about my desire to be nude.”

“Have you talked to Chet about your desire to be nude?”


“Would you like to be nude ... in public?”

“Yes ... no ... I don’t know.”

“You know, you could strip down right now, go outside and walk around and no one would care. You may get some looks, maybe some disapproving looks and maybe some cat calls, but overall, no one would really care. Public nudity has been in place here for several years. Now it has been pretty much accepted and for the most part, it’s ignored by most of the residents.”

“Really?” asked Kris.

“Really.” Kari thought that she detected a bit of interest from Kris. Kari decided to take a chance. “It’s a nice sunny day. Would you like to go for a walk?”

Kris didn’t say anything for a few moments. Then, quietly, she said, “In the nude? Both of us?”

Kari didn’t say anything, but started to unbutton her blouse. She thought that Kris would change her mind, but she didn’t. After a few seconds, Kris reached down, grabbed the hem of her T-shirt and pulled it over her head.

The two women took their clothes off piece by piece and it didn’t take long before they were nude in front of each other. Both women checked each other out. Kari thought that Kris wasn’t Playboy material, but she looked good. However, she looked just like a ... mom.

Finally, Kari said, “I’m glad Kevin and Chet aren’t here. We probably wouldn’t escape here with our virtues intact.”

Kris laughed which cause Kari to laugh. “It might be worth it.”

Kari asked, “Are you ready to go for our walk?”

Taking a deep breath, Kris said, “Let’s do it before I lose my nerve.”

Kari and Kris walked to the door and Kari opened the door. “Okay, let’s go.”

The two ladies left the house and walked down the walkway to the sidewalk. They started to walk. Kari was watching Kris and was impressed how well she was handling her first experience with public nudity. She thought Kris would try to cover herself, but she looked like she had been doing this all her life.

It took them about fifteen minutes to walk around the block as they walked slowly. Kari thought that this would be a good introduction to public nudity. As they walked, the two ladies talked just like they were walking clothed.

When they got back to Kari’s house, they stopped at the walkway, Kari expected them to go into the house. She was surprised when Kris said, “Could we walk around the block again?”

After another fifteen minutes, Kari and Kris were in Kari’s kitchen. “Wow, I certainly enjoyed that. The sun felt so good on my body. That took me back to my childhood days at the pond.”

“The sun felt good to me, too,” said Kari. “I was surprised that you were so calm, being nude in public for the first time.”

“Could I have something to drink?” Kari got some ice tea out of the refrigerator and poured Kris a glass. After she took a drink, Kris said, “I guess the reason I was so calm was, I guess this was something I wanted to do and I wanted to see if I could do it. Also, it took me back to me swimming in the pond and how much I enjoyed being nude outside.”

“I can understand that,” said Kari.

“There is another reason that I wanted to do this.”

Kari took a sip of her ice tea. “What is that?”

Kris took another sip of her tea. “Ever since you told us about public nudity here, I have been thinking about it, a lot. Knowing about nudity here has brought back a lot of pleasant memories and also some desires to experience it again. Being nude with you made me feel sexy. I also felt a little naughty, doing something that most people would disapprove of.”

“I’m glad that you had a pleasant experience and that it brought back memories.”

“There is some else, but I’m not sure I should tell you or anyone else.” Kari didn’t say anything as she didn’t know what to say or if she should say anything at all. “After thinking about, I guess I should tell you.”

“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”

“No, I will,” said Kris. Taking a deep breath, Kris continued. “As I said I have been thinking being nude in public and private since you told us about it. I enjoyed walking with you in the nude. Matter of fact, I enjoyed probably more than I should have.”

“What do you mean, Kris,” asked Kari.

“I got horny while we were out walking,” said Kris, blushing. “I would check, but I know that my pussy is damp.”

“Well, I’m glad you had a good time while we were walking,” said Kari, “but I didn’t expect you to have that good of a time.” Both ladies laughed at the comment.

Without thinking, Kris gave Kari a hug. Then, just as quickly, Kris released the hug. “Oh, I’m sorry, Kari. I didn’t mean to do that. It is just I wanted to show that I appreciated you showing me what it felt like to be nude outdoors again.”

“No need to apologize for the hug. It isn’t the first time I have been hugged by a naked girl,” said Kari. “Anyway, it felt nice.”

“Yes, it did,” said Kris. “I better get back home. Chet will be coming home soon.” Kris picked up her clothes and headed toward the door. “I think Chet is going to be in for a surprise when he gets home.” Kris gave Kari a knowing wink. “See you later.” Kari said goodbye and Kris left the house carrying her clothes.

“Okay, let me get this straight. Kris came over to apologize for interrupting our Sunday afternoon?” asked Kevin.


“And she was surprised to see us all nude, even though she knew that we practiced family nudity?”


“And then she told you about how as a youngster, she would be nude outdoors and go skinny-dipping?”

“Again, yes.”

“Then you suggested walking around the block ... in the nude?”

“No, she mentioned it and then I encouraged it.”

“What did you and Kris do?”

“We stripped and walked around the block twice. She said she really enjoyed it. We talked for a little bit and then she went back to her house without putting her clothes on.”

Kevin laughed and said, “Chet might be in for a surprise when he gets home.”

“Kris said he would be in for a surprised when he got home.”

“Lucky guy.”

“The kids aren’t home. Do you want to be a lucky guy too?”

A couple Sundays later, the Krills were invited over to the Reynolds house for lunch and to watch the baseball game. The two families made some small talk before Kris said she had something to ask them.

“At first, there was some resistance to the decision, but as a family, we decided that we should embraced the inevitable,” said Chet, “just like your family did.”

Kari had a feeling that she knew what Kris and Chet were talking about, but just said, “What decision is that?”

Kris supplied the answer. “While our children weren’t thrilled about it, at first, we have decided to practice family and when we can, public nudity.”

Chet continued saying, “Several times, over the last two weeks, we have been nude as a family. It took a little bit, but we got have gotten use to it.”

“We found that being nude as a family is enjoyable,” said Kris. “We can see why you enjoy it so much.”

“We do,” said Kari.

“Since we have gotten interested in nudity,” said Kris, “we wanted to ask you if you would join us in being nude with us. This will be the first time that we have been nude around other people.”

“Are you sure?” asked Kevin.

“Not really,” said Kris, “but we want to do it. Since you’re our best friends here, we would feel the most comfortable being nude with you.”

“Again, are you sure you want to be nude with us?” asked Kari.

Kris looked at Chet and nodded. “I’ll go first.” Chet started to undress and soon he was standing in the room, naked. “Roger, why don’t you go next.”

“Yes, Dad,” said Roger and like his father, was soon standing naked in front of everyone. Kari could tell he was a little nervous about being naked in front of people he didn’t really know, but she thought he was handling it pretty well.

“Kris, why don’t you go next?”

“Okay, Dear.” For the second time, Kari watched Kris undressed. She could see that Kevin and Keith were enjoying seeing her undress.

“Okay, Sylvia,” said Kris, “it’s your turn.”

Like Roger, Sylvia wasn’t thrilled about stripping in front of people she didn’t really know, but she complied. Like with Kris, Kevin and Keith watched as Sylvia undressed. Kari thought that Sylvia was cute before seeing her naked, but seeing her nude reinforced that opinion. Kari could see that Sylvia wanted to cover her small breasts and vulva, but she didn’t.

After a few seconds, Kari said, “Well, I guess it is our turn.” Kari started to undress. The rest of the Krills started to undress. It wasn’t too long before all the Krills were nude like their hosts. The Reynolds were embarrassed, but they seemed to be handling it well.

Kari noticed that all the males had erections. Since Kevin and Keith had more experience with nudity, their erections weren’t quite as pronounced as Chet and Roger’s. However, no one mentioned them.

Kris said, “Lunch is ready.” Kris had prepared a lunch that they could eat in the living room. As they ate, the two families talked about a variety of subject, except for the naked elephants in the room.

After they were done eating and after the clean up, the families were going to watch the baseball game on TV, but decided that they would play some group games.

By the end of the afternoon, the two families had played Trivial Pursuit, some charades and some Pictionary. As much as everyone was looking forward to watching the baseball game, everyone had a good time. It just looked like a normal get together between two families, except for the fact that everyone was naked.

After they had played for awhile, Kris brought out some snacks. The members of the two families were sitting in the living room.

“Well,” said Kari, “What did you think of your first experience of social nudity?” The Reynolds looked at each other, but no one said anything. “Chet, why don’t you start.”

Chet didn’t say anything for a few moments. Then, he said, “I have to admit that I’m confused about the attitude toward nudity here. When I was growing up, I seldom, if ever, saw my parents or my female siblings naked. I grew up believing that most nudity outside the bedroom and bathroom wasn’t acceptable.” Chet took a sip of his coffee. “Now here, nudity is not only acceptable, but encouraged. In the case of The Program, it is required. It is kind of hard to process this new ... cultural norm.”

“It was kind of the same way for me,” said Kris. “I never saw my Dad naked and only once in awhile did I see my Mom naked. The only people I saw naked were the girls in gym classes. I liked swimming in the nude at my secret pond, but I wish I could have shared it.”

“I never knew that, honey,” said Chet

Kris told her family and the Krills how, when she was growing on her family farm that there was a small pond where she would go skinny-dipping. She said she really enjoyed swimming naked and being naked outdoor. “I really do miss that. I just never had the opportunity to nude outdoors since I moved away from home.”

“The pond sounds wonderful,” said Chet. “Why didn’t you tell me about it, Hon?”

“I guess I kind of forgot about it,” said Kris. “It really isn’t something that would come up in normal conversation.”

Kari and Kevin talked to Kris and Chet more about their new attitude toward nudity.

Then Kris asked Roger what he thought of being nude. It took a couple moments for Roger to reply. “It is not too bad, but I’m still embarrassed about being naked in front of everyone. The main reason I’m embarrassed is that my penis is hard in front of my Mom and sister. I think that is wrong.”

Kari told Roger not to worry about his hard penis. “An erection is a normal and natural occurrence for males. Most girls take an erection as a compliant. Has your parents explained that to you?”

“Yes, they have and I understand it.” Roger continued with an embarrassed look on his face. “I’m embarrassed to admit this, but I like seeing my Mom and sister without any clothes on. I also like looking at you, Mrs. Krill, and your daughters. I think all of you looked pretty with clothes on, but you’re even prettier without any clothes on.”

All the females thanked Roger for his compliant. Kari and Kris silently chuckled seeing how embarrassed Roger was as he told all the ladies in the room that he liked seeing them naked.

At first, Kari didn’t want to do it, but decided ‘what the hell’. “Roger, that was a very nice compliant. Ladies always like it when a gentleman say they are pretty. And a lot of ladies really like it when you say they are pretty when they aren’t wearing any clothes. I’m one of those ladies.” She leaned down and gave Roger a very chaste kiss on the cheek.

Kevin took over as he asked Sylvia, “I know this is something new for you and your family. What do you think of being nude with your family and now with us?”

Kari noticed that Sylvia got a thoughtful look on her face as she was thinking of an answer. “I don’t like being naked in front of anyone, but now I’m not hating it. Even in the showers after gym class, I thought that it was wrong to be naked with other girls. I thought that I would die of embarrassment if a boy saw me topless or naked. Sometimes, but not too often, I was embarrassed to see myself in the mirror if I was naked when I started developing.”

With a concern look on her face, Kris said, “I didn’t know that, sweetie. We will have to have a talk about that soon.”

“Since we have been here and have experienced more nudity, I have realized that being seen naked or seeing other people naked, isn’t that bad. In the past, my parents would be upset if I came out of my room only wearing panties and a T-shirt or a nightie without any panties on or coming out of the bathroom just wrapped a towel. Now, doesn’t matter what I’m wearing or not wearing. Right, Mommy?”

“Yes, sweetie, that is correct. When you’re in the house, you can dress any way you please.” Kari looked at Kris as she answered and could tell she didn’t want to answer Sylvia’s question the way she did.

The two families talked for awhile about their feelings about what they had experienced. Finally, it was time for the Krills to say goodbye and return home. The two families said their goodbye and after getting dressed, the Krills returned home.

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