Naked in School — A Parent's Story - Cover

Naked in School — A Parent's Story

Copyright© 2020 by Terry

Chapter 15

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 15 - When the Krill family moved to their new city, they didn't realize the city permitted public nudity and The Program was in the schools. After a year, Kari and Kevin are looking back at the adventures they had with their three children, Kathy, Kate and Keith. Before moving, the Krills never imagined what they would experience in their new city.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   ft/ft   Consensual   Fiction   Brother   Sister   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Voyeurism   Nudism  

“Remember when Kathy told us a boy had asked her out on a date?” asked Kevin.

Kari laughed as she said, “Oh, yes, I do. Especially when we found out the circumstance of how he came to ask her out.”

“It wasn’t the usual way a boy asks a girl out, but it worked,” replied Kevin. “I think he is a really nice kid and they should be good as a couple.”

Kari agreed, laughing. “I do too.”

Kari pulled her car up to the entrance of the high school. After a few minutes, she saw Kathy. After saying good bye to her friends, Kathy got in the car. Kari could tell she was excited about something.

“Hi, Kathy.”

“Hi, Mom.”

Kari pulled out into and headed down the street. Mother and daughter talked about school and what happened during the day. Kari could tell Kathy wanted to tell her something, but decided to let her tell her when she was ready.

They got home and Kathy helped her Mom bring in the packages she had gotten during her errands. Kathy went upstairs and came back done a little later, wearing just a pair of shorts. Kathy got a glass and poured herself a glass of milk.

After she sat down at the table, Kari couldn’t contain herself anymore. “Okay, sweetie, what’s up? Since I picked you up at school, you look like the cat in the case of the missing canary.”

“Something exciting did happen to me,” said Kathy, with excitement in her voice. “A boy asked me out on a date.”

In the past, Kathy hadn’t expressed much interest in dating and having moved here just a short time ago, Kari was kind of happy she got asked out on a date.

“Well, tell me about him.”

“His name is Todd and he is in a couple of my classes. He seems like a really nice boy.”

“When does he want to take you out on a date?”

“I don’t know, but I told him that you would have to meet him and get your approval before we could go out.”

Kari smiled and said, “I’m really happy you told him that. When did he ask you out?”

“Mmmm ... ah ... Todd is in The Program. This was the first time in a while there was a Program student in any of my classes. He asked for Relief and he asked for help. Like most of the girls in the class, I volunteered.” Kathy took a sip of her milk. “I was really surprised he selected me to give him Relief. As I was going up, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to give him a handjob or a blowjob. When I got up to him, I thought he had a nice looking penis for sucking, so I gave him a blowjob.”

Kari wasn’t surprised at her comments, but still was a little concerned. “Is this when he asked you for a date?”

“No,” replied Kathy. “We have the same lunch, so I sat down with him. We talked during lunch. He asked me after we had talked for a while.”

Kari was really concerned. “Kathy, we will have to talk this over with your Dad. I don’t want to make any decision without your dad hearing the whole story directly from you.’

After dinner, Kari, Kathy and Kevin sat down at the kitchen table. Kathy told them about the events of the day, including what had happened at lunch.

After she was done, Kevin said, “I’m ... well ... we are concerned about this. I think Todd might expect more from you because you gave him a blowjob. It was okay that you gave him the blowjob, because it was within the confines of The Program.”

“We already talked about it, Dad,” said Kathy. “He said he noticed me a while ago and has been trying to work up the nerve to talk to me. He said when I volunteered to give him relief, he thought it would be a good way to break the ice with me.”

Both Kari and Kevin were thinking, ‘an interesting way to break the ice’.

The three of them talked some more and then Kari said, “I think you can go out on a date with Todd, but we will have to meet him first.”

Kevin continued. “See when he could come over.”

There was a huge smile on Kathy’s face. “I’ll text him right now.” Kathy got out of her chair, kissed both her Mom and Dad on the cheek and scampered out of the kitchen.

A couple nights later, Kari and Kevin were having coffee. “Todd seems to be a really nice young man,” said Kari.

“I agree,” said Kevin. “I don’t have any problems, if Kathy would like to go out with him on a date.”

“I don’t either,” said Kari. “However, the circumstances of what lead up to Todd asking Kathy out isn’t something I’m comfortable with.”

“I know,” replied Kevin. “Usually, the boy gets a blowjob after they go out on a date, not before.”

Kari didn’t care for the remark, but realized Kevin was correct. This situation with Kathy was a little backwards. “Well, it is a strange situation, but I still think we can let Kathy go on a date with him.”

“I can’t see any reason not to let go on a date either.”

“But, first, I’m going to have a come to Jesus talk with Kathy about what is and isn’t permissible on her date.”

Kari and Kevin were in the living room, watching TV. They weren’t only staying up to wait for Kathy to come home, as there was a show they wanted to watch.

They heard the door open and close and a few moments later, Kathy came into the living room. “Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad.”

“Hi, sweetie,” said Kari. “Did you have a good time on your date? What did you do?”

Kathy told in detail about her date with Todd. Kari and Kevin listened without interrupting her and were really pleased at what she had told them.

“Did Todd try to get you to give him a handjob or a blowjob?

“No, but it probably wouldn’t have taken much for me to do it,” said Kathy. Inwardly, Kathy laughed at the her parents’ reaction to her comment. “Just kidding, Mom and Dad,” said Kathy, smiling. “You were very clear on what I could and couldn’t do on my date, Mom. Matter of fact, we hardly held hands during our date.”

“He told me he isn’t interested in sexual activities with me right now. He would like to get to know me better before we even consider doing anything. He told me, at first, when he found out about The Program, he didn’t want to get Relief. However, he saw boys getting Relief and how much they were enjoying it, so he couldn’t wait to be in The Program.” Kari and Kevin agreed with her. “When he saw me in the class, he was hoping I would volunteer. He said he wanted to get to know me.”

“Why didn’t he ask you ... I don’t know ... before this?” asked Kari.

“As I told you, he is really, really shy. He was afraid I would say no, but requesting relief, he could see if I was the least bit interested in him.”

Kevin smiled and said, “What an inventive idea.”

“Would you be interested in dating Todd again?” asked Kari.

“I do like him and he is a really nice guy, so yes, I would.”

Kathy talked to her parents for a little bit more about her date with and about Todd.

Kevin looked over at Kari, who smiled back. “We are happy you had a date and you had a good time,” said Kevin. “If you would like to go out with Todd again, it will be fine with your Mom and me.”

Kathy smiled and said, “I appreciate it!!” She got up, went over to her parents and gave them a kiss. “I’m going to bed. Good night!”

After Kathy went to her room, Kari said, “I’m really happy Kathy’s date when well.”

“Me, too,” replied Kevin. “I’m glad Todd didn’t take advantage of her, forcing her to do something she didn’t want to do.”

A couple weeks later, while the family was eating dinner, Kathy’s cellphone rang. “Opps, I forgot to silence my phone.” It was kind of a rule that, if a cellphone was at the table, it had to be put in Do Not Disturb mode.

“Who is on the phone?” asked Kari.

“It is Todd,” said Kathy. “Can I answer it, please?”

“Yes, you can,” said Kari.

“What did Todd want?” said Kevin.

Kathy sat down at her place at the table. “His parents are going out Saturday night and he can’t go. His sister has a date on Saturday, so he didn’t want to be alone at home, so he was wondering if he could spend the evening here.”

Kari and Kevin looked at each other and silently agreed with each other. They thought Todd was a good kid and they liked him. “I don’t see any problem with Todd coming staying over here. I’ll have to call his parents before we can say okay,” said Kari. “Does he know we practice family nudity?”

“No, I didn’t say anything about us being nude most of the time.”

“I’m glad to hear you haven’t said anything about our lifestyle.” Kari thought for a few moments and then said, “Has he seen you in the nude?”

“Not that I know of. He wasn’t in any of my classes when I was in The Program.”

“Kathy, Todd can come over on Saturday. I’ll call his parents and make sure it is okay.”

“I was just thinking, maybe we should remain clothed while he is here.”

Todd came over Saturday night for dinner. During the dinner, the Krill family learned a lot about Todd and his family. While they did talk about various subjects, the conversation finally came around to The Program. Todd was very open about his time in The Program. He said he enjoyed his time in The Program, after the initial embarrassment. With a deep blush on his face, he said he was happy he got to know Kathy because of The Program.

After telling the Krills his opinion, Todd asked, “I have told you what I think of The Program. What do you think of The Program?”

Kari and Kevin thought this might be brought up, so they made sure everyone knew they shouldn’t say anything about their family nudity.

“We have only lived here for a few months. It was quite a shock to find out The Program was in operation here,” said Kari. “We don’t agree with The Program.” Which was true as the family’s position was they didn’t agree with it, but they have adapted to and taken advantage of it.

“Have you read the brochure about The Program?” asked Todd. Kari and Kevin nodded. “If one of your kids was put into The Program, what would you do to fulfill the conditions of The Program?”

“Before we answer, has your family fulfilled the requirements of The Program while you were in it?” asked Kari.

“My family did, but just barely,” said Todd. “My sister was in The Program a couple years ago, so my family did practice some family nudity. However, my parents just tolerated Outreach. I don’t think they liked seeing my sister and me naked in front of each other or them. I know my parents didn’t like us seeing them naked.”

“It would be shocking to someone of our generation to see this happening to our kids,” said Kevin.

“I guess my parents feel the same way. I kind of wish my parents would have been more comfortable doing Outreach.’

“While we don’t like The Program, we have embraced it. We found out about The Program right after we moved here,” said Kevin. “We decided to practice family and some public nudity. After giving it a try, we decided we liked it. It is more likely we are nude than dressed. We would probably be nude now if you weren’t here.”

“Kathy has been in The Program, but after we started practicing family nudity.” Kari stopped talking and had a thoughtful look on her face. “Kevin, would you come into the kitchen with me, please.” Kari and Kevin went into the kitchen and quickly came back. “We had a quick discussion and decided, if you would like to experience some Outreach with a family who enjoys family nudity, you can do it here and now.”

Todd had kind of a confused look on his face, but said “Okay.”

Kari said, “Why don’t we finish our meal first and then we will go into the living room for our Outreach session.”

The Krills and Todd went into the living room. Kari said, “We will take off our clothes and you can do the same whenever you are ready.” All the Krills started to take off their clothes. It didn’t take long until they were all nude. Kari could tell Todd was enjoying seeing all the Krill ladies in their skin. He looked at the nude girls in front of him for a few moments and started to take off his clothes. It didn’t take long for him to remove his clothes.

After Todd took off his clothes, he stood in the middle of the room. Everyone in the room noticed Todd was erect. Kari thought, ‘Kathy was right. Todd does have a nice looking penis and it looks like a good penis for sucking’.

After standing in plain view of everyone, Todd sat down on the couch next to Kate. Other than the fact that everyone was naked and Todd had an erection, it was a normal scene. The group continued the conversation which was started at the dinner table. The conversation was pleasant and interesting for everyone. The more they talked to Todd, the more Kari liked Todd.

Later on that evening, a text notification sounded from Todd’s cellphone. He apologized for the text and looked at his phone. Todd said, “That was my sister. She is coming here to pick me up. She should be here about 15 minutes.”

Kari could tell Kathy was a little disappointed. “I was hoping you could stay a little longer,” said Kathy.

“Me, too, but I guess my sister finished up her date sooner than she thought,” said Todd. “Mrs. Krill, I have enjoyed being here with you, but I guess I’ll have to go home. Would you get my clothes, please?”

“Just a moment, Todd,” said Kevin. “Do you have to go home right away?”

“No. My parents aren’t going to be home till after midnight. They said I could stay here until my sister was able to pick me up.”

“Didn’t you say your sister joined you in Outreach? Did she enjoy it?” Todd said she did. “Do you think she would like to experience some Outreach with a family who enjoys family nudity?”

“Gee, I don’t know, Mr. Krill,” said Todd. “She seemed to enjoy being nude in our home and the couple times we were nude in public, so I guess she would.”

“If you would like to stay longer and since you think she would like to experience some more Outreach, when she arrives, I’ll greet her in the nude. I’ll tell her we are taking part in some Outreach with you and she is invited to join us. That is if you agree.”

A little smile appeared on Todd’s face as he said, “Yes, I think I would like that.”

About 20 minutes later, Todd’s sister, Tabitha walked into the living room, in the nude. Todd introduced her to the Krills. “Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Krill. You can call me Tabby.”

After greetings were exchanged, Tabby joined the conversation. It didn’t take long for the conversation to turn to The Program. “At first, I was really upset when I was selected for The Program. I was a junior. After the initial embarrassment, it wasn’t too bad. I kind of liked the attention I was getting while I was in it.”

“What didn’t you like about being in The Program?” asked Kari.

Tabby thought for a few seconds and said, “I didn’t like the Reasonable Quests. I think every boy in my classes had played with my breasts, pussy or ass. That wasn’t really all that bad, but it got old very quickly. I also didn’t like using the toilet in the boys’ room and having boys watch me. Up till my week in The Program, I can’t remember ever peeing in front of a male. It bothered me then, but now, it wouldn’t bother me at all to pee in front of a male, but not pooping.”

“What about things you did did like?” asked Kevin.

“Oh, there was one more thing I didn’t like,” said Tabby. “As I am sure you have noticed, my tits are a little on the large size. I love not having to wear a bra, but I wish I could have worn some kind of a supportive garment, especially during gym class.”

“My Mom had the same problem,” said Kari, “so I understand. Most large breasted girls feel the same way.”

“There were some things I liked about The Program. Even though I didn’t like the Reasonable Quests, I did enjoy the attention and most of the boys had a nice touch, so they made me feel good. I really liked being in the shower with the boys after gym. Until being in The Program, I hadn’t seen many penises, so I really enjoyed being in a shower with a lot of penises, most of them erect. Every time I think of being in the boys’ shower, I get a little wet.”

“When I was in The Program,” said Kathy, “taking a shower with the boys was the highlight of my week.”

Laughing, Todd said, “Taking a shower with a room full of girls was my favorite part of my week. I would volunteer to be in The Program all the time if I could shower with girls everyday.”

“I think most of The Program participants liked being able to shower with members of the opposite sex,” said Kari, not telling Tabby and Todd that she had taken part in The Program with Kathy. She enjoyed being in a shower with a lot of naked teenage boys.

The Krills, Tabby and Todd talked for a little more before Tabby said that they should be heading home. Kari went and got their clothes and brought them into the living room, Tabby and Todd got dressed.

“Mr. and Mrs. Krill,” said Todd. “Thank you for allowing me to come and spend the evening. I enjoyed the conversation and I appreciate the opportunity to spend some time in the nude with people who enjoy it.”

“I agree with Todd,” said Tabby. “I also enjoyed being here and the conversation. I also liked having the opportunity to spend some time in the nude. As we told you, our parents don’t like Todd and me being nude in front of each other or our parents.”

“Both of you are very welcomed,” said Kevin. “We enjoyed having you visit our home.”

“Yes, we enjoyed having you visit,” said Kari. “I’ll walk you to the door.”

When Kari came back into the living room, the family cleaned up the living room even though there wasn’t much to clean up. After they were done, the kids said they were going up to their rooms.

Kevin sat down on the couch and Kari sat down on his lap. “That was an enjoyable visit with Tabby and Todd.”

“They are nice kids,” said Kevin.

Kari smiled as she said, “I was sure you would say Tabby was a nice kid.”

Kevin had a confused look on his face. “Why do you say that?”

“Nice tits, nice pussy and a nice ass.”

“You’re right about that,” said Kevin laughing.

It was a normal Sunday for the Krills. Some of the family would sleep in, so the family would gather for the first time at lunch. The family talked about different subject, but the discussion finally turned to the visit of Tabby and Todd.

“I’m so happy you allowed Todd to come over last night,” said Kathy. “It was such a good time.”

“We enjoyed having him and his sister here,” said Kari.

“When I woke up this morning, I had gotten a text from Todd,” said Kathy. “He told me that he and Tabby had a very enjoyable time. He wanted me to thank you for allowing him to visit us.”

A few days after Todd’s latest visit, A few days after Todd’s latest visit, Kari had gone into the girls’ room to drop off some laundry. Kari saw Kathy who was laying on her bed. Kari could see and smell that Kathy had been playing with herself. Kari didn’t care. Considering the environment they were in, her and Kevin not only condone masturbation, they encouraged it.

“Hi, sweetie. I didn’t interrupt anything, did I?”

“No, mommy,” replied Kathy. “I was done.”

“Here are your clothes,” said Kari as she put them on the bed.

As she turned to leave the room, Kathy said, “Mom, can I talk to you, please?”

“Anytime, sweetie,” said Kari as she sat down on bed, next to Kathy. “What is on your mind?”

“You and Dad like Todd, don’t you?”

“Yes, we do, sweetie. Your Dad and I think Todd is a nice young man. Why do you ask?”

“I have been thinking about him a lot,” said Kathy. “I was thinking about him just before you came in.”

“What were you thinking about?”

“I figure this would happen at some point,” said Kevin.

“I did too, but I was hoping it would happen when the girls were about ... mmm... 30.”

“What are you going to tell her?”

“I was hoping it would be us,” said Kari. “I guess I would tell her that I would prefer she didn’t have sex with Todd, but there is no way I can prevent her.”

“That is true,” replied Kevin. “At least, she told you before her and Todd did the deed.”

“I told her I appreciated that, but it didn’t change my feelings,” said Kari as she got off the chair and got herself a cup of coffee. “Do you want a cup?”

“Sure.” Kevin took a sip of his coffee and asked, “Did she say if this was Todd’s idea?”

“That is something that surprised me,” said Kari. “She said she has been thinking about it, but she hasn’t mentioned it to Todd and she said Todd hadn’t suggested it.”

“That is a bit of a surprised,” said Kevin. “Usually it’s the guy who try to get the girl to agree to the idea.”

“True, but everything here is backwards.”

“We should have a long talk with Kathy and then have a talk with Todd,” said Kevin.

Kari got a scowl on her face. “This has to be the most uncomfortable discussion ever. Talking to our daughter’s boyfriend about taking her cherry.”

“I’m sure hers won’t be the only cherry that will be picked when those two get together.”

It was Sunday evening. Kari and Kevin had spent most of the day away from their home. When they got home, they went into the kitchen for a snack. While they were eating and talking at the table, Kathy walked into the kitchen. Kari thought she saw a blush of embarrassment on her face as Kathy walked in.

“Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad,” she said as she went the refrigerator to get some milk.

“Hi, Kathy,” said Kevin.

“Hi, sweetie,” said Kari. “How are you?”

“Fine,” said Kathy as she sat down at the table.

Parents and daughter started talking about different things in spite of Kari wanting to talk about Kathy’s tryst with Todd. She wanted to know how it went with the two of them.

Finally, the conversation got about to what happened between Kathy and Todd. “I know I shouldn’t ask,” said Kari, “but I would like to know how things went between you and Todd. Did you have fun?”

Kathy blushed again and since she was naked, a lot of her was turning red. “Yes, Mommy, we had fun.”

“I’m glad to hear that you two had fun, but can you tell us more about what you did?”

Kathy told them about their evening. They went out to eat and when they came back, they took a shower together. Kathy said she had sucked Todd’s dick while they were in the shower. After the shower, they had oral sex, both giving and receiving and then they had oral sex in the 69 position. Kathy said she especially liked doing it that way. Finally, they got around to having intercourse. Kathy said she took her mother’s advice and was on top for her first time. Kathy said it didn’t really hurt when her hymen was broken. Then, they did it in the missionary position.

After resting for a little bit, they had sex again, this time doing it doggy style. Afterwards, since Todd was spending the night, they fooled around for a little before going to sleep. The next morning, Kathy had woken up before Todd did. He had kicked off the covers. Since he was laying on his back, his penis was erect and sticking straight up. Kathy said she decided to take advantage of his morning wood.

Carefully, Kathy maneuvered herself so she was straddling Todd’s crotch. She grasped his penis and slowly inserted it into her pussy. She was able to get it in all the way without waking Todd. Using her pussy muscles, she massaged his penis. After doing it for a short time, Todd woke up. He thought it was a great way to wake up. They had sex again before Todd had to go back home.

Kari waited for a few moments after Kathy had told her and Kevin about her day and night with Todd. Then, she said, “Your Dad and I are happy you had a good experience with Todd. Did you enjoy it?”

Kathy had a big smile on her face as she said, “Oh, yes, Mommy, I enjoyed it a lot. It felt so good to have his penis in my mouth and my pussy.”

“Again, we are happy you had a good time with Todd, but we don’t want you to think you will have free access to Todd’s penis every time you see him.”

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