Naked in School — A Parent's Story - Cover

Naked in School — A Parent's Story

Copyright© 2020 by Terry

Chapter 13

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 13 - When the Krill family moved to their new city, they didn't realize the city permitted public nudity and The Program was in the schools. After a year, Kari and Kevin are looking back at the adventures they had with their three children, Kathy, Kate and Keith. Before moving, the Krills never imagined what they would experience in their new city.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   ft/ft   Consensual   Fiction   Brother   Sister   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Voyeurism   Nudism  

“I knew we would have to deal with our kids when we found out about the Program, but I didn’t think we would have to help other family’s kids,” said Kevin.

“True,” replied Kari, “but we had the opportunity and it really didn’t cost us anything.”

Kevin laughed. “I was just kidding. I didn’t mind helping out. It isn’t the first time we have helped a kid from another family.”

“True,” replied Kari, “but I never thought we would be helping out a kid in a situation like this.”

Kari was sitting at the table when Keith and another girl walked into the kitchen. Kari didn’t recognize the girl. “Hi, sweetie.”

“Hi, Mom,” said Keith. “This is Brenda. She is in a couple of my classes.”

“Pleased to meet you, Brenda.”

“Thank you,” replied Brenda. “I’m pleased to meet you, Mrs. Krill.”

“Would you like something to drink, Brenda?” asked Keith. She said she did, so Kathy got a couple bottles of pop out of the refrigerator and gave one to Brenda. The two teens sat down.

Kari talked to Brenda and Keith for a few minutes. Finally, Keith told Kari why Brenda was there.

Keith handed Kari a letter. “The NIS coordinator asked me to give this to you or to Dad.”

“Thank you, Keith,” said Kari as she took the letter and started to read it.

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Krill,

This letter is to introduce you to Brenda Hull.

Ms. Hull has been placed in the Naked In School Program. In speaking to Ms. Hull, she told us that her parents are not in favor of the NIS Program. They are not in favor of the ideals of The Program.

One of the parts of The Program is family nudity and Outreach or public or non-family nudity. Ms. Hull said that her parents would not permit any family nudity nor would they participate in any Outreach activity with their daughter. In spite of the objections of her parents, Ms. Hull expressed a desire to fulfill all the requirements of The Program.

In talking to your daughter, Kathy and your son, Keith, while your family isn’t in favor of The Program, they said that your family don’t have any problem with family or social nudity.

We would like to ask if your family would allow Ms. Hull to visit your home and take part in family nudity and if possible, some public nudity? You are under no obligation to do this, but we ask this as a favor to Ms. Hull.

If you have any questions, please call me at the school.

Thank you.


Helen White

NIS Coordinator

Valley Middle School

“Brenda has a problem and she was hoping we would help her with it,” said Keith.

“The letter I got explain what your problem is, but I would like you to explain it to me,” asked Kari. “We will be happy to help you if we are able.”

After taking a sip of her pop, Brenda started. “Well, I was put into The Program today.”

“Oh,” said Kari, “how was it?”

“It wasn’t too bad, but I didn’t like it. Except for some of my family, doctors and other girls, I don’t recall being naked in front of anyone,” said Brenda. “I don’t like the attention of the other students. It makes me feel uncomfortable.”

“Kathy has been in The Program, but we started practicing family and public nudity soon after we moved here. Being nude in front of other people hasn’t been a problem for us. We pretty much have adopted the nudist lifestyle at home.”

“When my parents found out about The Program and the Outreach part of it, they told me they wouldn’t have any nudity in their house or do any of the Outreach. If The Program was mandatory, they would have opted me out. I told this to the NIS Coordinator. She knew Kathy had been in The Program and your family had adapted very well to The Program. After talking to her, she asked Kathy to see if your family could help me with the Outreach. While I don’t like The Program, I want to fulfill the requirements.”

“So, you would like to come here and be nude with us?” Brenda nodded. “I don’t have any problem with you coming here and experiencing family nudity, but I will have to talk to my husband and the rest of the family about it.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Krill.”

“Stop by tomorrow and I will let you know what we have decided.”

The next day, Kari was in the kitchen when Brenda and Keith walked in. After greeting each other, Kari had Brenda and Keith sit down.

“Brenda, I talked to the rest of the family and to your parents. You were correct when you said your parents didn’t like the idea of The Program and family nudity. However, they said it was okay with them if you were nude with us.”

Brenda looked nervous, but relieved. “Thank you. I appreciate your help with this. I don’t like The Program, but I want to fulfill all the requirements of it.”

“You’re welcome,” replied Kari, as she looked at Brenda. After a few seconds, Kari said, “Well?”

Brenda took a deep breath and started to take off her clothes. It didn’t take long for her to take off her clothes and to be nude in front of Kari and Keith. While she wasn’t beautiful, Kari thought she was kind of cute. Brenda had short black hair, cute small breasts and a hairy, but trimmed pussy.

“Keith, after you take off your clothes, you and Brenda can go into the living room and start working on your homework.”

“Okay, Mom,” said Keith as he took off his clothes. Kari and Brenda noticed Keith was sprouting a nice erection.

After the rest of the family arrived home, along with Brenda, were sitting around the table, eating dinner. The conversation was pleasant and covered a wide range of subjects, including The Program. Brenda said she wasn’t happy about being in The Program, as it was embarrassing, but it wasn’t too bad.

After taking a sip of milk, Kathy said, “Being put into The Program was easier for me as I have taken part in a lot of family and public nudity.”

“You have been naked in public?” asked Brenda.

“I have been shopping at the mall in the nude and other places. One of the best times was at a Halloween party. We went dressed as Hawaiians. My Mom, Kate and I were dressed as hula girls, wearing nothing but a grass skirt, flower lies and a flower on our ears. Every time we moved, there would be a possibility of our tits, pussies or asses being seen. It was really hot.”

“And it was so much fun,” said Kate. Even Kari had to agree it was pretty hot.

“What do you think of gym class?” asked Kathy.

Brenda blushed as she said, “I really enjoy gym class. It’s my favorite class. My favorite part of gym was seeing all the naked boys in the shower.”

“It was my favorite part of being in The Program. All those penises made me damp,” said Kathy. By the look on her face, the same thing happened to Brenda.

After dinner was over, everyone went into the living room to watch TV. As they were watching, Kari kept an eye on Brenda. She could tell Brenda was still nervous about being nude with them. As she was watching her, Kari noticed Brenda kept her legs closed, which was a violation of The Program rules. She should have, but she didn’t say anything. However, as the evening progressed, Kari noticed Brenda was relaxing and opening her legs. She also noticed both Kevin and Keith were taking looks at Brenda’s crotch.

Brenda had to go home at 9:00, so she got dressed and thanked the Krill’s for allowing her to visit. Kari said she would take Brenda home. About a half hour later, Kari came back. Since Kevin was still nude, Kari took off her clothes.

“Did Brenda have anything interesting to say?”

“She said she enjoyed being nude with us. She said, while she has only seen teenage penises, she liked looking at yours. It was the biggest one she has seen.”

“It isn’t often I had my penis complimented on by a 15 year old girl.”

“True,” laughed Kari. “It was kind of interesting talking to her parent. They are very religious, which is why they are against nudity. Brenda said she wouldn’t be surprised if it has been a long time since her parents have seen each other naked.”

“The program had to be quite a culture shock to her and her family.”

“Well, it was a shock to us, but as much as I don’t like The Program, we have adapted pretty well to it,” said Kari.

The next afternoon, when Kari came into the kitchen, she saw Brenda and Keith were sitting at the table, in the nude, working on their homework.

“Hi, Mom.”

“Hello, Mrs. Krill.”

“Hi, kids. How long have you been home?”

Looking at the clock, Keith replied, “Oh, almost an hour. We have been working on our homework the whole time.”

“That’s fine, Keith.” Kari left the kitchen and a few minutes later, came back into the kitchen in the nude. “Since your sisters and Dad aren’t going to be home for dinner, what would you like for dinner?”

Brenda and Keith decided they would like pizza for dinner. It sounded good, so Kari said she would order the pizza. “Kids, why don’t you go into the living room. I’ll let you know when the pizza gets here.”

“Okay, Mom.” Brenda and Keith picked up their books and when into the living room. Then, Kari went upstairs and a few minutes later, she came down to the kitchen in the nude

After a little while, Keith came into the kitchen as Kari was cleaning up. “Need any help, Mom?”

“I appreciate the offer, but you should be with Brenda,”

“Well, I have a question for you, Mom.”

“What is it, sweetie?”

“Do you remember telling me I should keep my hands off Brenda, which I have?”

“Yes, sweetie, I do and I’m glad you are following the rules.”

“Thank you, Mom. I appreciate it,” said Keith. “The question I have is this. Brenda told me the boys in school haven’t been asking her to do too many Reasonable Requests and it is kind of depressing her.”

While Kari could see Brenda wasn’t Playboy material, she was kind of cute. It would be depressing to a girl that only a few boys wanted to touch her breasts or play with her pussy. “That is too bad.”

Keith looked nervous as he said, “Well, Brenda kind of ask me if I would ask her for a Reasonable Request. Could I do that?”

“What would you want to do?”

“I guess what I have seen other boys do to girls. Touch and play with their breasts, look inside their vagina, look at their clitoris and whatever she will let me do.”

“I don’t know, but let me think about it. I’ll let you know after we have our pizza,” said Kari.

“Okay, thank you, Mom.” Keith went back into the living room to study with Brenda.

After they were done eating, Kari said, “Brenda, Keith said you weren’t getting many Reasonable Requests at school and you would like Keith to ask for a Reasonable Request, is that correct?”

“Yes, Mrs. Krill.”

This is something Kari didn’t want to happen in her house, but at least, she would be able to control what was going on. Against her better judgment, Kari said, “Let me think about and I’ll let you know my decision after we eat.”

As Kari called the pizza restaurant, she had an idea. It wasn’t too long before the pizza arrived. The doorbell rang and Kari got up to answer it. “Brenda, would you help me with the food?”

“Yes, Mrs. Krill,” Brenda started to look around for her clothes.

Kari knew what she was thinking and said, “No, Brenda. We are going to answer the door in the nude.

Brenda was going to complain about answering the door in nude, but this would be part of Outreach that she wanted to experience. When they got to the door, Kari asked, “Are you ready?”

Unconvincingly, Brenda said, “Yes, I’m ready.”

Kari opened the door and on the delivery person. “Oh, hi, Mrs. Krill, I have your food.”

“Hi, Rosemary. Come on in.”

Rosemary walked in and placed the food on a table that was near the door. Looking at her delivery slip, Rosemary said, “Your total is $43.75. Then she saw the naked girl next to Kari. “Hi, Brenda. How are you?”

“Fine, Rosemary. How are you?”

“I’m fine,” replied Rosemary, as she took a good look at Brenda. “I didn’t expect to SEE you here.”

As she paid Rosemary, Kari asked, “How do you two know each other?”

Blushing, Brenda said, “We go to the same church. Our parents are friends.”

Kari explained, “Brenda is in The Program this week and since her parents won’t allow any nudity in their house, she came here to experience family nudity and Outreach.”

“I did The Program last year,” said Rosemary. “I liked it. It was fun. Do you like being in The Program?”

“Not really, but it isn’t too bad,” said Brenda.

“Well, I would like to stay and talk, but I got to run. Nice to see you again, Mrs. Krill.”

“You too.”

“Enjoy your time in The Program, Brenda. See you later.”

“Rosemary,” said Brenda, “please don’t tell anybody that you saw me here, naked.”

Rosemary looked at her for a few seconds and said, “I won’t, but you should run around in your skin more often. It’s a good look on you.”

“See you later, Rosemary.”

“Bye, Mrs. Krill. Bye, Brenda,” said Rosemary as she walked out the door.

“That was embarrassing,” said Brenda.


“Having someone from my church seeing me naked,” said Brenda, “and then she said I looked good naked. Was she making a pass at me?”

“I don’t know, but I don’t think so,” replied Kari, “but I agree with Rosemary, you’re cute and you do look good naked.”

Blushing, Brenda said, “Thank you.”

“Just for your information, we order from that pizza restaurant a lot,” said Kari. “We usually ask for Rosemary. I almost didn’t ask for her. Then, I thought, it might be a little too much for you to be surprised by a male.”

“It would have been okay, Mrs. Krill. Boys at school have seen me naked. Even if I hadn’t been seen naked by a boy before this, this is something that I have to experience.”

“I didn’t think about that.”

Kari, Brenda and Keith sat down and had dinner. There was pleasant conversations, covering a wide range of subjects. After they were done and cleaned up, Kari said, “Keith, you have a question to ask Brenda. You can go ahead and ask your question.”

“Okay, Mom,” said Keith. “Brenda.”

Brenda turned to face Keith. “Yes, Keith?”

“Would you submit to some Reasonable Requests?” said Keith.

“Yes, of course, Keith,” said Brenda with a bit of excitement in her voice. “You can do just about anything you want.” Kari didn’t care for Brenda’s comment, but understood it.

Tentatively, Keith reached up and started to play with Brenda’s breasts. He massaged them and tweaked and pinch her nipples. Kari could tell that Brenda was enjoying Keith playing with her breasts.

“Could I suck on your nipples, Brenda,” said Keith. “You don’t have to consider this a Reasonable Request, but I would like to.”

Brenda thought about it for a few seconds and then said, “Sure, go ahead.”

Keith leaned in and took one of Brenda’s nipples in his mouth. He sucked and lightly bite the nipples. After playing with the nipple for a little bit, he switched over to the other nipple. Brenda was quietly moaning as Keith played with her breasts.

After a couple minutes, Keith stopped playing with her breasts. Then, he reached down and gently forced Brenda’s legs apart, exposing her vulva. Keith got down on his knees and asked her to sit on the edge of the chair. After she did that, Keith could get a good look at her vulva. Again, he gently forced her legs apart to get an even better look at her pussy.

As Keith played with Brenda, Kari noticed that Keith was erect. She knew it was a normal reaction for a boy who was playing with a naked girl.

Keith could tell Brenda was enjoying the Reasonable Request. He could see drops of moisture on the folds of her pussy and he could smell her. “Can I rub your slit?” Brenda quietly agreed.

“Remember,” said Kari, “don’t insert your finger into her vagina or her rectum.”

Keith took his finger and gently started to rub her vulva and her slit. He rubbed the area from her clit to her butthole. He made sure he rubbed her butthole and her clit as he fingered her slit. As he did it, Brenda started to wiggle and squirm, showing Keith that she was enjoying what he was doing. He did it a couple more times and then Brenda climax. Brenda cumming surprised Kari and Keith since she climaxed so quickly.

Brenda said, “Oh, I’m cumming. It feels so good! Don’t stop.” Brenda was moaning, wiggling and squirming as Keith continued to rub her. She was moving around so much, she almost fell off the chair. Keith was able prevent her from falling off the chair.

After her climax, it took a couple minutes for Brenda to calm down. Kari and Keith thought she looked kind of sexy sitting there covered in sweat, panting and her chest heaving from the exertion of cumming. Kari noticed that her thighs were covered in pussy juice, with some on the floor in front of her. Kari was glad they didn’t do this in an area with carpeting. She didn’t want to have clean girl juice out of the carpet. Kari didn’t think Brenda squirted, but she did have a lot of pussy juice coming out of her.

When Brenda could talk, she said, “Oh, thank you, Keith. I can’t tell you how good that felt. I have never had an orgasm like the one you just gave me.”

Kari asked, “Don’t you play with yourself?”

If Brenda was blushing, Kari couldn’t tell as her face was flush from her climax. “Yes, Mrs. Krill, I play with myself, which I enjoy. This is the first time someone else has given me a climax.”

Kari had to agree that it was better sometimes when someone else did it. She could see that Brenda needed to clean up. “Keith, would you take Brenda to the guest bathroom so she can take a shower.”

A couple minutes later, Keith came back to the kitchen. Kari was a little relived when he came back. It wouldn’t have surprised her if he hopped into the shower with her, because he had showered with Brenda at school, but she was glad he didn’t.

Kari and Keith cleaned up the ‘mess’ Brenda had made. After they were done, Kari said, “Would you go get the air freshener, please?”

About 10 minutes later, Brenda came back into the kitchen. “Thank you, Mrs. Krill, for letting me take a shower. I feel better now that I’m clean.” Looking at the clock, Brenda said, “I should be going home.”

“Okay, Brenda,” said Kari. “Let me get my purse.” Kari left the room and she quickly returned. “I’m ready.”

“Aren’t you going to get dressed, Mrs. Krill?”

“No. I have done this before. I won’t be gone long, so there is no real reason to put clothes on.”

“Okay,” said Brenda as she started to put her clothes on.

“Brenda, why don’t you leave your clothes off. When we get to your house, then you can put your dress on.”

Brenda thought about it for a few moments. “If my parents see me naked, they might get upset with me.”

“I’ll stop somewhere so you can put your dress on before we reach your house.”

“Okay.” Brenda turned toward Keith. “I want to thank you for the Reasonable Request. It really felt good and I appreciate it.” Then, she gave him a hug and a kiss on the lips.

“I’m glad you enjoyed it, Brenda. You’re welcome.” Keith wanted to tell her that he would give her a Reasonable Request anytime she wanted one, but he thought Kari wouldn’t like him saying that.

Watching the hug, Kari was sure Keith was enjoying the feel of Brenda’s breasts on his chest. She wasn’t sure but she thought Keith’s penis was rubbing Brenda somewhere in the area of her pussy.

“Thank you, Mrs. Krill for allowing me to come over and letting me get a Reasonable Request from Keith,” said Brenda.

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