To Mount Mckinley - Cover

To Mount Mckinley

by Pettybox

Copyright© 2020 by Pettybox

Romantic Sex Story: A little crush from a first meeting seems to fizzle, and then burn to a passionate fire, and then things make a fun turn.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Romantic   Anal Sex   Analingus   Oral Sex   .

I’ve been selling audio/video software as a factory rep for a trio of large companies for about 15 years. Each and every year I look forward to the CES (Consumer Electronics Show) because of the connections I make, the business I write and the relationships I create and manage to hang on to. Some of those relationships are fleeting liaisons with female attendees and participants in the show, others, both male and female, became customers or casual friends. A few times the show was open to the general public, but mostly it’s invited industry people, but there’s something about Las Vegas where the show seems to be permanently held now. Something that makes both men and women want to let their hair down and do something they can classify as “what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.” That’s usually something to do with sex and a stranger, or a sexual opportunity that only comes along once in a life time. Six years ago, that was what I was looking for when I met McKinley Whitney, a sandy haired, perfectly built, cute as a button, slight female rep for a major Audio firm. We hit it off like best friends after just a few coffee’s, a few lunches, a few drinks, and finally a dinner where I expected we would end up in bed, judging from the necking and make-out session on an outside veranda. It took place following our drinks in our hotels bar. However, I was given the big shut-down on that when my hands made the first move to second base.

Once I got back home, I filed “Kinney’s” business card with others I held for contacts and in doing so I saw her phone number as being the same area code as mine, even though her card read Chicago. (I lived in a New York City suburb) I took the chance and called her to find she worked out of a City Burb herself, although she travelled extensively, using New York and Jersey airports as her hub. I suggested we try to continue our “relationship” locally since we were so close. She informed me that “Cory, we didn’t have a relationship, just one, alcohol fueled “face sucking” (her words) session”. She went on to inform me that we could remain friends, but any thoughts I had of “sleeping and carrying on” (her words, again) should be dashed. She was “not that girl”.

Never one to be thwarted, I agreed we could stay friends on that level, (damn, I’d be damn proud to walk into any room with her on my arm. People didn’t have to know we never saw each other naked and never bumped middles) Her interest in me stemmed from the software and peripherals I had for her product, and a friendly voice to air business concerns. After meeting for coffee in town, business lunches when we found ourselves in the same citys, we finally went on a real date, your standard dinner and movie.

We had a good time and got along quite well and repeated that a few times before SHE initiated a deep goodnight kiss that told me she was interested in more. Letting her lead the way, after a year of dating and petting, we finally did the deed. It seemed cold and textbook and included a condom (hate them!), but she sent me off with a smile and a long kiss. I was quite sure she was happy it happened and had no second thoughts.

I tried calling her 3 times the next day, but she dumped all 3 calls, worrying me. Finally, as I rode Metro-North home, I got a text from her. “My friend Cory, this isn’t like a courtship, or even like that, we had a sexual moment that satisfied our urges, next day calls are not expected or necessary. Should it ever happen again, don’t act like a high school boy after losing his virtue. We are adults and have urges. Cory, I need your friendship much more than your penis.”

I thought, “What a cold bitch! If there is a next time, she will be the aggressor, not me. I really liked her in so many ways as a person, but no longer as a sexual being, she has really turned me off.” So, for the next month, while we saw a concert, had dinner in Chicago while staying at the same hotel, and took in a play in New York, I let her lead the way as our dates ended. She seemed to wait for me to initiate the “goodnight kiss”, but I refused. Once I even put out my hand as if to shake and she grabbed it hard and pulled me close to give me a long wet kiss. I was bound and determined NOT to put myself in a situation to get shot down. I could be as cold and uncaring as she.

Finally, one night while at a small jazz club in The Village, between sets, she uncharacteristically cuddled up to me and spoke quietly in my ear.

“My sweet Cory, I know you act coy and uninterested, I know it’s just an act. While I don’t want a serious relationship, I do admit I hold you in a special place, and I know you do me as well. I’m married to my job, and THAT will not change. But you do create urges in me I want to explore. Just don’t think of anything as a declaration of love, although I do care for you deeply. Can you accept this? Cory, (she said my name again to be sure she had my attention) I will not, at any sober moment, outside of my or your bedroom, declare my love for you. My career goals far overshadow anything else in my life. I’m sorry if this disappoints you, but it is, what it is. If you get up and walk out of my life tonight, I totally understand. It’s just, in fairness Cory, you should know this.”

I thought her words over and let them sink in, and told her, “Now that I know where I stand, I’m OK with this, but while we have this relationship on this level, you can expect me, and I expect you, to be true. This point is non-negotiable.”

She smiled and nodded to me, putting her mouth close to my ear, saying;”If we can get out of here and go to your place, I can seal the deal by sucking your dick.”

You could have knocked me over with a feather as I stood and looked to her smile as she held her hand out for me to take. We walked to the corner and hailed a cab. In the cab she cuddled close and spoke in my ear again. “We can have a healthy sexual relationship, but don’t fawn over me, call me the next day, buy me flowers, ANY of that. I won’t be your girlfriend; I’ll be your partner. Are we on the same page?”

I was still in the shock and anticipation of her offer and nodded to her.

As soon as we got to my condo, she took my hand and led me to the sofa. As soon as we sat, she turned and devoured my mouth as her hand busied itself fumbling with my belt and zipper. Now, we weren’t totally unfamiliar with each other’s bodies, but she never handled me as tenderly as that night as she parted my pants and pulled my shorts below my balls. She kept kissing me until she adjusted her seating position to where she could bend over me. She was no novice at the act and took her task seriously as she bobbed over me until I warned her of my cumming, to which she paid no attention, and took and swallowed all I cooked up. I took her to my bed and repaid her deed and we screwed into the night, spending all day Sunday sexing each other.

This began a 4-year mutual admiration relationship. We stayed at each other’s places often enough that we had clothes, personal items, and enough of “us” in each place to stay 3 or 4 days at a time. While, when we first met and became intimate very infrequently, I thought she was extremely inexperienced and naive to the total sexual experience. Once we came to our “non-relationship” relationship agreement, I found she was quite experienced and adept at sexual situations. I was able to be in a no-strings sexual relationship with a gorgeous woman who had no boundaries.

Kinney and I spent many weekends at various resorts and had many vacations, just the two of us, and many with her step-brother Tom and his girlfriend Ursula. They were great travel mates and as a foursome, we got along perfectly. Ursula and I flirted openly as we all giggled over the double entendres we shared. There was even a night when Kinney took a phone call and went to another room for a few moments before returning to speak to me about Ursula spending the night, with us, IN THE SAME BED! I was totally game for it and even questioned if the 2 girls had ever been together, with my having suspicions after her offer. Without hesitating she told me “NO” saying that was part of the agreement she had just made with Urs, that wasn’t to be part of the deal, beyond kissing. We waited for a long time for her to show up before she called and said the roads were impassible, weather conditions we were oblivious to. There was never a rain check on that situation, and it was never brought up again.

That, in a nutshell is the history of Kinney and I, and like all GREAT things, eventually they must come to an end. Kinney was already a big deal in her company, a major player in high-end audio equipment, she was promoted to an executive vice-president of Sales and Marketing, basing out of Oakland, California. At first, I told her I could see about moving myself, changing my base of operation. But she told me, quite harshly, “Remember the agreement we had from the very start. I told you, I will not, at any sober moment, outside of my or your bedroom, declare my love for you. My career goals far overshadow anything else in my life. I’m sorry if this disappoints you, but it is, what it is. I don’t need you to follow me, just respect my wishes and remember the great times we had with each other.”

I had actually enjoyed the fact that there was never any pressure to get married, move in together, make anything permanent. I had a companion for all the good things in life, and a willing sexual partner who knew no bounds. There was something quite perfect about it. HOWEVER, do not think I was not depressed and disappointed that she left. I had no other prospects and never had a reason to cheat, so I was a little high and dry, but New York was a big city and I was still a good-looking eligible guy, who was, admittedly, out of practice in the art of seduction of the fairer sex.

After a short period of “mourning” I was out in hotel bars when on the road, but in New York, I usually frequented jazz clubs. Jazz clubs seem to draw sophisticated, well off, freaky/flakey type women. Not exactly the marrying kind, but for a night of fun, with or without sex, they made for an interesting night. After a few weeks I had a few phone numbers and even had a blowjob in the lobby of a condo tower. My “date” realized her roommate was home early from a business trip and while having guests was not verboten, bringing in an unknown “pick-up” was met with rage by her friend. So, she told me I deserved a “parting gift”, besides the promise to meet me at the same club again. There was no doorman from 2 a.m. to 6 a.m., and I went home with a smile on my face.

Having talked to McKinley one Friday afternoon on a real business call, where she coldly refused to let me talk about “us”, I had the urge to go to one of “our” places, NY Futball, a popular English style Football (Soccer) bar just outside Manhattan. New York was playing that night and it was sure to be rousing.

Her call, hearing her voice, made me miss her like crazy. Just being in a place where I only went with her might be comforting. The place was raucous and fairly well packed at 8:30, just 15 minutes into the game. I found one of a group of permanently placed, bolted down, cocktail tables empty and took a seat on one of the 2 attached stools that faced the screen. Whenthere was no game, other stools were available to add for groups of 4, but these were “game day” tables.

A waitress quickly got my order, an English favorite of mine, Park Pils, and reminded me of the 2 drink plus $25 minimum for occupying a game day table. She took my card, got my beer and an order of fresh hot pretzels with beer mustard. 40 minutes later I was into that second brew and an order of Sausage Butties, a supposed English game staple. In any event, 2 drinks and $25 minimum met. I was enjoying the game and contemplating another couple beers, (I wasn’t driving, I Ubered) when two long fingernailed hands came across my shoulders and hugged me.

“Cory! You are such a welcome sight; I’ve been trying to find how to get hold of you since Kinney left. I lost your card and I didn’t want to ask her.” Ursula said as she kissed my cheek.

“Her brother Tom could have helped you.” I said immediately making sure she knew I thought she was feeding me a line.

“Tom and I are no more. He caught me in a little affair with a girlfriend of mine, and he freaked.” Urs said, pausing, watching my face carefully for reaction.

“I don’t call myself lesbian, or even bi, but I do enjoy a little strange sometimes.” she said matter of factly, still watching my face.

“Ursula, as long as you weren’t committed to him, it’s just your business.” I assured her.

“He was committed, wanting to give me a ring, but he knew that was not going to be me.” She assured me.

I invited her to sit with me and I got her a drink as we watched the game and chatted. New York was being beat 4-nil late in the game so there was no reason to get further involved with it.

“I always knew she would bolt someday on you, and she told me you understood and would not be hurt or surprised.”

“Well, I was HURT, and SURPRISED, but I always knew I was number 2, the fact I never had to worry about being hounded to make anything permanent was always a big plus. She didn’t leave me for wanting in the intimacy department, as far as that goes.”

Urs smiled big, saying, “Oh, I know, she shared some play by play with me, we had a lot of the same kinks. She wasn’t into me that way, but one night I was on my way over for a threesome, but I got caught in a snow drift, and she wouldn’t give me another chance.”

I just nodded wanting to leave it all, but she persisted. “You were all she could handle, you know. She made sure I knew that. She and I liked a lot of the same things, dirty boy!” She said with a grin.

I tried to act non-committal but she persisted, “Who would guess Miss Priss in public, liked to be spanked and ass-fucked.” She said shocking me.

She saw my surprise that Kinney would share such details.

“Cody, women are worse than guys when it comes to talking sex. That was why I thought I had a chance to get in her pants. When she agreed to the three-some, it was understood I would not get passed mouth-kissing with her. But she said I could watch her get butt fucked, and I planned on eating her then.”

I must have turned 40 shades of red at her words and frankness, never thinking that Kinney would have told her such intimate details, but Ursula had it all right. Kinney loved rear deliveries and a well reddened ass. She was usually in such a state then, that Urs could have done whatever she wanted to Kinney then with no complaints, I was sure.

I was getting pudgy in my pants at the talk and memories when Ursula’s hand came down in my crotch.

“We can leave and go to my place; we can walk from here. We’re both lonely with partners broken up. We can make a nice night for ourselves.”

“Listen, Ursula, a ... you ... a... “ I stammered before she stopped me with a decided push to where her hand was resting on the growing bump in my Levi’s.

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