Half Step - Cover

Half Step

Copyright© 2020 by Tom Hayden

Chapter 5

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 5 - David stumbles upon a demonic ritual in the forest near his hometown. He rescues the girl and gets a reward. Unfortunately it isn't a reward that he knows how to use and brings with it myriad complications. Join David as he navigates the end of High School, his new abilities, and maybe even gets the girl. English is my first (and only) language. Please be understanding about grammatical and other mistakes. They are the result of our outstanding public education system.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Magic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   School   Demons   Polygamy/Polyamory   Slow  

“I know it’s a little late with regards to Allison but, um, birth control?” I felt a little uncomfortable bringing up the subject but it had to be asked.

“I’ve got an IUD,” Mandy responded.

“I’m on the pill,” Allison chimed in. “I’m fairly sure you’re clean as well. I got tested on Monday afternoon.”

“Oh shit,” I didn’t even think of that before. “Um, thanks, good. Um, my only previous partner was also a, um, a virgin.” I could feel myself blushing. How could talking about this be so embarrassing? If it got any worse, I would bet I’m going to start stuttering or something.

“Ahh, I’ve never done anything with anyone else” Mandy offered.

“That’s good. So, we’re all covered. Anyone have any other concerns? I always made Fred use a condom even though I’m on the pill. He went out with a lot of girls and I wasn’t going to risk it. I take mine religiously when I first wake up so I should be close to the 99.7% effectiveness. I was not going to carry that asshole’s baby.” Allison seemed to be taking the leadership role and I had no problems with that. “Assuming we react the way I did on Monday does anyone have any other concerns? We should talk about it now as thinking clearly may be hard later.”

Mandy said “ahh, I don’t have any pesky hymen to go through, the doctor took it when I got my IUD, but maybe go slow? Be gentle with me if we get that far?”

“Of course, Mandy. I never want to hurt you. If you’re worried about it, we don’t have to do this.”

“No! I want to, it’s just, you know?”

“Intimidating,” Allison interjected, turning to face Mandy. “My first time was scary but it was with that asshole Fred. Dave was much more considerate than Fred ever was even though Dave and I only had a quickie. I can’t picture him not taking care with you.”

“I don’t recall being considerate.” I looked at Allison to see if she would expand on what she said.

“You waited for me to be wet and ready.” Allison appeared a bit disgusted but I knew it wasn’t focused at me. “Trust me, that makes a real difference.” The more I heard, the less I liked Fred and I already had a poor opinion of him.

“That’s all I had,” Mandy said.

“Condoms?” Even though we thought we were all clean it had to be asked.

“Not with me,” Mandy was emphatic. “If we do this, I don’t want anything between us.”

“Me too,” answered Allison. “I’m good without anything else.”

“Ok, well, should we go to the bedroom first? I imagine that if something happens the way we think it will we would be more comfortable there than here in the living room.”

Allison quickly followed as Mandy popped up and led the way. She had been to my room many times before but never in my wildest dreams had she been heading that way for this reason. I couldn’t help but sample the way the two girls smelled as we changed venue. They had increased the “volume” of their scents, all three of them. I couldn’t believe the conversation we had on the couch. Plainly talking about what we were going to do, even if we didn’t specifically say sex, was weird. Had that talk increased the coffee and cinnamon scents somehow?

In the end, I stopped worrying about that change. I was eagerly anticipating having the two girls in my room. How it would all work between the three of us was a concern although the internet porn I’d seen gave my imagination plenty to work with. We were soon in my room and Allison was looking around with interest.

My dad bought me a king size bed when I passed 6’ last year and it dominated the room. Against the wall under the window was a small cluttered desk and my laptop. Thankfully all my used laundry was in the hamper which helped my room look less like a slob lived in it. I’d left my bed unmade, though. I never could figure out why making the bed was a thing. It always struck me as a waste of time and effort. My closet doors were wide open and displaying the disorganized contents, but at least my closed dresser drawers hid my unfolded collection of socks and boxers.

After satisfying her curiosity, Allison rested on the bed next to Mandy. I pulled the rolling desk chair over and sat in front of the two. “Ok, you guys remember the vial I trapped my hunger in? I’m going to try and picture a vent or gasket that I can control. I want to attempt to let out just a little and see if I can direct it at one of you without affecting the other. Sound good?”

“Sure,” Mandy answered. “Who’s first?”

“Um, up to you I guess.”

Allison and Mandy looked at each other and without talking they each brought up a fist, shook it at the other two times and then Allison’s paper covered Mandy’s rock.

“Hah! I’m first” crowed Allison.

“Alright, here it goes” I said. I imagined a valve connected to the rubber stopper holding back the black, roiling, hunger in my gut. I wanted to be able to let the barest whisper out and I hoped that would work. The picture of the vial itself had worked wonderfully which gave me confidence that my abnormal hunger was something that could be controlled.

The valve appeared to work perfectly. A single tentacle like wisp emerged. It wasn’t even hard to direct it at Allison. It felt like the tendril was already attracted to her and it slipped right over easily. The tip of it deftly touched the center of her chest and seemed to attach itself. Instantly, my hunger howled within me as it made a concerted effort to burst from the mental vial which contained it. I could tell I was hardening within my shorts and Allison began to look similarly aroused.

“Oh my,” Allison said. Her cheeks had already taken on a rosy glow and we had only been connected for seconds. She crossed her legs, causing the hem of the sundress she was wearing to rise up her thighs a touch. I clearly remembered Allison clenching those smooth legs in Physics. Her small hands twitched and played with the hem of her dress as well. I got the impression that she wanted to run her fingers over her body and was struggling against the impulse. The sugary scent she gave off was so enticing that I had to force myself to stay seated instead of jumping her. Mandy was watching the two of us with obvious interest and I could smell that she was getting aroused by the way Allison was acting.

I badly wanted to keep watching Allison fall into her lust but I had more things to test. It was incredibly difficult to detach the rope of black misty hunger from Allison. What ended up working was closing the valve on the vial. With the vial closed the connection between us gently faded into nothing. My hunger railed at me as if to ask why I would let her go instead of taking her as she obviously desired.

I took some time to examine my hunger and confirm I had a firm grasp on it. It still roiled within its container but I got a sense of patience from it now that we were no longer connected to Allison. It was almost like my hunger knew it was going to be fed soon and was content to wait. When I looked up Allison had calmed down, although I could tell she was still aroused.

“That was intense,” Allison said while fanning herself with one hand. “I don’t know why but it hit me harder and faster than it did on Monday. It’s like I went from slightly interested to ready for an orgy in the space of two breaths. Wow.” She took a few deep breaths. “Can you tell how strongly each of those three scents are right now? I have a theory.”

“Ahh, sure.” I focused my attention on Allison. Her coffee scent was stronger than ever before but it was dwarfed by the cinnamon and sugar she was putting out. I had yet to come across a cinnamon smell as strong as Allison was putting out at that moment although the sweet part of her smell was steadily waning. I reported that to Allison and she nodded back at me.

“I think I know what the cinnamon smell is” she offered. “I agree that the sugary smell is probably arousal. It seems to fit all the observations you’ve told me about. I’m pretty sure cinnamon is base desire or attraction or something like that. I’ve always thought you were cute but after this week and especially the last few days I’ve found myself almost drawn to you. It fits what you’ve said about Amanda as well. She didn’t have any cinnamon until the other night, right?”


“That’s when she started being attracted to you if I remember correctly.”

“You’re right,” I excitedly responded. That makes a lot of sense actually. I thought about all the different girls I had received a cinnamon impression from in school and was a little shocked. “Wow, I’m more attractive than I thought I was.”

Mandy laughed at me. “You’re athletic, single, and dress ok. I’m not surprised that quite a few girls would find that combination at least moderately attractive.”

“You’re also generally friendly and aren’t a bully,” Allison’s added. “Now that you’ve freed me from Fred you are even more attractive to me. I also like the way you can turn me on so quickly.” Allison looked coy for a second. “It makes you seem powerful to me and I like that.”

Allison’s theory fit all the data I currently had. “If cinnamon is attraction and sugar is arousal, what’s coffee?”

Mandy gave me an exasperated look. “Love, you idiot.”

“Wait, what?” I sputtered.

“I figured it out when you first described the scents to me. I’m the only one you got that scent from.” She looked over at the squirming girl next to her. “Well, until you rode in like a knight in shining armor to rescue Allison, anyway. I thought it was clear and you were just avoiding it.”

I looked over at Allison who shyly peaked over at me. “Is that right, Allison?”

“Yeah” she exhaled. “I didn’t want to bring it up.”

“If you thought I would let you run these kinds of experiments on someone who didn’t love you at least a little bit you’re being more of an idiot that usual.” Mandy stuck her tongue at me.

Let me?” I hammed it up “I’ll have you know that you’re not the boss of me!” I turned my head and stuck my nose in the air with my pronouncement. Mandy just stuck her tongue out at me again.

“Don’t stick that out unless you’re prepared to use it” I stated.

Mandy just looked at me with a complicated expression before she challenged, “make me.”

I may be an idiot sometimes but I knew what she wanted. I once again loosened the valve holding back my hunger and let it slowly seep out. I found it as easy to connect with Mandy as it had been to connect to Allison earlier. Once again, my hunger surged and I felt like I was going to burst out of my shorts. Mandy’s breath caught in her throat and her beautiful brown eyes closed halfway.

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