The Abomination - Cover

The Abomination

Copyright© 2020 by Russ Abbot

Chapter 7

Fan Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 7 - Falling Skies Alternative Universe (with 24 TV Series Crossover). The adventures of an Espheni with unusual tastes on a conquered Earth. He discovers that he has a compulsion to build a harem of beautiful human women and humiliate the men that they were meant to be with.

Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Mult   Coercion   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fan Fiction   Science Fiction   Aliens   Cuckold   Wimp Husband   Harem   Polygamy/Polyamory   Black Female   White Female   Oriental Female   Hispanic Female   Indian Female   Pregnancy   Body Modification  

6 months ago

The wind was streaming through her short blonde hair as Karen rode her Honda through the streets of Boston. Shells of badly damaged buildings flew past her as she pulled the throttle and weaved through the husks of abandoned vehicles that littered the streets.

She could see the faces of her dead parents all the time, they haunted her dreams at night and her thoughts during the day. The deep hurt of losing them couldn’t be erased.

She was distracted from her thoughts by the sound of gunfire, she braked sharply and went into an alleyway. Parking her motorcycle next to a fire escape before grabbing her M4 carbine and creeping towards the source of the gunfire.

She stuck her head around the corner of a building to the sight of someone on the ground that was surrounded by three wounded skitters. Still firing away, they killed one of them before the click of an empty magazine was heard.

Karen quickly raised her rifle and peppered the last two Skitters with lead until they dropped to the floor.

She walked towards the figure surrounded by dead Skitters as he was picking himself of the floor.

“Thanks, I thought I was done for...” he said, his words halting as he looked at her for the first time. She was a very pretty girl in her late teens with blonde hair and blue eyes that knew how to kick ass - he was in love at first sight.

“Hi, I’m Karen,” she said, giggling at his dumbstruck face. She also was quite taken with the cute guy in front of her.

Present day

L’vant watched Rebecca sleeping, she’d been out for hours now recovering from the marathon sex session with L’vant. He’d been shooting the breeze with Karen for a while when she stood up and held out her hand. “Come on, lets do something extra kinky today.”

He stood up and took her hand, allowing her to lead him out of their chambers. “Where are you taking me?” he enquired as they walked down the corridor.

“You’ll see,” she replied with a mischievous smile. “It’s a surprise.”

They walked through the door to where Hal and Maggie’s cells were located, L’vant was surprised to find that in the large chamber between the cells was Ben and Nadia. They both had their hands cuffed onto steel chains descending from the ceiling, Ben was angrily shouting at his brother as they entered the room.

“You’ve fucked everything up like always! Why did you betray all of us? 300 people are now going to be slaves for the enemy, we will have harnesses fitted and become Skitters,” Ben screamed at Hal who was in his cell hanging his head in shame, Hal had hoped that the 2nd mass would be able to fight off what the Espheni had planned but now that looked like false optimism.

“I’m sorry,” said Hal with a weak voice, unable to look Ben in the eye.

They all turned to look at the new arrivals. Ben did a double take when he saw a heavily pregnant Karen walk in with the Espheni he saw earlier leading the ambush on their convoy. Karen positively glowed with health and happiness, her bulging belly didnt distract from her newfound stunning beauty, it was like an advertisement for her hyperfertility. “Karen? I thought you were...”

“Dead? Nope, I’m very much alive.” said Karen. “Aren’t you going to congratulate me on the new addition to the family?”

“Congratulations,” he said with as much enthusiasm as he could muster, which wasn’t alot considering the future that now awaited him. He looked at the Espheni whilst trying to mask the disappointment from his face, he had hoped that Nadia was right when she said she’d taken him out but even that small victory was taken away from them.

Nadia’s feelings mirrored Ben’s, only more intensely. The one positive thing that had come from their rescue attempt was now gone.

“Both of you don’t seem happy to see my new husband here...” she said linking her arm through L’vant’s.

“Husband? Him?” said Ben in shock. The other prisoners were also in shock as Hal’s beautiful ex-girlfriend pulled her Espheni lover’s head down to give him an affectionate kiss before pulling away.

“Yes, I’m so proud to be able to bear his children,” she smiled as she spoke, stroking L’vant’s cheek lovingly.

Hal’s voice came through the barrier. “He’s forcing you to say that.”

“You know that isn’t true,” replied Karen giggling. L’vant reached behind her pulled down the zipper to the red dress she was wearing slipping it down to reveal her beautiful, pregnant body in her white bra and panties. The fetus inside her was indicating its growing restless by the way the baby bump was shifting around. A familiar looking but sizeable tent soon formed at the front of L’vant’s robes, Karen parted the front of his garment and his huge cock sprang forth from the opening.

They all stared wide eyed at Karen’s ethereal beauty and L’vant’s behemoth of a phallus. While the others were stupefied, Hal felt he’d been dealt a bodyblow - his worst fears had come true. Deep in his heart, he knew that Karen had fallen in love with the Espheni during that first kiss when he was frozen in place.

“My pregnancy has almost come to full term even though I only became pregnant 10 weeks ago,” she said rubbing her distended belly while smiling at her soulmate. “He’s been fucking me so many times, pumping his special semen into my womb which accelerates the growth of our baby.”

“Man. I had no idea you were such a slut,” said Ben, his face was screwed up in disgust. “You always acted all sweet and innocent.”

“I was innocent until this handsome stud claimed me. I’ve never done anything with Hal, human cocks are too small,” she said happily. “Besides, don’t pretend you don’t want a piece of this.” Ben shifted his eyes away from her stunning body, his face went red from embarrassment.

None of this was lost on Nadia who had noticed Ben’s wandering eyes, she was also trying to comprehend the relationship between the gorgeous pregnant woman and the alien enemy. She had thought that the 2nd Mass was going to be a powerful ally to fight against their alien foe but it seemed that was never on the cards by the look of some of these sick goings on.

Karen removed her bra and panties before grabbing L’vant’s hand and pulling him over to a large padded table that was in the space between where Nadia and Ben were chained. She gently pushed him backwards until the back of his legs hit the table and he was guided by her to sit down.

Karen climbed up into L’vant’s lap and nestled her face underneath his chin. She planted little kisses on the side of his long neck, taking the opportunity to taste his musky skin.

Ben looked at his heartbroken brother and despite his anger at Hal’s responsibility for their current circumstances, he felt sympathy for the sobbing mess that was in his cell. The poor guy had grieved hard for Karen only to find she was alive and in love with not just anybody but a disgusting Espheni. These fucking fish-heads had slaughtered millions of humans, they were mankind’s most hated enemy!

L’vant’s lust was fueled by their audience, feeling their eyes on him and Karen as they watched this beautiful girl, who was once one of their own, submit to him. It made precum leak from the end of his rock hard monster of a cock.

Nadia stared at the face of the young woman, just a few feet from her, as she gazed lovingly into her mate’s eyes. So much joy and happiness. There’s no way she can be faking it, she thought. She’s got Stockholm syndrome, or maybe she’s been brainwashed by some kind of advanced Espheni technology. A normal woman can’t find these repulsive creatures attractive - especially a girl that beautiful.

Karen had L’vant shift backwards so that his long legs were on the table and pushed his upper body to guide him into a lying down position on his back. His erect cock, now on full display due to the lighting from the ceiling, was broadcast to the big video screens inside the cells so that Hal and Maggie could take a good look. A sobbing Hal looked at the zoomed-in image of thing that had haunted him in his nightmares for months now.

Nadia and Maggie stared in wonder at the huge appendage that jutted out of their captor’s body. It was grey in colour like the rest of L’vant’s skin and curved upwards. The big, hard phallus was symmetrical and pulsed with L’vant’s heartbeat, beads of sweat glistened on the shaft. The shape of the glans were the same as you would find on a human cock, slightly wider than his shaft and again a grey in colour. Smooth, unblemished and perfectly in proportion, all in all it’s a great looking cock but the alien attached to it is still so ugly thought Nadia.

Karen stood up on the table and straddled his pelvis, she lowered herself into position to fuck him in the cowgirl position. L’vant’s rock-hard cock oozed precum as it nestled in the sparse, downy blonde curls just above her wet pussy lips.

She manoeuvred her hips until she pushed the head of his cock through the entrance to her tight, wet pussy. Karen moaned on every down movement as she rocked back and forth taking a little more of his incredible cock with each stroke. She supported her babybump with one hand as her wonderfully tight body bounced while being speared by his cock.

When she’d taken approx 2/3 of his cock, Karen spasmed uncontrollably in the throes of an orgasm. “Aaaarghhh.”

Their spectators saw her juices leak out around her pussy lips and down his shaft, collecting on L’vant’s huge testicles. Nadia and Maggie felt their pussies moisten as they gazed in fascination at Karen’s pussy convulse around the large member. Her body shivered with ecstatic release, she was unable to move as this was going on so L’vant reached up to cup her pert derriere in order to support her position above him as he raised his hips up to stroke in and out of her tightened labia.

Instead of feeling pain from that huge thing inside of her, she’s delirious from a massive orgasm! thought Nadia.

She’s loving it ... it hard to believe what I’m witnessing but there you go... mused Maggie, having been virtually asexual for most of her life, the sight was stirring some unfamiliar feelings within her. She was attracted to Hal and also had a secret attraction to Ben but the vision before her was on another scale. The huge cock is giving her so much pleasure, I hope Hal’s is that big.

L’vant looked around at the intense stares of the other 2 women and the looks of defeat and envy in the eyes of the 2 men and felt his passion increase further, making him move his hips even faster. With the pace of L’vant’s strokes and his precum dribbling onto her insides, Karen was cumming at frequent intervals with shrieks of delight. It reached a crescendo with him letting out an animalistic deep grunt as he filled her up with deliciously hot semen, their audience watched his gigantic balls twitch as they delivered their load to further inflate her already swollen belly.

Karen inhaled a deep breath before letting out an extended scream as the intense climax of her orgasm took hold. He raised up to a sitting position and held her as she shuddered uncontrollably, her pussy clamped down and fluttered on his tool as it seemed to milk his cum into her.

She raised her arms up and hugged his torso as they came back down to earth. She had her eyes closed and a content smile on her face as she snuggled her face against his chest.

“I’m pretty sure I couldn’t live without you,” she said, still breathing heavily as she recovered from their activities.

Maggie was deeply moved by the interaction between the two lovers, after she had witnessed the most erotic scene of her life she was now watching the intimacy between them and couldn’t deny the deep connection they shared. It’s real love. She was slightly ashamed as she felt her panties were drenched in vaginal secretions.

Nadia too was in the same predicament, except worse. Being so close to the couple as they were fucking she was intoxicated by the smell of L’vant’s sexual fluids and was now feeling the effects. She felt like her pussy was on a hair trigger but couldn’t reach down to give herself any relief, she gyrated her hips in order to spark that orgasm that seemed to be tantalisingly just out of reach.

Ben noticed Nadia’s struggle to try and free herself, she finally let out a cry of frustration after turning red and sweating from the exertion. “I’ll get us outta here, I promise... , “ he vowed.

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep,” Karen warned while gasping for breath, recovering after being pounded by L’vant she wearily got off him and the table and walked over to Hal.

A skitter walked over to her as she stood in front of Hal’s cell and handed her a glass. She put the glass down on the floor and squatted down over it, after a few seconds a big glob of cum dribbled out of her pussy and quickly filled the glass up.

Hal was puzzled as to what was about to happen when Karen picked the glass up and disabled the barrier on his cell using the palm scanner. She was flanked by two Skitters as she stepped up to Hal with the glass of cum in her hand.

“What the fuck are you gonna do with that?” Hal said, perplexed by

“Me? Nothing. Would you like drink it?” she explained.

“You are outta your goddamned mind!” he said while taking a step back, the back of his legs hit his bunk as he looked at the glass in trepidation.

“You have one chance to prevent your new bitch getting raped by the big schlong over there,” she informed him. “Either you drink this or she will have her brains fucked out, believe me when I say that she will never be the same woman again.”

Hal was left with only one choice, he would have save Maggie from permanent slavery by swallowing the disgusting, sticky semen.

“Give me your word that monster wont rape Maggie if I do this,” said Hal, taking the glass from Karen.

“Do it and I promise L’vant wont rape her,” confirmed Karen.

“We’ll see what your word is worth,” he said with hatred in his eyes. He raised the glass and took a sip. “God damn!” He scrunched up his face.

“L’vant! Could you go into Maggie’s cell?” she called out. L’vant stood up to comply with his lover’s request.

“Stop! I’ll do it!” cried out Hal. L’vant halted and sat back down as Hal tipped back the entire contents, taking several glugs to swallow the semen.

“What a cum drinking loser! I always thought you were a fag,” Karen laughed as she taunted her ex boyfriend. She grabbed the glass from him and left his cell.

He looked towards Maggie’s cell and saw that she was looking at the video display. Maggie turned her head and stared at him with wide eyes as he wiped a bit of spooge from the corner of his mouth. Surely she’s grateful that I made that sacrifice for her? Her open-mouthed stare seems very judgemental! thought Hal.

Maggie hadn’t heard the full exchange between Karen and Hal, she was watching an edited version on a continuous loop on the video display. It showed: --L’vant cumming into Karen; --Karen squatting and filling the glass; --Karen handing Hal the glass while asking “Would you like to drink it?”; --Hal swallowing the glass of baby batter after saying “I’ll do it”; --Karen laughing and taunting him “What a cum drinking loser! I always thought you were a fag.”

Over and over again she saw the loop of footage that made Hal look like a “cum drinking loser” as Karen put it. Why would he do that? she thought, she again turned her head to look directly at her boyfriend with a puzzled expression.

What is this disgusting shit doing to my insides? I’ve got to get it out of me! thought Hal. He walked over to the toilet in the corner of his cell and stuck two fingers as far as he could down his throat, he gagged but wasn’t able to vomit the contents of his stomach. He repeated this action over and over until he had pains all over abdomen and throat but realised it was useless and gave up.

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