The Abomination - Cover

The Abomination

Copyright© 2020 by Russ Abbot

Chapter 3

Fan Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Falling Skies Alternative Universe (with 24 TV Series Crossover). The adventures of an Espheni with unusual tastes on a conquered Earth. He discovers that he has a compulsion to build a harem of beautiful human women and humiliate the men that they were meant to be with.

Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Mult   Coercion   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fan Fiction   Science Fiction   Aliens   Cuckold   Wimp Husband   Harem   Polygamy/Polyamory   Black Female   White Female   Oriental Female   Hispanic Female   Indian Female   Pregnancy   Body Modification  

Present day, back at the abandoned Espheni base

“I’m sorry,” Rebecca apologised as she walked away from the group towards L’vant. The barrier deactivated briefly allowing her through. “I had to do as he asked.”

Rebecca went over and stood next to Lvant, tears streamed down her face as she saw the look of hurt in her son’s eyes. The pain and anger she felt from him was too much to bear.

“You are all my prisoners, surrender now,” said L’vant in a deep voice that had such a rich, warm Timbre that it sent shivers down their spines.

“What the hell?! I thought your species couldn’t talk” exclaimed Anne. They were all surprised.

“I am unique in being the only Espheni that can communicate verbally.”

“Let us go now if you want to live,” said Daniel. Tom’s hunch was right.

“No!” replied L’vant.

Daniel spoke into his radio “Take the shot.”

Frozen Hal was delighted Now you’ll get it YOU FUCK.

Nothing happened. They heard some bangs but L’vant wasn’t hit. After a few seconds they heard more shots fired but none seemed to hit the target. Isabella’s voice came through on the radio, “Sir, our live rounds have been replaced with blanks.” Three more Airships swooped in and hovered over the source of the gunfire, they dropped Skitters to apprehend the three snipers.

Tom and Daniel were stunned. They were so sure of their plan but the Espheni had been one step ahead of them all along.

“Drop your weapons!” directed L’vant. “This is your last chance.”

As the leader of the 2nd Mass, Daniel had to find a way out of this, he couldn’t allow the capture of his unit.

He took the pin out of a grenade and hurled it as hard as he could above the barrier in the direction of L’vant. It dropped down 30 feet past the barrier and exploded in a big fireball, limbs from destroyed Skitters went flying up in the air some of which landed inside the barriers next to the group.

Dan grabbed another grenade from his belt clip before he felt a weight fall on top of him pushing him to the ground. He turned his head to find it was Tom.

“You’re going to kill my wife!!” screamed Tom.

What about the rest of us? What about me and your unborn child? We’re about to become prisoners! thought Anne.

Smoke and dust from the grenade blast started to clear after a while and neither the Espheni Overlord nor Rebecca could be seen by the group.

“You’re right,” Daniel agreed as he stood up.

The large figure of L’vant appeared from behind a large boulder as more of the dust cleared, he walked around it to get a little closer to the group. He was limping with an obvious leg injury, behind him Rebecca could just be seen standing up and dusting herself off.

Daniel suddenly felt something touch his mind as he took out his handgun from the holster on his hip.

“What are you doing now?” asked Tom in panic.

“I don’t know,” Dan stated in puzzlement. He looked at his gun and his shaking hands in confusion as he turned the gun towards his own head, he tried to stop his hands from the movements with all his determination but he ended up with the gun muzzle pointed at his face. He pulled the trigger sending a bullet through his head, his blood sprayed out over his bewildered companions.

“He died for nothing,” stated L’vant after Daniel’s lifeless body crumpled to the floor. “Drop your weapons.”

The 2nd Mass looked at the body of their dead Captain in shock and disbelief. Tom dropped his gun, tears in his eyes for his fallen comrade and leader. “Do as it says.”

Except for Hal, who was still frozen, they all complied. As soon as the barriers deactivated, the Skitters poured in and confiscated their guns - they pried Hal’s from his hands. The three snipers, Isabella, Dai and Wilson were forced out of their hiding places by the Skitters and brought to the rest of the group.

Fuck, not again!!! Hal was in extreme distress at having been caught by the Espheni again...

L’vant threw a round object amongst the 11 humans which released a white gas that knocked them all out.

The Skitters cuffed their hands behind their backs and carried all the unconscious humans over to the Airships which took off once they were boarded.

2 months ago in L’vant’s quarters

Karen was loved and fulfilled in a way that she never thought possible. She looked at the reason for her happiness and was determined that other people should feel the way that she felt now, L’vant was a marvel.

“I’ll help you capture my friends but please don’t kill them...” said Karen.

“Of course I won’t kill them,” L’vant assured her. “We need to stop the fighting and make peace, that’s why I need to capture them.”

“Fantastic!!” Karen beamed from ear to ear. “Their location won’t be where we were last based as the 2nd Mass have a protocol of moving hideouts if any of their number goes missing. We may be able to track their general direction but even if you find their base they’ll have booby traps set up as well as numerous escape routes. What we need to do is find someone to lead them away into an ambush in a safe place for their capture.”

“Who should that be?” asked L’vant.

“It cant be me, they’ll be suspicious of me escaping unharmed. I’ll draw up a list of candidates to look for in your prisoner camps.”

“Excellent,” L’vant smiled. “I’m glad you are seeing things our way.”

“Can I have a reward now?”

“Anything you like.”

She eyed his huge hard cock and started sucking it.

The top name on Karen’s list of candidates was found 4 weeks later. Rebecca Mason had been picked up before the the bombing of Boston by Espheni airships. As was usual Espheni invasion tactics, an area would be swamped with skitters so they could abduct the women and children before the airships were sent in to obliterate any resistance.

Rebecca had been in an extremely bad way with her cancer returning while she was in a prison camp, she was down with a fever as the latter stages of her cancer were slowly killing her.

She was the ideal person to lure the 2nd Mass out of hiding though, so as soon as he located her, L’vant carried the unconcious woman to his private accommodation. She was a good looking woman in her early 40s with straight copper coloured hair, blue-green eyes and a slim physique.

He used advanced Espheni medical equipment to completely destroy all the cancerous cells within her body and to put her into the peak of physical health.

Rebecca opened her eyes after a long sleep and she felt as good as she had before the cancer had started to affect her. She was on a large, comfortable bed with a satin sheet over her. A beautiful young blond sitting next to her in a chair.

She sat up. “Who are you? And where am I?”

Karen chuckled. “I’m Karen. We are in my boyfriend L’vant’s living quarters on Espheni base 142. You were in very bad health, so L’vant has cured you.”

“L’vant is an unusual name.” The last part about curing her was a bit weird, she’d have to ask about that later. She noticed that Karen’s lycra top had a bulge in her lower belly, the rest of her physique was mind blowing though. “Congratulations.”

Karen smiled wide and rubbed her belly. “Thanks.”

Karen surprised Rebecca by leaning forward and kissing her on the mouth, sliding the tip of her tongue across Rebecca’s tongue.

Rebecca was shocked at the gall of Karen to kiss her intimately without her permission. As flattering as it was to be kissed by such an incredibly beautiful young woman, she was about to pull away when the taste of something incredible registered in her mind. She wanted more so licked all around the inside of Karen’s mouth, gathering as much as she could and savouring the delicious flavour until there was no more left.

She pulled away. “What was that in your mouth?”

“That was my boyfriend’s cum.”

“What the fuck!?” Rebecca was repulsed.

“You seemed to like it,” said Karen, smiling.

“That was not OK, I’m married!” stated Rebecca angrily.

The door slid open with a hiss and L’vant walked in. Rebecca’s eyes opened wide in fear and scrambled backwards in bed until her back was on the headboard. “Please don’t hurt me!!”

Karen put her arms around her. “Don’t worry, no one will hurt you here. This is L’vant, he cured your cancer with very advanced Espheni Medical Equipment.”

“Your boyfriend is that thing?! And you’re having a baby with him?” It was obvious that Rebecca found the whole idea absolutely sickening.

“Yes, he’s my one true love. He saved your life!!” Karen angrily cried out, hurt by her reaction. She grabbed the front of Rebecca’s shirt and pulled, tearing off the garment in one go, exposing her naked breasts topped with pink nipples.

“What the hell are you doing??” Rebecca shrieked covering up her c-cup breasts with her hands.

“I wanted to turn my boyfriend on, I love it when his giant cock gets hard...” Karen smirked.

Rebecca looked between L’vant’s legs and her jaw dropped. There was a thick 11 inch monster that couldnt possibly fit into any woman. She quickly pulled the bed sheets around her and got up to run out of the room.

Karen grabbed her from the behind before she could take two steps and easily held her against her will. Karen smiled, drinking L’vant’s semen had given her an incredible strength but her body still looked very much feminine, you would never guess that she was so strong.

“Let me go!!!” Rebecca thrashed her arms and bare legs around trying to escape. L’vant grabbed the sheet that she’d wrapped herself in and pulled it away revealing her nice tits with the cute pink nipples, Karen felt very exposed - now that her shirt had been torn off all she had on were her panties. “Aaaarrgghhh!!” she cried out.

He caught her ankles and held them in a vice like grip to stop her legs from thrashing around.

Moving her legs apart, L’vant moved his head in near the silk panties covering her cunt and sniffed the enticing aroma. He stuck out his long tongue and licked her nether regions. “Noooo...” protested Rebecca.

His long dextrous tongue moved her panties away from her mons, exposing her slit which was covered in reddish brown pubic hair. He ran his tongue up and down her slit as she tried to move her hips away to stop him.

“You’re tasty,” he said with a smile.

“Fuck you!” She was livid at the Espheni that was assaulting her in her most intimate area.

L’vant locked his lips onto her pussy and shoved his long tongue inside. “Hhhaaahhh...” Rebecca felt his tongue wriggling inside her, his special saliva and the friction from his tongue brought feelings of ecstasy to her mind - juices flowed from her cunt as her senses were assaulted.

Her struggles immediately ceased as she struggled to comprehend what was happening to her. Her body was surrendering to this ugly beast who was pleasuring her against her will. I must resist, this is rape she thought, even though her hips were pushing up towards his tongue.

He feasted on her pussy juices, lapping on her clit and before long she cried out in orgasm. “Aaaarrgghhhh...”

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