The Abomination - Cover

The Abomination

Copyright© 2020 by Russ Abbot

Chapter 1

Fan Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Falling Skies Alternative Universe (with 24 TV Series Crossover). The adventures of an Espheni with unusual tastes on a conquered Earth. He discovers that he has a compulsion to build a harem of beautiful human women and humiliate the men that they were meant to be with.

Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Mult   Coercion   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fan Fiction   Science Fiction   Aliens   Cuckold   Wimp Husband   Harem   Polygamy/Polyamory   Black Female   White Female   Oriental Female   Hispanic Female   Indian Female   Pregnancy   Body Modification  

The Espheni scientist named L’vant was perplexed by the feelings he was having, this race of inferior beings that his kind had conquered were having a curious effect on him, well some of them anyway.

They were a strange race, approximately 50% of them were childbearing instead of having a queen that took care of all that for them - very inefficient.

However inefficient this setup was though, the childbearing portion of humanity was having an effect on him that was quite disconcerting - their beautiful bodies and faces were very pleasing to him in a way that none of his fellow Overlords felt at all. His thoughts about human females were all consuming - they were preventing him from carrying out his duties. He knew that his lust for human females was completely unique because of the telepathic connections that he shared with the rest of his species.

He wasn’t fully Espheni though, his mother was the daughter of the Queen, she came to this planet 1500 years ago and had managed to mate successfully once with a human male before she was killed. He was the product of that offspring - half Espheni and half human. The cocoon was spirited away from Earth before he hatched and he spent his formative centuries on the Espheni homeworld.

While others were dreaming of a chance with the Queen, L’vant was mesmerised by the round shapes of human breasts and asses as well as their pretty faces. Although his outward appearance was mainly that of an Espheni Overlord, his the human DNA had manifested itself in his overwhelming attraction to human females. Even though his physical attributes were unmistakably of an Overlord, there were some other differences between himself and other Esphenis, for example his heavier hips and his more muscular legs and ass gave clues to his mixed heritage.

He looked at Karen Nadler as she and her boyfriend Hal Mason were frozen in place by his telepathic connection to them - they couldn’t move or talk, they could only change facial expressions and move their eyes.

She wasn’t the most rounded of the human females he had seen so far but the pretty blonde was in good shape, her curves were pleasing indeed. Her blue eyes seemed to draw him in as he walked over to her, he leaned over her and sniffed her through his 4 nostrils - she smelled wonderful.

He couldn’t help himself as he stuck out his long tongue (Espheni only use their mouths to eat as they dont communicate verbally) and licked the side of her face - she tasted even better than she smells he thought.

He can tell via their telepathic connection that she is disgusted by his appearance and him licking her face nauseated her.

Stay away from me!!! she thought, her eyes wide with fear.

Get away from her you freak! Gotta break free... rage filled Hal’s face but he couldn’t break free from L’vant’s control. L’vant could feel the murderous thoughts coming from him.

Karen was nervous as to what was going to happen next, her fears increased several fold when she noticed a significant tent forming in L’vant’s robes between his legs.

L’vant undid his robe and it dropped to the floor to reveal an erect 11 inch cock. Astonishment and fear emanated from Karen & Hal at the sight, they were regretting their foolish decision to scout for Espheni bases looking for weaknesses.

Due to his 12 1/2 foot height his thick genitals looked in proportion to his frame but his cock still looked huge to them.

L’vant suddenly grabbed both sides of Karen’s shirt with the 3 fingered hands of his long powerful arms and tore it off revealing her bra covered breasts and toned midriff.

It didn’t seem possible but Karen’s eyes went even wider when she realised that her worst fears were becoming even more likely with each passing moment, she was still a virgin - she hadn’t even had sex with Hal yet as she wanted to save that gift for a special occasion (she’d given him a couple of hand jobs and had promised him his first blowjob tonight). The prospect of giving up her cherry to this freak of nature horrified her!!

L’vant deftly unhooked Karen’s bra to reveal her B-cup breasts topped with lovely pink nipples. He smiled with pure pleasure while looking at her topless state, he wasnt used to showing emotion on his face as that isnt normal behaviour for Espheni but he felt that in this situation he could let his true self show.

L’vant stooped down to kiss, lick and suck on her beautiful nipples while rubbing her ass with both of his hands, the sudden sensation caused Karen’s mouth to drop open in shock as she took a deep breath. L’vant looked up to see her mouth open and used the opportunity to kiss Karen full on the mouth, he tongued the inside of her mouth and discovers her saliva has an exquisite taste - even better than her skin.

Karen realised her mistake when he stuck his disgusting long tongue inside her mouth. But what she soon realised was that although the appearance of the tongue was horrible but the Espheni gave off a powerful musk that was immensely appealing. But that paled into insignificance compared to the sweet taste of L’vant’s saliva which put her brain into sensory overload, the pupils of her eyes dilated. How can such an ugly creature have such incredibly tasty saliva? Mind you, looking at it’s powerful neck and graceful, tall body its not that ugly at all...

L’vant was very pleased when he listened to her thoughts - his special saliva was slowly changing her mind about him. And it was confirmed when he felt the tip of her tongue start to lick back and forth on his tongue.

L’vant continued to enjoy the deep kiss as he used his long arms to unbutton her jeans and pulled them down her legs followed by her panties. He broke from the kiss and the tip of her tongue came out of her mouth searching for his, a strand of L’vant’s saliva still connected their mouths.

Hal had a puzzled look on his face as he gazed at her tongue searching for the Espheni Overlord’s mouth. She must be trying to lull him into a false sense of security in order to facilitate our escape, well done Karen he thought.

L’vant looked down at her pussy covered with sparse golden hair, gorgeous. He leaned down to kiss her again, restarting their tongue duel while cupping & stroking her ass.

He removed his restrictions on her movement and she brought her hands up to pull his head closer, desperate not to lose contact with his beautiful face again How could I have thought he was ugly?? she thought.

While moving her legs apart, L’vant snaked his long fingers from her ass to between her legs and started to stroke her blonde pussy hair - there was moisture there!! This was going better than he expected, this lovely female was wet for him.

He rubbed her wet pussy and she unconsciously swayed her hips back and forth in a fucking motion. Hal thought She’s a damn good actress, she’s gained his trust and he’s released her from his telepathic control. No way is she actually turned on by that ugly monstrosity.

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