Lunch With Daddy - Cover

Lunch With Daddy

by Akarge

Copyright© 2009 by Akarge

Science Fiction Story: Just a simple pick-up story

Caution: This Science Fiction Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Incest   Father   Daughter   Harem   .

A Vulcan Colony story in the Swarm Cycle Universe

The Swarm Cycle Universe
Copyright© 2007 The Thinking Horndog

“Hi, Honey. Did you have to wait long?” Scott Tremaine leaned in and gave his daughter a kiss on the cheek. Honey was a play on her name as well as a term of endearment. Born Terry Clover Tremaine, her family often called her Honey or Clover Honey. It didn’t hurt that her hair was the color of honey, as well, and she had a sweet disposition.

“No, I just got here, Daddy. Hi, Penny.” Scott’s paralegal assistant was standing behind him with another lady and a young girl. Penelope was a pretty little thing, brunette, twenty-six years old and only about five feet tall. Terry had liked her from the first time they had met, two years ago.

“Janet, this is my daughter, Terry. Terry, this is my erstwhile opponent Janet Thompson and the young lady besides her is her daughter Jennifer. Jennifer, my daughter Terry.” ‘Hello’ and ‘Pleased to meet you’ echoed around the group as the waiter arrived to guide them to their table in the back. Jennifer was just a little bit younger than Terry, maybe sixteen to Terry’s almost eighteen and she was slim in the current teenaged girl fashion, with hair dyed magenta. It looked good on her though; not too weird. Jennifer’s mother was good looking for someone her age, which was about Terry’s father’s age. She must be about forty, Terry thought, but still in good shape with a shade of dark red hair that was probably real. She was maybe five foot eight, hard to tell with her heels though, and she had Hooters From Hell. That was Daddy’s name for them if she was who Terry thought she was. He said they were excellent intimidation and negotiation weapons.

After they were all seated, Scott burst out “Janet, did I tell you that Terry was the Valedictorian at her high school last month? She had a perfect four-year, four point zero GPA. 4.5 with allowed extra credit.”

“Daddy! We agreed. No more bragging about me.” Terry was mock angry. She was embarrassed a bit; she did not care for the honor THAT much, but she was very happy that her daddy was so proud.

“Don’t worry, Terry. I’m a mom. I embarrass my kids when I brag about them as well.” She leaned over and gave her daughter a quick hug.

“Ok, I’ll let him off the hook, this time. Lets see, Janet Thompson. You’re the opposing counsel for that case Daddy’s been working on. If you two are having a social, as opposed to a working lunch, together, then the case must be over. So! Who won?” Terry put her chin on both hands, her elbows on the table and batted her eyes at the two lawyers.

“We both did.” Janet said. “We settled and finalized it today and not a moment too soon. Your father and I have both agreed that we had the two slimiest clients that you could imagine. If it had gone on much longer, it would have been a criminal case, with me on trial for killing them. Yech!” Janet had a real look of distaste on her face.

Scott was nodding his head. “Agreed, but it would have been a conspiracy. I would have helped. Also, I think the judge would have driven the getaway car. Did you know th...”? He broke off at the sound of a disturbance from the front of the restaurant. “What is all of that about?”

A waiter poked his head into the back room and yelled out. “It’s a pick up!” Then he ran back to the front.

Terry and Scott exchanged looks, and then looked at the rest of the table and the room. “I don’t know what he is rushing for. Most guys don’t get picked up unless they are volunteers themselves.” Terry looked over at Janet. “What about you Janet? Are you or Jennifer volunteers? I know Daddy isn’t. Are you heading out to the meat market?” She gestured out towards the front.

“No, I saw them as I came in and I know almost everyone out there. This is a lawyer place, after all. I wouldn’t put myself in the harem of anyone that I know out there. I’d advise you girls against it, too. There are definitely a lot better fish in the sea. It would be another matter if your father were choosing. Hell!” She leered at him as she leaned forwards to give her cleavage the full display it deserved. “I would have jumped his bones long ago, but I was having too much fun fighting him in court.”

Jennifer gave a little gasp of shock at her mother’s words, and then she looked over at Scott. He was over six feet tall, forty-ish, and broad shouldered. Hmm, he was almost TV star good looking. Maybe Mom had good taste after all. And it’s not like she was dating much since Jennifer’s father had left. She spent most of her time working, with family and fitness running second and third. She collected every ounce of any extra weight in her breasts so she was constantly working out, trying to reduce them, because they made her back hurt.

Terry had noticed that Penny had blushed and looked down at her lap at Janet’s comment. Not for the first time, she thought that Penny had a serious crush on her dad.

“Well, I think I’ll stay back here and ignore them for as long as possible.” Terry looked over at Janet. “What would you select for if you could have say, four choices. Two guys, two girls? One and three? Four guys?” When she said the last, she faked a leer and mimed a little Groucho Marx eyebrow and fake cigar act. The other three women giggled or outright laughed. Scott was blushing. “Oh, come on Daddy, don’t you dare try to tell me that guys don’t talk about how many girls they want in their harems and what they will have them do?”

“No, you’re right,” her father said. “And it is a good question. If you end up on a harem selection, you should be aware of the TYPE of people being selected. That will tell you how smart the volunteer is or what type of person he will be. I would say, for a woman volunteer, one or two men. Not real aggressive types. Sex drive, well, that depends on what you want. I would say, medium to high. Intelligence. Well, higher is better for someone to talk to anyway. Take at least one mother figure. Good parenting skills and aptitudes. You might choose for actual mothers, if they have good scores for it and kids, then they probably have the skills already. The more kids under age fourteen the better, because it gets them off the planet and it gives the new babies older brothers and sisters right off. For the rest, the last one or two should be girls. Women, I should say. Choose ones that can get along with you and the rest of your people.” Suddenly he blushed and looked away, not meeting the women’s eyes. “Uhh, and be aware as to whether you and they are bi or straight. All bi, or all straight is fine, mixed might be a problem. What do you think, Janet?”

“Well, I would cheat. I would take this table. I think you and I would get along. I can tell Penny likes you. Jennifer is trying to be coy about looking at you, but Super Mom sees all. The only problem would be your daughter. I think that she would get along with all of us, but father-daughter, well...” Janet was teasing her opponent again. Somehow, with out anyone noticing, she had undone a button on her blouse.

Terry jumped in again. “You’re right! This would be a nice group. If I could take you four it would be a good choice. But Daddy wouldn’t go with me. Daddy, this is silly!” Terry opened her purse and slapped her card on the table. Everyone could see the black lettering stating 7.3. “He always told me to take my time with this if it came up, but ... In or out, Janet? Jennifer, Penny?”

Janet did not seem unduly surprised. “I think that would be fine, dear. Are you inviting your father?” Her eyes were still on Scott’s.

“I’ll go if Scott goes. If not. Uhh, I’m not sure.” Penny had it bad, Terry decided.

Jennifer looked at all of the others, licked her lips and finally spoke up. “I’ll go if you really want me. I would like to be with mom and the other kids, but I already know. I am bi-sexual and I need some girl-on-girl from time to time.”

Terry blinked in apparent surprise a couple of times. “Oookay, well, I have never tried that and I doubt it would be wise to count on your mother for that, so...” All eyes turned to Penny.

“Fine, Fine. That’s good. Been there, done that, had the orgasms. But I want Scott!” Penny was getting aggressive. Terry thought that might be a good thing.

Terry could not resist.”Daddy, have you been enflaming the passions of your paralegal again? Bad Daddy!” Her father was getting very pink. “Ok, Dad. What is the major sticking point here? Going? Going and not being in charge? Going with one or another of these three?”

“No, No. It’s you Honey. I mean, I love you and I would love to be in your family. But having sex with you??” He was interrupted by the arrival of the Marines who finally got to the back of the restaurant.

“Sorry, folks. We had a small riot up front. Is everyone here aware that there is a pick up going on?”

Janet spoke up. “Yes Sergeant, we were just negotiating terms.”

The sergeant looked at a small scanner in his hand. “Then you must be Terry Tremaine?”

Janet giggled. “Nope? I’m Janet.”

The Marine turned to Scott. “Sorry sir, I could just tell which table you are at.” He was surprised when everyone broke out laughing.

“Sorry, Sergeant. Wrong again.” He pointed to Terry. “My daughter, Terry Tremaine.”

“Ahh. Ms. Tremaine. You probably missed the announcements in the front room. All volunteers in this colony get an extra choice as long as one member of their harem is a mother. She has to have some minimum scores and one kid over the age of five. Here, this reader will show you if she is a mother when you place her card in it. It doesn’t check for kids though, just the scores. I’ll leave the corporal back here to keep an eye on you, but this area is pretty quiet.” He looked over at another table, where the two older men had swapped wives and were each quietly having their friend’s woman side by side on an empty table. Terry had not even paid attention to it happening. The sergeant looked at his scanner again, aimed it at the copulating foursome, smiled and shrugged. “It looks like you are the only volunteer back here.” He headed back to the front dining area.

“OK, back to the negotiation. Daddy. One. I need someone I can count on to keep my family together. Now I think Janet, Jennifer and Penny are all nice, but I don’t really know them. You, I know. You kept the kids and me going when Mom died. You were always there for us and you are tender and caring. You’re a good dad. Two. If you come with me, I can take the kids with us. Otherwise, they are stuck here. They would still be with you, but you would all be here on the planet with a LOT lower chance to get picked up. Three. If I need a guy for sex, I bet I could get it from a lot of guys. HEY, Corporal! Hypothetical question. We are all at the same colony. I knock on your door and ask for a few hours of wild monkey sex since my stud Daddy is off limits. What do you say?”

The corporal looked a bit startled, then smiled confidently. “Anytime, Darlin’. I’ll be on this ship to your colony if you ever want to make that a reality.”

“See Daddy, I don’t need you for that on a day to day basis. Well, probably not. And fair warning, I do intend to get pregnant by you, but if it’s absolutely necessary, maybe we can do the artificial insemination thing. Where was I? Three? Four! I think you have genetically superior sperm.” She giggled when she said that. “Well, genes, I guess. After all...” They were interrupted by a mostly nude girl crying as she ran into the back room. She had on nothing but the little lacy cap that the waitresses here wore and her bra, which was stripped off of her shoulders and pulled down, exposing both breasts. She had some obvious stains from ejaculations on her face, breasts and legs. She was flushed from crying, but also had some red spots from obvious slap and grab marks on her face, breasts and ass cheeks. She was pretty, but a bit soft and heavy looking, especially around her breasts and middle.

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