It's Midnight and I'm Lost - Cover

It's Midnight and I'm Lost

Copyright© 2020 by DougL

Chapter 1

Historical Sex Story: Chapter 1 - This is the story of how human history was changed in another universe. It involves a version of time travel and fights with the Knights Templar and the Catholic Church in the 14th Century. One man with his replicator does this while making sure that this does not appear to be magic or the work of demons. There is some sex, but mostly it is just talk. 10 chapters. BTW, I used to post under the pen name of aubie56, but that crashed on me.

Caution: This Historical Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Historical   Science Fiction   Alternate History   Time Travel   Prostitution   Violence  

“Oh, my God! Do I have a headache! Say, where the hell am I? Can anybody hear me? I need help”

No answer, so I repeat the call for help four or five more times, but there is still no response. What the shit!? I just realized that I am naked. Thank God that it is not cold weather. Dammit, I am lying on dirt in what seems to be an alley, and it smells to high heaven of piss and shit. If I didn’t know better, I would swear that I was not in New York City just three blocks from the entertainment district. This sure as hell ain’t Central Park!

What happened to me? The last thing I can remember is drinking that concoction that was supposed to be the latest thing in designer drugs. Well, if this is what happens to a person after downing that stuff, it sure won’t stay on the market much longer. There is one thing for sure—I’m going to have to take a bath pretty soon to get this crappy smelling dirt off my body.

Hey, I hear some people coming my way. It’s a good thing that the moon is bright tonight and there are no clouds. It doesn’t help much for color rendition, but there is enough moonlight for me to see about as well as I could with those early night-vision glasses that the Army issued.

The sound those people are making as they yell at each other makes me think that there are two men and one woman. Well, I can think of only one reason two men would force a woman into an alley. I hate rape with the proverbial purple passion, so I am going to try to break up the party if that is what it turns out to be. I may be naked, but I have all of the weapons I need with all of the close combat training that I have had.

Oh, my God! I just realized that I no longer have my old body of a 56 year old man! I have the body I had when I was in my early 20s! How did that happen. Well, I will just have to wait until later to figure that out because here comes trouble.

The woman is trying to get away from two men who look like they are wearing some sort of uniform, but I can’t make out what it is. I might know if I could see the colors, but that is something else that will have to wait. The men appear to be dressed in some sort to minimum armor. I can see a breast plate, bracers, and a helmet that is hardly more than a metal hemisphere. Each one is armed with a long sword and a knife. Are they characters from some sort of play?

Well, whatever they are, they are not being gentle with the woman. She keeps shouting something that sounds a lot like “let me go,” but the men are just laughing at her.

All of a sudden one of the men says something and the other man turns loose the hold he has on her upper arm. The first man swings her around and grabs both of her upper arms from her rear. The second man pulls out his knife and slips the point under the woman’s bodice and rips upward, cutting loose the bodice so that is flops open to show both of the woman’s tits. Damn, they are great looking appendages.

The man with the knife grabs the woman’s right nipple and pulls on it to draw it away from her tit. He then acts as if he is about to use his knife to cut off the woman’s nipple. Of course, the woman screams in fear and tries even harder to break away from the men assaulting her.

Okay, this is enough for me! No matter what his intentions are, the woman is scared shitless, and she starts to cry along with her screaming and fighting to get away from the men. She stands no chance of doing that, but I have to admire her guts for trying.

I had moved to the shadows just in case I found out that I should stay out of this situation, but I have stalled off as long as I can take. I dash up behind the man with the knife and kick him as hard as I can in the side of his right knee. I can hear the bones crack as he falls away from the woman. The surprise at the shock and the pain of the shattered knee causes him to drop the knife.

As I stoop to pick up the knife so that I would have a weapon, the man holding the woman’s arms pushes her toward me. She bumps into me, but she does not knock me down—that is probably what saves both of our lives.

The first man draws his sword and swings it at me. Fortunately, he was in too big of a hurry to do that, and he stumbles a little bit as he tries to step toward me. By this time, I have recovered and jumped back a little bit so that he misses me with the awkward swing of his sword. He is using his sword like an ax when he should have been trying to stab me, rather than hack at me.


I still didn’t know exactly what is going on, but I figured that she must know what she is talking about. By this time, I figured that something had happened, and I was no longer in New York City in the 21st Century, so I followed her orders. I had stepped in close to the man with the sword as soon as it swung past me. My idea was to keep him from gutting me with a backswing.

I now realized that he was wearing armor on his back as well as on his front, so I was going to have to make a quick adjustment. I was not sure of the rationale for the design of the armor, but it did not extend very low in the back even though it extended upward as far as the top of his shoulder blades. Okay, my only good option was to hit him low with the knife. I had a good shot at his right kidney, and that was where I aimed. I angled the point of the knife up in an effort to reach his heart; my training had always emphasized that doing that was likely to give the best results.

I had always been exceptionally good with knife fighting, and that was shown by the results of this fight. The man dropped dead at my feet almost before I could pull the knife back out of his body.

As soon as he hit the dirt, the woman ran over and grabbed his knife from its sheath. She then turned and slit the throat of the man whose knee I had broken. She put so much force into the blow that she damned near decapitated the man. His spine and a bit of skin were all that was holding his head on his body. The result was that he poured out what looked like quarts of blood, though I really didn’t think that there was actually that much.

In a more normal voice, she said, “Quick, pull the other dog away from the pool of blood!” Again, not really sure of what was going on, she said, “You can wear his clothes for now. You certainly can’t be seen in public the way you are naked.”

No matter what was going on, that was good advice, so I quickly moved to follow her orders. We were very lucky, and the man with the cut throat was on a slight rise in the ground so that his blood was draining mostly away from his body. The woman noticed that and said, “Wonderful, his blood is not going to make such a mess as I had feared. We will be able to salvage both sets of clothes if we work fast.

“You should be able to wear the clothes of the man you killed and we can sell the other man’s clothes for a pretty penny. The cloth is of excellent quality as one would expect of the uniform of a man working for Duke Marno. We will have to disguise your uniform before you can wear it in the daytime without attracting too much attention. Do you think that you can wear the armor under your shirt instead of over it? No man working for the duke would dare show up in public without that armor, he would make too good a target.

“Do you have a room to stay in? Otherwise, you can come to my place for the night. I certainly owe you a great deal for saving my life. Those two dogs would have killed me very painfully after they had tired of raping me.

“Oh, what is your name? My name is Mara Giuliani”

“My name is Doug Long. As you have probably figured out, I am not from around here, and I do not have a room of my own. Therefore, I will gratefully accept your offer of your home for the night. What should we do next?”

“Well, the first thing to do is to strip these two dogs so see how much of a mess they have made in their pants. I am sure that there is piss in the crotch, but I hope that there is no shit there, too.”

“Very well, Mara, but you will have to help me dress. I have no idea how to wear those clothes. I am from a distant place, and we don’t dress like that.”

Mara quickly agreed to help me. She seemed to be fascinated by my cock and balls, which are a bit on the large side, but I have never had a woman complain about me being too big.

Neither one of us knew exactly how the armor was handled, so we examined carefully how the two dead men had been wearing theirs. The armor turned out to be nearly a perfect fit, but the same was not true for the clothes. Fortunately, the fashion for this style of clothing was baggy, so I was able to wear the clothes without too much adjustment.

I put the cuirass on over my bare skin, but that was too uncomfortable, so I put on one of the shirts and then put on the cuirass. That was tolerable. Okay, I put on the bracers, and that worked, too. Then I put on the other shirt, and I could handle the combination. Fortunately, one pair of pants only had piss on them, so it was not too hard to go with them. Mara said that the other pants were so valuable that she would clean them up enough to sell.

I was also able to wear one pair of the boots, so that problem was solved. I wore both knives and one sword on my weapons’ belt and wrapped the other armor, sword, and boots in the soiled pants. That worked well enough for a cursory glance, but a search would have found them right away.

We headed for Mara’s apartment once all of that was done. She lived on the second floor above a restaurant, and she had plenty of room for me. She explained that she had once had a boyfriend living with her, but she had thrown him out when she found out that he was cheating on her. She had a large bed, and it was obvious that she was expecting me to share it with her. Hell, Mara was a good looking and experienced woman, so I was easy to convince to go along with her wishes.

She did admit that I smelled like a pig sty after lying fully naked on the dirt of that alley. She helped me to take a bath by pouring water on my back to rinse off the soap. The bath was available because Mara always bathed when she came home from work in the bordello, and it was no problem to get the kitchen staff to heat up a couple of extra buckets of water. Naturally, being the gentleman that I was, I took my bath after Mara had bathed.

Mara explained that she had never fucked a cock as large as mine, and she was anxious to try me out. She had fucked so much as a result of her job that she was sure that she could handle my extra diameter. My length of seven inches did not bother her, it was the diameter that she was most interested in. In many cases, she had to squeeze her vagina muscles as tight as she could to give her customers the level of feeling they wanted, so she was hoping that my size would let her relax and just enjoy the fuck.

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