Mel's Luck: Neighbors Can Surprise You - Cover

Mel's Luck: Neighbors Can Surprise You

Copyright© 2020 by RickSands

Chapter 9: Halloween Demons

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 9: Halloween Demons - Mel's simple quid pro quo turns his boring life upside down when a neighbor becomes the sexual goddess he had always dreamed of. But she doesn’t stop with just him, and that drives him crazy. Based on a lived life but heavily fictionalized with added details.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Group Sex   Interracial   Cream Pie   Oral Sex   Voyeurism  

The football game was rough. Not the field action, not just the Niners losing to some east coast team, but what Mel had to go through at the hands of his so called friends. Mel was content, feeling close to Tracy, trusted and full of trust himself, knowing for the first time at gut level that she really did care for him, really wanted him to stay and be a part of her life. True, she was gone all night Friday and well into Saturday morning. When she finally did pull up toward noon, instead of rushing into his arms she pulled him over to help with her mother. Nothing really new there, Mel often being asked to do one thing or another around their house, but he had really hoped it would be just him and Tracy. No such luck.

Well into the afternoon Mel helped Tracy clean the house while the mother griped about how she preferred her clutter over their own view of cleanliness. Tracy had mentioned this before, of how her mother sometimes started to lose control of things when Tracy wasn’t always around to keep her mother in line. All Mel could do is smile and appreciate Tracy for the good daughter that she was.

With mom fed and happily entertained with a favorite television show, Tracy and Mel were able to escape to his place and rest in each other’s arms. It wasn’t the same as a movie and dinner or visit to the city for something different, but Mel felt that the time they shared doing all the housekeeping had brought them even closer. The night was short but Tracy allowed the Sunday morning to extend toward noon. Tracy had moved on top of Mel, enjoying the play of his fingers with her clit, holding her most perfect breasts above his mouth and moving them back and forth, having him suck on one and then another, her moans filling the room and letting the neighbors know she was a very happy woman. She finally pushed down and began a long hard fuck, Mel very aware of the extent of Tracy’s orgasm not just from the screams she tried to hide within his shoulder but the stream of wetness that flowed down from her and soaking his crotch and legs. His own release was equally wet, his balls feeling tense and full from her absence those many days, his sense of lightness and joy overwhelming him even as he filled her with his essence. Life was good.

Life was even better when Tracy moved down to take his now soft symbol of manhood into hand and mouth. Mel loved this, having Tracy clean him, lick and suck down their intermingled fluids, swallowing their combined cum and making him hard again. Tracy seemed to enjoy giving Mel a long slow deep throat of his cock, slowly tempting his balls to re-energize, coaxing his cock to throb in need before finally exploding into her mouth. It was amazing how Tracy could hold it all, suck out and empty Mel’s balls, like some demoness sucking down his life energy, and Mel loved her for it. As she finished swallowing the last of his reserves, she crawled back up and kissed him, her taste now having the slightly acidic remnants of all the sperm that had so recently filled her mouth. “Yum,” Tracy whispered into his ear. “Nice to taste you again. It’s sweeter when your cum is mixed with mine, but I like yours too. Just like every other guy’s, but also special just to you. Yours is a little more watery than most guys. Did you know that?” Mel didn’t know that, wasn’t sure he wanted to know it, but pulled Tracy in and told her she could drink him down any time of any day. It was a good morning, enjoying the simple pleasures of intertwined bodies and soft whispers of mutual connection, the morning ending only when thoughts of an early lunch forced them to leave the bedroom. Tracy returned to check on mom and then off to her friend’s baby shower, and Mel cleaned up his own mess, changing sheets at Tracy’s insistence and readying himself to meet and be verbally crushed by his small group of buddies.

Mel was early, a good thing in that he and Nick needed the time to circle each other and come to terms with all that had happened over the previous few weeks. Mostly it was Mel having to accept the fact that Nick was a part of Tracy’s life, maybe many nights of every week, something Mel swallowed down as a bitter part of what otherwise was a joyful new person in his rather bland life. Nick had initially been happy to share Tracy as long as he got his share of her, but Mel was aware that Nick was being weakened and taken over by the magic that was Tracy. They were torn by having to share Tracy, yet felt bonded by that very same shared intimacy. The contradictions and dissonance drove Mel crazy, but he believed that over time the depth of trust and intimacy he and Tracy had would bring her even closer to him.

They were still in the middle of grudgingly discussing what they thought and felt, finding some middle ground upon which they could be both good friends and romantic rivals, when Bill and Jon walked in. They were quite a pair, married and living the American dream and given an afternoon off by their respective jailers. Nick and Mel rose to greet them, the manly hugs and short joking tones layered with a bit of ice and tension from what had occurred at their previous game day at Mel’s place.

Then Jon went back outside and dragged in a large life size inflated doll, big tits and ass and plastic holes and all. “Didn’t think we could get through a game without some female company,” joked Jon. “Hope you don’t mind if I disappear into the bedroom with her during halftime.” Nick and Mel took the ribbing in the right way, even providing a seat for the doll to sit in and nurse her own glass of wine. That was fine, just fun amongst the guys. What made Mel grind his teeth was when Nick slipped a pair of red and black panties onto the rubber doll, the crotch of the panties severely ripped from front to back. It made Bill and Jon laugh, but Mel was sure Nick did this on purpose, something to get Mel’s attention, the semen-crusted panties easily being recognized as one of Tracy’s.

Much to Mel’s dislike much of the game was spent either second guessing what their favorite quarterback should have done or discussing what Mel should have known and acted on while at the casino. It was a bad memory, and much of what Mel knew and felt really couldn’t be openly discussed with any of them, even with Nick. Mel figured that it would be better to act the stupid rube rather than lay out Tracy’s own thoughts on him trusting her enough to dance and make friends with strangers. Nick brought up stories his bartender friend had told, of the special training bartenders had to go through, of the different drugs easily available on the street, and how Mel had ignored all the signs of the impending tragedy. The group mostly kept it informational, light and without condemnation, but all through the afternoon Mel felt the edge of Nick’s buck knife at his neck.

The game was finally over, the men again parting as friends, and as Mel pulled into his driveway he was happy to see Tracy and her mother using the last of the day’s light to putter around the front garden. He was invited in for some soup, the mother treating him as a son, somehow ignoring the fact that Tracy had just agreed to come by his place later that night. Mel decided that the mother had either come to trust Tracy or had just given up on trying to control her. Either way, Mel was happy to know that Tracy would be his for one more night.

Tracy didn’t make it over until well after nine, entering without knocking and actually sitting back with a glass of wine from an old bottle in the fridge. As they readied for bed, Mel removing Tracy’s clothing for her, he agreed that she could wear one thing to bed, giving her a small box with a ribbon on it. It was a simple satin teddy, just a form-fitted nightshirt that gave no support to Tracy’s breasts and made her body easily accessible to his restless hands and cock.

Tracy seemed happy at the gift, slipping the teddy on even as she felt the need to throw out a snide remark. “I don’t know Mel, kind of made just with your needs in mind. Nice though. Sure beats the crotch-less panties Nick gave me.” This last line made Mel stiffen, wondering just how aware Tracy was of how such simple lines affected him. The recent memory of her ripped crotch panties at Nick’s made his vision blur, and he almost told Tracy that he’d better not find the teddy dropped behind Nick’s couch. But he took a deep breath and let it go, then showed her that he had emptied a drawer in his bureau, saying that she could keep extra clothing and stuff there. Tracy smiled, drew him into a hug, and said, “I know what you’re doing Mel. Slowly making this my home, item by item. But you know what? Don’t stop.”

The following morning had to be short, both Mel and Tracy facing work and all the other things that come with it. Over breakfast Tracy brought up Nick’s upcoming Halloween party on Saturday night. The apartment complex had allowed a handful of residents to take over the pool and grill and party area. Nick had encouraged everyone to bring both a share of drink and food, the open area kept safe for the kids while certain apartments would be open for other more adult activities. When Tracy asked Mel what he’d come as, what costume he would wear, he shrugged, then said he’d probably go as his favorite character, Jack Skellington from The Nightmare Before Christmas. “The pumpkin guy’s tall and thin, fits me, and I love the film. I’ve even got it on cassette if you want to watch.”

Tracy screwed up her mouth and let Mel know that Nick would be dressing up as Frankenstein. “He’s a bit short for the role, but he wants me to come as Frankenstein’s bride, or maybe as Lily from the Munster’s show.” Mel didn’t say anything other than that Nick usually went for dressing up as a werewolf and that Frankenstein didn’t really suit him.

His heart leapt and his eyes shone when Tracy all on her own said, “Yeah. I like the Jack Skellington thing. I like the animation. Good stuff. How about me dressing up as his love interest, that girl with all the body parts?” Mel leaned over and gave Tracy a quick kiss, telling her that he loved the idea and that they could drive over as a couple, maybe get some stares from people on the street. What he didn’t say was that this put him one up on Nick, that Tracy would be going as his counterpart, and that Nick would be going stag to his own party. It sounded good, at least in Mel’s imagination.

Mel did keep track of Tracy. He loved that she stayed with him that Monday night, was home with mom the next couple of nights, but then disappeared and didn’t even text him all through Thursday and Friday and into Saturday morning. She finally drove up, making lunch with her mom, then inviting Mel over to check out her costume. She was true to her word, walking out of her bedroom as the most beautiful version of Sally he could ever have imagined. She had done a good job of altering arm and leg sheaths to look as though her body parts were sewn together. With a ragged patched dress and minimal neck and face makeup, and of course her long black hair, she was the perfect Sally, albeit a little on the short side and with an unmistakable hint of Asian ancestry. Tracy then went over to Mel’s to help in applying his face makeup. He had the clothing ready, even skeleton gloves, but Tracy thought his chin a little too big and rugged to fit the animated character of Jack Skellington. “Not really a problem,” Tracy decided. “All the rest of you is perfect.” And on their drive over to Nick’s place, the couple really did turn heads.

They were a little late, a good thing in that everything was now set up and in motion. It was late afternoon and kids covered the grounds that made up the complex’s lawn and picnic area. Some parents had set up games, like bowling with miniature pumpkins and ring toss over the tombstones. Candy was everywhere, kids were screaming in glee, and it was hard not to feel young again. Tracy and Mel went up to Nick’s apartment, minimally decorated but abundant in the availability of adult-snacks and drinks. Mel wanted to hang out but after a quick hug from Nick Tracy decided to go back down and play with the kids, maybe help the overwhelmed parents. Mel shrugged while Nick snorted and said, “Wait until you have your own. That’s time enough,” but Tracy threw a tootsie roll at him and left.

As she closed the door Nick turned to Mel. “She was supposed to show up as Lily Munster and match my Frankenstein costume. What did you do, buy her a wedding ring?” Mel pretended to laugh and said, “You really don’t make much of a Frankenstein, Nick. Not even a Herman. Stick to the wolfman thing. And you know as well as I do she’s in no mood to marry. Besides, her coming as Sally to my Jack was her idea.” Nick downed whatever liquid was remaining in his glass and in his most cynical tone said “You know you lucked out this time, but if you keep letting her make her own decisions, she’s eventually going to leave you. Just saying,” and with that he walked out the door.

The first hour passed quickly, Mel and Tracy sometimes together, sometimes only touching fingers in passing, the kids and games and food and drinks and all the new people and different costumes turning the entire block into a carnival of fun. As the evening advanced and dark took over, a good many of the guests left or retreated up to more adult activities in some of the apartments. Mel followed Tracy into one that had been decorated to the hilt, the entire front room looking like a cave full of bats and trolls. One moment Tracy was there, the next she was gone, somehow disappearing as Mel got to know other people in “the cave.” Mel wasn’t too worried, only slowly going from one apartment to another, wandering through the crowd and trying to take in the fun you could find only at an American Halloween event.

After an hour of wandering, Mel had started to get worried but then saw Nick and Tracy and some other guy dressed as Dracula exiting a darkened apartment. Nick had his arm around Tracy, both hailing Mel, saying they were going back to relax at Nick’s apartment. As a way of introduction, Nick patted Dracula on the shoulder and whispered low to Mel that he had access to the best weed in the city, and cheaper than what the medicinal stuff went for. Mel nodded a hello and turned to follow. That’s when Dracula gave a slight elbow to Mel’s side, then reached down to the back of Tracy’s dress, pulling the edge of a long recent tear up high enough for Mel to see the rear of Tracy’s very prominent ass, sans the dark blue panties he knew Tracy had been wearing just two hours before. Tracy felt the movement or perhaps the draft of cool air on her naked ass and had turned and swatted Dracula’s hand away, laughing at the man’s maneuver. But then she looked up to see Nick and her laughter faded, her face becoming serious and turning forward again. Mel wanted to crush Dracula against the side of the wall, but the pusher walked on, past Nick’s apartment, saying he had a few deliveries to make.

Once inside, Mel sat back with a small glass of Nick’s best bourbon as Tracy sipped on a glass of heavily spiked punch. Conversation wasn’t easy, the sight of Tracy’s newly torn dress and bare ass and thoughts of what Tracy might have been doing with Nick and his friend filling Mel’s mind and making it difficult for him to talk. Mel tried to force it, bringing up the subject of children and all the kids that had so recently been running around outside. Not marriage, just whether or not Tracy would ever have kids. She wouldn’t be pinned down. “I dunno Mel. My childhood was such a mess. I don’t know that I could ever be much of a role model.” Mel insisted she would be wonderful but Tracy just couldn’t take it seriously and turned the conversation toward other topics.

And then a zombie walked into the room. Not a novelty for the night, but this one was tall and black and met by Tracy with a squeal of joy and a long tight hug. “The bartender,” thought Mel with a grimace. “So we finally meet.” He rose to say hello and was then able to see just entering the room an equally tall blond zombie, her breasts all but hanging out from her ragged and torn dress. “Ah, Tina” and Mel couldn’t hide from himself the immediate erection that came about as his eyes danced over the woman’s body. Tracy had mentioned the woman’s beauty, but Mel was still overtaken by the overt sexiness, of her minimal dress but also her form. She was straight out of a Norwegian folktale, matching all the strength and lusty beauty Mel had fantasized Viking women looking like. “Maybe I don’t need to be jealous of the bartender after all,” Mel thought, hoping that with such beauty attached to his side, Tim would leave Tracy alone.

Time passed, conversation ebbed and flowed, and as Mel tried to get to know Tracy’s new friends it was only by chance that Mel saw Nick pull Tracy aside and down the hallway. It was a two-bedroom apartment, perfect for a bachelor with many friends. Nick’s own bedroom was empty, but when Mel peeked into the second room his worst suspicions were being played out before his eyes, just like the football game. Some good rhythm and blues were coming out of the corner, the room lit with black lights, giving everything a dark glow. Tracy was already half undressed, her top pulled down to her waist, and Nick busy with his hands down low and under her dress as his mouth sucked in on one tit. Mel paused, unsure of what he should do, but then he became aware of the new couple, of Tim and Tina, standing right behind him and sharing his field of vision.

Tina actually stepped in first, unabashedly going over to put Tracy in a sandwich between her and Nick. As Mel moved past the doorway, Tim put out a hand and said, “You sure you’re ready for this?” Mel pushed it off with a gruff “More than you think.” Mean perhaps, more than necessary, and certainly untrue, but Mel felt equally hurt and turned on and didn’t need to be questioned by strangers.

The threesome before Mel had slowly collapsed onto the bed, Tracy now turning towards Tina, pulling the big blonde’s head into her breasts. Nick had pushed off his pants and pulled one of Tracy’s legs up and back, opening Tracy’s inner crotch to view and abuse. Tina began kissing her way down Tracy’s body, literally ripping up the bottom portion of Tracy’s dress in an attempt to dip her tongue into Tracy’s open legs. But too late, Nick was there first. As Mel knelt on the side of the bed, one hand reaching out to feel Tina’s nearest tit, Mel could see Nick pushing his cock into the shimmering wet region between Tracy’s thighs, slowly humping her from behind as Tina and Mel looked on from the front.

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