A Hot August Night in 2018 - Cover

A Hot August Night in 2018

Copyright© 2020 by Ona Edge

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Visitors Come First. Slut enjoys an evening of fun with the man she married, the man she calls Daddy and his son. Trevor is not a cuckold.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Slut Wife   Gang Bang   Anal Sex   Analingus   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex   Voyeurism  

A Hot August Night In 2018 Part 1

Company - Visitors Come First

What is a cuckold? Slut enjoys a night with 3 of her favorite men.

Despite appearances the Professor is not a cuckold. This stand-alone story is published in two-parts. It is the penultimate chapter in a much longer unfinished tale that may be published someday.

Part 1 features the slut who the Professor married. As sluts tend to, she enjoys sex. Some events of Part 2 occur the same day as Part 1 but most occur roughly two weeks later.

You Should Know: 1. The Professor, Trevor Parks, is not a cuckold. More facts follow soon in Part 2. 2. Part 1 involves three men having sex, mostly sequential, with one willing slut. 3. Two of the men are father and son; some might consider this as “Incest/Taboo.”


My father was a wise man who said I should marry a true slut, because she would never deny me when I wanted sex. It was good advice as, unlike so many of my married friends, I have never been denied sexual comfort. On the contrary, my slut is always more than eager for anything I wish.

There is an issue, one with two sides. On one side, the slut likes being a slut, which means lots of cocks. However, I did not want to be a cuckold. With planning, luck, trust and the right slut, we have been successful.

A Hot August Night
August 26, 2018
The Last Sunday in August, nine days before classes start.

The doorbell rang a minute before 7 on Sunday Evening. Santi was prompt as usual for our once-a-month Sunday dinner, which usually included 7 to 12 attendees. However, tonight was planned as a more intimate version of our usual Sunday dinner. My children and other relatives weren’t here. Eva, the slut I married, was planning on a special adult treat after the meal, a dessert all would enjoy.

Santi had long sought this visit, as an opportunity to tempt Eva from me, so he could spend the rest of his life traveling Europe with Eva as his “stolen woman” warming his bed each night. He was already enjoying her body twice a week at work.

Santi believed he was richer than me, because he was a bank president while I was a tenured university professor. He believed that Eva would leave our children because that is what his wife had done so easily. He believed that my “other interests,” including the two Chinese concubines I screwed regularly, were opening a wedge between Eva and me. Finally, Santi believed himself to be a superior lover, a “Bull.” He believed that if he could prove his dominance to Eva in the bed we shared, that she would fly away with him.

I knew what he planned and why. I also knew all of his beliefs were wrong. But because I loved Eva, and Eva loved Santi the way she did, I let the night happen.

To set the mood Eva got the door wearing just high heels and a skimpy sexy apron that concealed nothing. She really wanted to wear it for Santi. Her eagerness was understandably, the last time I watched while she was penetrated often, and got off many times, while getting her pussy, ass and mouth all filled by other men’s sperm (she gave herself to 9 guys and 1 girl for that session) was the day I asked her to marry me, more than a decade ago. It was very memorable, one of the high points of her life.

I’m a professor. Eva did that “engagement” sex marathon, some with me watching, to test a promise I made. She arranged what we called a “sex circus” to test my sincerity to marry her as a slut. Would I still pop the question while she was literally dripping with the proof that she had given herself to lots of other men?

I passed the test. I got on my knees before her cum-covered body, and asked if she would be my bride with the compact we had written. She said “Yes.” We shared a shower then flew to Vegas where, after the damn 24-hour waiting period, we both said “I do.” She gave me two children who were presently staying overnight at a friend’s. With hard work and her own great desire she is still the sexy woman I married, now a decade older but no less attractive in face and figure. She is attractive to others and some like her boss Santi know her as a slut.

Tonight she was especially eager to greet her workplace lover, share a lovely dinner, and then to take him to our bedroom for the sweet treat he had wanted for such a long time. The cherry on top that made it special for both of them was that I would witness and partake of her pleasures with him in our own bed for the first time. At least, that was the plan.

She opened the door eagerly, but then just as eagerly closed it again. “He is not alone.”

Well, I figured Eva’s workplace lover/boss/step-father Santi would bring his handsome son Julio along as a surprise for her. Santi had an ulterior motive and he thought having Julio helped his cause. If I was dealt his hand I might try a similar play. Except I knew better.

Santiago, my Eva, and I (Dr. Trevor Parks, Professor of Business at Springdale State University) have a long and complicated relationship.

Decades ago, when Eva was not yet 7 years old, her slut mother Tina moved to the small town of Springdale. As was Tina’s custom, her first night in town, before she established her reputation as a slut, Tina went looking for a man to feed her hunger that could not be satisfied. The man she found that night was Santiago Casellati, a newly hired unmarried member of the prosecuting attorney’s office. He was fresh out of law school. That night he shared Tina’s bed and the pleasure her body, acquitting himself strikingly well. Overnight Tina became a one-man slut. Santiago kept her satisfied in her bed each night for over 10 months, a record of fidelity for Tina that still stands.

It helped that Santiago fell in love with Tina’s only child, Eva. On the first “morning after” Eva appeared at the breakfast table and introductions were made. The child could not get her tongue around “Santiago” so she called him “Santi.” She said it so cutely that he said she was always to pronounce it that way, as a special favor to him. Thus the nickname persists today.

Of all the men that Eva saw going in and out of her mother’s bedroom, Santi was the only one she felt like calling “father” because he treated her as she imagined a father would. Eva and her mother did not know who Eva’s biological father actually was, Tina was very active before Eva arrived; there were many candidates and few names. Tina discovered the hard way that cheap birth-control pills purchased on a dark corner from a seller with low overhead are not worth much.

After more than ten months with Santi, one dark day Tina packed up Eva and moved to Canada hours ahead of an arrest warrant for fraud. It was an occupational hazard her lover did not know about. Tina left a tear-stained note Santiago still carries with him.

In high school Eva was a slut, and in college she was more so. But thanks to her mother she also focused on getting a college degree. After that Eva’s good looks, sparkling sexy personality and HR degree landed her a job at an insurance company. Some time later I consulted with the company; I was looking to marry a slut and I needed a place to look. I figured the large city was a good place to look. So I wrote a grant proposal that put me in an office at the insurance company during a sabbatical. I found what I wanted just down the hall. We met and fucked, our first date was an orgy where almost two dozen people (men and women) enjoyed Eva’s body; a few of those were even people she knew. I had her three times, including her ass, while others watched, cheered, and made crude comments that turned her on. I knew what type of woman she was. It worked out well.

It took some time but eventually I married Eva because she was a slut. She embraced the term, lived it, and thought it made marriage impossible for her. Then I showed her a path we could both live with. (I was no cuckold, it was a codicil to our vows.) We made an plan that worked for both of us. She tested me, I passed, and we got married. We both stayed with our plan.

I am a tenured professor in Springdale; I grew up here and got my undergrad degree at the college where I now teach. Besides my two darling offspring from Eva (Travis and Faith) I managed to produce three other children.

My oldest daughter, Dee, was conceived without my knowledge before I started college. Her mother had a reason to keep the news to herself; while I was the most likely candidate there were others. I met Dee by chance when she was 14, she asked for a DNA test. Eva now enjoys gentle sex with Dee, who is delighted to live with us as a nanny to her half-siblings during the school year.

Qiao Sum, a beautiful woman of Chinese origin, is the mother of my other two children. I considered marriage to her, and because she wanted children she would have accepted. However, she was married to her job of running a number of different businesses and could not relocate. She was so busy that she knew she could not be the wife I (or anybody) needed. But she wanted children with me and I wanted sex with her so we made an agreement. Qiao seduced Eva to insure her cooperation; it was no hardship, Qiao actually prefers women and Eva loves both men and women. Qiao and her sister visit as they are able. Qiao is a pleasure with either or both of us. Her damaged half-sister Ying also enjoys sex with me.

I do not complain about how busy my bed is.

Here is where it hooks back.

A few years ago, after my young children with Eva were both in school, Eva decided she wanted a part-time job to fill the time. Her first stop was at the largest local bank. There she was surprised to be ushered into Santi’s office! He was now head of the bank’s holding company. Santi was raised in Europe where his wealthy family made sure he was equipped to step into the family business when he finished high school. He chose to return to his father’s home in Springdale after law school. Santi was not a good fit doing office politics with the other prosecutors, so he moved into the bank holding company at a mid-management level and rose quickly to the top. Santi had followed “his almost stepdaughter” Eva’s career from afar. When Eva showed up looking for a job she was hired on the spot for a side business Santi was starting (payroll work) that fit neatly with her education and her schedule.

Eva was overjoyed to be working at a responsible job, using her skills and her brain to contribute to the community, as well as working with the man she called her “Daddy.” Her happiness was evident in so many ways, including our bedroom. Not that her bedroom enthusiasm had ever been lacking, but somehow she found more time and energy after she got her job.

Eva is still a slut at heart. Santi knew her heart. Last year, Eva approached me about giving herself sexually to “her Daddy” Santi in his office. She had been “good” for some time and she really liked him, plus she missed “the action and variety of multiple lovers.” I knew she had real feelings for him. As a slut her strong feelings expressed themselves as sexual desire. One day he asked for the pleasure of her body and she wanted to give it to him. Under the terms of our compact she had to ask me.

Santi’s marriage was arranged by his family in Europe as part of a business merger. After the birth of his second child almost two decades ago his marriage become sexless, so Santi took his wife’s cousin Bella, the nanny, to his bed. His wife returned to Europe five years before, taking Bella with her. Divorce was impossible.

Santi’s two children Julio and Nadia were still living in his home while they attended high school and college, so bringing another woman to his bed was not an option. Fortunately, Eva was at the bank and Santi knew she was a slut at heart.

Besides being a slut, Eva really liked Santi; after over a year of flirting his serious request to use her body for sexual relief was not unexpected or unwelcome. As an intelligent man who likes breathing, he spoke to me beforehand, in confidence. I agreed he could ask Eva. When Eva asked me I gave permission.

The first time she settled her belly on his desk, spread her legs, and lifted her skirt above her butt so he could enjoy her body, Eva was positively giggling with delight. He was a bit clumsy as he fumbled opening his pants, trying to get his suddenly hard cock out and into her, he did not really believe it would happen. When her pussy embraced his length they spent a moment sharing memories of their life when it was simpler, when she was 7 playing with her “Daddy” and he had her mother who was pleased to give him her body any time he wanted it. He did not last three stokes that first time, he was so excited. But he knew how to make it up to her with his fingers, and she really did not need much.

Ever since then Eva has been a very happy slut at work, either bending over Santi’s desk for him to use for relief, or crouching beneath his desk using her very skilled mouth to meet his desires. It was not every day, more like twice a week. They are quick, and she calls the tune.

The wicked pleasure of servicing the man she calls both “Daddy” and “boss” takes Eva’s mind back to younger days, before marriage and children, when she always enjoyed at least two cocks every weekend, and she enjoyed orgies at least once a month. The workplace quickies invigorated her, and I benefitted even more in the bedroom from her higher sexual energy and her state of sexual joy.

That is the way it works with sluts, more sex means better sex.

Santi’s request to enjoy Eva in our bedroom with me there was because of an unusual confluence of facts. For starters, it was possible; the students usually around were at their homes. Second, Santi had been out of the office all week, visiting other branches. He wanted to take Eva on the visits, but that was not in the cards. Both were feeling the absence. Also, in a few weeks he was leaving for Europe, his trip could be one month or much longer.

Then there was a secret reason, he thought he could steal Eva from my bed for the rest of his life.

I knew Santi’s real purpose was to try to seduce Eva into going with him to Europe as a “stolen” woman. He thought that, if he performed well and showed me up in our own bedroom, he would look like the superior mate, the “bull” who could please her pussy more. He could take her from me, at least for a luxury tour of Europe. What woman could turn down a first-class trip to Paris, Rome, Venice, Barcelona and the rest of Europe?

I was also privy to a more critical secret about Santi. But I had sworn to keep that to myself.

As for Julio, Eva and I knew that Santi’s handsome son was a fan of Eva. Julio sometimes watched us at the pond in the woods where we skinny dipped and made love under the sun. Eva liked to be on top, sitting on either my cock or my face, so her body was visible to best advantage. For her it was about showing herself, because she knew he was watching.

I am tenured faculty which means I cannot be fired. I am wealthy enough, plus I have my rich Chinese friends sisters Sum. Santi heads a bank, and is among the richest and most powerful men in the community, so he could, in theory, make things difficult for me. However, I advise the state’s banking board, so I could arrange to strip him of his post. Also, it means he cannot see my financial records, it is a state banking regulation.

Santi will be 60 soon, I am in my early 40’s, and Eva is in her mid 30’s. Santi’s son Julio is 21.

Eva stood by the closed front door, confused.

“Are you going to let them in? Dinner conversation will be a bit awkward otherwise.”

Eva just stood there.

“Do you have a problem with Julio? You know he has been watching us skinny-dipping and other things at the pond.”

“Yes, I know that,” she snapped. She didn’t know that I knew why she sometimes put on such a show while being on top, making love outdoors. It was because she spotted young eyes watching from the bushes. Sluts like being seen, and inspiring others.

I urged her toward action. “It is okay with me if it is okay with you. Is it okay with you?”

“I don’t know...”

“Hmmm. Are you wetter than before? I know it is not your first father-son combo.”

She smiled at a memory, then realized that she had not mentioned who was with Santi. My mention of “Julio” and “son” suggested prior knowledge. She made a face at me, then opened the door, but just a little; she was cranky. “Santi, we did not discuss this.”

I heard him respond. “Well, the boy got home early, and you know he admires you so. He must eat and he loves your cooking, as do I. Based on the menu I thought the more ... creme ... the merrier. I am sure there is enough ... sweet treat ... for all to enjoy,” he spoke with just a hint of a leer. “How could I deny him?”

This was silly, I opened the door wide and invited them both in. “Come on in ... Eva was just surprised. Good to see you Julio,” I said as I shook the boy’s hand. “I assume your father told you...”

“Yes, it was a pleasant surprise ... Mrs. Parks, you are quite beautiful ... I have had many dreams where ... Oh! Did I say that out loud?”

With his Italian father and a taller Spanish mother Julio was tall, dark and very handsome, like a taller, more muscular version of Benjamin Bratt. All his life he spent his summers in Europe, half the time with relatives in Italy or Spain, and half with his Italian cousins - on his father’s side of the family - at beaches like Cap d’Agde, Ibiza, or Spiaggia di Guvano (all nude beaches) - where the beautiful wealthy play. He is a bit of a nerd, despite his looks he is a little socially awkward. Julio was also sensitive and accommodating. “Mrs. Parks, if you would prefer I can leave. The last thing I want is to embarrass ... Dad said...”

My wife let her heart guide her. Her heart said “yum.” She grabbed Julio’s hand.

“I can just imagine what your father said...” She walked him into the room, leaving Santi and me at the door. “Do not feel bad, I was just surprised. Dressed as I am ... well, you can imagine. Did he explain ... after supper...” The boy nodded his head, he did not trust himself to say a word on the subject. She sighed, but it was 100% theatrical, she liked this treat and was looking forward to making a fantasy come true in our bed. The thought made her wetter. Before he could speak again she put her hand up to stop him. “Well, as long as everyone is okay with it, then I am very glad...” she looked down his body and licked her lips, “and you can be sure I will be much gladder later.” He blushed.

“Mrs. Parks, I was not sure...”

“Please Julio, if I am under-dressed like this, showing all my ... well ... I think ‘Eva’ will do. As for after, you can be sure I’m looking forward to all of it. But all that is for tonight only, okay?”

“Oh course Mrs. Pa ... Okay Eva.” He said her name like it was a prayer.

Despite the temptation of Eva’s body the boy had not taken his eyes off her eyes. But it was clear he wanted to look. So Eve stepped back and posed for him.

“Take a good look...” she said while slowly turning around, showing her treats. In front she was very enticing in a tiny apron. It was made of a very thin black mesh material, a wider mesh than a nylon stocking but not quite enough to be called transparent. The apron covered her from just above her nipples to three inches below her crotch, and was only an inch wider than her nipples. The design highlighted her body’s curves.

As she faced him she managed to move the apron aside, exposing the slightly spread slit of her shaved pussy before she moved. From the back it looked like she was completely nude, the apron’s neckband was under her hair and the waistband was just an invisible fishing line. As she turned she bent forward a bit while her back was to him, showing her pussy to Julio. She had nothing to be ashamed of and she liked to show off to an appreciative audience.

When she faced him again his face showed awe. She said, “No dessert until after you clean your plate. Maybe there will be something besides a plate to lick ... clean.” His knees threatened to buckle. She took a step towards the table and rubbed an ass cheek, it was a subtle way to spread herself so her puckered rosebud “winked” at him. Turning back to face him she started to handle her tit, exposing a nipple like she was thinking of giving him a taste. Poor Julio blushed at all this attention, there was no doubt he was willing, but she decided it would be better if they waited.

Eva glanced at Santi and me. “You know, it would serve you old goats right to send both of you to bed without dinner ... or dessert! My surprise looks good enough to be very satisfying...” She sighed. “But the kitty has other ideas, so let’s sit down and get started with dinner.”

We live on a farm so there are outside cats. But as we have no indoor pets it took Julio a minute to figure out her comment about “kitty.” Then he blushed.

She took Julio’s hand and walked him to the dining room, where the table sat four. She seated Julio at her right, in my usual seat. Her “father” Santi was on her left side as usual, and I had to get another place set up for myself across from her. She acted like it was a sign of her displeasure, but I knew better. From her sides Julio and Santi could both see her breasts and the nipples topping them.

I helped Eva get the salad. In the kitchen she had a quick word for me. “You knew about Julio? How could you keep that from me!”

“I did NOT know. But you know Santi likes to surprise. I figured he might try something ... You should have figured it too. Surprise means ‘you don’t know,’ and that was pretty clear, so all is good. Look, you are a slut and he is another cock, a nice young one. He will give your kitty lots of good ... stuff. Waste not, want not? You will make some very sweet dreams for the rest of his life. Afterward, you will thank us all ... you do that so well.” She blushed. “Relax and enjoy, then enjoy some more. Think about it ... maybe Santi can’t serve a second round, but Julio ... with some management he might go all night.”

“Alright ... Hmmm. You are right, I may offer to let him stay the night ... in MY bed with ME.”

“If that is the way you want it, I am sure you will be more than pleased and very pleasing. You know I like you happy. But you might consider alternating between us. Or maybe doing two at once. He is shy but accommodating.”

She thought a moment, those were really good and naughty ideas. “Damn, maybe a DP! That is a yummy idea. Kitty just cheered and got wetter. Plus I can’t remember when you last had me freshly sloppy after midnight. The thought of me getting sexed all night by that yummy young stud ... WOW. I wonder if he eats creampie?”

“If he doesn’t, I bet you can teach him, it looks like you can teach him a lot.”

Eva brightened. “Okay, I’m in.”

“Might be more accurate to say ... kitty is open to it.”

We served the salad and the meal proceeded normally. The main course was a lasagna made with shrimp and bacon instead of the usual ground beef. Santi swore it was sacrilege until he tried it. Now it was compared to the sacraments and meals prepared by his sainted mother.

Because Julio was young Eva had to ask something. “Julio, please forgive these questions but I must ... Well, yes or no will suffice, I don’t need names. Have you been with a woman? I mean, well ... inside...”

He blushed. “Yes. Bella was my first, she wanted to make sure I started on the right foot, so she educated me ... in ALL the ways. It is family tradition for a nanny without a daughter to do this. I am ashamed to say I was a slow learner, she had to repeat some lessons many times.” We all had a good laugh at that. “There have been others...”

She cut him off there. “I don’t need more details.”

My guess was that some of those unnamed others included some of my distant “nieces” who lived with us in the bunkhouse while attending college. The boy was very handsome.

Eva and Julio were not looking but I saw Santi’s surprise when Bella was mentioned, he had not known his son had been initiated by his mistress. I also had to wonder if he knew about me and Bella. It was long ago and the topic had not come up since I met him.

Eva continued. “Thank you. You understand why I asked.”

“Oh yes Mrs. Pa ... Eva. I would have volunteered it, I was just waiting for a good time to say it. It is not a subtle topic, but I knew you would want to know before ... well...”

“Bella hmmm. She made a lot of friends didn’t she?” Eva said to nobody in particular.

To change the subject Santi said, “My wife, Marie-Anne, has very little in common with you. She is the opposite of a slut, but I don’t know if there is such a word.”

Julio objected. “Father, why must you use that bad word for Eva?”

Eva answered him. “Oh darling, it is not a bad word. Daddy used to think it was, but I have taught him it is okay. In the USA we sluts have reclaimed it. I am a slut, the title gives me freedom to enjoy young treats as well as old.” Her gaze rested on all three of us, and the point was very clear. “Mother and my unknown father were both sluts. In college I was a spectacular slut, and that was nothing compared to how I was when I worked. Then I got lucky. Trevor rescued me from the downward spiral of a typical slut’s life. If my dear Santi calls me a slut, it is not a bad term, it is just what I am, when I bend over his desk at work. It does us both some good.”

I was not sure if Julio knew about the work sex, and he did not seem to notice it now as he was focused on the word “slut.” Well, whether he noticed or not, that was Santi’s business.

Julio said, “If you say it then I accept it, but I will not use the term for you.”

I asked Santi, “What were you saying about Bella?”

Santi resumed his story. “I was talking about my wife, who will be my wife until death parts us, even if she had not been my wife in body since ... let me see ... the last time was before my daughter was born, call it two decades ago. Well actually a year short of that.

“As the first born female of her generation, Marie-Anne enjoyed privileges, but there was a price, one she considered quite distasteful. She thought she could ignore it until her grandmother ordered her to marry me as part of a business deal, a factory near Cadiz, the transaction benefiting both families. She could ignore her parents, but her grandmother would not accept her foolish games and tantrums. The marriage was very formal, a Bishop officiated and witnessed what passed in the bedroom that night, the consummation theater which sealed the marriage contract. My wife managed some blood, which was amazing considering how we had rehearsed the act several times before. Her grandmother scripted and directed us in the act like it was a play. Marie-Anne could not arouse me for the act so she wanted Bella as my teaser, to arouse me before ... but Grandmother thought Bella was too young for the Bishop to see like that, so Bella’s mother served. Arousal of her groom was deemed too unseemly a job for the ‘innocent’ new bride.”

“Bella’s mother was attractive?” Julio asked.

“Yes, in a way. Sweet face, heavier than Bella. Curvy. She was very skilled at arousing me ... Well, we practiced ... late at night sometimes. Grandmother made sure I did everything right - even facial expressions at the moment ... Hmm.

“In any event, Grandmother knew my wife would not be willing after the wedding night, so she had requirements. Marie-Anne had to produce a male heir and at least one more child within six years, or the marriage would be annulled. Marie-Anne would be shamed and exiled to cold New Zealand. I would get Bella, a poor cousin but she was family and sexy. Bella knew her life would be in service to a relative, she attached herself to Marie-Anne at a young age.

“My wife accepted the marriage, but once she was here in the US bedtime was a great drama, a tragedy, and she showed no affection. She insisted that I do my duty while she read a Rex Stout book. The first few times I used what I needed, but I pulled out at the end. I am afraid I ruined a good book ... more than one, actually. She screamed in outrage. I told her that unless my duty was more pleasant, she would not get what she needed and in six years I would have Bella. Until then I would find relief elsewhere and whisper about her coldness. She saw what she had to do and became more affectionate ... after a fashion. She showed me her ass, allowed me her breasts, and put aside the book. I could work with that.

“We had Julio and a few years later we welcomed his sister. With her duty done my wife cut me off. But I still had some power in my own home, so before Bella was done nursing my daughter, my wife moved to another bedroom and Bella was invited to visit me. It was not every night, it was her choice. That lasted until my wife left during our daughter’s freshman year in high school. But Bella was not allowed to be exclusive to me. There was no quota, but Bella had to seek other lovers and confess her sins at the breakfast table. This was to insure that I knew of the others, but not their names. That stopped when Julio became a teenager, as the kids started taking up too much time.”

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