Phoenix Rising: the Immortality Curse - Cover

Phoenix Rising: the Immortality Curse

Copyright© 2019 by Slutsinger

Chapter 20

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 20 - Phoenix Rising took the gaming industry by storm. The AI controllers said they could write a world more realistic than any created by humans; they succeeded. Virtually anything was possible. David was about to test how far that went. He was fascinated by the in game prostitute Hulda. But in his innermost fantasies, he didn't want to have her: he wanted to be her. He was going to be a whore. He had no idea how hard that would be. Female character, male player.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Ma/Ma   Mult   Consensual   BiSexual   GameLit   High Fantasy   Sharing   Humiliation   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Squirting   Big Breasts   Public Sex   Prostitution   Royalty  

From the Video Blog of Ariel, the First Immortal Whore

When Nathan and I emerge from Jonathan’s work room, Florence is there. “Ariel, how are you doing?”

“Great.” I smile at Florence. “It was intense but in a good way.”

“Are you up for celebrating your initiation?”

“Yes, absolutely. Why wouldn’t I be?”

“As you said it is intense. Most people take some time to process. But Princess Aubrielle planned a celebration in case you were up for it.”

“Wow, that’s sweet.”

“I have a question about who you would like to attend. There is no right answer; we want to know what would make you happiest.”

“Uh huh?”

“Do you want the guild master at your celebration?”

My first inclination is to say no. But it’s a real sign of her trying to work with me that she’s given me the option. I’d imagine that a whore’s trainer is expected to be at something like this. Her congratulations earlier were genuine. I guess I’ve got to extend an olive branch sometime if I’m going to work with her as my trainer. “Sure, if she wants to come, I’d be honored.”

I feel a tingle of magic. “I let her know.” Whatever Florence used is a lot higher power than chat messages in a party.

“So what’s the surprise?”

“You’ll see in just a moment.”

“Can Jonathan and Nathan come?”

“Jonathan?” Florence is startled. “I’m sure he needs to recover from something that big.”

She quickly adds “I don’t think we had planned on Nathan coming, but if you want him there we can arrange that.”

“Nathan, do you want to come celebrate?”

He nods. There’s another tingle of magic.

“Right this way.” Florence leads us through a series of halls. “Through this door are the working areas of our brothel. Pleasure rooms on the left and right.

“But through here”—she sweeps open an ornate door—”is the formal dining room.” It is opulent. Three chandeliers would cast light from above at night. At this time of day, sun streams through stained glass windows at the front.

Before I can take in the full room, my eyes are drawn to a table of familiar faces. Aubrielle, Nora, Samantha, Susan, and Master Kessler are waiting for us. A waiter in a charcoal jacket and matching pants is just pulling up a final chair.

The girls all stand and applaud. I blush, but I’m really happy.

Samantha is more dressed than I’ve ever seen her. She is in a corset and bodice under a tight-fitting gown. Everyone else is also in their best. No, that’s not quite true. Aubrielle doubtless has fancier clothes but she’s trying to fit in. She is just a bit more bejeweled than the guild master, but she’s working not to outshine everyone else.

“Ariel!” Aubrielle smiles as she takes a look at my face. “You look great.”

“I was hoping I was not under dressed.” I’m in the leather skirt and one of the lace tops.

“Oh, no, you’re fine. I mean, you’re kind of dressed the whore’s part, but I think that’s appropriate. You’re dressed sexy, whereas we are dressed fancy. But you’re stunning in that.”

The guild master nods. “You are fine. This dining room is less provocative than some of our properties, but tastefully sexy is quite appropriate here.”

Aubrielle continues, “I am really glad you are up for celebrating. I thought that if anyone could charge through their initiation and be ready to go, it would be you.”

Her next words are more subdued. “And if it hadn’t worked out that way, we would all be here for you. We could have found a more private room and anyone you wanted could have been there for you.” She smiles. “I’m so glad we didn’t need that.”

“Wow, Aubrielle thank you so much.”

As I reach the table, she pulls out my chair. I hug her before sitting.

It quickly becomes apparent that I haven’t considered what it is like to go to lunch with a bunch of whores. I’m embarrassed and blushing. Nora can tell something is going on, but not what. She asks. I turn bright red. I’m too embarrassed to explain.

Florence comes to the rescue. “Ariel just went through an initiation. For everyone around the table with Smell of Sex, it’s a powerful effect. I think it is safe to say that she has the guild master, Aubrielle and myself quite excited.”

“And I can tell,” I finally manage to say. “I’m sure it’s something we all get used to, but for me now, it’s humiliating.”

Florence nods. “Which given Ariel’s proclivities doesn’t help her at all.”

“No it doesn’t.”

Master Kessler says, “It’s okay, Ariel. I think we’ve all had an experience like that. Enjoy yourself and don’t worry about the rest of us.” She smirks. “Or perhaps I should say enjoy being bothered about the rest of us too.”

A waiter passes out menus. Master Kessler recommends a couple of sparkling whites for the table.

I notice that there is one extra chair on my left. “We could move together on this side and put the extra chair at the end.”

“Not quite yet,” Aubrielle says. She smiles.

And then I see the waiter escorting Hulda over to our table. She is pensive; I hope it is not from being somewhere this fancy. But no, when she sees me smiling and blushing, she bursts out into a huge smile herself. “Ah, Ariel, you’re right fine after initiation?”

“I am. And I’m so happy to see you here. But how are you away at lunch rush?”

“We got friends who will help out, we give em notice. But that ain’t what’s happening.

“Her highness came by last night to invite me personal like. Ya should have seen the stir that caused with ma and the goodman. She told me she’d have it all taken care of an I ain’t gotta worry.

“An just like her highness said, it’s taken care of right well. This palace servant arrives an hour ago to take my shift. He listens all proper as we explain how it’s done, an picks up quick like he’s been workin small inns all his life. Ya wouldn’t believe it.”

“Aubrielle! When did you find the time to do all this?” Then I realize when it must have happened. “Wait. When you said you needed an hour yesterday after we were done out front, you were planning all this for me?”

“Aye, mostly.”


“I was so happy yesterday with everything that happened, both what I did with you and what happened earlier. Here I am judged on how good I am in bed and how I take care of my friends—” she stops, startled. “It’s true! You are all my friends.”

There are murmurs of agreement around the table. The princess smiles. “That’s so different from the rest of my life. So Ariel, I wanted to say thank you, and take care of you if that were necessary.

“I arranged for a room here and invited everyone. Then I asked Samantha what I was forgetting. I am glad I did: she reminded me that Goodwench Brown would need someone to cover for her family’s inn.”

“You asked Samantha? You turning to her isn’t something I would have expected.” The idea of the princess turning to a commoner to ask for help would have been inconceivable just a few weeks ago.

“After yesterday, I feel closer to her. And you pointed it out: I’m going to need help from the commoner perspective.”

“What happened yesterday?”

“That is not my story to tell.”

“Ah, ya can if ya likes,” Samantha says.

“I think it is your story to start.”

Samantha is nervous. “Jonathan said I gotta have someone to help me out for my initiation. Didn’t right know who. The leaders at the creche were more like my ma; ain’t gonna do that with them. An the other orphans, nay not sure I’m like to take them as clients, even if their money’s right good.

“Then I thought of her highness: how she help me out telling me what to call her, how she’s been workin so hard at getting comfortable. An Ariel, ya’s wonderful, but I reckon her highness’s got a better handle on powerful magic than ya do.”

Nathan grins. “You might be right there, Goody Oliver.”

“Aubrielle, you agreed to be Samantha’s sentinel?” I ask.

“Master Craggs agreed to send a message to the keep; it found me there. I was in yet another meeting about the gnolls and their goddess. I didn’t get the message until late.

“I didn’t think I was the best choice, but I wanted to talk to her about it in person. By the time I could get back, she was already asleep. I wasn’t going to wake her up the night before her initiation.

“So there I am, trusted by a commoner to help her through what might be the biggest magical ritual of her life.”

“An ya done great your highness,” Samantha says. “That was right frightening. Ain’t gonna be soon I’m comfortable around Jonathan. But Princess Aubrielle had me all taken care of. She said ain’t nothing wrong with letting go an flowin with the lust.”

Samantha looks at me. “Ariel, did ya do okay?”

“Yeah, Nathan was a real help. He helped me see that it was going to be a very big magical effect before I got swept away.”

“Ha!” Nathan points at me. “She turned the whole ritual upside down. She found some immortal trick to let us know that we can just relax and let the lust build. It was much easier for Jonathan and me because we knew she was going to be okay when things were done. She was even trying to get Jonathan to come along and join us.”

Everyone looks at me astonished.

“You will have to tell us more,” Florence says.

I am embarrassed so I decide to change the topic. “Princess Aubrielle, what can you tell us about the gnolls?”

She sighs. “There are tensions on both sides. Most recently one of our villages managed to offend the gnoll goddess. We need to find a way to balance that in the next month or the village may run into trouble. That kind of trouble would certainly lead to an escalation. With gods involved already, that would be ugly.”

Just then, a servant comes up and taps me on the shoulder. “Ma’am, this booking is irregular. Are you available, or is there an exception?”

Florence is embarrassed. “Oh, I didn’t think. She really shouldn’t be. Annika would you approve an exception?”

“I don’t understand what’s going on,” I say. Florence explains. “This is a working area. Normally when we’re on the floor we are available for clients. We prefer not to have a bunch of whores using the facility without being available. It requires an exception from the guild master. Which in a situation like this is often granted.”

The servant shakes his head. “It’s just that she’s been specifically requested. We wish to let clients know immediately when someone they can clearly see is unavailable.”

“It is my fault as much as anyone else,” Master Kessler says. “I should have noticed that no one asked for an exception. It looks bad, but we all make mistakes.”

“Or I could go and see what the client wants,” I say. “Perhaps set up something later.”

“We hate to intrude on your celebration.”

“I’m a whore; this is what we do.”

Master Kessler nods. “Thank you. Place an order, and we can hold the food until you return. Don’t take all day, but if it’s something you can handle within an hour, do that.”

Florence looks around. “I don’t have Cure Disease or Remove Pregnancy handy. All my training supplies are over in the training brothel.”

Master Kessler frowns.

Nora looks through her bag. “I got a couple of Cure Disease I ain’t used yet.”

“What gender is Ariel’s client?” Master Kessler asks.

“Male, Guild Master,” the servant responds.

Master Kessler nods at Nora. “Ariel can take one of your crystals. Ariel, I’ll cast Remove Pregnancy on you when you return. We’ll assume he won’t be in any danger of needing it himself.”

I make a selection from the menu and follow the servant to meet my client.

As the servant led her out of the formal dining room, Ariel’s curiosity grew. Her client was not simply someone who caught sight of her at another table and wondered if she might be had.

“Your client is in one of the small parlors,” the servant said as they turned down a corridor. “You have not been briefed on this brothel. You are welcome to treat the parlor as a pleasure room once the door is closed. If you need other facilities, ask at the manager’s desk.”

He motioned Ariel ahead of him into a cozy room. An immortal sat on a divan, leaning against the wall.

He was a tall, well-muscled fighter class of some kind. The boots alone spoke to a level in the mid to late twenties. They were enchanted but not stealthy enough for a rogue class. The muscular build, broad shoulders, and bulky body confirmed that her potential client leaned toward warrior. His name was Oryst Darkblade.

“I can’t believe I lucked out and found you,” he said. “I mean you were initiated what? Earlier today?”

He continued without waiting for a reply, “I walked in and asked the front desk when I might hire Ariel. The girl at the desk said she thought you’d recently come on shift for the first time. There was confusion but here you are!”

“There was confusion all around. I didn’t realize that unless I take special steps coming into the working area of the brothel, I become available. I was actually celebrating my initiation with some friends when you requested me.”

Darkblade’s face fell. “I’m sorry, I got carried away with my good luck. I don’t want to interrupt anything.”

“It’s fine. I’d be happy to set up something more extended later.” She slid in beside him, her hand resting on his thigh. “Although I’d also be available for something quick now.”

“I gotta ask. How many clients have you had since your initiation?”

“You would be my first.”

“O man! This is so cool. I mean yes to both now and later. How much for now?”

“Did they quote you a price at the desk?”


Ariel had no idea how whores were priced at the main brothel. Hulda had been 90 coppers that first night, but she was more experienced, that was a lower-priced location, and Ariel certainly hoped to get back to her friends quickly. She didn’t know how to balance those factors. She decided to wing it. “I’m still getting set up and I don’t know what I’m supposed to charge. How about fifty coppers for something quick with the understanding that it’s a one-time price. You’ll have to pay my going rate later—perhaps higher, perhaps lower.”

“Oh, yeah, totally.” Money changed hands and Ariel went to close the door.

“So, what are you hoping for now?”

“Can I see you naked? I mean if it’s not too forward or sudden.”

“We can take things slower later. But yeah, naked is pretty standard for a whore. You want to undress me, or shall I get naked for you?”

“Oh, can I?”

“Sure.” With very little fumbling, Oryst removed her clothes. She placed the Cure Disease crystal on the table next to the divan.

“Is there something specific you want?”

“Um, yeah, can you get me off ... like with your hand?”

Ariel smiled. Only a week ago immortal world time, she was that nervous asking for what she wanted. “Sure, let’s get you out of those pants and boots.” Oryst had to dismiss his boots from the inventory: their enchantment resisted anyone else trying to remove them. With his help, Ariel had Oryst’s clothes removed.

“I think the divan will be fine,” Ariel said, “if we put some pillows against the wall. You can lean back against them.” Once the pillows were placed, Ariel knelt between Oryst’s legs. The warmth of his cock was in her hand.

“Do you use lube?”

“A little.”

She slicked his cock with lube, palming the cure disease crystal against him as she worked. She began to stroke; his head emerged from his foreskin and he began to harden in her hand.

Darkblade’s hands clutched at the divan. It was as if he were trying to avoid reaching out.

“You know, you can touch,” Ariel said.

“You don’t mind?”

“No. You can pet me, play with my breasts, whatever.” He grabbed her shoulders as she continued to play with him.

“I was wondering...”

“Yes?” Now he was hard enough to fill her entire hand.

“This is embarrassing, but ... can I come on you?”

Ariel lost her rhythm. There should be no reason he couldn’t. But with Nathan’s cum still dried on her chest from earlier this morning, saying yes was harder than she would have thought. That had been so powerful: the culmination of weeks worth of work in game. And this ... just wouldn’t be anything like that. But it was certainly something clients would want to do. “Would you like that?” Once she got over her momentary shock, she continued jacking him.

“Yeah. I’ve always wanted to, but it’s never...” he trailled off.

She smiled. “So were you thinking face shot?”

“No, a bit lower.”

“All over my tits?”

He blushed. “Uh huh.”

This was going to be another reminder that the significance of sex was all in the context. Her time with Nathan and Jonathan was special not because she had a deep personal connection to either of them. Although, this morning was likely to lead things in that direction. But rather it was special because of how big of a milestone it had been in Ariel’s short life.

Nathan coming on her tits hadn’t even been a huge part of that. Although of course she was still constantly reminded it had happened. But it had been a part of that bigger whole.

In contrast, even though the act was the same, this would be very different. Perhaps for Darkblade it would be special: opening a door of enacting his fantasies. For her, it would be something else: another reminder that she was a whore, working to help her clients. That was different than this morning, but something she believed in. She could do this. “I don’t see why not.” She stroked faster as his excitement grew.

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