1964 - The Dairy of Desire - Cover

1964 - The Dairy of Desire

Copyright© 2019 by Allyfutzus

Chapter 32: Watching the Bull - Meeting Betty

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 32: Watching the Bull - Meeting Betty - In the west, especially among ranchers, kids were commonly farmed out as labor for starvation wages and no wages at all. It was common for a ranch experienced kid to spend nearly as much time growing up with neighbors as it was living at home. Kids were considered free labor. It was simply the way of growing up. It was not common for this to happen to a farm work naive private religious schooled city kid unpinned from any real farm experience or worldly raw life.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Magic   Reluctant   Gay   True Story   Farming   Workplace   Paranormal   Enema   Squirting   Teacher/Student   Porn Theatre   Transformation   Illustrated  

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[My work continues]

The weather was changing, typical almost tropical damp mists of June Gloom, warm but often not sunny until late afternoon or evening.

I was going to be spending time watching those temporary fences, the battery powered electric charged wire to hold wild heifers along with a big mean bull on leased grassland. It was at the same site Denny had taught me how to string electric fence wire through the woods, to be on guard watching for shorts in the fencing, hoping the big bull stayed happy in this domain not intending to leave and the young heifers would remain calm enough while the big bull fucked them so they could “freshen” and start giving milk. I didn’t know the whole operation could be a little dangerous for a naive kid, alone, naked.

An electric fence would short, ground out, if a good piece of grass leaned on it or any material happened to ground it out while the wire ran through a makeshift fence post trail among brambles at the forest edge. Insulators were nailed to trees and the wire was strung in a manner hoping it would disallow being shorted to ground. But stuff happens, rain falls and grass gets heavy, wind blows, bends over and you get the idea. I just had to be careful not to get shocked with all my exposed skin and especially if my penis, sticking out, would happen to come into contact with a wire.

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[You would think fern would know better]

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[But apparently she wanted to have electric sex, me contacting the wire while we fucked]

I really tried to avoid arousing thoughts about the sisters if I was cruising the fencing because added swing as I turned in the brush would possibly only add voltage to my already naked presence let alone pokes from blackberries and nettles. But the rest of the time I was happy playing with my penis for fun. I stopped short and remembered how I’d demonstrated for Denny to surprise him with a giant ejaculation out there while we put up wire, how we laughed hysterically. I sure gave him a rise and the memory gave me an out loud laugh for nobody to hear as I played my penis long.

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One good thing was my lack of experience because I was only somewhat aware of the dangers of working with Holstein bulls. Otherwise I probably would have been worried sick standing unprotected in close proximity to him. Funny how I felt extra vulnerable to the bull while I was in the nude. The bull didn’t care if I had clothes on or not.

I’d only heard stories about mean bulls but knowing I had a lot of exposed skin to get fence wire shocked in tender places kept me alert. I certainly knew very little about young heifers except the fact that they were kind of wild like when they got into the parlor by mistake. So, on went my morning.

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[Just to let you know that it wasn’t all work, all the time like getting to play badminton with Siza]

Standing for hours on end, watching the herd, was new work for me and I would get totally soaked in the morning mists and rain, basically doing nothing. I didn’t want to move around too much to attract the attention of the bull and I didn’t like just standing there getting soaked either. But lucky for me it was somewhat warm out, although clammy, and I had no clothes to worry about getting wet. Sometimes naked had its advantages as long as it wasn’t freezing and humidity seemed to help foster a real constant boner.

I was cruising the fence to try to keep it working all the while watching the herd and hoping the rain would stop long enough for me to at least semi dry. Ugh, that clammy cold feel of evaporating moisture on skin plus the constant worry of bug bites. I had to avoid too much sun with that sheen because I seemed to burn easily in that condition, was just a little tan so far and hoping for more without cooking myself red.

The odd thing about this job was the fact the wimpy strand of single charged wire was no obstacle at all if any of the animals got it in their head to leave the area in earnest. It turned out, with plenty of tall very lush green grass, they didn’t much feel they needed to go anywhere else. And as long as the bull didn’t manage to rough mount a heifer, causing a general stampede, the herd’s temperament remained reasonably calm.

In reality I should have been far more worried about the condition but ignorance was my friend and later I wondered why the family would allow me to be placed in jeopardy, a naive guy, out there naked, alone, no way to communicate whatsoever. I could have been run down by the bull and nobody would know it. And he was worth a lot of money. Apparently I was not.

For a while this would be my mid morning to mid afternoon work, no lunch, after and before milking, watching the bull, me naked and hungry, trying to avoid getting sun cooked although the sun seldom came out for too long.

The bull wasn’t a terribly energetic fellow. He mostly just stood around and nibbled at the grass close to where the heifers were kept. He seldom got horny enough to mount one and I always hoped he would face away from the fence if he decided to fuck because once he mounted a heifer often the race was on as she tried to get away while he madly screwed on the fly. It was quite an amazing sight and I laughingly visualized myself in that situation with the nymphs.

Such a silly prospect, me, trying to fuck just like the bull, on a dead run. I’d have to get running a rate ahead of them just inches to insert and then hit the brakes, just slightly, to pull out but not too far. How complicated. There was no way that could work and if I did manage to ejaculate they would be shot away with the volume and pressure like one of those pumped up toy rockets. Yet, as depicted, later in my career, I did try it again and again and they sure had fun.

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And it sure was fun to imagine that while I played with myself.

On the fifth day at guard there was nobody around and I was all alone with, as always, no support to call if anything went wrong. I was completely soaked from the rains and the humidity was like a jungle. The bull was just relaxing with his heifers and all was very quiet.

A day dreamer, as always, I was fantasizing making love with my nymphs. My penis was sticking straight out and firmly in my grip as I stroked idly and pretended I could feel Siza’s love all over me. I had a good imagination and I swore my skin was touching hers. You never knew about nymph magic at play and it was giving me an erection that just throbbed. It was a great way to while away the boredom as long as I didn’t have a huge orgasm that might scare the herd.

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[This is exactly what I didn’t want to have happen, avoiding a stampede]

I was really lost in my masturbation because when I felt the surge of orgasm coming I would ease up until it just oozed out, a little more and a little more, stop and then start in again stroking full speed. I was having a great time realizing just how much more control I had over my climax, monitoring, learning. It made me laugh out loud. This practice had to be good for me becoming the master of endless fucking goddesses and jerking off.

I heard a twig crack. I at first ignored it completely because I was enthralled squeezing gizem out on to the ground, making it swing to and fro, day dreaming. But again I heard something as I kept dreaming of fucking Siza in front of the herd, pretending to put on my little sex show for the heifers. But they hadn’t moved at all, intent on watching me I supposed. They were so quiet yet staring at me, I thought.

I wasn’t being terribly smart toying with a loaded gun of a penis aimed right at them. It was drooling away with a pretty good flow going. If the thing had really gone off it would probably have blasted them right in the face but I was being a total day dreamer and not thinking of consequences, just Siza. Then I felt awareness like, a presence, my skin crawled a little.

Somebody was near and I assumed it the nymphs playing tricks on me. I felt real. My nakedness came back to my senses, alert, a possible embarrassing situation. Who knows? But if it was my nymphs I was ready.


Shocked, body and soul, I jerked, turned around, eyes wide open to find a girl was standing there as I pointed my erection right at her. I’d been so engrossed with my masturbation I’d not noticed her actually coming up behind me and the herd was watching her, not me. I couldn’t believe my eyes as I just slowed down with my stroking, not stopping immediately and noted she was staring at my penis with its goo while smiling.

“Oh GAWD!” No wonder the heifers were staring at me, right past me.

I found her immediately attractive, probably about my age, but the total shock of being exposed in my state of naked arousal almost made me go blind with the seizure of utter surprise-embarrassment. In an instant I started to get my wits back but she was smiling wide while looking me over pretty intently, especially my drooling penis. That was awful.

She didn’t seem to be shy or the least bit embarrassed to see a wet naked guy standing in the middle of nowhere with his penis sticking out, making love to his fist with gizem oozing and swinging down to the ground like snot.

I was so surprised I forgot I had a hand on it and I posed for her in that posture, stiff, with a really reaffirmed security grip. She studied me as I followed her eyes. Then suddenly I about had another seizure with the reality of her but was also aware of how deeply odd the moment was in ALL regards.

“WHO ARE YOU?,” I half gasped a loud croak. “I’m from the farm up the road,” she said as calm as could be. She folded her arms like taking authority.

She gave the impression I should have already known that about her. I shook my head. I tried to recover some dignity but there was none to be had, no how!

“Oh - NO,” head down, utter shame, I let me arms drop away. I guessed I was giving her that authority.

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[In a perfect world, this, the proud character I should have been with my big attributes, the lover of goddesses]

I tried to quickly-nonchalantly wipe away the gizem and the only devices I owned for cover up were my hands. The gizem stuck to my fingers and wiping it on my stomach only managed to make a mess as more just kept coming out of my penis. My nervous hands were already busy in play so I dropped what I was doing and there it was, my erection poking straight at her as if it had new interest staring at her. It was no use to try to cover up.

I just stood there and then re gripped my penis, both hands, why; I don’t know. Maybe I needed to show ownership. But absolutely I was just caught dead to rights without a good excuse in the whole world for anything, being naked, being in the middle of nowhere, jacking off. “Ooooh ... shit.”

She was smiling really wide. She seemed to find the situation pretty funny almost as if she wasn’t at all surprised to find me watching the cattle watch me play with myself. But then she wrinkled her brow. “Why are you kind of dirty all over?” She didn’t seem at all upset by my naked condition but just asking questions very matter of fact and maybe ignoring the fact that I’d been playing with myself all alone with a juicy penis in the middle of nowhere.

There was something overly strange about this situation that seemed to give her preknowledge of me. And she surely acted like she was in charge.

I was of course hyper embarrassed. In spirit I wanted to dive for cover, maybe just run. Yes, I definitely should have just run away as fast as I could. But there was my responsibility to the herd, the dairy. Somehow there seemed no point in abandoning my post because she was being so natural. I just stood my ground because I was completely exposed with nothing left to hide from her. Plus, I knew of no other explanation for my condition so I simply dropped my hands to my sides and let my penis drool which oddly seemed to give her some sense of pleasure.

As I stared down at my erection I said, “I’m a breeder livestock for the dairy.” “Are you ... r-e-a-l-ly!?” She smiled wider and seemed completely tickled by my answer. I gave her a serious look as she laughed; it was as though she was pleased. “Well, actually you look to be breeding something from the size of your penis which you, by the way, seem to enjoy playing with!” She laughed again and I’m sure my face was beet red. I tried to push my erection down a little bit as she noted it for its girth. After continued exclamations she focused for a long pause. Then it merely curled up more when I let go. “Are you breeding heifers along with the bull right now?”

“No. N-O-O-o-o-o-o! Of course not.” I stuttered. “I only do women, well sort of. I mean they look like women, but... , Oh never mind.”

I was totally surprised that a girl would talk about penises and stuff like that, especially with a stranger. I needed to find reasons for my existence, quick, to explain me if I possibly could. I knew it was pretty much hopeless to redeem myself, so naive, but I had nothing on my body to hide from her. Being totally naked in my situation should have left her with fewer questions and certainly wariness. I tried to explain in a concise believable yet embarrassed-flustered manner. It was obvious she was not going to leave me alone.

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“The owners of the dairy expect, no, make me be this way all the time.” She giggled and gave me a “You are either full of it or the world’s biggest sucker” kind of look. “I think they are messing with you,” she said in a high voice sing song manner. I shy eyed down looking away and she laughed some more as she sparkled with a sense of teasing. In that she reminded me of a nymph. Needless to say I felt totally compromised. She ruled me. I had no dignity left.

That made me embarrassed even more and I could feel my cheeks burning red. “Oh, I don’t know,” I said as I puffed up. I was getting mad. “Please don’t be mean. This wasn’t my choice. They made me this way. I didn’t know this was going to happen to me when I came here for a summer job. You don’t know what they did me on my first day here.”

Then I decided to try to shock her with the truth since she seemed to be so bold and smart without any inhibitions talking about me that way.

“The sisters at the dairy have been FUCKING ME, A - LOT!” I waited to see some pain of embarrassment in her face with my use of the big “F” word but nothing happened. She just focused more intently with the same expression simply saying, “Okay.” I tried again. I looked at her in earnest. “And they have made my penis THIS BIG, adjusted it in a lot of ways so I’m giving them what they desire when they FUCK ME.” Again I waited to see her fade. She was still immensely interested, probably even more so. “They are FUCKING me ALL THE TIME NIGHT and DAY!...” I used the “F” word more boldly. She still looked me straight in the eyes as if she was waiting for more. “U-huh.”

I shrugged, big sigh and got frustrated. I got up on my toes a bit and my penis was bouncing up and down which seemed to please her. I was just overwhelmed with anxiety. So I decided to lay the big truth on her to see her blush. “ ... to test out their adjustments in me with their fingers way up inside my rectum. I made a gesture with my fingers grouped like I was shoving them. “They take turns sometimes with two, three fingers, eventually their whole hand shoved way up my anus!” There! I expected her to shut up after that blast of information.

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Certainly the knowledge how I was being violated by the nymphs would cause her to act surprised, at least. Maybe she’d go away in fright finally thinking me a strange weirdo. I didn’t care what she thought of me and I was growing impatient, more than naked, exposed, felt stupid with her staring at me like that. “They take turns sticking their hands up inside my body all the way while I’m made to fuck one of them for test measures and we do that all night long! They fuck me with their hands all the way up inside me. Sometimes they stick a hose up my butt and fill me with water to make my erection go crazy! And this long tongue that they gave me is for sucking in their vaginas!” I stuck my snake like tongue out and she got even more interested. I wiggled it.

Then I immediately worried maybe I’d told her way too much in foolish spite.

“Oh, you mean Lilly, Branch, Siza, Pool and Fern?”

“Wha-a-a-at?” Again, I was the one shocked. It took me totally by surprise and after moments to gather my thoughts spoke meekly. I said, “Yes!

Do you know them? How do you know them? REALLY?” “Oh sure,” she said. “I know them really well.” She seemed pleased. “They’re my buddies. I love them! I’ve grown up with them next to our farm. They are very important to me.”

Now I was so perplexed because this girl was human, again about my age and she seemed very mature and independent. I just stood looking at her in amazement even forgetting that I was naked. “I love them too,” I said. “I love them more than anything.” Fading off, I realized she and I had something very much in common.

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[I wondered if she knew more about what the sisters were doing to me than I thought, maybe more than I wished she knew] [the others simply enjoy each orgasm vicariously and that’s why they appear so without actually being attached]

I just stood there looking at her wondering where to take the conversation next. How could I possibly deal with a person, human, who knew so much about my realm? “Can I examine your penis?,” she asked.

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[An early version rendered]

I wanted to ask her more about her relationship with the nymphs and Lilly. At first I didn’t hear and/or understand her question. “You really know the sisters? How did you get to know them? Uh, ... What? What did you say?” “I said, can I hold penis.” “OH! ... well, uhm, ... you mean you want to like feel it?” “Yes.” “Well, uhm ... you sure you want to do that?” “YES!” “Oh! I g-u-e-s-s so. I guess it’s alright. I suppose it would be okay.” I stared down at my so stiff lengthy appendage and then back up into her eyes for some sense of sincerity.

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[And the sisters were apt to get away with a lot normally considered illegal, but of course they could manipulate people’s thinking ... like when Lilly would take me to town and do me in public]

She knew the sisters and that should have meant something. She must have been telling the truth. How else would she know their names? So I thought about her touching me and I didn’t know why not but the situation was running away out of my control, changing so fast. She was a girl and certainly should, I would assume, have been more shy about a strange naked drooling penis standing in front of her. But if she didn’t have any compulsions to stay away from it then apparently I was the only one embarrassed like it seemed I always was.

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[I would figure out in time my role, my actual purpose in my dairy experience and Betty was just the first encounter with the world around me, aside from the sisters -- Eventually I would become quite social in my capacity as a free-safe to use livestock, lover of goddesses, the honest reliable community fuck here servicing a client with an assistant to spot for us]

She approached quite close with a very intent look on her face and I noted her cuteness as she smiled into my eyes. She looked the look of a very bright person. I started to nervously look around as if someone else was watching us while she got close enough I could sense her warmth.

She reached up and took off my glasses. She was so focused in her actions that I didn’t flinch like I normally would have in fearing the loss of my only pair. Vision was blurry but I could tell she studied my eyes and wiped something off my face, moved even closer. She handed me my glasses and ran her hands slowly down my body feeling me with what felt like some kind of precision. I truly liked how she felt. I breathed in a big sigh and my penis tingled.

Then standing just aside for an easy reach she first looked into my eyes for a few moments and then carefully lifted my penis to examine it letting it rest in the cup of her hand.

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[And the more current render -- I let Betty hold my penis]

“Cool!,” She noted. “And it’s kind of heavy too. This has to be inordinately large for a human.”

Laying in her hand she lightly squeezed it, got a closer look, turning it side to side, rubbing it with her thumb while bending over further as it resisted that. “It must be fun to have such a big one.” The glint in her upward look plus a usual response to a girl’s close attention, the fact that my penis had a mind of its own, gave me one of those curling hard erections.

I jumped a bit as it sprang up suddenly. “Oh!, I’m sorry.” I said. “You’re ready to go to work, already ... just like that aren’t you.” “It just does that,” I said. “It gets stiff at the drop of a hat without any thought on my part.” I said it with an apologetic tone but it certainly hadn’t scared her a bit. She still had a good grip on it, two hands, even letting the gizem run over her fingers. This person certainly owned no fear.

As usual, given a mind of its own, my penis had jumped, curled more erect and enlarged. She re-grabbed it firmly as if she thought it was going to get away from her and I instinctively put my hand on her head for reassurance. “Fun?” I heaved a sigh. “Well, I guess that it is but this has happened to me so quickly I’m still in a little shock. I’d never fucked with a girl before coming here just days ago and I’m really sorry about all that goo coming out of it.” “You’re not homosexual are you?,” she asked. “Not that I know of. I like fucking the sisters, really, REALLY a lot. I love fucking them but I don’t really like to have their hands stuck up through my anus like they do. Maybe that proves that I’m not homosexual?” She giggled and seemed to already know what I was talking about regarding the hands which was mysterious.

An inordinate amount of gizem oozed out of my penis as if on queue. It ran on to her arm. “This semen like stuff coming out of you is really warm and it’s way different.” “Yes, and the sisters explain what it is, why it is, but I’m not sure about it. I only saw semen once in my life, before, and this bubbles and even sizzles. It has more snot like consistency and it cleans stuff off really good. They eat it. It’s shampoo that they wash their hair with and they all have beautiful hair.”

She wasn’t the least bit shy and she ran her gizem covered hands around over me lightly, had a look of serious concern on her face. With one hand she fondled my balls each separately as if she was inspecting them which only managed to cause more gizem to come out and she pulled up and to the side my penis to make way for her inspection, all of which was very arousing. She looked into my eyes for some kind of reassurance and the erection only got a measure stiffer for her efforts. “Oooh,” I groaned. I wasn’t at all sure what she had in mind and again she held, kind of squeezed my penis like a measure from the base to the tip. I was breathing heavier and things were getting nice. “You can keep doing that if you want.”

She studied my penis with her eyes closed and squeezed it more, playing with the very tip like Siza did, I assumed to see what it might do. I moaned and I think shivered with that stimulation and she seemed pleased. She knew what she was doing like a doctor’s exam. I heaved my chest automatically and let out another deep sigh. This girl was truly arousing me and even more gizem came, spreading, really a great deal. I knew that was going to happen but my legs were being affected and I had to reach for her shoulders to steady me.

She let some more gizem come and run on her palm as she inspected it close to her face. There seemed nothing that would stop this person from more investigation. She raised her hand and smelled it, smiled at me as she again studied my eyes in earnest. I had to tell her again that she was really making me aroused but it was okay. At that she wiped the gizem on my chest and down my stomach. If this was merely a doctor type examination it surely seemed to have more purposes than science.

Then she went around behind me and ran her gizem loaded hands around and in my butt crack, gathering even more gizem across my anus kind of like one the sisters would have done it over and over again. “Hmmmmm,” she said. “Can I stick my fingers in your anus too, just like the sisters?” “You’re teasing me now!,” I said. “I don’t really like to have that done.” “I’ll be VERY careful and I won’t hurt you, I promise. Just one finger at a time. I want to see your erection doing its thing.” “You are amazingly curious,” I said. “Have you been talking to the sisters about me a lot?” “I think you are the amazing one,” she answered.

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She smiled a wide grin in a teasing way looking around into my eyes as she continued to rub my anus and I figured she knew about my attributes already. “You came down here already knowing about me didn’t you? You knew I was here.”

I sighed a big sigh and didn’t know what to say. She was a friend of the sisters, cute, a farm girl who probably knew a lot more than me about how animals make love. “Oooh ... okay, but I’m afraid.” “You don’t need to be. I’m careful, honest!” “Can I see your hands?” She pushed up against me from behind and hugged me close as she shoved both of her hands along my sides, under my arms so that I could look at them.

Her hands were beautiful and clean and soft which I thought might be unusual for a farm girl. She reached up and used her hands to caress my face and I let out another moan. “Oh, you’re getting to me you know,” I gasped. I was afraid she was going to be able to take total control of me while she started feeling me all over again. This was beautiful and extra passionate as I felt the ejaculations increase a little. I shivered but she did have nice hands, clean, and better to explore in my anus that way.

The odd response from the suggestiveness of this girl’s approach had given me an extra stiff erection almost as though my penis and she were already friends. There was something unusual about this situation and I suspected the nymphs were somehow responsible. I quickly turned in her embrace and looked into her face to see her expression, focused on her eyes to judge her character. She put both her hands on my penis and caressed it like before and spread the gizem down and around, then again smiled into my eyes as she moved back to gently push on my back. I knew what she wanted. She was very busy and it seemed she wasn’t going to be disallowed the chance at hand, with her hand inserted.

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