1964 - The Dairy of Desire - Cover

1964 - The Dairy of Desire

Copyright© 2019 by Allyfutzus

Chapter 20: Third Morning

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 20: Third Morning - In the west, especially among ranchers, kids were commonly farmed out as labor for starvation wages and no wages at all. It was common for a ranch experienced kid to spend nearly as much time growing up with neighbors as it was living at home. Kids were considered free labor. It was simply the way of growing up. It was not common for this to happen to a farm work naive private religious schooled city kid unpinned from any real farm experience or worldly raw life.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Magic   Reluctant   Gay   True Story   Farming   Workplace   Paranormal   Enema   Squirting   Teacher/Student   Porn Theatre   Transformation   Illustrated  

As usual the alarm radio spit and hissed at 3:00 A.M. and I woke with dreams of the previous night’s wonders, building-unending terror replaced by unending sex focused throughout middle me. I was arms surrounded with one of my new friends, her warm bottom tucked into me as I felt aglow with the pleasant extra softness entwined, my perpetual erection snugly slipped stiff inside her. It was simply heavenly warm.

I thought initially the previous night had been merely a wet dream but now realized that, no, my erection was still enjoying their world with all the strange and wonderful sensations. Maybe I’d endured soaking it all night long; I bet I had; didn’t want to move; would have loved to have stayed in that embrace for a much longer time, non-stop. I reveled in the sweet soak of vibration and idle ejaculation pulling through and exiting me.

I naturally moved easy in and out for a bit, natural compulsion to do what comes automatically with a new wit filled penis full of gizem and relaxed psyche. Gizem came at a wonderful slow rate, very warm, backing out around my penis, filling the space between us with warmth. But I would stretch and pull out carefully to get up, a sense of duty.

I didn’t want to have a giant orgasm yet although I would have loved that thrill. Let the sleeper have a little more comfort without any disruptive explosions juicing up the whole area and possibly rudely tossing her straight out of bed, jet burst on a wet shaft of ejaculating love.

My new sense of nymph gifted self assuredness filled me to the brim. I’d stretch and feel the morning fully naked with the coolness of evaporation icing my penis as bubbles popped and fizzed. I would carefully extract myself from the sleeping body. I wasn’t wanting to arouse but would manage to wake her up. It was meant to happen anyway because the need was to call in the cows.

Someone flicked on the overhead bulb and light flooded the area, harsh and glaring. Blinking, I looked up to get a surprise. The bunk house was filled with Lilly’s boys as they rose from their beds and I looked at my sleep partner to realize it was indeed Lilly who I was sleeping with, love linked previously fucking on the bed now in full view of the crew who seemed to be very interested in my greater even bigger penis sticking up quite proudly.

Lilly beckoned and rolled over to make me mount her from behind, juicy welcomed sliding effortlessly into warmth again. A few strokes, still avoiding exploding ejaculation, and I pulled out with my conscience telling me to get to work with the cows.

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She whimpered abandonment as my yearning appendage backed out of its slippery den.

The guys were very attentive full focus on the retreating shaft. Such a fixation they had on that thing. They looked in anticipation at the disembarking juicy flesh of both partners. They were both expectant and inspecting. I pondered their extreme interest. One could only wonder what was going through their minds as my newly enhanced giant penis length came into view, their first introduction to the new nightly adjusted wonder.

With shifting hands on Lilly’s bottom they didn’t say a word but almost seemed to chatter with thoughts as they looked at each other then closely back to the moving coitus with their renewed touching in action. I just figured their mental state left them with wonder and I didn’t feel attacked by their hands advancing from all sides. They were gentle and loved to feel Lilly.

Oddly I found myself enjoying the attention focused on my crotch as I pumped into Lilly. I wanted more of that. It left me somewhat beaming, out of my normal realm and inhibitions. Where was my ingrained shy nature? So, repeating, feeling the glow of intruding fingers, I pushed my penis back into Lilly with her obvious approval and pulled out slowly to note the expression on the guy’s faces changing between in and out strokes as I fucked for their pleasure.

This was great for a few more moaning strokes and some squeezes of my balls for enhancements and a lot more gizem.

“In and out, in and out,” as John chanted, I kept the rhythm lulled to make more gizem to collect between Lilly and I but no explosive orgasm and the crowd seemed so pleased. The tacky essence was wonderful to hear and I smeared it up Lilly’s back and massaged her breasts. She was happy just like them.

I didn’t say anything to anybody while sleep still invaded my mind, dull awake, and as Lilly rose up I couldn’t help but feel pleased to see her again although I was a combination of amazed, loving that it was her, missed the four who had completely arrested me with fingers and sucking the previous night but also felt a type of anger for having been jostled through such strange situations without understanding why I was being treated to so much perplexing magic.

Now, where on earth were the four nymphs who I fell asleep now in love with?

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I would hold my questions for Lilly since I didn’t think any of the guys would understand my meaning, my need to get some answers. I was in one strange situation after another but I made up my mind to stick it out at the dairy, yeah - stick it out, way out, and my erection glistened in the harsh light from above as I arched my back for the guys to help themselves to feels. That was weird, perverse for sure but it elevated my sad shape ego.

At this point I didn’t want to get cheated out of any amazing fucking. I’d always be ready and it wouldn’t be fair to have endured yesterday’s tortures never to see the four sisters again. So I remained still for a time enjoying some pride in displaying the new prize. I kept it extra stiff for as long as I could with a stroking hand amidst the admiring gazes.

I hugged Lilly close and told her how much I loved her. I was becoming such a willing love sap but I just had to show my appreciation for her after the previous night’s experience.

We all fell out of the bunk house at the usual time and silently walked in the direction of the night pasture. Me, finally again in my retrieved dry pants. Pool had hung them up for me when I passed out on the bed, so exhausted I couldn’t think and it was a bit of a mystery why my duffel bag showed up at the appropriate time and now seemed disappeared again. But I had a pair of pants left. I was wearing them although my erection, perfectly perpetual, was hard to manage. So, boldly, I just let it hang out with my 501’s unbuttoned loose around it. As I walked along the open buttons touching my penis simply kept it more aroused.

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Lilly, Vern, Virgil, Reggie and John, all were quiet. They seemed to have nothing to say and I was busting with questions but followed their lead and remained quiet as well. I was ridiculously in love, not so much scared now as just frustrated and hungry and yearning for more sex.

Prurient females, five of them, I would love to have been fucked by any one of the five of them immediately, maybe while we walked. You might say I was kind of titillating absorbed with my new found passion. Assumed rid of my virginity I was somehow not worried about wearing no shoes at all.

Wearing clothes felt weird, unnatural for some reason, perhaps because of my erection sticking straight out the open fly. I was wanting to try out putting clothes on again because of the early morning chill. Something was telling me it was wrong to wear them which seemed like a totally erroneous thought but I would give it a try, see how it went. I felt surprisingly uncomfortable. I figured I would be disrobed again with my livestock status or get the hell away from this dairy once and for all but that thought was totally conflicted because I was hopelessly in love. I was willing to take risks now for the pleasure of fucking goddesses with the world’s one of a kind penis. I felt as though I might leave but my penis was going to stay behind, so weird.

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My mind was now an ongoing argument, one on one, me. My memory was beating me up for being so permissive and wanting more sex while the unbridled joy of outrageous fucking was inspiring. I couldn’t leave it alone.

Clothes could be taken for granted and maybe best taken off. The entire social structure of my city life was about clothes all the time. Clothes were the status symbol in the parochial school, the only way to try to keep up with the wealth some kids had by birth. If you wore the right clothes you might be deemed a kid of substance, a wealthy family member and for some unknown reason that aura seemed needed. But now there was no question something kept telling me it was wrong to wear them at this dairy plus my penis was too big anyway.

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[See what I mean?]

I was refilled with recent interrupted sleep as I purposely walked behind so that I could watch Lilly in the dim early light. It was a brand new almost summer day and I’m sure she knew what I was up to but she didn’t seem to mind my continued curiosity.

She, the fifth sister, not present for my long adjustments session with her siblings, could tell me more of what I was dying to ask about. I was also dying to show her the enhanced performance of my bigger penis, the amazing ejaculations, the strange tricks, all the stuff that shot out with orgasm and the fact the other sisters ravishingly ate up the results.

Whoa! So many questions and things to tell her about.

I should have been in a continued fearful state but somehow was retiring from the social mores once governing me, my life until now, and especially a hundred miles away from the city in a remote place. Nobody I knew was watching. Of even my most memorable youthful wet dream this all night encounter with four sisters and now Lilly would have topped everything to the extreme. That is except I only remembered, real well, the waking up part, oh so sweet.

I’d gone to sleep with four, penis inserted, and woke up with one, penis inserted. Somehow, something during the night, some kind of exchange happened without waking me. But I wasn’t really so stressed by that, just curious.

I continued to study Lilly and my curiosity was always trying to imagine her without her clothes, always rewinding my memory for images all the while not realizing my lifelong experiences with wearing uniforms perhaps piqued my curiosity. Oddly, somehow, perhaps a fetish remembering high school girl uniforms and the fact many, after school, would hike up their skirts, roll up the waist band to show the boys a little more leg.

Depending on how earnest they were they might roll up too much and the nuns seemed always on the prowl to catch too much sex in view.

Then, certainly, Lilly was just tolerating my curiosity but there was a sense she was also enjoying my silly youthful first infatuations. My new boy arousal was enjoying any visual of my assumed love walking ten paces ahead of me. The reality of my summer job from hell was being wrapped within tangible Lilly joy and my penis kept jerking stiffer and spurting with my thoughts. I really thought she was beautiful and she actually liked me, which to me was most astonishing as I remember high school legend referring to a penis as a one eyed snake.

Repeatedly fucked by her sisters and then loving Lilly, was I being foolish in assuming I could make love to her in spite of my time with the other four sisters? Something was telling me I could lust them all appropriately, that lusting for and loving all of them was what I was supposed to do. Honestly, that had to be just too good to be true yet it seemed my breeding stock calling was a duty. I so well understood the concept of duty and I would be servicing all of them always out of a sense of responsibility which I was compelled to answer to.

It then dawned on me how the bull was required to service all the cows, heifers, without regard to who-when. Cows didn’t get jealous. At least I didn’t think so. I wonder if the bull had favorites.

I just wanted to feel sure I was to be breeding just five human like females and not something with four legs, a thought I didn’t want to dwell on. But the enormous penis they crafted for me could have been used on all sizes of larger beasts. I didn’t like that possibility. I thought about being forced to fuck a big horse and having to use a step stool. Yikes!

What I really worried about was the chance I might develop desire for fucking any and all things. There was a joke going around school about a goofy kid, urban legend, a story about him having sex with the family pets. They said he would screw a pile of rocks if he thought there was a snake in there. This held some real worry by me. I had to guard against the sisters messing with my mind.

But now I walked on air in the shabbiness of my surroundings and to my mind the shabbiness had all disappeared. I’m not even sure if I was still aware of that permeating fresh manure smell. Life was roses. I couldn’t wait to commence my work in keeping all five females well serviced. Little did I know at this point there would be more work ahead of me with even more than five needing, big penis, my future tutored breeding type skills.

We walked by the pig pens with a few grunts of surprise coming out from within. We walked by the little bull calf pen that remained silent only with big innocent eyes glowing through. We crossed by the bull pen with the huge presence and low breathing snorts. We entered at the top of the night pasture to gaze down the valley below, the huge glowing mountain, the coming sunrise and the herd. I saw a skyline I’d not wholly realized before as I saw the silhouette of Lilly interrupting the mountain with the shape enhancing my experience. This was all really heady for the still naive boy in me and the chill view of that huge icy mountain surrounded my naked presence with early morning reminder.

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Lilly was the chosen caller with her pure high pixie voice and the melody that rang out was as clear as a bell through the valley. The song seemed to pass all the way around the giant mountain because the air was so crystal pure. You wouldn’t expect that something as simple as “Come Boss” would sound so luxurious across the wide expanse.

Echoes followed and it was fun to watch the herd slowly turn head and look for the leader to follow up the long hill from dawn down below.

The boys had already begun to descend the hill down to surround the herd as it started to move closer. The closer the cows got to the top the more the deer peeled off out of the herd and away to their daytime beds for sleeping.

This whole process of calling in the cows is one of my fondest memories when the weather was blue and clear and the Mountain struck wonder in your eyes with an impression that would never ever be forgotten.

There was a crispness in the air that could remind you of winter but it rode a warmer waft declaring that Summer was about to reign, a change of the guard. This was a good time in all regards and my new status within the circle gave my life reprieve and new meaning.

We followed the steps of days before as we prepared to start milking. It would be the same every single day, the only difference being Sunday in that we weren’t to work in between milkings. That gave a few hours off to relax.

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[Livestock I was, for keeps, always being towed by my penis, a most convenient lead]

Again, about two plus hours into milking Lilly enjoyed the water play. She really focused on getting me completely soaked and I wondered if she was taking revenge on clothing. She looked at me with a smirk, eyes twinkling as if to say I was about to be jumped and sexually assaulted for her pleasure.

“You know that you’re going to have to return to being naked”, she said. “Sure and you are going to have your way with me aren’t you?,” I answered in anticipation. “Well, you have to understand something.”

Lilly came and put her arms around me and peered into my face with a serious look. “You may as well get this straight in your head now and forever. you ARE breeding livestock in the eyes of everybody, and in fact. You are not what you once were as a city kid coming to the dairy a short while ago. Your status as just a milker is precluded by that fact. A breeding livestock is always on the ready when needed. You won’t be wearing any clothes, actually.”

She reinforced my attention on her by holding my ears and massaging them, cupping them forward as if she wanted focus, “ ... NOT wearing clothes, ANYMORE - at all, EVER. You are to be eventually demonstrated to people who might be interested in your performance as livestock. You don’t see any of the herd or other livestock around here wearing clothes. Nope ... you don’t. Wouldn’t that look silly?

“I know that it’s a leap of thinking for you and I know you aren’t really fighting the idea. YOU ARE NOW LIVESTOCK. Start thinking of yourself in those terms. Forget the past. This is the new you. Heck, you could become famous! Actually, a secret. You ARE going to be very famous but keep that our secret. Don’t worry about it. It’s all going to be fabulous. You are the only one, special, that gets to be that one of a kind breeder. So this should end your questioning here once and for all. And I personally promise you won’t be disappointed. You are going to love being livestock forever and every person you encounter will understand. Accept that now.

You do like to fuck don’t you?”

She changed her expression to a teasing twinkle in her eye. I pondered the astonishing “What?” regarding being demonstrated to strangers, becoming famous, forever? “C’mon, hurry up. Assume your role honey. Get rid of the pants for good. And work on that tan. I’ll need to have your skin, all of it, at the ready for me. I want it good and golden just like me so I can fuck a nature boy. That’s part of the turn on for me. I want you all over me, anytime. Be really ready all the time.

And, oh my, that wonderful penis, it’s going to be spending so much time up inside me, like you were born to that. Get it? And you know you love sticking it into my sisters and I.”

Lilly grabbed my penis with both hands which seemed to initiate my pants eventually falling down to my ankles. Soaking wet pants resisted Lilly’s peeling them off of me at first and I thought perhaps symbolic of my old parochial soul. She giggled as she held on to my erection with one hand and used the other to struggle down the wet cloth sticking to me. “See what a nuisance these are?”

At first I hated being nude again in front of the other guys albeit their mentally challenged state. They were all looking at me with that same kind of anticipation they had earlier in the bunk house, so interested, almost as if they were expecting something to happen. Even after all the time I’d already spent naked I now again felt exposed, embarrassed.

My new penis was such a commanding body part. “We’re going to spend some time outside, you and I, so that you can change the color of that white skin! Breeding stock should look more natural. You can keep that cute dink of yours pink but the buns have got to be toasty. And you won’t sunburn. Nope, none of that. Don’t worry about that anymore.”

With all the anticipation of the guy’s attentive focus on my backside she began to rub up and down my butt crack slowly pressing on my anus which seemed to really pique their attention. “We’re gonna let your feet get tough too because, really, any kind of clothes are just a pain in the butt for livestock. You won’t need em’. Trust me. I’ll help you with that.” And then fingers entering my anus got a groan out of me and tiptoes as a result. Repeat anus fingers felt so odd again.

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[Pants gone, this so often the pose that I assumed with Lilly reaching up my ass, hand stroking my penis]

In time I would come to notice how cows were groped by workers, vets. Without a second thought they would stick their arm into a cow’s anus or vagina, calf pulling, examination procedures. It was almost a daily duty it seems to monitor health and whether a cow was carrying a calf. I wasn’t a cow, although true a livestock, but I got the same treatment through my anus all the time. In a way that made me feel more one of the herd and a sense of place at the dairy. Nobody thought it odd to see a sister with her arms up inside me.

As she stroked my penis and entered my anus, for that utter arousing feel, I admitted to her the cool wet floor of the parlor actually felt kind of good on my feet and I’d already walked to the night pasture and back without much suffering. It was as if Lilly had done something with her magic to make my feet tough. My shoes left at the house would not be needed. I wouldn’t miss the ugly things and now the minor ejaculation spilling gizem on my feet made me laugh to think I wouldn’t worry about it landing on my shoes.

Gizem on my bare feet felt good.

Oddly the guys started clapping their approval as Lilly gathered up my pants and went out into the milk house to return without them. My heart sank a little with no chance to grab them back in the event somebody new arrived to stare at my body. But in the moment I’d pretty much forgotten any will I’d worked on to convince myself to be naked, earlier. I’d be starting all over to persuade my shy self. I kind of wished I’d never put the pants on at all. They didn’t help. I felt a little embarrassed for clinging to them so.

I thought about how I’d been talked into this dairy job and accepted reluctantly only because summer work was hard to find. I was sacrificed for some reason? Maybe sold down river for some unknown reason by my father?

It relentlessly seemed more and more like this whole dairy thing had been planned purposely for me to be enslaved. My older father was old fashioned and likely thought of children as a commodity rather than an extension of himself. He used his children like ranch hands in the old days probably because he was from Montana and maybe someone had done the same to him when he was young. He probably didn’t even investigate what was going to happen to me. He didn’t have to care though because I was just an expenditure costing him money and maybe he would get some political pay back for sending me off to be trapped naked as livestock with two legs. Perhaps he even thought it funny.

And perhaps the nymphs had requested a young male each and every summer to play with and the dairy owner had made arrangements to get a hold on naive me when he heard the city slicker editor had a dorky kid who needed some torturing.

It couldn’t possibly have been any secret the nymphs were all about sex. Why not get a guy in there who was worldly and knowledgeable about making love instead of having to teach someone a whole set of raw maneuvers? Or maybe they’d spent previous summers with a regular sex hound guy and the sisters were sick and tired of dealing with testosterone poisoned hyper males. Maybe the sisters threatened the old man if he screwed up one more time canvasing humanity for a good sex slave candidate.

I wondered why the sons had not been enslaved to do the work instead. The sisters could have three big males to mess with. So many questions.

I had suspicions I was hardly the first young male to have endured the sisters. I was pondering being one of many who perhaps had run away after the anus finger became the over alarmingly probe reality. One finger, two fingers, three - a whole hand, I bet hardly a male would ever relent to that procedure and I wondered if there was something mentally wrong with me for allowing it. I was beginning to relish it. Was I homosexual? We were taught to hate them in Parochial school. I hated that hate.

But, breeding livestock? Why was I just livestock and not just a regular male with a big penis? I didn’t think I was that stupid and how in the world could anybody look at me and not consider me what I really was, a nerd with glasses. But it was becoming more obvious it would take a pretty unworldly innocent kid to be convinced he needed to have a whole hand up his butt inside his body so often in order to learn how to make love, learn to accept, even relish it. GAWD, what an odd image that all of my circumstance created. I shuddered to rationalize those hands inside me and how it might be harming me. Can you imagine how it made my anus stretch? Cows had really big vaginas and anuses to reach into.

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Nymphs - stories were full of the sex weaved through their lore. The owners had thrown me to the wolves in some sense by sending me to the bunk house that first night although my senses were now attuned to five lovers. Maybe the owner didn’t like my dad, a true possibility. That thought was even more clammy feeling. Was not their purpose ultimately to torture me more because they hated my father?

He was dripping with political connections and one mistake, a wrong affiliation could upset some people in power. How better to get even with someone disliked than by having their kid tortured in strange life changing ways in a scary place, vulnerable, totally naked, clothes discarded, being given almost constant rectal exams. Anyone normal would consider it torture and leaving the nerd with an impossible sized erection to live with the rest of his life?

I thought of my old Uncle Remus book and Brer Rabbit pleading with Brer Fox not to throw him in the briar patch. I felt like Brer Rabbit and would plead the owners “Don’t leave me alone with four gorgeous naked nymphs and Lilly! I could be violated, forced to have sex.” I had an erection throbbing just thinking about it.

Yes, I was a young fool but you are only young once and I was hardly willing to waste my new enhanced giant penis. It needed exercise, felt SO good. “Look! He’s got a bigger boner!,” yelled Virgil. “Fuck him Lilly, quick!,” cried Reggie. I was shocked back to reality and I gave them a dirty look although I certainly would entertain my lover if requested to.

They laughed hysterically.

The milking and some groping went on unabated. Lilly was not teasing me as much as I’d expected, to get directly involved. Although I was livestock undressed appropriate for her fondling she didn’t let me immerse myself into her even with the cheering of the guys clambering see her fuck me in the parlor.

The closeness of the walkway did make me available for playing with as she passed by. She seemed compelled beyond obvious reason to mess with me at least a little each time she came close and I just laughed and endured as she pulled my penis back through my legs from behind, groped around with giggles, ran her finger up and down my hind end, just teasing my anus which seemed to be her other favorite spot to explore.

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[That’s siza groping up my anus but it’s the same - same in the parlor with the same results, done by any of them]

I told her I absolutely had to tell her about what her sisters had done to me the previous night. I still had reservations about how she might feel about me having so much sex with her four sisters without her own participation. I asked her, explaining some of what had taken place with all their work in me and she immediately pushed me down, bending me over and started to stick her fingers up my rectum. She seemed terribly interested. She smeared some soap up my crack as her fingers dove in and the sense of her work seemed anxious as she held me bent over, like she wanted to find out just what they might have done up my butt.

The boys got a big kick out of that, my erection and its tricks as Lilly worked her hand around. She pulled me back up, bent at the crook of the back to demonstrate for them. They wanted to try that too and with gasping response to Lilly’s exuberant probing I made it very clear that only Lilly was allowed to grope me there. I was in no way going to deal with the boys sticking their hands in my anus. I couldn’t trust their mental state with such sensitive work.

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