Black List VI: From the Ashes - Cover

Black List VI: From the Ashes

Copyright© 2019 by Armera Llsehi


Science Fiction Sex Story: Prologue - The events leading up to the finale with the Goji and the Sura are coming to a close. With old and new enemies at their door, the TDF and the Black List face odds and obstacles not on their sides. Who will come out the winner? Will the world be safe or will it fall into the hands of its enemies?

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Fiction   Military   Science Fiction   Paranormal   Demons   Anal Sex   Oral Sex   Violence  

The Amazon, three weeks ago...

Warrant Officer Katie Matthews sits perched high in a durian tree overlooking the hidden installation. Below, the remainder of her team slithers through the jungle floor’s undergrowth. The installation itself is covered almost completely, looking like the jungle is attempting to retake the land from those that built the facility. Matthews peers through her scope at the building, ignoring the drops of sweat that continue to pour down her face. The facility appears to be empty despite what intelligence claimed.

“Matthews?” her commander’s voice comes over her earpiece.

“Go ahead, Nash,” she answers in a near whisper.

“Approaching just underneath you.”

“Copy that,” she says not dropping her eye from scope. “So far you are in the clear. I’m not picking up any movement or sentries.”

“Hang tight and watch our backs.”

Matthews draws back to scan the line Nash and the others plan to take into the facility. When she is certain it’s still clear she whips back up the line to the facility and scans left to right for the sixth time and still wondering why there is lack of any activity.

Petty Officer Jared Bridges slides up next to his commander as he lays at the edge of the tree line. “What’s up with this?” he whispers to Nash.

“I don’t know, but Intel said it was overflowing with soldiers,” Nash says shaking his head. “It could be they know we’re here and they plan to ambush us.”

“You really think that’s it?” Bridges asks as he looks over his shoulder at the last member of the team, Jasper Mason.

“No, not really,” Nash answers.


“You and Mason cut to the south three hundred yards then east to come up over there,” he says pointing to the base of a large tree across the clearing.

“Roger,” Bridges says with a nod. He turns and signals for Mason to follow.

As the two members snake through the overgrowth Nash switches frequencies over to Matthews. “Keep an eye out for an ambush,” he says then pauses for a moment giving Matthews an opportunity to respond.

“Do you think it’s an ambush?”

“No, but I do believe in being prepared,” he answers sternly. “And Matthews... ?”


“If it gets too crazy here, you get out.”

“Excuse me sir?”

“You heard me,” he says sounding a little irritated. “You get out of here.”

“You know I’m not leaving the team behind,” she protests.

Anger rises in Nash’s voice. “You will get the fuck out and that’s an order.” Without another word he switches back over to their regular frequency. “Bridges, Mason, let me know when you’ve reached your goal. We’ll strike together. Matthews be ready.”

Each member gives their confirmation. He knows if Matthews wishes to argue the matter further, she will wait until after the mission is over. Nash was fairly certain the mission will go without a hitch, but there is something nagging at the back of his mind and it is enough to slither in and cast just a little doubt. He pushes aside the thoughts and crawls out on his belly into the open grass toward a large fallen tree. The tree itself looks like something large had slammed into it and forced it over until the tree ripped leaving a torn stump in the ground. He sits up, pressing his back against the stump and looks around ensuring that there isn’t any movement. Once he is satisfied that there isn’t, he runs a check on his weapons and equipment.

After two minutes go by Bridges and Mason report in followed a moment later by Matthews confirming her readiness. Nash can hear the concern and frustration behind her voice, but he ignores it. He would deal with her lecture later. “Alright,” he says into his mic. “Use what cover you can. Advance in quickly and make sure you don’t get pinned down. Leave yourselves a way out. If we have to retreat we’ll meet at Rendezvous Point Alpha and wait for two hours then break to Point Beta. After that boys and girls you’ll be on your own on getting out of here.” Confirmation comes over Nash’s com. He gives a nod in Matthews’ direction and says, “Lock and load.” As Nash steps out from behind the stump, Mason and Bridges appear from the tree line. And nothing happens. Nash waves the other two men forward. “Do you see anything Matthews?” he asks into the mic.

“Nothing,” she answers.

The three men shuffle from cover to cover over the expanse of grass until they reach the front doors. Matthews continues to scan not only the facility but the tree line but doesn’t detect any movement other than the wind. “Keep on guard,” Nash orders everyone.

The jungle is filled with the noises of animals and wind; the same noises the team has listened to for the last two days. Nash hold up his hand in a fist then opens it up. Bridges and Mason separate running in opposite directions. After a five meter sprint both men drop to one knee and bring their carbines to bear on the single door.

Nash takes one more look around. “Keep those eyes open Matthews. I’m going for the door.”

A click over the earpiece confirms Matthews is ready. He steps forward cautiously waiting for an ambush to happen. When he reaches the door unhindered, he lets out a small sigh. So far, so good. He sticks his hand out for the handle slowly. Sweat pours down his face threatening to sting his eyes. His hand shakes just a little so he takes a deep breath to steady his nerves. By the time his hand collapses onto the handle the shaking is almost gone.

Before he can turn the handle, the door begins to vibrate, causing Nash to quickly release it and stutter back. The door blows off its hinges and slams into the man. He flies out with the door with a grunt through the air, landing hard on the ground with the door rolling off and away. He struggles to get up and bring his carbine around when he notices he is missing almost his entire left arm.

Chapter 1 »



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