Picnickers - F - Cover

Picnickers - F

Copyright 2011, 2012 2019, Uther Pendragon

Chapter 5: Simmertime

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 5: Simmertime - Marilyn Grant figured that any fool could see where her relationship with Andy was headed, and Marilyn wasn't a fool. It just wasn't at that stage, yet. And, then, suddenly, it was. Thursday evenings, Nov. 21 - Jan. 2

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   First  

All sorts of things could have gone wrong with Marilyn’s plans to have some privacy with Andy, but nothing did. Pete went off as he was supposed to. Mom went to the Food Depository as she was supposed to. She was bathed, dressed, made up, and perfumed when Andy rang the bell a few minutes before 10:00. After she locked the door, they had a sweet kiss. When his hands began to roam, she led him upstairs. She finally had him in her room with the door shut behind her. He kissed her while taking off her blouse and bra. She kissed him while raising his shirt. He had to take it off, himself. The tops of his hands were too high for her to reach when they were standing. He removed her shoes while she sat on the bed and he knelt before her. He reverently -- there was no other word -- removed her jeans.

“Oh, Marilyn!” Then he kissed her panties. When she reached for his belt, he dug into a pocket and removed a string of condoms. She shook her head.

“I’m on the Pill.”

“You’re sure?” Sure of what? You couldn’t mistakenly think you were taking pills every morning. She went over to her dresser and drew them out. Even from where Andy was standing, the one-month dispenser was unmistakable.

“Oh, darling!” he said.

“You weren’t the only one worried after the rainstorm.”

She passed the bed on her way to him. She’d been so careful making it, but she stripped it to the bottom sheet with a grab and one fierce pull.

“Bed,” he said.

“Bed ... and walls.” That’s what they’d been missing, a little comfort and privacy. He sat down and took off his shoes and socks. Then he took his jeans the rest of the way off. They were both down to underpants and watches. Well, she’d take off her watch, since they weren’t on a blanket in a field. She put it on the nightstand, where she always did. He watched her, and then reached over to put his beside hers. She stood with her knees between his legs, and they had a deep kiss. His hands traveled all over her while hers were content with his shoulders and back. When she cupped his cheeks in her hands, he broke the kiss and rose.

He picked her up and lay her on the bed -- a lot more comfortable than a blanket on the ground. He glanced at her face when his hands reached the waistband of her panties. She raised her hips. His gaze traveled down her body as he pulled the panties down to her legs. When her entire pussy was bare, he was staring directly at it.

“Sweet Marilyn.” He pulled the panties the rest of the way off and climbed between her legs as she spread them. She raised her knees. He kissed the insides of her thighs from her knees upward. She twisted with the excitement of those kisses, but he didn’t relent. As he got higher, licks came more frequently between his kisses. Finally, he planted a kiss on her pussy lips.

“Oh, Marilyn.” When he pushed her knees apart, she spread them as wide as she could. He used his fingers to open her outer lips. His lick on her inner ones sent heat spreading through her body. Gently, agonizingly slowly, he licked them apart. She reached down to grab his hair and pull him against her. He said something, indistinct in his position, but it sounded positive. The strokes of his tongue went further and generated more excitement each time. When they finally reached her clit, sparks flew. His mouth stayed there but his tongue was still as he slid his arms up the bed until he could reach her tits. He cupped them in his big hands with his fingers just outside her areolas. Then his tongue began another journey along her lips, even slower than the previous ones. Her hips raised to press her more firmly against his mouth.

Just as he licked her clit, both hands squeezed her nipples. It was a gentle squeeze, not hurting at all, but it sent fire through her. His tongue and his fingers kept lighting more fire in her nipples and clit. She tensed all over. Her legs straightened out and pressed down. Andy’s arms were under them, but he didn’t make any complaint. And then she couldn’t think of anything but the three sources of fire.

“Andy,” she called as the lightning struck. She convulsed. Her clit and nipples hurt, but it was such a good hurt that the lightning struck again and again. She could feel herself thrashing around, but she could only pay attention to the fire coming from her center.

Then she could feel nothing. Arms and legs were limp. All the energy she had went into gasping for breath. There were a few final tremors deep down in her center. As her hands dropped to her sides, Andy raised his head from her.

“Yeah.” She heard him, but she also felt his breath on her delta. “Marilyn, you are so ... wonderful.” It was a long time before she could answer, but he said nothing more. She could still feel each time he breathed out as it passed over her delta.

“I feel wonderful.”

“That’s ‘cause you are.” He kissed her delta again, then returned to her upper thighs. When he opened her lips with his fingers, she thought it might be too soon, but she spread her knees as widely as possible, anyway. He licked up the inside of her left inner lip almost to her clit, then the inside of her right one. Her arousal spiraled upward again.

He put what felt like two fingers into her pussy while he was licking her clit. They rubbed back and forth against the top of her channel, and she felt herself stiffen once more. The fingers were gone suddenly, then he lifted his face off her. Before she could pull him back, he was moving up her body. He was looking her in the eye, and he was at her entrance.

“Oh, Marilyn.” The blunt wedge spreading her wasn’t rubber, it was Andy. He was warmer and less slippery. As he filled her, she could sense that it was him. When she was totally filled, he kissed her hairline. “Love,” he said.

“Love.” And it was love, love of him, love of each other that they were expressing. She was trying to find the right way of saying that when he began to move. Then, she hadn’t any attention to spare for words. Her arousal spiraled upwards once more, amplifying that love. She stiffened and pushed up against his downstrokes. She saw the love expressed in his face. Then she saw nothing, only felt him filling her, emptying her, filling her again. All her muscles were tense, so tense they hurt.

Then lightning stuck.

“Andy,” she cried. She flailed her arms and legs while the rhythmic contractions of her center pulsed fire through her body.

“Darling!” He drove into her, pressing her deep into the mattress. She felt his pulses within her own.

He fell to her side pulling out as he did. He caught her right leg in his motion, and this turned her a little toward him. They lay panting as she, at least, came back from far away. Something, probably a little bit of Andy, was trickling down her ass cheek.

“I love you,” he said at last. He moved so she could get her leg back.

“You, too ... Mattresses are really more comfortable.”

“So they are, but you’re sexy in any situation.”

“Andy, you’re sweet.” She got up enough to kiss him. After a minute, he pushed her back and continued the kiss. He stroked down to her tits. For the longest time, both absolutely naked, they kept above the waist as if this had been their freshman year. When his mouth kissed down to her tits, his hand stroked down to her delta. Although she spread her legs immediately, he stopped there for a while.

“You know.” He lifted his head from her left nipple to say this. “You have the sweetest hair here. Every bit of you is pretty, but this is special.” Special or not, he left it. He stroked the outside of her pussy. When his finger went inside, his lips went to her right tit. They weren’t in a hurry. Right at the end, yeah, but they had hours to make love. Some time, she had to feed her man. Sooner or later, her bladder would call as it did at the end of dates. But neither need end this date. This expanse of time was almost a greater luxury than the bed and the walls.

He seemed to feel this, too. His kisses were sweet, but they visited her nipple only occasionally. His finger stroked into her and across her lips, but it stroked across her clit only enough to keep her in the mood. He dropped onto his side and kissed only her shoulder.

“This is sweet, isn’t it?” she asked.

“Yeah. They talk a lot about foreplay, but they don’t say much about afterplay. Wouldn’t it be great to fall asleep like this?” That would be lovely, and it would be possible if they were married. But he hadn’t said married. It’s just one of the things, privacy, bed, acceptance, that would come easier if they were married. Of course, some things, like tuition, would come harder or not at all. Still, Pete, with his saying that the married couples in church were sexless, was showing how naive he was. He might have had a few feverish scrambles in the back seat -- on the other hand, his sex experience might be limited to his own hand. In either case, he hadn’t experienced enough to see the luxuries which came with your own shared bed. She hadn’t experienced them, but she certainly could imagine them.

If Andy’s mouth only touched her occasionally, the same couldn’t be said of his finger. This was stroking one lip up almost to her clit, stroking the other lip down to its end, stroking back up. Every time it passed over her clit, she shivered. Every time it reversed course just below the clit, she ached for it to go farther. She rolled her head so she could watch his face. The next time he just missed her clit, he grinned. And she’d just been thinking how nice a guy this sadist was.

“Andy, please!” He grinned again, but the next stroke of his finger covered all of her clit. He stopped stroking for just a minute to rise up and kiss her tits nicely. Then he was kissing from one to the other and stroking her. He timed it so that he could stroke directly over her clit while he was sucking on a nipple. She tightened.

When she didn’t think her muscles could get any tighter, when her hips were swaying from side to side under his hand, he lifted his head. He looked right at her face, and then slowly down her body. The passage of his eyes was a more arousing caress than the passage of his hand would have been just then.

“Oh, Marilyn ... Oh, darling ... Come for me.” And, right then, lightning struck. His finger kept stroking, and he kept watching. Lightning struck again, and she felt fire pour out from her center to the tips of her fingers and toes. When she couldn’t take any more, she dropped. She’d been touching the mattress, but it felt like a fall from a great height.

“Oh, love,” he said, and his hand stilled. While she lay there, he cupped her pussy gently. “Sweet ... sweet ... sweet ... sweet Marilyn.” He kissed her forehead, the tip of her nose, her chin. “Darling Marilyn.” She wanted him to kiss her mouth, but she needed it to breathe. “Lovely woman ... loving woman.” He stared into her eyes.

When her breath eased, she kissed toward his face, and he bent to give her a real kiss, first lips, then tongue. When his fingers started moving, she shook her head. She covered his hand and pulled so he would cup her harder. He rested the heel of his hand on her delta and held her between the legs. The kiss went on as long as she could hold her breath. When she started exhaling, he moved his face back before kissing her chin.

“Close your eyes.” When she did, he kissed each eyelid. He kissed her forehead again, the bridge and then the tip of her nose, her lips. He fell back down flat but brought her right hand to her mouth to suck each finger. “You are so sexy, so, so, erotic.”

Someday, she’d have to find out why his giving her climaxes made her sexy. Really, wasn’t it his being sexy? Well, why not now?



“How come, when you do that to me, when you take me to a delightful, shudderingly ecstatic climax, does that make me sexy?” He waited ‘til she thought he might not answer.

“Well, they’re sexy climaxes -- ‘shudderingly ecstatic’ as somebody said. And that’s not all. You have a sexy face and a sexy body, but you definitely have sexy climaxes. And they’re even sexier on a sexy body.”

“As compared to the other climaxes you’ve seen women have?”

“Well, yes. I don’t have a great deal of experience, but, even so, I can say that your orgasms are frightfully sexy. Would another woman’s compare? Except in one way, I can only guess. But yours are special because they are Marilyn’s orgasms in response to me. No other woman, no matter how prettily she writhed, would have that. So, you’re sexy and I say so, but you’re my love, and that’s more important yet.” His compliments were lovely, but something was dripping down her ass cheeks. She sat up.

“Back in a sec,” she said. As she went toward the bathroom, a little bit of Andy was still dripping on her thighs. She just hoped none hit the carpet. She closed the door, sat on the toilet, and peed. She wiped herself, got a few squares of TP wet at the faucet, and used those to wipe herself again. Mom kept commercial douches in there, but she was afraid to use one. Mom might know how many she had.

“Want to take a turn?” she asked back in the room. Andy looked a little bashful walking naked out her door to the bathroom. Well, it was a strange place for him, and she felt a little bashful herself. She doubted that she’d been stark naked in that hallway for a dozen years.

There was a wet spot on the bed, right in the middle. Well, she’d cover it up before Mom got home. It might well dry up before Mom got home. She got in bed to the right of the spot. When Andy came back, he got in the other side. She’d been watching him walk naked, with his cock hanging down. When he was lying down, she reached for it.

“It’s a little soon,” Andy said.

“Nah. I want to see what it’s like like this. I only see it sticking out and weird.” Whatever else Andy had done in the bathroom, he’d rinsed it off. She wondered if he did that after every piss, or if it was because of the sticky stuff.

“Well, that’s really your own fault, you know. Most of the time, he doesn’t stick out. Around you, he makes a habit of it.”

“You say ‘he.’ Do you give it a name?” She’d read Lady Chatterley’s Lover. Was giving it a name what all guys did? English guys? Some guys? Lawrence’s imagination?

“No. Should I?”

“Probably not.” As far as she was concerned, this was Andy. It was just Andy in a special way. She didn’t want to have John Thomas, or Dick, or -- perish the thought -- Peter in her.

During the discussion, she’d been feeling it. It went from shorter and quite flexible to longer and firmer. It still wasn’t stiff, though.

“See, I told you it was too soon,”

“Yeah, but it’s cute.” On that comment, it seemed to get more flexible. “You guys don’t like to be cute, do you? You like it to be stiff, like a club or spear -- threatening.”

“Well, it’s two things, really. It’s a hose for getting rid of waste, and it’s a sexual organ. Seems strange to have you play with it when it’s in its sewer mode.”

“Dunno. I have two organs for feeding babies. You don’t mind seeing them.”

“Anyway, you talk about ‘you guys.’ How large a sample are you judging from?”

“Well, I’ve had guys grab my hand and pull it towards their crotch. Never when it was soft and cute.” She wasn’t going to mention Colin unless she really had to. She wasn’t going to lie -- hell! Andy knew she’d gone steady with Colin -- but she wasn’t going to bring it up.

“Well, that was impolite, but they weren’t simply passing you in the hall, were they.”

“Hell, no! They were gross, but never that gross.”

“Well, I’d suggest that at the end of a date with Marilyn, there wouldn’t be many boys with soft cocks. I’m only soft because it’s immediately post coitus, and that’s not going to last long if you keep that up.” She dropped him and reached for his face. She gave him a kiss. This time her tongue chased his. He was full of compliments. From what her friends had told her, there weren’t many high-school boys who ended a date with a soft cock when they were dating any girl.

Andy started stroking her tits. Lying down like this, he could use both hands. She, on the other hand, was holding herself up on both arms. She couldn’t touch him except with her lips. He was cupping both tits, and stroking both nipples, sort of in rhythm, but going different directions. When she needed to breathe, she left his lips and kissed all over his face.

He took over the kiss and pushed her back. He could only use one hand, but it stroked down to her pussy. She spread her legs, but he stroked her inner thighs instead of heading right to her pussy. When he kissed down toward her tits, his hand clasped the outside of her pussy. Then he parted the lips, and one finger stroked between her inner ones. She brought her legs together to increase those sensations.

He licked all around the areola, missing the nipple though she tried to shift so he’d get it. She grabbed his head with both hands and positioned it right. She could feel his laughter on her nipple.

Just when his finger stroked over her clit again, he sucked hard. She was becoming quite aroused. His finger continued the long, slow strokes, but it crossed her clit each time. When it did, he sucked again. For a while, she just lay there reveling in the sensation. Even her hands relaxed. He licked a line down her tit and up her left one to that nipple.

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