Free Magus - Cover

Free Magus

Copyright© 2019 by TechnicDragon

Chapter 7

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 7 - Nominated Best Erotic Fantasy Story 2022 -- When Seth's newly inherited manor is invaded and everyone is taken hostage, Seth does everything he can to save those he cares most about. But, can he succeed when the invaders are far more powerful and willing to do things Seth has never even conceived of much less imagined?

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Mult   Coercion   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Hermaphrodite   Fiction   Far Past   Time Travel   Ghost   Magic   Demons   Incest   Aunt   Nephew   Group Sex   Harem   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Tit-Fucking   Big Breasts   Public Sex   Size   Slow   Transformation   Violence  

Jade looked at my hand like it had grown a head of its own. “What do you mean, you can share memories?”

“I can experience your memories, even memories you’ve long forgotten. I can look for specific memories that will tell me what happened that night, and when I share them with you again, you’ll recall those memories as if they happened yesterday.”

“That’s not an easy spell to master,” she said. “I’ve known Magi who’ve tried and ended up turning their brains into mush when they failed. How do you know this?”

“As I said, it’s an innate ability.”

“So, you just do it then. You don’t cast a spell?”

I nodded. “Correct.”

She crossed her arms up under her breasts. “And if I have memories that I don’t want you to see?”

“I simply won’t look.”

She narrowed her eyes. “How can I trust you?”

“The only promise I can make is that we’ll learn what happened to you,” I said. “It’s up to you to trust me or not.”

She studied my face for a few seconds and then reached out for my hand.

I didn’t hesitate. I dove right in. Yes, I was trying to get her to trust me. No, I didn’t trust her. The first thing I looked for was any special agreement between her and Walker.

Jade stood in the doorway to a lush office. The windows gave way to the nighttime view of Chicago along two walls. It was a beautiful view with all the lights twinkling down below. Too bad Walker wasn’t impressed by it.

Walker was too busy with his assistant. The woman was pinned face down to the top of his glass-top desk while he drove himself into her relentlessly. Her slim body seemed frail compared to his muscular build and large hands. Yet she didn’t make a sound no matter how hard he slammed into her.

Jade watched for a minute, wondering if the assistant could maintain that steadfast control if she were to take Walker’s place, but then she shook the thought off as memories of previous encounters roared through her head.

Jade was pulled out of her thoughts when Walker grunted his conclusions into his assistant. When he was done, he pulled out. Jade realized that most women would undoubtedly find his size and girth impressive, maybe even painful. Sure, but he was nothing compared to her.

Without a word, Walker stood next to the desk as his assistant slipped down onto her knees in front of him and began licking him clean.

“Jade,” he said. “You’re early.”

“You said you wanted to talk, and I know how you hate to be kept waiting.”

“Indeed,” he said and then checked his Assistance’s progress. “Events are forcing me to change my timetable. I need your help in a matter that requires a practiced hand.”

“Okay, who do you want me to kill?” she asked, producing a dagger.

“Nobody, not unless I say so.”

“Then what do you want me for?”

“I understand you still haven’t found a solution to your ... problem.” He glanced down toward her crotch.

Jade narrowed her eyes. “What problem is that specifically?”

“The one that grows between your sweet thighs if you don’t get your fill often enough.” He checked himself again and then pushed the assistant aside.

Jade growled under her breath. She found it difficult to keep her secrets from Walker. She couldn’t imagine how he kept learning so much about her or anyone else. One day she would find out, and then she would be the one with the leverage to get what she wanted.

Walker strode over to a sink set between two sets of bookshelves. He grabbed a washcloth, wet it, and proceeded to clean himself while looking at Jade in the mirror. “You’re free to fuck my assistant if you want.”

His assistant, still on her knees, looked back over her shoulder at Jade. While looking her in the eyes, the assistant rose slightly and rolled her hips back, offering herself to the brunette.

While Jade enjoyed a woman in her bed occasionally, she wasn’t in the mood tonight. She looked at Walker again. “Maybe another time.”

Walker nodded in confirmation and then said, “Get dressed and get my clothes ready.”

The assistant stood up, picked up a dress from the floor, and pulled it on without bothering with panties or a bra.

“So, why did you call me here again?” Jade asked Walker.

“I need your help with a particularly delicate situation,” he said. “I am very close to acquiring various magical items that will help bring the Guild’s goals of magical freedom closer to fruition.”

“Really?” she asked. “And what delicate situation will I be handling?”

“The guardian of these magical items doesn’t know what he’s got. Most Magi wouldn’t. However, he is the only person who can access the location where the items are kept, as well as let us out once we collect them.”

“So, he needs to be ‘handled’ until we’re out?”

“As I said, it is a delicate situation. If something were to happen to him while we are collecting those items, we would be stuck in there, potentially forever.”

“Is there a way to make him conform to our wishes?”

Walker’s assistant handed him a pair of suit pants. “There is,” he said, pulling the pants on. “He’s a Magus. He won’t be alone. Anyone else there will be held hostage. So long as he does what we want, no one will be hurt.”

The idea of taking hostages didn’t bother Jade, it was the bit about no one being hurt that bothered her. From her understanding, when Walker was finished with a hostage and the people the hostage was used to influence, he killed them both. Simply so there would be no witnesses to assist Magus Ranger Blackfeather in his pursuit of Walker.

“And what about the Ranger? He always seems to find out what you’re doing, even if he never shows up in time to catch you.”

Walker smiled as he zipped up. “I’ve made arrangements to deal with him too.”

“Well, you know me. What about my fee?”

“I was hoping to offer something more precious to you than money for this job.”

“Everyone thinks they can.”

“Yes, but not everyone knows what it is you want most.” He walked toward her, measuring his words. “I know what plagues you. I know you have given up on ever finding a way to escape. And I know how to help you.” He stopped within reach, but not so close that she felt that he was invading her personal space.

“Really?” she asked derisively. “And how would that be?”

“You have a penis. It grows to ridiculous proportions every so many hour when you haven’t had sex, and only sex with that phallic monstrosity will make it go away. I’ve even heard you once killed someone with it.”

She straightened up and glared at him. “Who told you?”

“A reliable source,” he said, turning back to his assistant. “I never found out how it happened. I only understand that you’ve been ... inflicted ... ever since your awakening.”

“Dammit!” Jade screamed through gritted teeth. “I ever find out who squealed and I’ll gut them!”

Walker chuckled. “Please don’t. I would hate to lose this particular source.”

“Well, how can you help if you don’t know how it happened?”

He held out his hand and a suit jacket flew to it from his assistant’s hand. He smiled as he pulled it on and said, “You don’t necessarily have to know how something was built to take it apart.”

Jade frowned. She had spent years trying to take apart the spell that cursed her with this appendage. It wouldn’t be so bad if it were something closer to normal size, but even altering its size had been a failure. What could Walker possibly know that she hadn’t already explored? She looked up to find Walker watching her as if reading what she was thinking on her face. She frowned even harder. “What are you looking at?”

He shrugged. “Just trying to decipher whether you’re interested in my offer.”

“Oh, I’m interested,” she said. “I’m just not sure I’ll accept yet.”

“You have very little to lose,” he said. “And so much more to gain.”

“Low risk, high reward?” she said. “Okay, then, I’m in.”

“Excellent. We’ll meet here tomorrow night.

I was hoping to know what it was Walker held over Jade, and now I knew. The problem was, I couldn’t make the same offer unless I rifled through Walker’s memories to find out whether he really could resolve Jade’s problem or not, and if he could, I had to find the resolution. What little I knew about Walker suggested he had a real solution in mind, but not one to which Jade, or anyone else for that matter, would agree. Maybe, if I knew the original spell, the original cause of her problem, then I could come up with a solution to it myself and counter Walker’s offer. The two of them believed the problem started with Jade’s awakening. So, I looked there next.

Ewa woke up to a bright spring day. She didn’t have school as it was a Saturday, and she could hear singing coming from the kitchen. She knew what today was, and jumped out of bed, excited to get started. She tore through her closet, looking for the right clothes. She found her nicest panties and bra and slipped on her tightest shorts and a top that she knew no male could resist staring at. Even before she felt the first twinges of her first period, her breasts had already grown into lovely mounds of which other girls her age were jealous.

Dressed and looking forward to the day’s events, she left her room to find something to eat. She heard someone singing in the kitchen and thought her dad was already making breakfast. She loved him, but the man was a terrible cook. More than likely, she would have to throw away the blackened eggs and toast so she could make something they would both enjoy.

She was wrong.

She walked into the kitchen, found her dad tied to a dining chair, and two people slouched nearby. Ewa didn’t know either of them, but they looked vaguely familiar.

The woman, who had short, bright red hair and emerald green eyes, like a cat, smiled at Ewa and left the man’s side to saunter up to the teen. “Today is a very special day for you, young one.”

“Who are you?” Ewa asked, knowing she wouldn’t likely get an answer.

“You can call me Rose,” said the woman. “And this is Thorn.”

Ewa frowned at the two of them and then looked at her dad. “Why is he tied up?”

“Ah, your father!” Thorn said as he walked over and slapped his hands onto her dad’s shoulders. “He knew what today was. He knew what it would mean to you. He even had some cock-eyed idea of a special day lined up with some schmuck named Tyler.”

Ewa knew exactly what they were talking about. Tyler was the Magus she had agreed to help awaken her power today. “Where is Tyler? What have you done with him?” She was beginning to get angry.

Rose moved behind her and gripped Ewa’s shoulders. “Now, now, Ewa. Tyler’s fine. He’s busy with a dozen horny teenage girls. It could be a couple of days before anyone sees him again.”

“What do you want?” she growled.

Thorn smiled. “We don’t want anything. We’ve always been curious as to what’s involved in helping another magus awaken. We thought we’d invite ourselves over to find out.”

Ewa met her dad’s eyes. She needed him to let her know what to do, but he was gagged and his eyes only met hers with calm reassurance.

Thorn stepped between them, blocking Ewa’s view. “Don’t worry, darlin’. We won’t hurt him. We just need him to stay out of the way.”

Rose patted Ewa’s shoulders. “C’mon, Lamb. Let’s go to the bathroom and get you dressed up.”

Ewa reluctantly allowed Rose to lead her away. It took Rose all of ten minutes to make Ewa up. And that included finding the skimpiest clothes Ewa owned and making them look like the teen had paid for a brand-name fashion. Ewa was amazed at how stunning she looked in the mirror and could only imagine how excited Tyler would be if he saw her.

Then Rose led Ewa to her bedroom, where Thorn was waiting. He had removed his shirt and shoes but still wore his jeans. He had a lean build that was nice to look at, but something about the smile on his face ruined it. He was a lech and Rose only egged him on. “What do you think, Babe?” Rose asked while having Ewa spin so Thorn could see how her shorts cupped her cheeks.

“Oh, she’s beautiful,” he said and then gave Rose a deep, probing kiss. Ewa watched as they parted. Rose sucked on Thorn’s tongue, which turned out to be very long.

Rose released his tone, turned in his arms, and looked at Ewa. “Kiss him. Find out what it’s like to have your tonsils tickled.”

Before she could shake her head, no, Thorn snagged Ewa’s arm, pulled her to him, and pressed his lips to hers.

Something about the kiss, even the force of it, hit a nerve in Ewa. She opened up, and true to Rose’s words, Thorn’s long tongue slipped into her mouth, filling it, exploring it, and reaching for her throat. Ewa relaxed in his embrace and even pressed her lips harder to his to feel his tongue start to slide into her throat. It was dirty yet intimate, perverted yet fun, and disgusting yet mesmerizing. The ambivalence made her tense yet wet.

Thorn pulled away, and the sweet invasion of his tongue left Ewa a bit light-headed. She could feel how turned on she was. No, she couldn’t hide her nipples, they were too big, especially with the tight top she was wearing, but she could keep her knees together, to keep them from finding out just how wet she was.

“Whadja you do ... to me? “ Ewa asked, her words slurring just a bit.

“Don’t worry. It’s a little spell to help put you in the mood,” Thorn said softly.

Ewa looked up into his eyes. “You used a date rape spell?”

“Now, now, Lamb,” Rose said soothingly. “We all know how much more ready you are for your awakening than before. Isn’t it better to be ready, than to make this harder on us, as well as yourself?”

Something about that didn’t sit well with Ewa, but she couldn’t put her finger on it. Her thoughts were mixed up with her desires, most of which were focused on finding out if Thorn’s thing was as big as his tongue.

Before she could form any solid ideas or words, Thorn leaned in and kissed her again. This time, she didn’t resist. She sucked on his tongue, enjoyed the way it filled her mouth and slipped into her throat, and even moaned in disappointment when he withdrew.

Rose stood behind Ewa and whispered into her ear. “Now, imagine that tongue slipping up your thighs and into your wet pussy.”

That thought made Ewa clench her thighs together, not to keep them away from her sex, but to try to keep the fluids she felt from leaking out. She could imagine Thorn’s tongue deep inside of her and at the moment, she wanted nothing more than to throw herself back on her bed, rip off her clothes and allow it to happen.

Rose moved around next to Thorn on Ewa’s other side. “You don’t have to worry, Lamb. I want to feel it again myself.” Then she pulled her top off, revealing the fact that she wasn’t wearing a bra. Rose had big, round breasts with small nipples, but that didn’t stop Thorn from leaning down and running his tongue over her mounds and buds. Rose held his head to herself and encouraged him to suck on her nipples, which he did.

Thorn pulled back, looked at Ewa’s breasts, and said, “I want to suck on her nipples.”

Ewa felt herself smile and felt the tingle of anticipation in her nipples. They were fairly sensitive, and if his kisses were any indication, she may just wet herself with the feel of his tongue on her.

Without asking her opinion, the couple closed in on Ewa.

Something in the back of Ewa’s head told her to run, but she stood still, waiting for them to reach her. Four hands worked to pull her top off. Then one pair took care of the clasps while the other, larger hands cupped her. She filled Thorn’s hands more than Rose’s breasts had and part of her was proud of the fact.

Rose stood behind Ewa and slipped her hands up to Ewa’s shoulders, pushing off the straps for her bra, and suddenly, Thorn’s hands were holding Ewa’s bare breasts. His hands were warm, he gently squeezed her, and every movement sent jolts of electricity straight from her nipples to her pussy. She could feel herself leaking. Her thighs slipped against each other with her fluids.

“She’s amazing,” Thorn said. “Only a teen and yet so damned big already.”

Rose pressed her breasts to Ewa’s back. “Mm-hmm. I’ll wager that another part of her is big too.”

Those words confused Ewa. She had a small waist, what some called a bubble butt, and fairly skinny legs. She just couldn’t imagine what part of her Rose thought might be big.

One of Thorn’s hands slipped off her breast, caressed her trim belly, and cupped her crotch. Her shorts were small, and her panties were thin. Ewa was worried about what he would think when he found out that she had fairly soaked her shorts. For a second, the idea scared her, and she almost shook off the effects of the spell he had used.

“Oh, Babe! She’s soaking wet,” he said. “We need to get her shorts and panties off.”

Ewa felt Rose’s hands slip down, around her waist, and reach for the button of her shorts. It came loose, and those hands unzipped her shorts. The material was pushed down, but her knees were locked together.

“It’s okay, Ewa,” Rose whispered in her ear. “We don’t want to hurt you. We want to make you feel good. Wearing wet clothes can’t feel good, so why not take them off?”

Ewa agreed. Her shorts and panties were becoming uncomfortable. She stepped out of her shorts and those same hands pushed away her panties. She was suddenly standing between these two strangers completely naked, and though she distantly felt the urge to run, she simply couldn’t bring herself to do so.

Thorn’s hand gently caressed her pussy. It felt good having someone else touch her, and he seemed to know exactly where and how to touch her. He didn’t shove his fingers inside of her, but he caressed and stroked her everywhere she needed it.

Without a word, he pulled his hand away. Ewa looked up to find out why and watched as he licked her juices off his fingers. He locked eyes with Ewa, but said to Rose, “She tastes fantastic.”

“Wouldn’t you love to let him get a direct taste?” Rose whispered in her ear.

Ewa was delighted to know they weren’t horrified by her leakage, and happily nodded to Rose’s query.

Rose stepped back, leading Ewa away from Thorn. “Here,” she said. “Lie down. Thorn will have much better access, and you’ll love the feel of his tongue.”

Ewa performed as instructed. She laid back on her bed and her legs naturally spread apart in anticipation of what it was going to feel like.

Thorn was gentle but direct. He cleaned up her skin first, working his way around her sex, and then zeroed in on her clit.

Ewa squealed in response, clamping her thighs together against his head and gripping his hair with her hands. The pleasure was intense and sudden, but her reaction didn’t slow Thorn in the least. If anything, he doubled his efforts by gripping her hips and using more of his mouth on her. His tongue even slithered down and slipped into her. Ewa thought she would lose her mind as one orgasm after another rolled over her.

Ewa, never having previously experienced such rapture, passed out.

She awoke sometime later with Rose laying naked on her right side, and Thorn, also naked, on her left side. Thorn was up on one elbow and leaning over Ewa, sucking on a nipple while groping her other breast. Rose was watching him with a smile on her face that suggested this was exactly what she had hoped for.

Ewa also felt movement along her pelvic area. If she was right, Rose was stroking Thorn’s erection along Ewa’s skin. Ewa could feel how hard and hot he was. He was as ready as a man could be, but Ewa wasn’t feeling the effects of his spells anymore. She was still horny, but not quite so willing to continue.

“Thorn,” Rose said. “She’s back.”

Thorn released Ewa’s nipple and smiled up at her. “You scared me for a second. I thought I went too far.”

Ewa shook her head. “No, but I think I’ve had enough.”

“Oh, Ewa,” Rose said. “You’ve had a big, beautiful orgasm. Aren’t we entitled to one each as well?”

Ewa didn’t like it. She was still troubled by the fact that these two had forced this to happen, but the thrumming of her body told her she wasn’t ready to call this quits just yet. Besides, if these two really could awaken her power, it would make the entire situation tolerable. “Fine,” she said. “What next?”

Rose smiled. “Well, you were expecting Tyler to help you with your awakening. Sex is involved.”

Ewa looked over at Thorn, still up on his elbow, and then she looked down at where Rose was stroking his erection along her skin. Ewa had experimented with brush handles, but Thorn was a lot bigger than anything she had used. The couple must have anticipated her reaction.

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