Free Magus - Cover

Free Magus

Copyright© 2019 by TechnicDragon

Chapter 5

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Nominated Best Erotic Fantasy Story 2022 -- When Seth's newly inherited manor is invaded and everyone is taken hostage, Seth does everything he can to save those he cares most about. But, can he succeed when the invaders are far more powerful and willing to do things Seth has never even conceived of much less imagined?

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Mult   Coercion   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Hermaphrodite   Fiction   Far Past   Time Travel   Ghost   Magic   Demons   Incest   Aunt   Nephew   Group Sex   Harem   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Tit-Fucking   Big Breasts   Public Sex   Size   Slow   Transformation   Violence  

A loop is a curve that bends around and crosses itself. I was caught in a loop. Worse, it was a loop in time. I was in desperate need to feed my power, and the only person currently available was my great-great-great-great-great-great grandmother, Abigail Rosenbaum. Not only was she one of my ancestors, but she was also supposed to be the Magus who created Rho, and it didn’t seem as if she had done that yet. Worse, Rho also pointed out that Abigail didn’t have the magical reservoir that I had, which made her more banal than Magus. Yes, she could help me recharge, but I could also make her pregnant, thus completing the cliché of being my own grandfather.

With so many doubts and questions rattling around in my head, I left the tent to go clean myself in the river as Abigail suggested, but unlike Abigail, I kept my pajama pants on.

I spotted her almost instantly. She sat on a large rock next to the river with her legs stretched out in front of her and her unfettered breasts proudly jutting out on her chest. In the soft moonlight, she was a sight to behold. I stood next to the tent while several thoughts went through my head in quick succession.

At first, I thought she was sitting on the rock to avoid submerging in the water because it was too cold. It was a perfectly logical reason. Yet, somehow, I knew she wasn’t sitting there to avoid icy water. She wanted this. She wanted me to see her in the moonlight, exactly like this.

I felt a single strong pulse thrum throughout my body. This wasn’t just the beat of my heart, but something much stronger, something tied to my emotions. Something to do with my need to feed my magic.

I no longer saw a young woman sitting on a rock to avoid the icy cold water of the river. No, she was a sexy lady of the night, ready for what I offered, and waiting for me to offer it. She hadn’t changed her sitting position or done anything to indicate she was ready for sex. My perspective was filtered by my need.

Yes, I stumbled back in time. The bonds that connected me to all my Fonti and Stirpi were strained at the least and completely severed at worst. Either way, I couldn’t feed my power through them. And standing there, drinking in the sight before me, I felt exactly what everyone had described when it came to knowing that my reservoir was starting to run low: the urge to have sex with anyone I saw. I wasn’t worried about my relationship with Abigail anymore. It would be a small miracle if she wasn’t pregnant by the time I was finished with her.

Abigail looked my way and smiled.

It didn’t bother me that I was sporting the biggest erection of my life, or that I was still wearing my pajama pants which made a massive tent while trying to restrain me. Some small voice in my head shouted out the suggestion to run off and hide in the woods or to duck back into the tent and find something suitably heavy with which to cover myself, but I ignored it.

She waved me over, inviting me closer to her.

I wanted to run to her side, but instead, I maintained my dignity and strolled over to her.

Abigail smiled up at me. “You seem to be in a better mood.” Then her eyes dropped to the tent I was pitching. “Are you that attached to your trousers, or do you not feel the need to clean up?”

My pajama pants were my last line of self-control. If I removed them, then there would be nothing to stop me from doing what she wanted. However, since I was already convinced that Abigail could help me recharge, I bent over, pushing them down my legs and stepping out of them. When I stood up again, Abigail made no effort in hiding her interest in seeing what had been holding up my tent.

She reached out and ran wet fingers along my length. It was so hard that she barely moved me. Then she wrapped her hand around me and pulled me toward her. “This can’t be real,” she murmured.

I stood over her as she examined me. I had been told many times that I was exceptionally gifted in this particular area, but no one I had ever had sex with had taken so long to examine me due to my size. “Wouldn’t this be easier in the tent, by the fire?” I asked in a low, suggestive tone.

Abigail looked up with wide eyes and a slight pant to her breathing. “I ... yes, it would. You need to clean up first.”

I held up a single finger, “That is easy,” I said and then performed the cleaning spell on both of us. I even used the ‘splash’ effect so she knew she had been hit with it too.

She looked up amazed that she was perfectly dry after feeling as though I had hit her with a bucket of warm water. “How can you cast so many spells without first gathering energy from sex?”

I smiled and held out my hand to help her up. “Come with me and I’ll explain.”

She took my hand and we returned to the tent.

The fire had filled the tent with heat and Abigail led me over to a pile of furs I hadn’t previously noticed. “Lay down here,” she said, and I complied. My erection stood up straight like a flagpole.

Abigail couldn’t take her eyes off me. She stepped over me, and then eased down, sitting on my legs. My erection stood up between her thighs and she moved up close so that her belly pressed against me.

She held me in place with both hands and looked into my eyes. “You are enormous.”

I looked down at where she held me. I reached well past her navel. “I’ve never had any complaints,” I said. “But if you don’t want to do this...”

She reached out and slapped my chest. “I never said that I didn’t want to. You just need to take it easy.”

I smiled. “I am in no mood to take it easy, but so you can become accustomed to me, why not control how we start?”

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“You’re halfway there. Simply rise up on your knees, place me at your entrance, and then ease down, taking me in as fast and deep as you want.”

She looked down at me again. I could tell she had never considered being on top before. Given the century, very few women had probably ever considered it. She looked up again. “Are you sure you want to give up that kind of control?”

I smiled. “As long as you’re enjoying yourself, so will I.”

She smiled in return, stood up on her knees, put me in place, and then eased down. She was tight, but I squeezed inside and continued as she allowed gravity to pull her down onto me.

Her smile quickly turned into an expression of surprise and then pleasure. She stopped about halfway down my length and leaned over, planting her hands on my chest for support. She didn’t say a word, but I could feel her squeezing me before she continued her descent.

It took a little encouragement on my part, but she finally settled her cheeks on me. For a moment, she sat there, allowing herself to get used to the sensation. “You are so deep,” she said, mostly under her breath.

With a few more suggestions, Abigail began to enjoy everything stuffed inside her. She rolled her hips, rocked her hips, and bounced on top of me. She hit several small orgasms just riding me, but it was when she decided to change positions and allow me to control the depth and thrust that she hit her first big orgasm.

I held off, using every technique I learned to maintain what little control remained for me. There was just something about the way she stretched out before me that sent me off in the direction of no control.

Abigail seemed to understand what was happening. She reached for me, pulled me over her, and wrapped me up with her arms and legs. I held onto her too, knowing I should pull out soon. Well, I believed that right up until she said the two words that sent me careening over the edge: “In me.”

I felt somewhat detached as I thrust into her with all I had just before white heat washed over me. Except for my sense of touch, all my other senses seemed to shut down or only pick up white noise. I saw nothing but white. I could only hear a steady ringing. I didn’t smell or taste anything. Yet, I felt every inch of me and how I pulsed inside of her as I pumped out what felt like gallons of sperm. Most of my body was tensed up as if a light electrical current passed through me. And when my orgasm finally subsided, everything shifted back to normal.

I sat up enough to look into Abigail’s eyes. I could tell that I wasn’t finished, not by a long shot.

Abigail wiggled under me. “It seems you’re not quite finished.” Then she thrust up at me, squeezing me at the same time. “Good.”

I felt myself smile at her and then lost all conscious thought and control.

I don’t know what woke me exactly. It could have been the sun shining outside, but only a sliver of light made it into the tent. It could have been the chill of the morning air. The fire had burned down to a few embers. It could have been the rumble of my belly from not having eaten in a day or so.

Abigail snuggled in close to me.

Instinctively, I held her to me. I recalled some of what happened throughout the night. I knew I needed to recharge, but to me, I took advantage of what Abigail offered. What was wrong with me? Worse, between the memories and the feel of Abigail’s skin pressed to mine, I was growing a new erection.

I slipped out from under her and moved around the inside of the tent. I could feel where our mixed fluids had dried. I remembered leaving my pajama pants next to the river without any concern as to what I would wear today. In bits and pieces, I recalled all the sex we had. It mostly involved me being on top. Every bit of our sex had been fairly straight penis-in-vagina sex, and for every climax, I had reached, she insisted I release inside her.

I shook myself out of those thoughts when I realized that I was continuing to grow erect. I had to remain focused. Even if I did gain some energy from Abigail, it wouldn’t be as much as I would have from one of my Fonti. And, if we continued like this, there was a good chance I would hurt her. What I needed was a cold shower, and the river outside would certainly provide the cold water I needed.

I stuck my head out of the tent. It wasn’t too cold and no one was around. I stepped out onto the sandy shore and went straight for the water, holding my half-erect penis to the side so it wouldn’t flop around.

I made it to the water and spotted my pajama pants. They were in the water, caught on a fallen log about a hundred yards downstream. I looked around again, making sure I wasn’t being watched, and then summoned my pants. I caught them and set them aside so I could clean them after I finished with myself. I waded out into the water, up to my knees. This time, however, the morning light brought everything to life, and I could see down to the river bed - not to mention the fish swimming by.

I almost left the river, but if the fish could put up with me in their water, I could put up with them being so close. I squatted, did my business, and cleaned myself. The cold water helped, but only for the moment.

Rho appeared next to me in the river. Like me and Abigail, she was stark naked. Unlike either of us, she floated on her back in the water, allowing her whole body to be submerged up to her neck. Her dark hair was drawn up into a tight, yet elegant bun on top of her head. She smiled at me and then sat up on her knees. Her breasts, massive beyond anything I had seen her wear before, were capped with huge nipples that stood out solidly from the cold of the water. Her eyes glimmered with a level of excitement I had never seen in her, especially since my Rho combined with Hayden’s Rho. She smiled up at me and said, “Wow! This is refreshing. I take it you needed to cool down this morning?”

I glanced back at the tent. I had to assume Abigail was still asleep. “Cool down? Sure, but I don’t feel much difference between now and last night.”

Rho stood up. The crystal-clear water dripped from her body in enticing ways, and the wrinkle of her nipples and areola told me just how cold she was. I wanted to warm her up, to hold her close until we were both warm and dry, but I knew what that would lead to, and if Abigail offered only minimal energy to my power, Rho offered none.

I turned and made my way out of the river. The last thing I needed was for her to get my engines going again.

Rho followed closely. “I don’t understand why. If anything, you should still be sleepy. You two had a lot of sex last night.”

I shook my head as I stooped to pick up my pajama pants. “I don’t understand why. All I know is I need more sex.”

“I wish I could help,” she said as she stopped next to me. “You know you can’t get me pregnant.” Then she smiled and added, “Unless that’s what you want.”

I took a deep breath, counted to ten, and then let it out. “What I want is to get back to my time so I don’t damage the timeline.”

Rho stepped in front of me, her hand lightly gliding over my growing erection. “I know,” she said in a tone that held no teasing. “We will return, but do you believe you’ll be able to concentrate with this...” and she gripped me, “ ... bouncing around all over the place?”

I shook my head. “No, I can’t. And I can’t seem to control the damned thing either.” Then I considered my pajama pants. I could alter them so they helped not only keep me warm but also help keep me contained.

“You’re low on juice,” she said softly. “You need to refuel before you start experimenting with those.”

“I know,” I said, “and you’d think an entire night of sex would do that.”

“She’s not one of your Fonti,” Rho said, relaxing her grip and lightly stroking me.

“Then the sooner I get back to our time, the sooner I’ll be able to take care of myself.”

“Who says she can’t?”

I frowned and looked toward the tent again. “By herself, she’s not enough. It could even be that her use of Magic limits how much energy I gain from her.”

“I don’t know,” Rho said, and then she lowered herself to her knees next to me.

I watched as she kissed the side of my shaft and her hands slid along my length. I wanted more, but I also needed to recharge. I wondered if there was another way. “What if I made Abigail my Fonte?”

Rho looked up, her lower lip dragging along my shaft. “What?”

I repeated my question while feeling the thick, soft bun of hair on her head.

“I suppose you could, to gain more energy, but what about when you leave?”

I looked up and waved my arms around. “Unless someone else, or several someones else, show up for me to have sex with, I don’t have any other options.”

Rho looked at my erection again, sat back from it, and stood up. “I suppose we should head back to where we appeared then.”

I nodded, cast the cleaning spell on my pajama pants, and went back to the tent.

Abigail was sitting on the furs in front of a freshly burning fire pit. I didn’t see any wood in the tent and I knew she hadn’t left, so I wasn’t sure how she started the new fire. Instead of worrying about that, I went to sit next to her.

As soon as I sat down, Abigail asked, “Whom were you talking to?”

I looked at her, but she continued to stare into the fire. She had a fixed, determined expression that I didn’t understand. “I talk to myself a lot,” I said. It was the go-to answer when my girls noticed me talking to Rho.

Abigail shook her head. “No, you were talking to someone. You reacted as if they were there, both in your exchange and your actions.” Then she looked at me. “Are you communicating with Hunters?”

“Hunters?” I asked. “What are Hunters?”

“Don’t be stupid. You know what hunters are, and you know they hunt more than game.”

I could tell that she was angry. Probably scared too. “I’m sorry I tried to lie to you, Abigail. You’re right. I wasn’t talking to myself, and I certainly wasn’t talking to any Hunters.”

“Then who?” she spat.

“This will be difficult to explain,” I said.

“Why?” she snapped. “Do you think me stupid? Do you think that I won’t understand just because you’re from the future?”

I shook my head. “If I’ve said anything in that way, I apologize. As for explaining my talking to someone else, that’s because the person I was talking to is not a real person in the conventional sense, but an Interactive Magical Construct.”

She frowned at me. “What?”

“I think the description may be wrong,” I said. “I am the only one who can see and hear Rho because she is bound to my magic which fuels her.”

Abigail frowned harder and shook her head.

I nodded. “Fuel, like wood is fuel for the fire. My magical energy is her fuel.”

“Okay, but how do you retain any energy after casting spells,” she asked. “I don’t know of anyone who can do that.”

“Things have changed between your time and mine,” I said. “I have what is called a Magical Reservoir. When I have sex to collect energy, the reservoir holds it until I’m ready to use it.”

She gave me the most incredulous look. “Who created that?”

I glanced at Rho. She shook her head. “I don’t know, and neither does Rho. What I do know is that it takes a tremendous amount of energy to create one.”

“Would you be able to draw enough energy from me to do that for me?” she asked.

I shook my head. “There was a Magus in my time who spent months collecting energy from a few thousand Magi, and I used a portion of that to create a moderate-level reservoir. If I had used all of that energy, I could have created maybe eight new Magi.”

Abigail blinked at me in surprise and then slumped. “I understand.”

“You could share a portion of your reservoir with her,” Rho said. “It wouldn’t even have to be a lot, as she’s not accustomed to having much at any time now.”

I blinked at her and said, “She doesn’t have a reservoir at all. It’s not like my time where I would be giving her a portion of mine.”

Rho smiled. “There’s a ritual that will allow you to share a portion of yours with her. She already knows how to collect and use magical energy.”

“Would this work for anyone?” I asked.

“No,” Rho said. “I don’t fully understand why. It may have to do with the use of energy, like when Jordan gave her entire reservoir to you during your Initiation. All she needed was a small transfer from you.”

“This isn’t going to make her my Stirpe, will it?” I asked.

“No. Besides, there are mystical phrases you will each repeat to keep something like that from happening.”

I nodded and looked at Abigail. “It turns out there is a ritual that would allow me to share part of my reservoir with you.”

“You would do that?” She asked, calming down.

I smiled. “I believe it’s a simple ritual. Besides, from my understanding, there are certain feats you accomplish later that you wouldn’t be able to without the reservoir.”

Her eyes widened as she thought about what I suggested, and then she focused on me again. “Wouldn’t sharing with me diminish you?”

I shook my head. “Sharing with you won’t hurt me in any way.”

Abigail turned to look at the fire for a moment. “How do we do this?” she asked.

I looked at Rho. “I think it might be easier if Rho explains to both of us.”

Rho smiled and said, “This could be how she came up with the idea for me.”

I nodded and then looked her over, worried that Abigail may not approve of Rho’s physical extremes. “Did you look like this when you first ... woke up?”

Rho looked at herself and shook her head. “No.”

“Then you might want to change,” I said and looked at Abigail. “Rho takes on physical traits that appeal to whomever she’s bound to.”

Abigail frowned and looked at herself. “I’m suddenly feeling inadequate.”

I wasn’t sure how to respond to that. I looked at Rho to find she had the same full figure, but her face looked different, as was her hair color and style. I blinked at her and asked, “This is what you looked like when she created you?”

“Well, I was dressed.”

“Maybe you should put on the same clothes...?”

Abigail grabbed my hand. “Seth, you and I are sitting here completely naked. I believe it would be only fair if she is allowed to be as well if she wants.”

Rho smiled and said, “I like her.”

I sighed and realized that if this worked, then I didn’t have to lie to my girls about Rho anymore. I could prove that she was real, or at least not a hallucination. Once I returned to my time, and to my home in Texas.

Rho turned around to sit with her back facing me.

“Is there something wrong?” I asked.

“You have to make adjustments to my restrictions,” she said. “One of my primary restrictions is to whom I am allowed to show myself.”

“Ah, yes,” I said. I got up on my knees and made adjustments to Rho’s collar. I lightened the restriction for now so only Abigail and I could see, hear, and feel Rho. When I was done, I sat next to Abigail again.

Abigail was smiling when she froze. Her eyes were riveted on Rho. After the initial shock, Abigail’s face softened and she said, “You’re so beautiful!”

I thought so as well, but I thought Abigail might be taken aback by Rho’s figure.

Then Abigail stood up and held out her hands to Rho, wanting her to stand too. Rho eagerly got to her feet. Abigail gushed over the construct. “You have such a voluptuous figure.” Then she withdrew a bit and said, “I’ve always wanted to look like that.”

Rho blinked and looked at me. I wasn’t sure what the look meant, and Abigail didn’t seem to notice. She had a new question, the most ironic one yet: “Who created you?”

“You did,” Rho said with a smile, “or you will.”

Abigail blinked and looked at me. “You made her say that.”

I shook my head. “I have restricted Rho from doing several things, but putting words into her mouth isn’t one of my controls.”

Abigail’s eyebrows rose and she looked at Rho again. “Why did I create you? What is your purpose?”

“I am a repository of your family’s history, and you might also call me a walking grimoire. I know every spell, incantation, ritual, and magical item your family will create or collect through the centuries.”

Abigail seemed to sway for a second and then shook it off. She looked down at me. “Centuries? My family endures for centuries?”

I shrugged. “We have dwindled a lot in the last century, to my knowledge.” Then I looked at Rho. “Unless I have any cousins out there of whom I’m not aware?”

She shook her head. “You are the only family member with whom a copy of me is bound. However, not every family member received a copy of me. You may have distant relatives somewhere.”

“Wait a minute,” Abigail said with a solemn look on her face. “I created you?” she asked, pointing at Rho. Rho nodded and Abigail continued, “And you were given a copy of Rho because you’re a member of my family?”

I nodded in turn.

Abigail didn’t move away, but she asked the question, “Did you know when we met?”

“Rho told me,” I said.

“Then last night, you were so reluctant because you and I are...?”

I nodded again.

“But what made you change your mind?”

“I’m sorry to say, desperation,” I said. “It’s a ... rule regarding the reservoir. When it gets low on energy, you will lose any control over with whom you have sex to refuel. I’ve heard stories of Magi who have completely blacked out and woken up among dozens of naked people in the aftermath of an orgy without any recollection as to how it started or what happened.”

“And this is something you can’t change?” she asked.

I shrugged. “In my time, there are laws regarding magic. They’re so strict no one remembers anything but the most rudimentary seduction and domestic spells.”

Abigail looked at Rho and smiled. “But this isn’t your time, and I have enough energy left over from last night to make myself look the way I’ve always wanted.”

She started by reaching up and running her fingers through her hair while chanting something under her breath. With each pass, her hair darkened until it had not only changed to a deep chestnut color, but had also grown longer, thicker, and developed heavy waves.

Continuing the change, she brought her hands around to her face and scrubbed at it, as if cleaning away the details she didn’t want and leaving behind the shape she desired. She looked familiar, but I couldn’t place her yet.

Abigail’s hands drew down over her neck and to her breasts. While she was, by no means, flat-chested, she was able to grope and squeeze her breasts. While she did so, they grew like two balloons filling with water. It was probably the most erotic sight I had yet to see: her breasts, bulging and filling out. They stopped at the point where one of her dainty hands could barely hold a single breast. Her nipples darkened from a soft pink that nearly blended in with her skin tone to a lush pink that matched her lips.

The changes weren’t done yet, as Abigail lowered her hands to her belly, rubbing it for several seconds but without any visible changes. Then she dropped her hands and ran them around her hips, over her buttocks, and to her thighs, all of which rounded out, giving her a fabulous hourglass figure.

Then I remembered the woman of whom she reminded me, and it wasn’t just Rho.

Rho stepped up next to her. “We could be twins.”

Both women were gorgeous, and identical, down to the flourish of pubic hair between their legs. I felt a little flustered with the two of them standing there staring down at me, especially considering both of them reminded me of Valory, only without the bottled red hair.

Rho knelt next to me and said, “Look, Abigail. I think he likes us.”

Abigail mirrored Rho on my other side and said, “I wondered if I would ever find out if the changes I made to accommodate him would prove beneficial.”

“Now, hold on a minute,” I said, but I might as well have been yelling at the wind for all the good it did.

From either side of me, the two of them placed a hand on my shoulders and pushed me back into the furs. I watched as they leaned toward my rigid phallus. I wanted to stop them and could only whimper as both sets of lips enclosed me, covering my swollen glans.

The two of them weren’t satisfied with simple kisses for long. They took turns trying to find out just how much of me they could swallow. What amazed me more than the depths they reached was the fact that their mouths felt very much the same.

After Rho passed me off to Abigail again, she sat up and looked over at me. “I think you’re ready.”

I blinked up at her, barely able to focus. “Ready for...?”

Rho smiled and said, “Abigail, why don’t you try out your changes?”

Abigail sat up, stroking me with wet hands. She looked at Rho. “You don’t think we’re pushing things?”

I was glad to hear someone else say something somewhat reasonable in this situation.

Rho waved at Abigail. “Consider what you’re doing now. Is it that much different?”

Abigail didn’t look me in the face, she looked down at her hands and what she held. Then she shrugged and said, “I suppose you’re right.” The next thing I know, she throws a leg over me like she’s climbing on a horse, only she doesn’t settle down immediately. She places me where she wants me and then eases down, taking me to the hilt.

She wasn’t as tight as the night before. She was still snug, however, and considering she didn’t have to work me in completely, she adjusted for my length too. For a moment, she sat on me with this serene smile on her face while she squeezed and manipulated me in ways that made me squirm under her.

Rho watched for a moment as Abigail began rolling, rocking, and generally gyrating her hips to find out which felt best. I had trouble helping her with that decision because everything she did felt fantabulous!

Rho leaned over and pulled my head into her chest. A nipple found its way to my lips and I was happy to lick and suck on it as she cooed in my ear. “Now is the time to pass on a piece of your reservoir to Abigail,” she said softly. “All you have to do since she already knows the ways of magic is to chant the following several times and then blow your load deep into her.”

I nodded my understanding.

Rho hugged me closer and said, “You won’t understand the words, they’re Latin, but you must speak them precisely. I will project the pronunciation in your mind.”

Rho stopped whispering in my ear and my head, I heard words that made no sense but were spoken as clearly as a freshly rung bell. It reminded me of the times I heard voices singing spells to me, and I did my best to mimic the words. Only in this case, the words were spoken, which made the process much easier.

It didn’t take long for me to be able to properly pronounce the entire verse. After I repeated the verse twice, Rho gently pulled away and went to whisper to Abigail. Abigail apparently knew Latin and picked up on a different form of the verse. I noted how the two verses rhythmically interplayed and we spoke louder as Abigail’s inner muscles and hips moved more frantically.

Rho didn’t simply sit aside while we worked the spell. She moved around us, adjusted where we held one another and the positions of our legs, and bunched up the furs under my head so I could look up into Abigail’s eyes. Short of lying chest-to-chest, the setting was as intimate as it could be.

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