Free Magus - Cover

Free Magus

Copyright© 2019 by TechnicDragon

Chapter 10

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 10 - Nominated Best Erotic Fantasy Story 2022 -- When Seth's newly inherited manor is invaded and everyone is taken hostage, Seth does everything he can to save those he cares most about. But, can he succeed when the invaders are far more powerful and willing to do things Seth has never even conceived of much less imagined?

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Mult   Coercion   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Hermaphrodite   Fiction   Far Past   Time Travel   Ghost   Magic   Demons   Incest   Aunt   Nephew   Group Sex   Harem   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Tit-Fucking   Big Breasts   Public Sex   Size   Slow   Transformation   Violence  

Standing outside of Stacia’s house, I found the air warm and the sky sunny, just like I had seen through Stacia’s walls. There was a light breeze, but the air wasn’t too cold nor was the wind too warm. It felt like mid-to-late spring.

I followed the sidewalk to the street and looked both ways. I didn’t see anything coming and I moved to cross it. Then I noticed there wasn’t anything to drive along it. I didn’t see any cars or trucks or motorcycles. I stopped in the middle of the street, looking up and down the street, checking what looked like driveways, but there wasn’t a single car in sight. If Vixen was supposed to find me, and I was staying on the move, then how would she catch up to me? There were phones, proven by Stacia’s conversation with Vixen. Even if someone called Vixen to let her know where I was, I could easily be gone before she arrived. I understood that she would know the town better than me, but by staying on the move, I would take an erratic path to throw off my would-be pursuer, which would throw off Vixen too.

As for not spotting any cars, I could be wrong about that. It could be that no one on this street had cars, which was odd, but not impossible. It could even be because of the rules governing the design of the pocket dimension. No Cars. Why? I didn’t know. Maybe the creator of the pocket dimension didn’t know what cars were. But then, if they didn’t know what cars were, why were there modern-looking roads and sidewalks? It made no sense.

I shook my head, deciding it was an issue I could work around rather than lose my mind over. Then I looked in both directions along the street, trying to decide which way would be safe.

I heard the door behind me and turned to see Stacia coming out. She stopped at the end of her sidewalk, staying off the road.

“Where did Vixen say the last reports of Ruby occurred?” I asked.

She looked to her right and nodded. “Off toward the center of town. But, Seth...”

I shook my head and looked that way.

“What are you planning on doing?” she asked.

“If it’s just her, and her boss is nowhere to be seen, then I could take her down,” I said, almost talking to myself – almost convinced of my own words.

“Take her down? What? Why?” she asked. “What are you thinking?”

I considered her questions, and quickly, mentally answered, “Yes”, “Quickly”, “Because she would do the same to me”, and “I’m thinking of possible spells I could use” respectively. Normally, I would have pulled on Greta and Michael’s fighting skills. However, now that I thought about it, really focused on the pair, I realized I couldn’t feel them, couldn’t see either of them. It seemed the pocket dimension not only cut me off from the power they provided, but from the skills, I got from them too. I shook my head at Stacia’s questions. “I don’t know, yet. I believe I need to recharge more first.”

She frowned. “If she was some lunatic terrorizing town to find you, wouldn’t it be better to hide where she doesn’t know to find you rather than go out and risk running into her?”

There was logic to that question, and while I didn’t know what Ruby was capable of, magically speaking, I couldn’t risk letting her find me here, with Stacia. There was no telling what the redhead would do to force me to comply. I had to leave, and I couldn’t explain it to Stacia so she understood.

I finished crossing the street, not answering Stacia. I didn’t like the idea of letting her think I was bonkers, but it was better than allowing her to be in danger on my behalf. In turn, Stacia spun on her heel and strode back into her house. I watched her go, unable to ignore the sway of her hips and the way her skirt fit her ass. With another heavy sigh, I turned back to face the direction Ruby had last been seen. That was toward the center of town. I shook my head. I wasn’t ready to face her. I needed to recharge. I also had to come up with a plan. Avoiding her in the meantime should be easy. I started down the street in the opposite direction.

Further down the street, I turned the corner and spied something I never would see back home. Two women were walking along the sidewalk in the opposite direction. That wasn’t so strange. The strange part was their attire. One woman was dressed in shorts, a tank top, sandals, and a wide-brimmed hat. The other woman wore a matching hat and a pair of elevated spiked heels, but not a stitch of clothing otherwise. Surprisingly, both women were large-chested, much like Stacia and Bethany.

I had stopped and stared for too long. They stopped too, giggled together, and waved at me.

Realizing that I probably looked like a drooling idiot. I shook my head, smiled, and waved politely. I turned and jogged past them, continuing down the sidewalk.

Didn’t Stacia call this town Boobtopia?

I shook off the thought. I was already going to have enough problems navigating town while trying to stay off of Ruby’s radar. Unfortunately for my libido, several residents were enjoying the beautiful weather too. Those who were walking along the street or sidewalks didn’t seem to be in any hurry, and other than the woman in the tank top, nobody seemed to care to dress completely. Nudity was a common theme but several women were dressed partially in summer attire. Everyone was determined to show off skin, making this both the strangest and most appealing place I had ever been.

The lack of attire also pointed out the fact that I had yet to spot a single man, boy, or male of any age. On top of that detail, all of the women had large breasts of all sorts and shapes. It was distracting. I knew I needed to recharge my power, but I felt I was still too close to Stacia’s house. And if this were a nice, casual visit, I would certainly enjoy spending some time here, getting to know the inhabitants.

I reached an intersection and on the opposite corner, there was a park. I crossed the intersection toward the park. Still not seeing anything with wheels, I took a closer look at the few occupants of the playground.

A huge gazebo stood in the center, and several collections of playground equipment took up the corners of the park. At the closest set, there was a tall set of swings, a massive slide, several seesaws, a few of those fake ponies on springs, and a splash pool. There weren’t any children around, and all of the equipment was sized for and used by adults. Again, all the adults were well-endowed women.

For a moment, I stood there, watching huge boobs floating as a woman on the swings reached the apex where gravity seems to disappear for a second. Enormous tits bounced as two women laughed while riding a huge seesaw. Several sets of bulging wet breasts reflected sunlight shining down on the women in the wading pool.

It was only when one of the nearby women cried, “Hey!”, that I was startled out of my reverie.

The woman in question, a dark blonde, stood, staring my way. She wore a pair of very short, very tight shorts, as well as tennis shoes and short socks, but that was it. Her large breasts jiggled wonderfully as she stood up from the bottom of the slide.

Her cry caught more than just my attention. Several other women heard her and noticed where she was looking. They looked in the same direction and caught sight of me.

For several weeks, I had been afraid that my girls, tired of having to put up with the rotation they were on to spend time in bed with me, would decide to tie me to the bed and simply have their way with me, one after another, after another. I have always suspected that it would be an agonizing, and yet, amazing way to die.

Looking around at the women looking at me from the playground, I had a sinking feeling that I was about to find out just what that death would be like.

More and more faces turned my way. A couple of the women climbed off their chosen apparatus and started my way. Were they that desperate for attention, or was something else going on?

I turned from the park, feeling a little turned around and spotted a line of trees behind the nearest houses. It looked like woods that led away from town. It was just what I needed.

I took off across the street, past the houses, and across the field. When I reached the tree line, I turned to find that only a few women had reached the field, and among those, only a couple were continuing their pursuit. Well, if they were determined enough, they would have to follow me through the woods to catch me.

At first, this course was merely meant to put distance between me and my pursuers from the park, but it ended up taking me deeper into the woods than I had expected. If anything, that was good. Ruby might search the streets and houses and never find me. I doubted she would even consider looking in the woods.

After snagging my jeans on a fallen branch for the third time, I decided to use my Armor spell to protect my clothes from getting torn up. I struggled past shrubs, climbed over a couple of fallen tree trunks, and squeezed past some densely packed trees before I spotted what appeared to be a clearing and headed that way. I came out facing more houses similar to what I left behind. My first thought was that I had gone in a big circle and looked out at the street intersection, but the park was missing. I had come out to a different part of town.

I wasn’t sure that I had left town, but there could be a possibility. I dropped my armor and walked up to the backyard of one house. It had a large, in-ground pool, but not a privacy fence. The house itself, however, looked just like Stacia’s house, with glass walls and ultra-modern design.

A woman was in the pool, swimming laps. She came up at my end, took a deep breath, and shot off toward the other end. She had been wearing goggles, so I wasn’t sure she had even seen me. I also assumed she was exercising and would be wearing a swimsuit. I didn’t need more stimulus without some form of release.

I sped up my step to the other end of the pool, thinking of what to say so I wouldn’t scare her.

She came up, spun, and sat on the edge of the pool with her back to me all in one, fluid motion as if she practiced that move every day. She pulled her hair over one shoulder to ring out, which left her back bare. There was no sign of a swimsuit. Her back was flawless, and she had a beautiful, even tan. As I stood there studying the details of her body, a part of my brain - the part that knew I needed to keep moving - lost a lot of influence as my hormones took over. I found myself stepping closer to her and stopped before I could reach her.

She never jumped or acted as if there was a problem. She simply turned and smiled up at me. She pulled her goggles off in one practiced motion, and asked, “Care for a dip?”

I blinked at her and by some amazing force of will, formulated an articulate question that had more to do with my plight than with what my baser urges were growling. “Where am I?”

She smiled and leaned back on her arms as she looked up at me.

Looking down, over her shoulder, I could have never missed the shameless display of her full breasts and hard nipples.

I almost missed her answer, however. “You’re in Boobtopia.”

I blinked, shook my head, and focused on her eyes. It took a lot more effort than was pretty to maintain eye contact. “I ... I thought I had made it out of Boobtopia.”

Her smile widened and she cupped one of her own breasts. It was huge and more than filled her hand. “Our boobs aren’t the only big things here,” she said, and then her eyes dropped to my pants.

It took a lot of effort to tear my eyes off her big, wet, pointing tits again. I looked her in the eyes and asked, “Which way is the center of town?”

She pointed with a thumb over her shoulder, which made her impressive breasts jiggle wonderfully.

I had to force myself to look her in the eyes again when I asked, “Which way is Stacia’s house?”

“Stacia?” she asked in return with a puzzled expression, and then shook her head slowly. “Why would you need her?” she asked, turning further to the side. “I have everything you need right here,” she said, and raised a leg out of the pool, relaxing it on the concrete. Her sculpted thighs were spread wide, which left her crotch exposed for my eyes to soak in as much as I wanted.

I had suspected that she was completely naked, but this only confirmed it. Part of me screamed to back away, to turn and continue running, to put more distance between me and Ruby, but another part, the part that gained support from my power simply said, “You may need more energy to fight her off should she catch up to you. This may be your last chance to get more energy.”

As I stood there debating running or giving in to my baser urges, this sexy pool goddess looked me over and said, “So, do you want to keep your clothes dry, or would you rather wait for my dryer to take care of them?”

I knew I couldn’t wait around for a dryer to take care of my clothes. I grabbed the tail of my shirt, pulled it off, and found her hands on my pants, unzipping them. I kicked off my sandals and she jerked my pants down my legs. I caught myself when I tripped and finished kicking off my pants while she laughed and leaned over me, her lips finding mine.

We wrestled around for a moment, lips locked and her hot, wet body sliding along my own. When we stopped and broke our kiss for air, she was on top again. She grinned a feral grin at me, that reminded me of the women chasing me earlier, then she slid back, grabbed me, and pulled me into her mouth. She made soft humming sounds as if she were eating something that melted in her mouth and made her tongue very happy. I wasn’t sure I tasted that good, but if she was happy, I wasn’t going to argue.

With her doing everything short of doing a handstand to use her body weight to force me into her throat, I suddenly felt calm enough to have a single rational thought: I couldn’t stay here with her for more than a few minutes. Fortunately, I was so excited that I didn’t even last a minute. I doubt I even lasted thirty seconds. White heat blazed through me and out into her mouth.

When I could see again, I found us in the pool - at least partially. She was leaning on the concrete with her legs in the water, and I stood behind her in the pool, holding her hips and hammering my way into her, causing water to splash this way and that, with our slapping bodies.

She arched her back, pressed her slick, supple ass back against me, and whimpered as I slammed into her.

Between the feel of her skin, the slick reflection of sunlight on her back and buns, the sounds of her voice, the scent of the tan oil she must have put on before I arrived (and why would she put on tanning oil before swimming laps?) and the urgent thrust of her hips, we didn’t last more than five minutes.

Once again, I felt blind, deaf, and dumb as I poured what felt like gallons of semen into this lovely creature.

I pulled back, and had to catch her as she slipped down into the pool. She turned in my arms and hooked her hands behind my neck. Our slick bodies rubbed along each other, and I was quickly ready for another round.

“Let’s lie down for a moment,” she whispered in my ear, and I led her out of the pool to a lounge chair nearby.

We collapsed onto the chair, holding onto one another so neither fell to the concrete. Much like with Stacia, I wanted more. I wanted this woman in ways I didn’t fully understand. She was gorgeous and happily squirmed against me like a giddy teen finally experiencing the lurid, enigmatic understandings of physical love. In a way, I felt that too. It was almost like being bound to a new Fonte.

We lie there, intertwined about one another, kissing and groping, as if we were just getting started. She broke our kiss and stared into my eyes. “I could stay here all night,” she said. “So long as you stayed with me.”

For a moment, I stared into her eyes. She was such an exotic creature that I couldn’t believe that she wanted me as she did. It was once again more like I had my fetish with me again, or some other magical trinket that made women desire me far beyond what their normal sensibilities would allow. I shouldn’t even be on this woman’s radar - other than to shoo me out of her yard for daring to get close to her. Yet, here we were with her arms and a single, long, tanned, and toned leg thrown over me in a very possessive gesture. And, for what I was about to say and do, I felt like an idiot. I sighed and shook my head. “I can’t stay. I have to keep moving.”

She pouted, thrusting out her lower lip. Damn, I wanted to suck on it and find a way to watch as she used it on me again. The expression didn’t reach her eyes, however, as she asked, “Why?”

I knew it was probably pointless to say, much less expect her to understand, but I said, “The less you know, the better.” And then I sat up.

She let me rise to a sitting position, but she shifted her shoulders, putting her large, round breasts on display “I know you’re a Magus,” she said in a low, sultry tone as if it wasn’t news. She watched for my reaction, noted that I didn’t have one, and ran her hands up and down my arms. A new expression filled her eyes. I would have called it pain, but something told me it was more like desperation. “Why can’t you put up defenses that would hide you?” She asked, her words rushed.

“This place, this town, is already supposed to be a place of hiding,” I said, not sure I could help her to understand. “But the person looking for me is here too. She’s dangerous, and a Magus, with more experience than me.”

She sat up and ran a finger down my chin and over my chest while looking into my eyes. “Fair enough,” she said. “I won’t ask questions, and I’ll let you go, but you have to do one thing for me first.”

I thought I had an idea of what that might be, and expected to have to deny her request.

She leaned into me, pressing her body into mine. I felt the heated tips of her wonderful breasts against my skin and couldn’t have stopped my body from responding even if I had wanted to. She pressed her cheek to mine, which placed her lips close to my ear. “Clean my pool,” she whispered.

I was confused for a moment but then I looked over at the crystal-clear water to see something floating in it. I chuckled, hugged her, and nodded.

After cleaning her pool, which only took a modified version of my cleaning spell, and pulling on my few clothes and sandals again, I kissed her. When we broke for air, I took in the exotic shape of her eyes, the lovely shape of her lips, and the subtle shapes of her nose. She was so beautiful, so sexy, so incredible, I had allowed my hormones to control most of my actions and decisions ever since she hopped up out of the pool. There was one detail, however, that I had forgotten to ask for. “By the way, what’s your name?” I asked, grinning like an idiot.

She smiled at me and said, “You can call me Louisa.”

To show my appreciation, I pressed my lips to hers and engaged in another tongue-tangled kiss. My hormones roared for more sex, but I fought them down, pulled back, and said, “Hi, Louisa. I’m Seth.” Then I gently pulled from her, stood up, and headed out for the street. I spun around, taking one last look at the tanned beauty, waved, and then went around the corner of her house.

I felt better, both for the break and the sex, but I also knew that it would be a short-lived relief. I needed a place to hide. Somewhere where Ruby wouldn’t find me too quickly, where I could find a few women willing to help me, and where I could do something more than have a quickie.

The woods I left before meeting Louisa must have acted as a natural barrier between the two neighborhoods. However, the houses here looked just as big, new, and expensive as the ones I left behind. My best bet, to get away from Ruby, would be to leave the pocket dimension. My instincts told me that I had to find a way out of town to do that, and the fastest way out of town would be to drive. I needed a vehicle.

I continued along the streets, past the houses, and through more parks where more women were drawn to me. It felt like I was going through my Initiation or was wearing my fetish again, but I knew both were wrong. It had to be the rules of the pocket dimension. If I was low on power, women - or whomever I was attracted to - would throw themselves at me.

I spun around in a circle, trying to gain my bearings. The sun was starting to go down, and it finally occurred to me that I should have been using the sun all along to guide my way.

I took off toward the setting sun. I ran past giant houses that were all starting to look the same to me. I passed the residents and wasn’t affected so strongly by their outlandish styles or lack of attire. I also gave up on the notion of borrowing by way of stealing a car, truck, motorcycle, or even bicycle. I never saw any form of transportation.

I reached the end of the neighborhood, walking out into a lush, grassy field. The sun had dropped below the tree line in front of me. No one followed me. I didn’t see any sign of Ruby, Jade, Walker, or even my mom.

I slowed down enough to think. I remembered the things I learned from Rho about this place. I needed to recharge, and the inhabitants were keenly willing, but if I was honest with myself, I needed a plan to deal with Walker and his people. The time dilation of this place suggested I had plenty of time to not only recharge but come up with a plan to thwart Walker. The only problem, which kept me on the move, was the fact that Ruby was looking for me.

But, how did she know I was in this town? She had disappeared along with Walker and my mom. Truth be told, I should be trying to find them. Maybe she had and Walker sent her to find me. However, from the way the inhabitants talked, moving from town to town while visitors were present wasn’t possible.

What was the point? Finding them wouldn’t help any of us get out of the blanket any sooner. Unfortunately, none of the information on Dimensional Pockets I had received from Rho told me how to do so. I was already low on energy, and any attempts to escape might draw Ruby closer to me rather than improve my situation. If she did find me, I would need all the energy I had for the encounter.

I reached the tree line and stopped to look back. The city remained there, spread out over a vast area. I had walked up a short incline because I could see further than before. The city sat in a valley. It was peaceful and beautiful. It would have been better called Paradise Valley, as opposed to Boobtopia. Then I considered the residents and realized why it was named as such.

I had to get away. The name of the town wasn’t my concern. I turned back to the woods and entered them. No one had followed me. It didn’t even appear that anyone was concerned that I was trying to leave. Of course, nobody was trying to help me leave either. It didn’t matter. I would get through the woods, and hopefully, find the edge of the pocket dimension. If I could do that, I might be able to find a way out.

These woods weren’t quite as thick as the barrier had been, but with the sun going down, I would be hard-pressed to maintain a straight line of travel. Magic was my friend in this case. Without anyone around, I was free to use it to guide my way.

I found a fallen limb, broke off a two-foot section, and used Magic to make it light up like a torch. My feet were sore, even with my armor spell protecting them. I couldn’t remember the last time I had walked and run this much in one day.

I turned and considered the trees. I had used my armor spell before to protect my clothes from the abuse nature tried to inflict. I might need it again, but I couldn’t maintain it for too long, and there was a good possibility, if I wanted to reach the edge of the dimensional portal, that I could be walking all night. I had no way of knowing how thick or rugged the woods were, nor how far I would have to travel through them.

On the other hand, I didn’t have a hoard of big-boobed women chasing me either. I didn’t need to run through the woods, which meant I could take my time and be careful of things that could snag and rip my clothes.

I took my first step into the woods and almost immediately found a twig forcing its way between my sandal and my foot. Sandals were not good footwear for hiking.


I focused on my armor spell and altered the protection on my feet to work more like hiking boots. It took a little time, and some testing, but I did it. I also considered my t-shirt. Yes, my armor protected it from ripping, but it was starting to cool down and I would probably need a jacket before morning. I altered the density of the material, and lengthened the sleeves, giving it the same weight and appearance as a sweatshirt.

I stood up again and considered my traveling direction. I needed a compass. The sun had set but wasn’t completely down. However, the canopy of the woods was too dense for me to see the moon or stars. I picked up a stick and used Magic to make it float and point over my hand like the needle of a compass. It swung around and pointed in a specific direction to my right. Well, the sun sets in the west, so the stick had to be pointing north. I would maintain the same direction as the setting sun as I walked, and I started again.

I stumbled through the woods for hours. At least it felt like hours. I had no way to know what time it was or how far I had traveled. My compass spell kept me going in a consistent direction and only the growing hunger in my gut suggested how long I had been walking.

I stumbled into a clearing and found a campsite with an erected tent. The fire was reduced to embers, and several items around it suggested someone was in the tent, asleep. If I was right about the occupants of this pocket dimension, then I was sure the occupant was a woman. A well-endowed woman. I hoped she didn’t mind if I borrowed something to drink and warmed myself by her fire.

Among the items around the fire, I found a cooler. Inside were several different sports drinks and bottled water. I grabbed a bottle of water and sat next to the fire pit. There was a stack of firewood nearby, so I grabbed a few pieces and stacked them on the embers. With a little poking at the embers, the wood caught and the fire picked up.

“Thank you,” said a voice, and I almost spat the water I was drinking.

I stood and turned to face a redheaded girl climbing out of the tent. She couldn’t have been older than fifteen. “I’m sorry, I just needed some water and wanted to get warm,” I said.

She stood up, wearing an oversized flannel shirt. It appeared to be the only thing she was wearing too because her legs were bare. She moved closer to the fire and eased down, holding her hands out to the flames. “This is nice. I usually have to stoke the fire when I wake up for breakfast.”

I nodded but didn’t say anything.

She looked up and smiled at me. “What’s your name?”

“Um ... Seth.”

“I’m Kelsey,” she said softly. “It’s quiet out here,” she said in a near-whisper.

I met her gaze. “You heard me, didn’t you?”

She smiled. “When all the bugs went quiet, I woke up. Then I heard you rummaging around my camp. I had to make sure it wasn’t a bear.”

I grinned. “And what would you have done if I had been a bear.”

“Scare you off with my shotgun,” she said without looking up.

“Ah!” I said, suddenly worried about what else she would use her shotgun for. She may have expected to see a bear, but then, she might have also expected to find someone else from town. “I can understand that.”

Her smile grew. “If you still need to warm up, maybe I can help.” Then she opened her shirt, showing off a lovely set of sumptuous breasts. The light from the fire not only gave her a warm appearance, but it also glinted off the chrome nipple piercing bars she wore. I was also right about her attire. She wasn’t wearing anything under the shirt.

It had been hours since I was with Louisa, and since then I had used more energy to alter my shirt, keep my feet safe, and point my way here. I needed to charge up again. I needed more sex. I had been moving all night and had not heard nor seen any sign of Ruby. I could take some time now, for this.

The part that made me uncomfortable wasn’t the fact that we were out in the woods. For that matter, we probably had less of a chance of someone watching us by accident than I had back at Louisa’s pool or in Stacia’s house. No, it was how young Kelsey appeared to be. And while I seriously doubted she was going to run off and report me to the authorities the minute we were finished, I wasn’t sure my conscience could take it if she turned out to look older than she was. I so did not need to get in trouble for having sex with a minor. But, how young could she be with a full set of pierced tits like that?

I took a swig of water, took more effort than was polite to tear my eyes off her boobs, and asked, “You wouldn’t happen to know which way the end of the wood, would you?”

She blinked in thought, leaving her shirt open. “I can’t say that I do,” she said slowly. She knew exactly what was happening to me, the war I was fighting within myself, and she was trying to sway my decision. She looked at me and went on. “I’ve explored a lot of these woods and, other than town, I’ve never reached an end to them.”

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