A Week to Remember - Cover

A Week to Remember

Copyright© 2019 by Paris Waterman

Chapter 6

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 6 - This is about two families, neighbors if you will, and their sexual experiences over a week's time. It involves incest among other sexual proclivities, so if that's not your thing, just pass on it. PW

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Group Sex   Black Male   White Female   Anal Sex   Analingus   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Voyeurism   Size  

Tuesday 7 PM

Paula had been watching Bari for weeks, imagining having total control over the other girl and what she or they could do together. Having the phone fall into her lap like that was nothing less than a miracle. Ever since she had wiped her menstrual blood from Bari’s face the day before Paula had carefully planned what to do with her when she arrived for their second tryst---a word she’d only recently learned and now loved.

She took special delight in seeing Bari shudder when she’d greeted her as Kitty instead of Bari. And had almost cum when her slave responded with “Hello Miss.”

“Go directly to my room. My mother is out and will be gone for some time. I do however have another guest who will be here shortly.”

“Yes ... err, Miss.”

Once they were in the Paula’s bedroom, she handed Bari a blindfold and had her put it on.

“Um, may I ask why, Miss?” Bari, aka Kitty, inquired meekly.

“Of course you can ask, but I’m not going to answer you. Can you see anything?”

“No Miss.”

“Good, stay right there, don’t move. I’ll be right back.”

Paula left her there and went into her mother’s bathroom, found a vial of perfume her mother had gotten some time before and never used and put a dab on her left wrist then returned to her own bedroom where Bari was still standing in place.

“Are you alone?” Bari asked nervously.

“Shut up, Kitty. Don’t speak unless it’s required of you.”

Bari started to say something, but caught herself and remained mute.

“I want you to masturbate for us, Kitty. I’ve told our friend you do a wonderful job of it and well our friend wants to watch you do it.”

“Umm,” Bari began but once again stopped before actually uttering a word.

“C’mon, Kitty, hike that dress up and get going!” Paula snapped loudly.

Bari choked back a sob, and wondering who it was in the room with them slowly lifted the hem of her dress up enough that her pink panties---purposely wearing no thong this time---were revealed.

“Lower those lovely pink panties, if you please. We want to see your twat, Kitty,” Paula said, not unkindly.

Bari complied and Paula saw the flush of embarrassment slowly flood her entire body.

“You may proceed, get that finger going!”

Bari’s knees were shaking as she sent her finger along her vaginal opening which to her surprise was already glistening with several dewy drops secreted by her apparent sexual appetite which was several steps ahead of her.

As if talking to someone else, Paula said, “She’s a bit slow, don’t you think?”

Then as if having heard a response she added, “Yes, I agree. Kitty go deeper and for God’s sake go faster!” The subterfuge worked on the bewildered teen and Bari plunged her middle finger in and out of her vagina faster than she’d ever done when masturbating on her own.

“RUB YOUR TITS!” Paula yelled and Bari used her free hand to open the front of her dress and tried to lift a breast out of her bra but encountered difficulty, she paused her masturbation to undo the clasp of her bra and free both breasts. She returned to her masturbation although her dress still clung to one shoulder, thankful that neither Paula nor her mystery guest had took exception to her abandoning her pussy.

Paula smiled wide and hungry as Bari’s breasts bounced free from their confinement and she rubbed and squeezed her left breast while furiously fingering herself.

“See, I told you she’d enjoy showing off for you,” Paula said, almost laughing out loud. “Kitty more fingers. We want to hear that slurpy sucking sound they make when you’re really juicy.”

Bari added two more fingers easily enough since her pussy was gaping from the furious onslaught she’d started with.

“Rub those tits, Kitty-Kat; I want to see them jiggle!”

Then to further confuse Bari, Paula said sotto-voice to her imaginary friend, “What, Oh sure go on touch her as much as you want. She won’t bite. That’s my job, Ha-ha-ha!”

With that, Paula moved to Bari’s side and licked her neck.

Bari stiffened at this, but continued masturbating and fondling her breast. It took a moment before she sniffed the strange perfume Paula had placed on her wrist, convincing her that she was being touched by an unknown person.

The pretty teen moaned then next time Paula licked her neck and then her ear and began her orgasm the moment Paula’s hand closed over her other breast.

Bari sank slowly to her knees, her fingers still frantically noshing in and out of her sodden cunt.

“Lick her, Kitty!” Paula said, speaking slowly from just over Bari’s head.

Bari didn’t make the connection just then, but did as instructed, reaching out and grasping Paula’s right leg and using it to bring her face to face with the others cunt.

Then Bari panicked, whimpering, “Please, no ... don’t make me do it!”

She backed away until bumping into the nearby wall. It never occurred to her to remove the blindfold.

Paula’s face hardened as she watched her slave cowering in the corner, her breasts and pussy now covered by the arms that were supposed to be around her, holding her pussy tight to the slave’s mouth.

“BITCH!” Paula snarled.

Only then did Bari realize just whose body she’d fled away from. “Paula ... YOU!”

“Yeah, me. Now get over here and eat my snatch!”

Bari tore the blindfold off. “Where is...” She uttered before realizing they were alone.

“Now Kitty, that was very naughty. Come over here,” Paula ordered as she sat down on the edge of her bed.

Bari stood and took one, hesitant step forward, not wanting to get closer to the source of her torment but knowing as she did so that she had no choice. She did not know what was going to happen but Paula did have control over her.

Bari now wished she hadn’t recoiled from Paula. But then what if it had been someone else? Someone she knew?

“Look at you,” Paula said sarcastically. “You’re a mess. Your eye makeup such as it was has run and you’ve black streaks running down your cheeks. Your nose is running ... ewe! You look like shit. Speaking of which, I want you to go into the hall bathroom. You’ll find an enema kit by the sink. Strip off and get into the tub wash up, use the shower and the tub for the enema, then be sure to clean that fuckin’ tub. I’ll be checking it.”

“Um, may I ask why you want me to use an enema?”

“Slaves don’t get to ask questions that aren’t relevant. But I’ll answer this one time. I want you clean when I fuck you up the ass with my new strap-on.”

Bari gasped, and almost blurted out that she and her brother hadn’t needed an enema when they’d gone anal, but thought better and kept it to herself.

Paula thoroughly enjoyed watching her slave’s inner thighs glistening with a pussy juice dripping out of her gorgeous slit as she made her way out of the bedroom and into the hall.

Paula took her menorrhagia pills as she listened to the shower running, and mused: Am I doing the right thing here? I love how she smells after sex, that fertile aroma of sweat and warm skin and pussy musk. And she’s was washing that away. Oh well, I’ll fuck her until she cums a couple times and she’ll smell just fine. Mmmmm just fine.


Paula stripped and let herself into the warm, steamy bathroom, dropping her clothing on the floor as she usually did.

“Are you finished with the enemas?”

“Err, yes, a minute ago. I thought I’d do my hair while I’m at it.”

Pulling open the shower curtain, Paula stepped into the tub behind Bari and wrapped her arms around her. She was working up a thick lather in her hair, but she turned her soap-covered face toward her with a worried expression.

Paula kissed her lips lightly then slid her hands from Bari’s hips up her slender waist and cupped her big breasts, slick with soapy water. Lifting them, she felt their fullness and weight in her hands then rubbed her thumbs over Bari’s thick nipples, drawing a quiet “Mmmmm” of pleasure. Then Paula rubbed against her back letting the other girl feel the tip of the strap-on penis she had donned before entering the bathroom.

“Ohh?” Bari meekly offered not expecting Paula to poke her with it while in the tub. They soon discovered the strap-on fit nicely into the top of her ass-crack while Paula’s hands wandered over Bari’s smooth skin, stopping briefly to run her fingers through the thick, wet tangle above her pussy.

Visibly brightened, Bari almost purred as Paula started gently rubbing one soapy hand over her pussy while the other slid up and down her rear split. Resting her head against Paula’s breast, Bari sighed deeply and spread her legs a bit, opening herself to Paula’s hands which carefully stimulated her pussy without bringing her to orgasm. She also took care not to allow any soap inside her. But only because she hated the taste of soap herself.

With Bari still purring contentedly, Paula’s other hand began sliding up and down the deep cleft between her buttocks, washing and probing. With each pass she rubbed the tip of her middle finger gently against the tight ring of her asshole, which reflexively tightened with each touch. She concentrated on Bari’s pussy, avoiding direct contact with her clit, instead rubbing the whole area of her pussy with the palm of her hand and bringing her closer and closer to an explosion. Then she withdrew the hand altogether, and sent it down to stroke the inside of her wet thighs. Bari sighed in disappointment, and a tiny frown creased her forehead as she felt the heat between her legs begin to fade.

To compensate, Paula lifted Bari’s right breast and took the nipple in her mouth and sucked.

Already half-erect, the nipple quickly began to stiffen and lengthen. Paula nipped it lightly with her teeth and Bari gasped. Paula reveled hearing the other girl’s quick, shallow breathing over the hissing of the shower.

She concentrated for a long time on Bari’s breast and nipple; licking, sucking and sometimes taking delicate nips with her teeth. She studied Bari’s face and listened to her breathing, carefully noting what gave her the most pleasure. Bari’s groans and sighs and her fingers digging into her shoulder told Paula all about the waves of pleasure radiating from her rock hard nipple and sensitive, puckered areola. Then she repeated the slow assault on Bari’s other breast.

At this point, Bari was moaning continuously---a long, low croon of helpless excitement, and her right hand gripped a handful of hair at the back of Paula’s head.

Abandoning her stiffly protruding nipples to the streaming water, Paula straightened and moved her hands back down, down to Bari’s pussy and ass. Again she flattened her hand and lightly rubbed the whole area between the other girl’s legs, massaging her slick labia, causing that to caress her hooded clitoris in turn. She pressed three fingers against the opening of Bari’s vagina, feeling her warmth but careful not to let them penetrate. Her other hand slid up and down the crack of Bari’s ass, traveling slowly, occasionally teasing her soapy asshole with a fingertip.

Paula was careful to move as slowly as possible, letting Bari’s arousal build. But no matter how lightly she rubbed her pussy Bari’s excitement continued to grow until it was obvious she was nearing her climax.

Her moans of pleasure were regular and growing louder, and she was occasionally humping her hips forward, seeking more pressure against her expectant clit. Her head lolled, sometimes forward, sometimes back, and her knees sagged as more of her weight fell onto the arm draped across Paula’s shoulders. Yet through all this not a word came from Bari’s mouth. All Paula heard was gasps and moans.

Finally she began the end game, increasing the pressure of her palm against Bari’s pussy and speeding its slight up and down movement. Bari tensed, knowing the explosion was coming, and her hip thrusts became as regular as a metronome.

She groaned loudly: “Ugh—Ugh ... ohhhh—huh—huh—huh!” And threw back her head and let out a deep, prolonged ecstatic moan, digging her fingers into Paula’s shoulder so hard she knew she’d have bruises.

Bari’s knees buckled slightly then she caught herself and stood on quivering legs, her orgasm continuing. “Fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Fuck! FUCK!” she muttered breathlessly as her hips jerking convulsively while she struggled to stay on her feet.

“Ohmygod, ohmygod, OHMYGOD!” she cried, lifting her face toward Paula. Then her eyes closed and her mouth hung open, twisted with pleasure.

Acting quickly before her climax could fade, Paula executed the second part of her plan. She continued to rub Bari’s pussy, but stealthily found the center of the tiny ‘O’ between her ass cheeks. Without warning, she shoved her soapy middle finger inside her until it would go no further, forcing her way quickly past the tight barrier and into her inner chamber.

When she felt the deep penetration, Bari’s eyes and mouth flew open with surprise and her muscular buttocks clamped down on Paula’s hand. “NO!” was all she had time to gasp before a fresh orgasm seized her whole body, more powerful than the one before. Her hips jerked involuntarily, aiding the penetration of the finger, while a long howl escaped her wide open mouth.

Her whole body convulsed as Bari simultaneously tried to thrust her pussy against Paula’s pressing hand while pulling away from the obscene penetration of her rear hole. Then Paula suddenly pushed two fingers into her pussy channel.

Bari’s knees buckled and she collapsed, pulling Paula down as she struggled to keep her fingers inside Bari, both front and back. They slowly toppled into a tangle in the tub, warm water beating down unnoticed, as Paula began thrusting into her, spearing Bari’s pussy and asshole at the same moment, over and over and over. Bari’s neck arched backward, her mouth opened wide to emit a continuous, “AH! AH! AH!” as she welcomed a second tumultuous orgasm that lasted a surprisingly long time.

They lay like that in the bottom of the tub for a while, until Bari’s moans trailed off and her muscles stopping gripping at Paula’s fingers. Finally she lay slack, panting with only an occasional twitch to show she was alive. Paula slowly withdrew her fingers from her pussy, and then gently slid the finger from the warmth of Bari’s ass, getting one last departing squeeze from the supposedly reluctant girl.

Paula gave a harsh laugh then reached up with one foot and shoved the shower handle down, turning off the water.

Bari sighed in the dripping quiet that followed. Eyes closed, she whispered, “Thank you. Now I know how it feels to die from pleasure. Then Bari gasped as Paula’s unexpectedly gentle touch slid past her ribs causing gooseflesh to pimple her flanks.

Paula marveled at the pliability of her slave. She had honestly expected more resistance, she had planned for Bari to put up a fight, but this submissiveness was even more attractive, exciting her more than she had imagined.

“Well I seem to have an easy time cumming with you,” Bari sighed, snuggling close.

“That’s because you’re my slave. You’d be punished if you didn’t cum for me,” Paula said thinking of it as a joke, yet wondering if there was more to their relationship than contracted slavery, or more honestly, blackmail.

Then she added: “Seriously, though, you do climax pretty easily. You’re quite the horny little wench aren’t you?”

“Um, Miss, I think it might be because you make me feel soooo nasty and sexy,” Bari purred, adding, “That was a very naughty thing you did to me in the shower.”

“You mean finger-fucking your sweet asshole?” Paula watched as the other girl’s tanned flesh turned a deeper shade as the flush spread over her nude body.

“YES!” Bari gasped excitedly. “I can’t believe I let you do that to me!”

“You didn’t LET me do that. You’re my slave, remember?”

“Oh, yes---yes, I know ... um, Miss I remember, but shouldn’t I be doing something to make you feel as wonderful as you made me feel?” Bari said firmly.

Never having been with a male, Paula thought this an opportunity and said: “Have you ever given a blow job?”

“Um, sort of ... yeah I guess I have,” Bari admitted somewhat reluctantly.

“Mout’e?” Paula said hazarding a guess.

“Um, yeah Mout’e,” Bari answered hesitantly.

“Did you like it?”

Bari decided to lie about it. She had after all blown her brother as well as Mout’e, and enjoyed both. But Paula didn’t need to know that.

“Actually I thought ... before the fact ... um, that it would be disgusting, but it wasn’t. I thought, you know, that um, the taste would be like urine. But he was kind of sticky ... nasty and sexy at the same time. I could taste his ... stuff and I really wasn’t sure what to do, you know like should I be using my tongue or just sucking.”

“It turns out you don’t need to do all that much. I mean, there’s probably stuff I don’t know about, but he seemed to almost swoon with what I was doing so I left it at that.

“Could you teach me?” Paula asked, almost pleading. “I want to learn.”

“Err, I think I can show you the basics,” Bari said. They sat on the bathroom floor, facing each other. Their legs were extended, clasped loosely around each other. She found Paula’s right hand and lifted it to her mouth.

“Oral sex, rule number one,” Bara said, and then laughed, “No kidding ... no teeth.” She then took the end of Paula’s middle finger in her mouth and slowly sucked it in. With the whole finger in her mouth, Bari sucked gently and licked the underside with the tip of her tongue. Then she slid her mouth slowly up her finger to the tip, then slowly back down. Opening her eyes, she saw Paula staring intently at the finger as it slid wetly between her lips.

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