A Week to Remember - Cover

A Week to Remember

Copyright© 2019 by Paris Waterman

Chapter 5

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 5 - This is about two families, neighbors if you will, and their sexual experiences over a week's time. It involves incest among other sexual proclivities, so if that's not your thing, just pass on it. PW

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Group Sex   Black Male   White Female   Anal Sex   Analingus   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Voyeurism   Size  

Tuesday 9:12 AM

Bari found it impossible to avoid Paula following the first class of the day, and assured her that she would be at her house around seven or sooner if dinner was on time.

“You’d better; I practiced with the strap on last night after you left. I think I can make it go just like a real cock,” and she giggled inanely.

“It better not be giant sized. I am a virgin you know,” Bari said, although she had plans to rectify that before visiting with Paula.

“You give the giant his phone back?” Paula inquired, although she couldn’t care less.

“I’m about to. We usually meet about now, so if you’ll excuse me...”

“Yeah, well, see ya later Kitty.”

Ben was surprised at the reaction of the other girls in his senior class. Apparently the word about his dramatic scene with Ginger and Becky had spread among them like wildfire and rumor or not, his sexual status had skyrocketed. Someone had contended his penis was giant-sized; another was convinced he was a highly capable cunnilinguist, and so on. Everywhere Ben went he encountered one or two girls who found reasons to bump into or press their youthful breasts against him while smiling their hellos. Two actually hinted that they were available that afternoon if he wanted to see them, with the accent on ‘see them,’ and after talking with Alana Greeson and staring at her generous chest for a few minutes she invited him over to her house after school, saying, “My parents won’t be home until nine at the earliest, and they always call first.”

Needless to say, he accepted her invitation.

Bari finally caught up with Mout’e just before the next class was starting and handed him his phone.

“I got it back. A friend, a real friend found it, saw the pics and called me this morning at 6:30. I left the pics on there for you. Don’t lose the damn thing again, huh?”

“Gee thanks, Bari. I’m sorry I scared you like that. I don’t know what I did do lose it but I’ll be extra careful from now on. Um, I’ll transfer the pics to my PC and delete them from the phone just to be safe.”

Tuesday 9:44 AM

Back in the Hallin house, Kara couldn’t stop thinking about Sunday night and the men she was with. God that cock---what am I talking about those cocks---were every girl’s dream. I haven’t—correction--I’ve never cum like that before. The accident will keep Judy away for at least a month and I doubt if I can go that long without it---not after that lovely taste of unadulterated joyous sex. Mmmmm, where did I leave that damn vibrator now?

At about the same time several doors down the street, Judy was beginning what was now her morning ritual, Helping Craig and then Alan with brushing their teeth and their bathroom needs. She told each of her horny sons they would have to wait until after breakfast until getting masturbatory relief.

The phone call came as Judy was enjoying her second cup of coffee. She figured it was Kara and wondered if she should ask her to help out with one of the boys. God knows, she’s horny enough, but I’ll wait to see what she has to say.

It turned out that Kara couldn’t make it just yet but if she wouldn’t be intruding she could pop in on Judy around eleven. That was fine with Judy and they agreed on eleven and Judy hung the phone up only to have it ring again.

What did she forget, Judy wondered, only to find it wasn’t Kara but a new nurse, named Gena Fontenot calling to say she and another therapist could come by on alternate days for eight days for three hours each day around three in the afternoon if that was convenient.

Judy told her that was fine, it would provide her with a respite and she was looking forward to meeting them.

Then she went into Craig’s room and without a word climbed into bed with him. He started to say something but she cut him off with a soul-searching kiss then fished his hardon from his PJ’s and lowered herself onto him.

“Ohhh, fuck!” he exclaimed.

“Watch your mouth; remember I’m still your mother, not one of those sluts you pump in the backseat of your car.”

His rigid prick slid right up into her: Judy was already so wet that his entire length was quickly absorbed and she began a slow rocking motion that caused her breasts to slap Craig’s face every so often, not that he minded, for he kept trying to capture a nipple with his mouth which took his mind off (at least to some extent) where his cock was.

He was surprised when his mother started groaning and began a more rapid humping motion. Her hips rose off him only to slam back down again. He would have given anything to have had the use of his arms and hands to hold and fondle her, but that was not in the cards. Instead he had to lay there with her doing all the work and listen as her cunt made those slurping noises as she increased her pace on the way to her orgasm. Her groans became grunts, more animalistic than he had heard from her so far. She was leaning forward now and her hair hung down over his face, obscuring her view of her sweat covered body.

Craig knew she was about to cum from the expression on her face. Then she began to convulse and had an especially strong orgasm, and her twitching body and contorted face sent her son over the edge as well.

Judy leaned her head back and let out a long breath. She smiled down at him, her sweat beaded body glistening slightly.

“That was great,” she said, squeezing her vaginal muscles around his still firm penis. “I have to take a shower, and then see about your brother.”

“Yeah, he’s probably watching porn getting ready for you.”

“Craig, don’t talk about your brother that way.”

“Well he’s able to work his laptop and I can’t.”

“I can set you up in his room if you want to watch it with him,” Judy offered.

“No way!” Craig quickly declined.

“Hmmm, would it be because neither of you can handle yourselves right now?”

Judy had another thought and couldn’t resist asking: “Have you two ever... ?”

She left the sentence hanging.

“Um, just the one time. It was faggy, you know?”

She hopped off the bed and disappeared into the bathroom and turned on the shower.

Tuesday 11:02 AM

Before she knew it, there was a knock on the door. Judy glanced to the clock, and to her surprise it was just after eleven. She couldn’t believe it was so late already, and thankfully help had arrived in the form of her best friend Kara.

Judy opened the door and Kara walked in.

“HI, how are you managing your boys?” Kara asked as she took off her jacket and set her purse on the kitchen table.

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you, how ‘bout some coffee?”

“That would hit the spot, Judy, thanks. So how are the boys?”

“Pain’s diminished, but they’re incapable of using their hands ... well you know that.”


As if reading Kara’s mind, Judy finished her sentence: “She’s still in Intensive Care, no further word. I hope to hear more later today.”

“Jesus, that’s tragic, you know? I mean, a facial injury ... a girl’s face is her fortune, I don’t care what people say about tits and asses.”

Pouring coffee into two cups, Judy said, “Couldn’t agree more.”

“Um, I wanted to talk to you about Sunday ... um, at the club...” Kara said.

“No need. Mum’s the word. Like Las Vegas, what happens at the club...”

Kara laughed, “No—No, I meant the sex.”

“Oh, you had sex at the club?”

“Oh, c’mon Judy, you know where I’m going.”

“What is it you want to get off your chest, Kara?”

“I want to thank you. I needed that---that um, session.”

“There was more than one session as I recall,” Judy said with a cheshire-like grin.

“You had several ... um, treatments yourself as I recall. See my memory is as good as yours.”

Both women laughed. Judy took a sip of her coffee and then put the cup down.

“I’m going crazy, Kara. I mean I thought I was finished with diapers and shit and all that. Not that I mind it so much it’s ... can I confided in you? I mean really confide in you?”

“Of course you can, Judy. What is it?”

“This---this is BIG, Capital letter BIG.”

“Okay, I can keep a secret. Is there something seriously wrong with one of your boys?”

Judy gave a harsh laugh at that then said solemnly, “They’re hard all the time.”

“What do you mean hard—all the time?”

“Horny teenagers, Kara; they have perpetual hardons!”

Kara almost dropped her coffee cup. She did spill some but the spillage went into her saucer. “Oh, my ... What ... how are you handling it?”

That set Judy off. She began to laugh and laugh and laugh until the tears were streaming down her face and she had to hold her belly as she fought to regain control.

Her laughter was contagious. Kara joined her and they would up holding hands and pointing at one another with their free hand. When they calmed down Kara said, “You weren’t joking, were you?”

“No, and when you said ‘how am I handling it,’ I lost it.”

“You’ve masturbated them!”

“Yes ... but...”


“They’re always hard, or almost always. I’m going from one to the other, relieving them, cleaning them up and then it’s back to the other.”

“That’s incestuous, Judy!”

“I know---I know! But once I started I ... it was like a runaway train. There was no stopping.”

“You did more than masturbate them, didn’t you?”

Judy’s guilt suddenly overwhelmed her and she burst into tears. “Yes! So help me God I never meant it to go that far!”

“You fucked them!” Kara whispered, afraid someone else might hear her uttering the words.

Judy looked into Kara’s eyes and tearfully sobbed, “Yeah ... and I loved it!”

“And you want me to join in---to take one or God forbid both of them on and let you off the hook?”

“Would you? I mean, for just a little while.”

“My turn at honesty, Judy; of course I had no idea you’d tell me ... well, what you just did. I was going to tell you I wanted to visit the club as soon as possible and since you were tied up with the boys for another couple weeks ... I was going to ask you for a name so I could set up a visit to the next um, show.”

“Of course, I have Samantha’s card here somewhere. I’ll call her and find out the particulars. Be advised though, she will hit on you, soooo.”

“You mean she’ll want to go down on me?”

“And vice-versa, Kara. Pro-quid-pro as it were.”

“Hmmm, maybe your boys can relieve the itch I have between my legs and I won’t have to go down on her.”

“So you’re willing to help me out?”

“Of course I am. I’m your friend, now who do I start with?”

Ten minutes later Kara walked into Alan’s room unannounced and noted his erection making a tent out of the sheet covering him.

“Oh, what happened to you, Alan?”

“Huh?” The injured teen replied trying to distract Kara from the very obvious jutting cock looming from his mid-section.

Kara smiled gently and walked to his bedside then sat next to him and slowly pulled the sheet away from his body.

“Hmmmm, let’s have a look at you, shall we?”

“No ... you---you don’t...”

“I’m sorry, Alan, I haven’t been fair to you.”


“I understand that young men have ... needs and you have no way of fulfilling yours.”

“Mrs. Hallin...” Alan said as his cock inadvertently twitched.

“So, I want you to know that I’m here for you ... anytime ... when you need it.”


“And it certainly looks like you’re in need at the moment.”

Alan gawked as Mrs. Hallin slowly opened her blouse and shrugged it off then reached behind her and undid the clasp on her bra and slowly shook it off, freeing her generous breasts.

“Have a little taste, Alan. I like nursing little boys,” She placed herself so that he could easily reach her firm, rounded breasts and as his mouth closed down on the half dollar sized, heavily pebbled areola, Kara’s eyes became heavy lidded, and her pupils dilated as familiar sensations coursed through her body as he sucked with an urgency she hadn’t felt in years.

Some minutes later, Kara plucked the nipple from his mouth and said, “I have needs too, Alan and you’re going to help me with them.”

That said, Kara left the bed and removed her skirt and panties. Alan could only sigh happily as he took in her pubic mound adorned with the simplest strip of lush, dark, curly hair. Then Kara hiked a knee upon the edge of the bed using it to kneel on as she mounted him and sat upon his stomach.

“Tell me if I’m too heavy now,” she whispered sexily.

Kara shifted slightly and Alan felt the dewy wetness on her labia and his cock, half smothered by her body, pressed into the crack of her supple ass.

“Shall I put it in?” Kara said with a wanton smile as her breasts swung slowly in front of his face.

For the first time in her life Kara felt the power of her femininity and decided to tease the teen under to her even though he was stymied by having two arms in plaster casts partly because his mother was probably listening in the next room and partly because she had the power over him, knowing he would deny her nothing at this juncture.

When he failed to answer, she kissed him softly as lovers are wont to do, sucking on his bottom lip, sending tingles so intense through him that Alan almost came right then. Hearing his sharp intake of breath, Kara pulled away just as he tried to send his tongue into her mouth.

“Answer my question, Alan,” the older woman whispered huskily, and began to grind her loins against his.

It was then she saw the anguish in his eyes and straightened up to look down upon him.

“What is it? Am I hurting you?”

He shook his head from side to side, unable to formulate the necessary words.

“Are you afraid to ask me? Don’t be.” She let her tongue roam over the tip of his cock.

“Mmmm, you can ask me anything.”

His eyes betrayed him. He wanted something but was not about to tell her. Snorting with lust the older woman engulfed his member into her mouth and began sucking.

With Alan’s first groan, Kara pulled his shaft from her mouth and said starkly, “You want me to do something ... tell me or I’ll pee on you and tell your mother you wet the bed.”

“I---I want to taste you...” He managed then blushed from head to toe. “I can smell you,” he said, “and it’s driving me crazy, I want to lick it. I want to taste it. And I want to make you cum,” Alan said, in a quivering voice.

“Oh you wicked boy ... that’s a wonderful idea! Let’s see now...”

Kara carefully maneuvered herself into a position that presented her pussy to his gaping mouth without doing any harm to his cast laden arms.

“Pinch me if I cut off your ability to breath,. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” Alan replied, “I’m to pinch you if...”

She cut him off then lowering her genitals onto his mouth.

Alan sighed then slipped his tongue between her labia and a trickle of her juice ebbed over his taste buds and he moaned as he savored her pungent folds.

Kara guided him, by whispered commands until he found her throbbing bud. “Lick me there!”

“Lick me there, Alan! That’s what women love.”

Eager to learn from an experienced woman he followed her instructions to the letter, and soon had Kara moaning quietly, trying to stifle her cries of rising excitement. Alan’s tongue went faster, flicking furiously as only a well trained muscle or exuberant youth can make it.

Kara’s legs were the first part of her that began to shake.

Unable to breathe, Alan pinched her. “Ahh---Ahhhhhh, I need you in me!” Kara cried.

He pinched her derrière again, and this time she felt it and more importantly the reason for it registered on her sex fogged brain.

“Ohh—Ohhhh, I’m so sorry, Kara said as realized what she was doing to him and quickly raised up and moved back freeing his face. Alan’s chin was glossed in her glistening sheen. Her fingers were still strumming frantically over her bulging bud and she came with a shudder.

“You---You said...” he gasped, and Kara quickly apologized several times.

“I’m okay, you want to fuck now? How did I do?” Alan rasped.

“You were marvelous, especially that last part. I didn’t think anyone could use their tongue that way. You’ve a talent in that regard, Alan. Now let’s see if you’re talented in this department.”

Kara was already wondering if she and Alan might continue to have sex after his casts were removed. Why not? He’s eighteen and always horny. I wouldn’t deny him his girlfriends. In fact I could help him get them into bed. Would I be breaking the law? I’d better look into that ... Oh shit, I’m already fucking him!

“C’mon Alan, let’s fuck!” she cried and centering herself just above his rampant pole Kara lowered herself down upon him and started rocking back and forth.

“I---I’m gonna cum, but don’t worry, I’ll keep on going and in ten minutes or so I’ll cum again.”

“You cum as many times as you want to, Alan; you’re a darling lover.”

That said, Kara established a steady rhythm and rode his cock meeting his hip thrusts with her pelvic ones.

The bed started to creak with their movements and Kara wondered if Judy was listening, or doing Craig in his room.

Having been forewarned, Kara was on guard for his ejaculation and squeezed the base of his penis and held it tightly.

“Ohhhh,” Alan sighed and his initial wave of excitement cooled, but not by much. Just the thought of being in Mrs. Hallin’s pussy after eating her out was almost too much to bear.

This was Kara’s cue to let go of his throbbing member and resume her rocking, but at a more gentle pace.

Alan could only look up and admire Mrs. Hallin’s breasts again as they swayed from side to side as she rode him.

“If your arms weren’t in those nasty casts I’d have you sucking and plucking my nipples, Alan. I really like that. You were so good with them earlier.”

Suddenly there was a knocking at the door.

Both Alan and Kara froze.

“Yes?” Kara called in what she hoped was her normal voice.

“Is everything alright in there?” Alan’s mother, Judy said.

“Yes, just helping Alan with some personal ... hygiene.”

“Oh, um, yes, well um, let me know if I can help.”

Kara started rocking on Alan’s hardon again. “Oh, no thanks, Judy, I’ve got things under control; shouldn’t be much longer.”

“Take as much time as you need, Kara. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your capable assistance with Alan.”

“Well then, I’ll leave you to it then.” Judy said and they heard her walk away.

Alan wondered why Mrs. Hallin was smiling but soon put all thoughts from his mind as she began riding his cock as if she were a racehorse to the finish line.

It didn’t take long before Alan felt himself cumming.

“I’m gonna cum!” I blurted.

“Me too!” Kara crowed happily.

That was all Alan needed to hear, and exploded deep inside Kara’s sopping cunt. Kara stopped the moment she felt his semen splashing her vaginal walls and closed her eyes for several seconds, then began rubbing her clit and within seconds reached her second orgasm and slowly rolled off the teenager under her.

“Want to do this again tomorrow?”

“Um, yeah ... that would be great. I mean I’d really appreciate it,” Alan said just before she kissed him and let him suck her tongue into his mouth.

Tuesday 2:35

Bari met Mout’e as school ended for the day and hopped into his car. “Find a good spot she said breathing into his ear before sending her tongue into it.

“Hey baby, you sure stirred up today, ain’t chue?” He murmured as his hand found her thigh and gave it a squeeze. Bari reciprocated even more by grabbing his rapidly swelling cock and drawing her nails along its shaft.

“Oh, baby! We going to have us some fun, right?”

“Find us a place, Mout’e ... fast. I want you in me!”

“I got just the place!” he said his excitement contagious.

Bari gave his cock an extra squeeze as she happily screeched, “Where?”

“In the woods just off Barrow Street,” Mout’e said as he took a right and headed toward a thickly treed area.

“Is it safe? I mean, no one’s going to come by while we’re doing it, right?”

“Should be; I mean, it’s not a complete secret. Some of the guys use it on Friday nights. That’s how I heard about it, this being Tuesday and all. It’s almost certain to be empty. Maybe around eight someone might come by but we’ll be long gone.”

“Ooooooo, take it out I want to suck it, baby,” Bari cooed.

“Not while I’m ... stop that!” Mout’e pushed her face from his crotch, laughing as he did. “Can’t believe I just pushed you away, but I don’t want us to have an accident like the Grall boys.”

“Oh yeah, I know them. They live a couple doors down from me.”

“Here we are, let me see where I can park then we walk. It’s not far.”

Bari was pleased when she spied the old camper standing at the edge of the woods. Then she saw the house.

“Mout’e there’s a house. It’s so close, what if?”

“No one ever comes out of the house. The guys told me so. They swore it to me. Someone lives there, but if they come out it’s on the other side, the side facing the street.

“We don’t make a lot of noise and it’s still light out so there won’t be any light to be seen inside the camper. It’s safe enough.”

Once inside Bari saw that someone had dragged a small mattress in and set it up at one end of the camper. Mout’e had brought a ratty blanket with him from the car and spread it out over the mattress while Bari watched, taking furtive peeks through the opaque glass door to see anyone approaching before giving up, for she couldn’t see any objects through it and quickly gave up looking.

“C’mon, Bari, get outta them clothes!” Mout’e chirped happily. She turned already unzipping her top and saw the purple head of his cock reminding her of a drawing she’d seen a while back of a horned satyr she’d used to masturbate too or a good while.

Her gaze was knowing, expectant, and studied him with a kind of fierceness. Mout’e moved straight to her, pressing himself against her, taking in his black skin against her white flesh while her small hand found his slippery cock and stroked it.

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