A Week to Remember - Cover

A Week to Remember

Copyright© 2019 by Paris Waterman

Chapter 4

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 4 - This is about two families, neighbors if you will, and their sexual experiences over a week's time. It involves incest among other sexual proclivities, so if that's not your thing, just pass on it. PW

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Group Sex   Black Male   White Female   Anal Sex   Analingus   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Voyeurism   Size  

Monday 5:55 PM

Judy finally left Craig and returned to her room, dug the vibrator from its hiding place and put it to use on her overly saturated cunt. After two quick, but somewhat unsatisfying orgasms, she realized she still had to tend to Alan’s bath, and other needs.

Quite a day for the Grall family, she snorted as she hid her toy where the boys wouldn’t find it, and snorted again realizing they weren’t capable of rooting around for her toys or anything else, and went to Allan’s bedroom to help him into the master bath.

At a given point in bathing Alan, Judy saw his manhood sticking up between them. Looking down, she found it somewhat bigger than his older brother’s and took some time to admire the now throbbing member.

His cock was swollen and looked red and angry and Allan was embarrassed. Clear fluid continued to leak from his mushroomed head, and Judy realized that it was a similar reaction to how her vagina became wet when she got excited. As she stared, his cock jumped a little, like a pet begging for attention. Gingerly, she ran her fingers down the top of his shaft.

Alan breathed in sharply. Looking back at him, Judy asked, “Am I hurting you?”

“Oh God, no,” he gasped, “I ... um, your touch is amazing, Mom!”

In addition to fucking her several times, Alan had gotten several blowjobs from Marilyn Smith, but they had all been furtive and quick affairs. He had never had anyone actually play with his cock before, and the reality of the feeling combined with the knowledge it was his mother doing it, set him afire.

“Please, whatever it is you’re doing, don’t stop!”

But she did, and reveled in the sound of his disappointed groan. “Relax, we’re not finished, Alan. “Let’s finish drying you off first.”

With that assurance from his mother, Alan became totally compliant. Once she had gotten him out of the tub and finished drying him off Judy smiled and looked back down at his member as it continued to jump and throb against her exploring fingers. Tracing her fingers up one side and down the other, she marveled at how supple, yet hard his cock felt. The heat was the first thing that registered, and the slipperiness of his fluid that streamed down his cockhead as she smeared it around was like readymade lube for the moment. As she continued to play with his seminal fluid, she watched and felt how Alan tensed up every time she got near his mushroomed head. An idea came to her and she stopped her ministrations.

“Ok, let’s try something that won’t interfere with those casts of yours,” she announced as she suddenly uncurled and stepped away from Alan and his magnificent shaft.

Alan said, “Okay, what do I need to do?”

“Now you need to listen carefully, I don’t want you falling and breaking something else, or God forbid hurting me. Then who’s going to care for you and your brother?”

“Can you do that?”

“Yeah, sure,” he said with a shrug of his shoulders.

Judy’s breathing got deeper. Her mouth went dry, and unconsciously she licked her lips. She hadn’t been this bold with Craig, but then seeing his engorged shaft and hanging scrotum out in the open was simply amazing. Every time she let her eyes travel away, his manhood would inexorably draw them back to feast on its magnificence. It simply seemed to demand her attention. As she continued to stare she began to notice finer details she never bothered with before. His upper torso was lightly covered with a fine blond hair that was a lighter version of his blond curly locks.

She wanted him. She needed him. “Okay, Alan, bend over the chair. Slowly, we don’t want you falling. Use the casts to lean on the chair, be careful get balanced.”

They watched each other as he complied. Alan taking in her sizable breasts in the light green top Judy still wore saw that her nipples, had become as stiff and erect has his own needy shaft. And his mother was inspecting him, bare ass naked, bent over a chair with his ass sticking out at her.

“No peeking, now. Just stay like that for a minute,” she barked authoritatively.

Taking a deep breath, Alan decided to just roll with it. Spreading his legs wide he reached out and leaned his casts on the arms of the overstuffed chair. Looking down he could see his stiff cock staring back at him and his balls dangling below and through his legs he saw his mother’s bare legs begin to step toward him haltingly. Now what, he thought anxiously.

Judy was fascinated. In a way she thought her son should look ridiculous standing there, but she was not laughing at all. Part of it was discovering what a male body looked like in the nude and how it differed from her own female form. Another thought that occurred to her was how Alan had been willing to trust her enough to put himself in such a vulnerable situation. Trust, she thought, that was the key, and by his actions he was showing that he trusted her. She approached him cautiously from behind. She really wanted to please him, but wasn’t sure how she was going to go about it.

“Don’t you dare move now,” she rasped throatily. Reaching out, she placed her hands on his back and rubbed them up and down. Standing off to his side a little, she moved one hand down to his ass cheeks and squeezed and rubbed him all around. Reaching lower, she dragged her hand up and down the insides of his thighs, stopping short of his dangling scrotum and pulsating cock.

Alan began to growl deep in his throat. Judy smiled and squeezed her legs together as her own moistness began to gather in her vagina.

Damn, this was fun!

Finally, she moved her hand all the way back up to the crack of his butt cheeks and slowly rubbed downward till she grasped his sack. Alan bit his tongue to keep from moaning; he waited for what would come next.

Judy carefully kept her touch gentle. His scrotal skin was soft as velvet and she was amazed at the warmth that it put out. She gripped his sack gently in her hand as if she were cradling bird’s eggs. Rolling them between her fingers she marveled at the contrast of firmness and softness that she felt between his loose skin and his egg shaped nuts. As she continued, Alan began to squirm more and his breathing became more rapid. Kneeling down to get a better view, Judy looked down his shaft from the backside and saw a long stream of clear viscous fluid glinting in the sunlight as it hung from the head of his cock reaching nearly to the floor. Slowly she began to move her right hand up his pole and toward his swollen head. Reaching the top, she wrapped her hands around his penis gripping him tightly and pulled a little. Alan literally thrust his hips into her fist and moaned.

“You like this, Alan?” she asked, as she moved her hand up and down his shaft while lightly smearing his leaking arousal all over and making his pole shiny and slick.

“Oh God, Mom, that feels sensational,” he gasped. “Hmmm, could you ... um, maybe hold me tighter?”

“Like this?”

“Yeah ... now move your hand toward the top and rub under the head. Ohhhh, God yeah! There---there ... mmmm, a little tighter so the skin moves with your hand.”

A moment later his voice went up several octaves.

“Ohhh, Jesus Christ!”

“Good?” Judy inquired, although she already knew it was.

“Ohhhh, yes---yes---yes!”

Judy followed his instructions. He was so hard, like a flexing muscle, yet his skin was so soft and moist from his juices that she continued to rub on it as she kept stroking his cock. His moans became more vocal and he no longer made a lot of sense as he started to involuntarily thrust his hips forward in competition with her stroking hand.

“Ohhh ... faster plea—please!”

“Are you cumming?”

“Yeah---ohhhh yeah!”

Fascinated, Judy continued methodically jerking on his cock as before. Curiously, she stuck her tongue out and licked his juicy slick head. Surprised, she found his fluid didn’t seem to really have any taste. As she went up to take another lick, Alan convulsed and thrust forward causing his cockhead to part her lips and push her tongue back into her mouth. Surprised she pulled her head back quickly. Giggling a little to herself, she thought she would like to try that again. Placing her left hand on his thigh to keep him from thrusting on his own again, she pointed his cock at her mouth and stretched her head up and forward to let it slide inside.

Alan’s moaning and muttering stopped abruptly as he felt her warm lips and wet mouth slide down his shaft. Snapping his eyes open he looked down to see his mother squatting below him with her right hand on the bottom of his shaft and her mouth wrapped around his cock head. His vision blurred as he tried to keep from spewing immediately at the sight and the feel of her tongue as it wagged on the underside of his sensitive member.

“Oh, Mom ... it feels incredible! I can’t hold out long! I’m---I’m going to shoot!”

It occurred to Judy to curl her lips over her teeth as she slid his cock deeper into her mouth. Her jaw was stretched to its maximum and began to ache almost immediately from the unfamiliar position. Peering up she could hear and see her son straining as he got close to his climax. The feel and taste of his organ in her mouth was unique. She recognized a hint of soap but overwhelming that was something more that she could best describe as perspiration. The smell and taste of him was curious. It didn’t taste bad, but neither was it particularly pleasant. She likened it to drinking her first beer, it was what it led too that made it enjoyable for her and this was no different as his pleasure was her pleasure and goal.

The old arm chair’s wood squealed in protest as he pushed it harder against the bedroom wall.

Nothing he knew of compared to this. Suddenly he felt her lips lock down on his shaft and her slobbering tongue came to rest against the sensitive frenulum under his cock head, and then she began to suck and pull at the same time.

Alan was looking down as his mother blew him. Marilyn didn’t compare to his Mom. No way, no how. Mom knew a few things. Maybe he’d ask her to teach Marilyn. Was that even possible?

Holding on as best she could, Judy experimentally sucked on Alan’s cockhead as she finally found a way to seal her lips around the mushroomed head. She felt her son tense up and saw his scrotum actually shrink toward his bent over body---and before she realized it he was discharging a load of sperm in her mouth and directly into her throat. Startled, she pulled back coughing and choking, not sure whether she should swallow or spit to clear her air passage.

He watched as his mother’s eyes grew wide and she pulled her mouth off his spewing member while his sperm leaked from her lips and dribbled down her chin. Not letting go of his shaft, she held it in a vise like grip as he thrust uncontrollably back and forth in a humping motion, shooting sperm in every direction.

“Keep jerking it, Mom ... please keep jerking ... oh God,” he begged with his need to fulfill his orgasm’s demands as she held tightly to his shaft.

Judy recovered and resumed yanking on his throbbing and spurting manhood. As she jerked on him, sperm shot out in a steady torrent. Stream after stream hit her face, chest, and legs. Ducking to hide from the onslaught, he merely sent more into her hair.

Holding on to his cock as if her life depended on it, Judy continued to coax rope after rope from his spurting member. Finally, after nearly a dozen volley’s, he stopped even though his cock continued to drool sperm from its slit. Slowly it leaked down over her hand and wrist and began to make a steady stream of pearly white fluid that crawled down her forearm.

Looking down once again, Alan watched as his mother kept her head bent and pulled on his still rock hard penis. His cum was all over, mostly on her. Some of it had hit the surrounding floor and landed on the cushioned chair in front of him and was slowly sinking into the worn green fabric. Breathing harshly, Alan watched his cum finally die out as his mother diligently continued pumping his cock.

Beginning to feel over-sensitized, he finally pushed himself up from the chair and stood, then turned to face his mother. “You can stop, I’m getting sensitive there, you know?” he whispered as he began to feel somewhat guilty. Oh Lord, he thought; don’t let me have ruined this.

“Are you okay,” he asked worriedly. Judy had not moved or responded as she just kept her right hand clamped on his cock and her left hand planted on his trembling leg. Alan could see her shaking a little, and his worry raised a notch. “Mom?”

Judy was still in shock. For the life of her, she should have known what was going to happen but she had still been surprised by the suddenness and explosiveness of it all. Moving her tongue around her mouth, she let his sperm that was still lodged in her cheeks and gums dribble from her lips and for some inane reason she began to giggle. Finally it dawned on her that Alan was saying something, and sounding worried.

Continuing to giggle, mirth bubbled up in her and she openly began to laugh joyously as she raised her sperm soaked head to look at Alan’s worried face. “Yes, I am fine, my love, more than fine,” she finally replied. Looking at his still firm penis grasped in her hand with his hand clutching her slime covered wrist to hold it still, she asked, “the question is if YOU’RE okay? Did I hurt you in anyway? Did I give you as much pleasure as you gave me?”

She looked up again at him imploringly. “Can I do it better, my stud, my big little man?”

Monday 6:20 PM

Ben couldn’t wait to tell his sister how he’d handled Ginger and Becky. He was surprised by her disinterested response, and asked her what was wrong. His thinking was that he’d screwed matters up with the girls and possibly dug himself an even deeper hole.

Bari made sure her mother wasn’t around then pulled Ben into her bedroom and locked the door.

“Gee, you want to do it now, before dinner?” He said with a smile of anticipation.

“Fuck no! I’ve got big troubles Ben; really big troubles.” Then she ran the whole story by him hoping he’d have an answer to help her solve her dilemma.

“I—I don’t know what to say, but I’ll go with you. We can confront her. Maybe if I’m there she’ll panic and give you the pictures back.”

“I appreciate it, Ben, but I don’t think she’ll back off. I’ve got to see this through. Maybe what she wants is doable, you know? Maybe she wants me to be more of a friend or something.”

“Sis, you know I’m here for you. Just say the word.”

“I appreciate that, Ben. And I appreciate the fact that you didn’t berate me for the stupid thing I did in send those fucking pics to Mout’e.”

“He knows about them then?”

“Yeah, I stupidly asked him how he liked them. Then he told me he’d lost his phone.”

“Shit, so that’s how creepy Paula got the pics.”

“Yeah,” Bari replied forlornly. “Oh, shit, Mom’s back. Let’s be cool.”

“Are you going to go over there?”

“Like I have a choice?”

Monday 7:15 PM

Bari stood back and looked at the white door before her. She could still hear the musical tinkling of the doorbell from somewhere inside the house. She still could not believe she was doing this, but here she was. She had told her mother she would be late, that she would be studying with a friend; Bari’s years of good behavior had seen to that.

Now Bari stood uncomfortably shifting her weight from one foot to the other as she waited for someone to answer the door.

Suddenly, at least it seemed so to the nervous teen, the door opened with a flourish and Bari saw a late fortyish woman standing there smiling at her.

“Hello dear, you must be Bari,” the woman said as she moved to one side so Bari could enter the house. “Please, come in!”

“Yes Mrs. Pierce. Um, is Paula home?”

“Yes dear, she’s expecting you. She’s upstairs in her room, second door on the left. You can’t miss it, if you know what a vampire’s lair looks like,” Mrs. Pierce said, the smile still fixed upon her face.

“Thanks Mrs. Pierce,” Bari replied, attempting a weak smile of her own that she knew was less than convincing.

She stepped inside the Pierce residence, feeling something indefinable slip away from her as she crossed the threshold.

Don’t be so stupid she admonished herself, it’s just a house. She glanced around. Just a normal house; actually a very ordinary house, nothing special, not stylish; not filled with expensive stuff, but it had coziness to it nonetheless. Focus on getting this over and done with.

“Um, you mean these stairs, Mrs. Pierce?” Bari said, indicating the large set of stairs directly in front of her.

“They’re the only ones we have dear,” Mrs. Pierce chuckled.

“Yeah thanks,” Bari murmured. Oh, get it together or she’ll think you’re a retard.

Bari hurried up the stairs, and at the top had to stop and catch her breath, though it was not from exertion. She refused to acknowledge the feelings that swelled within her but the slow stiffening of her nipples made any such denials moot.

She could see Paula’s door a little way down the landing, a huge Twilight poster covered most of the door’s surface.

Well we’ve got that in common; maybe I can use that to my advantage. I need to find a way to take control of this situation. My life may depend on it, and Bari knew it was not the usual eighteen year old girl melodrama.

Bari stepped quietly down the hallway. She felt like an intruder, that getting caught here was a terrible thing, and fought the tendency to tiptoe on the soft cream carpet. She could hear soft noises from inside and before she lost her nerve and ran down the stairs and out of the house, she opened the door and stepped inside.

Paula was lying on her stomach on the bed, a schoolbook open in front of her. She wore a paisley top, a pair of small black shorts that barely covered her buttocks and knee-high white socks. Her legs were bent at the knee and kicking girlishly back and forth. The stick of a lollipop danced between her lips. She was the very picture of an innocent teenage girl.

“You are very rude Bari. Get out and use your manners,” snapped Paula, popping the lollipop back in her mouth and turning back to her book when she had finished speaking.

Bari stood for a second in a complete daze. She stepped back onto the landing and closed the door behind her. She stood in shock for a few moments, the harsh chastisement had sent her spiraling back ten years, making her feel like a little girl learning her please and thank-you’s. When the full realization of just how she had been treated finally sunk in, a small tear threatened to fall down her cheek.

She wiped the tear away, angry at herself for getting upset; angry at allowing this pallid little cow to get to her. Fuck this, the young girl thought almost ready to walk away, knowing deep down that she could not. The degradation flushed through her body like a physical force starting deep in her chest and radiating out into the rest of her body. She bit her plump bottom lip and knocked timidly on the door.

“Who is it?”

“Bari,” she replied, trying to keep the frustration she felt from her voice.

“What do you want?”

“Can I come in?”


“Can I come in?” Bari said louder.


“Can I come in please,” she said after a few seconds pause, finally realizing the game that was being played.

“You may.”

“Close the door,” Paula ordered absently, after Bari had stepped inside, noting that Paula had not moved from the bed and continued to read her book. When Paula didn’t move or even look at her, Bari slid her bag off her shoulder and rested it against the wall.

“Pick it up,” Paula mumbled around her lollipop. Bari obeyed without even thinking, pausing only when the bag was back on her shoulder. She looked venomously at the supine girl, trying to sort out the confusion of emotions that were whirling inside her. After a minute of silence, Bari tried to get things moving.

“So what’s it going to cost me?” she said as confidently as she could. She had decided it was best to be bold, even after her most recent humiliation and the demeaning way she had been treated.

“Hush,” said Paula, not lifting her eyes from the book.

Bari stood at the entrance to this strange girl’s room, once again shocked into silence. Her mouth had opened to speak but for some reason she decided it was best not to. She had been told to be quiet as if she were a child, a child of no consequence at that as Paula would not even look at her.

Bari’s cheeks burned with the shame of her treatment. She tried to take her mind off it by looking around the room. Almost every spare piece of space on the walls was filled with posters or pictures of vampires, werewolves and bands she didn’t know along with pictures of people and weird shit she couldn’t even begin to describe.

One wall was all bookshelves, filled to overflowing, the other had a large chest of drawers and a small study table on which was a computer. The wall above the bed was dominated by a large window and the entire length of the final wall was taken up by the sliding doors of a built-in wardrobe.

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