A Week to Remember - Cover

A Week to Remember

Copyright© 2019 by Paris Waterman

Chapter 3

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 3 - This is about two families, neighbors if you will, and their sexual experiences over a week's time. It involves incest among other sexual proclivities, so if that's not your thing, just pass on it. PW

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Group Sex   Black Male   White Female   Anal Sex   Analingus   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Voyeurism   Size  

Sunday--Hospital—8:13 PM

All the parents were at the hospital when the news was delivered to them by the head of surgery. “Mr. and Mrs. Marchese; might I have a word with you, please?”

The other parents watched, Judy Grail holding her breath while Audrey Smith, kept repeating the Hail Mary over and over again. Moments later they heard Mrs. Marchese scream, and then wail hopelessly and everyone thought they knew what the surgeon had told her. Judy clenched her fists and silently repeated the Hail Mary along with Mrs. Smith just as Mr. Marchese arrived.

“Her face is ruined!” Mrs. Marchese wailed as she rushed into her husband’s arms. That was the last coherent thing anyone could get out of her. But while the. Marchese’s being were taken to a special room set aside for further consultation, the Doctor returned to the others.

“I’m terribly sorry, but the Marchese girl suffered severe lacerations to the face and chest among other things. She is in critical condition but should eventually recover. I wanted to reassure you folks of that after Mrs. Marchese took the news so hard. Now, that was the worst news insofar as your children are concerned. No one got away unscathed, but thank god ... well let’s take them in turn shall we?” He looked at the two women standing in front of him and said, “Um, Mrs. Smith?”

“Yes?” The shaken woman said hopefully.

“Marilyn’s going to be fine. In fact if you wait here, you’ll be able to see her in a few minutes. We’ll be keeping her overnight for observation purposes. She’s been banged around and bruised. There may be a concussion, but we’re not positive. That’s why we’re holding her over. If nothing turns up she can go home tomorrow.”

“Oh, thank you Doctor,” Mrs. Smith said and then began to shed tears of relief.

He turned to Judy, Mrs. Grall?”

“Yes ... My boys?”

“Well, in accidents of this nature it’s not unusual for the bodywork of the vehicle to be compressed. That’s certainly what happened here. The driver and passengers instinctively use the hands to protect themselves from injury, which led to both boys suffering fractures to their arms and hands. We’ll need to stabilize and splint those fractures. They’ll be in casts for a while and unable to care for themselves. Other than that and a few bruises they came away fine. They’re two lucky boys, Mrs. Grall. Unfortunately, Stacy got the worst of it. The uh, other driver died at the scene.”

“Was he drunk?” Mrs. Smith asked as she wiped a tear from her eye.

“I um, really don’t know. That will be determined by the coroner’s report possibly next week. Now we have a bone specialist coming in to set the boys arms and hands. They’re both groggy from being sedated. They haven’t been told about Stacy, and I advise you against telling them anything at the moment. You can see them in a minute; just don’t expect them to respond to you.

“Um, Mrs. Smith, you can see your daughter now as well. Please don’t mention Stacy’s status to her. If she asks, be vague; just say everyone’s here at the hospital being treated and that’s all you know, or words to that effect.”

She nodded and hurried off to see her daughter.

Minutes later, Judy was sitting next to her son Craig.

“It wasn’t my fault mom,” Craig said right off.

“I know, I’ve been told the other car ran a light and hit you.” She couldn’t take her eyes from his face. His mouth was swollen and she knew it and his eyes would be black and blue by morning.

“My hand hurts like a mother ... oh, sorry, I shouldn’t...”

“It’s alright Craig. I know it hurts. You’ve got broken fingers and a broken thumb as well and the other arm, well it’s broken in several places. They’ll be putting casts on both shortly. As I understand it you’ll be here overnight. I’ll probably come pick you both up tomorrow.”

“Gee, that’s great! I’ve seen Alan, but not the girls. How are they doing?”

“Again, I haven’t seen them, but I’m told Stacy got the worst of it. She’s um, in intensive care. Marilyn’s pretty much okay as I understand; she’s banged up and might have a concussion. They’re keeping her overnight just in case.”

“Oh, that’s good news. You know, that pickup came out of nowhere. I mean, I never saw him until he was hitting us. We’re lucky to be alive.”

The sedative Craig had been given took hold then and he dozed off. Judy moved to the adjoining room where her other son, Alan lay on a table as the orthopedist treated his fractured arm.

“Oh, hi Mom. This is doctor ... Um, sorry I forgot your name, doc.”

“Hello Mrs. Grall. I’m Dr. Peterson. Your son here is a good patient. Very inquisitive for that matter. I’m sorry but I’m afraid you’ve got your work cut out for you.”


“Well yes, you see, with both hands incapacitated neither one of your boys will have the use of their hands for several weeks.”


“So while you will have some nursing service available, you’ll be back to feeding them with a spoon just like they were infants again. Only this time they can and probably will complain constantly.”

“Well I’ve done it before, I can do it again, doctor.”

The doctor stopped talking to her and concentrated on Alan’s arm, murmuring softly “This may hurt a little, Alan,” and moving the arm to bring the bone back together before fastening it in place for the moment with what looked like a medieval instrument of torture.

Alan groaned but didn’t baby himself and impressed both the doctor and his mother.

“Now for the left hand, Alan. I’m going to put you under for this because it requires a pin or possibly two pins and then a cast, but you won’t feel a thing. Mrs. Grall, would you mind leaving us now? Perhaps you’d like to see your other son while we finish up with Alan.”

Ben & Bari – 8:25

Bari: “There’s been an accident. The Grall boy’s were in a wreck. Mom’s at the hospital with Mrs. Grall.”

Ben: “How bad an accident?”

Bari: “All I know is one of the girl’s in the car is seriously hurt, the other not so much; and the Grall boys have fractures ... their arms I think, I’m not sure. Mom said she was going to be there for a couple more hours, maybe longer.”

Ben: “A couple more hours ... hmmmm.”

Bari: “Are you serious?”

“Ben: “We have an opportunity to improve our performances.”

Bari: “You are really a horny devil aren’t you?” But she was already shimmying out of her jeans.

Ben: “God you have a fantastic body!”


“Really you do, Sis. I mean I could look at you forever. I have a perpetual hardon looking at you.”

“Oh, Benny you’re almost as romantic as my Mout’e. But I love you both. Isn’t that weird, I mean how can someone love two people at once?”

“I suppose it’s possible. Anyway, I’m glad it’s possible.” Then he kissed her. She responded immediately and kissed him back savagely. Their impromptu tongue wrestling match went on and on until he mounted her and was about to send his engorged cock into her virginal pussy when she screamed, “NO!”

“Sorry---Sorry---Sorry!” He exclaimed and meant it.

“Don’t be sorry, be glad you didn’t, but since you need it just get the lube and you can fuck my ass again. You liked that didn’t you?”

“Yeah, of course I did,” he said and scrambled off the bed to get the lubricant his sister mentioned.

“Hey, you still have that wig with the pigtails?”

“My blonde look?”

“Yeah, that one.”

“Sure I do.”

“Would you put it on for me?”

“Yeah, but why? It makes me look eleven years old.”

“It does not. I wanna hold the pigtails while I do you.”

Bari giggled and shrugged her shoulders. “Okay,” she replied and hopped off the bed, went to her closet and found the wig then stood in front of her mirror and carefully placed it on her head.

“Don’t go crazy and pull it apart. It’s synthetic hair, not real.”

“I know—I know,” he said as she lay back down on the bed. Ben immediately began applying the lubricant to her anus.

Bari giggled, “You know for a guy who just lost his virginity you’re kinda crazy when it comes to sex.”

“Am I?”

“Yeah, I mean who’d ever think of using a popsicle on a girl?”

“I did,” he said matter of factly. “It seemed right, didn’t you like it?”

“Like it? I loved it! I—I can’t tell you how fuckin’ hot I am right now!”

She glanced down and Ben followed her line of vision to see her fingers already at work between her legs. He let out a short laugh before speaking again.

“Wow,” he exclaimed, “You weren’t kidding, you are horny.”

Bari just shrugged and cast him a bashful smile. That’s when he noticed her other arm behind her body.

“Hey,” Ben said, narrowing his eyes suspiciously. “Just what are you doing back there?”

“Nothing,” she answered with a giggle, unable to maintain a straight face. He sat up and peered down at her body to see the fingers of her right hand tucked in between her ass cheeks, smearing the lubricant even deeper into her anus than he had.

“You ... dirty ... little ... girl,” He said with amazed amusement. For not only was she fingering her asshole but she had at least two fingers from her other hand pillaging her pussy.

“Hurry the fuck up, Benny. I need you in me!”

“Get your legs up, Sis!”

“Ohhhh,” she purred, sliding her lube-coated digit in and out of her virgin asshole one last time then complying by pulling both knees back to her chest and exposing her anus to him.

Gripping his cock firmly, Ben slid the head up and down her lubed crack before zeroing in on her tight little star. Slowly, he began to push.

“Shit,” he cursed, as his member slipped down towards her pussy. “I think I used too much lube.”

He tried again, only to have his cock slide up in between her ass cheeks that drew an amused laugh from both of them.

“What’s wrong, Baby, it worked fine the last time?”

“I don’t know,” her brother said, because he didn’t.

“So play with my ass then, see what happens.”

“Maybe...” Ben answered, although he was already licking his fingers in preparation. “ ... if you say please.”

“Please,” she shot back with hesitation. “Please play with my asshole.”

Those few words turned him on even more and he quickly removed his wet fingers from his mouth and placed them over her tight, anal opening. Bari purred with gratitude as he massaged her tiny little butthole with slow, circular motions of his thumb.

“Inside,” she gasped again. “Put it inside.”

Again he complied, replacing the thumb with his middle finger, wriggling it past her tight muscular ring. Bari tossed her head back in lustful bliss as she felt his finger sliding smoothly into her asshole.

“Oh yeah,” she moaned, leaning forward to allow him to go deeper. “That’s more like it!”

Bari began moving her ass while Ben held his finger still and was soon bouncing up and down on it.

“Mmmmm,” she purred, growing more aroused by the second. “I can’t wait to have your dick in my ass.”

Ben felt himself getting close to cumming without entering any of his sister’s orifices.

“Gonna cum soon, Sis.”

“Noooooo,” she cried out, stopping all movement. “Not yet.”

“I’m on the brink, soooo.”

“Take it out ... NOW!”

“Okay,” he gasped, trying with all his willpower not to cum.

He took a deep breath as his sister slowly disengaged them, and then sat kneeling in front of him impatiently as he waited for his impending climax to subside.

“Okay,” Ben said minutes later with relief. “I think we’re good.”

“Yeah,” Bari said with a coarse laugh. “I’d hate to have you waste one like that.”

“Yeah, sorry about that. Now ... where were we?”

“I think...” Bari said mischievously, “You were about to bend me over.”

“Oh was I?” Ben retorted in a teasing manner. “Well then the third time’s the charm.” Then holding his clenched fist against her asshole, he slowly pushed forward, butting the head of his cock against her willing but difficult ass. He bit his lower lip as he felt her tight hole gradually give way and allow his cock to penetrate her tightest body cavity.

“Ohhhhh,” His sister moaned, as Ben’s head slipped inside her ass. He couldn’t tell if her moan was from pleasure or discomfort.

“Play with your pussy again,” he suggested, pausing only briefly before pushing more of his cock into her asshole. They rolled and wrestled, sometimes Ben rode Bari, and sometimes she rode him. The brutally romantic pounding never stopped for an instant until finally the siblings came together in a final, glorious explosion of pure incestuous lust.

Ben pulled out of his sister as he started cumming. A vast amount of semen splashed over her body, and they were both amazed at its quantity.

Ben was exhausted. Bari was scooping his cum from her back and hind quarters and bringing it to her mouth, savoring each morsel before swallowing it. “I bet there was enough there to make a million babies,” she giggled after running out of sperm.

“I don’t care what they say about incest, Sis, I love you!”

“And I love you too, Ben!” then they kissed and he tasted his cum on her tongue and gums and it only made him hotter.

“We made a bit of a mess though, didn’t we,” Bari said sheepishly.

They surveyed the damage. Bari’s bed was uninhabitable, her body was absolutely drenched, and their clothes were in shreds.

“Yeah, we’ve got some cleaning up to do,” Ben agreed. “We’ll have to put your sheets through the wash. Probably the whole mattress too.”

“And we better get a move on, Mom won’t be at the hospital much longer,” Bari said as she hopped from the bed and started peeling the sheets off the bed.

Hospital--10:32 PM

Judy spent the night at the hospital. She called her ex (Ralph) and brought him up to date. He was in Manila and had no way of getting to the hospital that night or the next day. The earliest he could make it back to the States was two days off, closer to three.

“Listen, Ralph, the boys and I appreciate your concern, but you’re on the other side of the world. You’ve got important business to conduct. I understand that, and so do the boys. They’ll probably be home tomorrow; broken arms for both of them. It could have been a lot worse. The good news, if anything about this was good, ahh, well it wasn’t their fault, a drunk T-boned them. He’s dead by the way, so there’s that.”

They talked for a few more minutes, and then mollified by their prognosis, Ralph decided he’d remain in Manila and finish his business, but promised to see them as soon as he returned stateside.

She turned to her friend Kara and said, “I’ll be here the rest of the night, you know ... just in case. You might as well go home; the twins will be worried about you. I’ll call you in the morning and bring you up to date.”

“I’ll be over in the morning. There must be something I can do to lighten the workload you’re facing. God, two kids without the use of their hands...”

Sunday – 10:40 PM

Bari, feeling sated and content after her sexual dalliance with Ben, who was already asleep in his bed, came out of the shower and made what would turn out to be a massive mistake by calling her best friend, Harriet Zampelli, to compare notes on their respective boyfriends and in the process, telling Harriet most of what had happened with Mout’e but nothing about her and her brother Ben. Of course, Harriet had plenty to say about Bari and Mout’e’s situation.

“Oh you know, you just do what everyone is doing these days,” Harriet chirped knowingly.

“What’s that?” Bari asked not wanting to be an outsider another minute.

“Send him some pics!” Harriet giggled.

“I’ve already let him see my boobs. You think I should send him a pic of my puss?”

“No—No! Pussy pics are passé!”

“They are? I had no idea. I’ve never ... well so where does that leave me?”

“Your ass, Bari; send him a pic of your ass.”

“My ass---Are you crazy?”

“Oh Bari, it’s the latest thing. All the girls are taking pics of their assholes and sending them out to the guys they’re hot for. For some reason the guys love ‘em. Once they see a pic of a girl’s asshole all they can think about is getting it in there!”

“That’s---That’s crazy!”

“Remember how Marie Callispo wanted Tony Sisti to ask her out?”


“He didn’t know she existed until she sent him THAT pic.”

“Why would she send him a pic of her ass? I mean, why not her tits, or um, her vag?”

“Those pics lack the drama to capture the guy’s imagination. They look at porn all day. Breasts are everywhere. Every size and shape you can think of. But not too many girls are showing off the taboo—the asshole. And more to the point, if you take it up the ass you can’t get pregnant!”

Bari recalled how much her brother had liked taking her anally, but couldn’t tell Harriet she’d lost her anal cherry. Lordy, the word would spread through the school like a wildfire.

She pretended to be skeptical and said, “Humph, a girl has recourses against that happening these days. And there a last minute prevention if you do get knocked up.” But she was had already shed her robe and had her cell-phone in hand as Harriet replied.

“Yeah, but you’re trying to attract not repel, right?”

Bari was trying various poses as she answered. “Oh, I see what you mean. It would be something he wouldn’t expect.”

“Exactly,” Harriet said, giddily. “So you gonna do it?”

She was taking the third pic as she responded.

“I don’t know. But I’ll think about it. You know a girl can’t be too careful or she’ll see her ass and puss all over the internet, Harriet.”

She ended the conversation without committing one way or the other; but she was already practicing poses in front of her mirror, trying to figure out how best to present her asshole to Mout’e as she ended the call.

Monday 7:45 AM

Bari took great care in dressing that morning, especially with her underwear, a pale green thong through which she was certain one could see the narrow vee of pubic hair she’d left surrounding her pussy. Mout’e will love this. I know he’s the right one to take my virginity, and if I’m lucky, maybe he’ll take both holes!

Monday 8:44 AM

Paula Pierce a pallid, tall, slim, senior at Volker’s High School saw the phone fall from Mout’e’s jacket as he loped along the grassy lawn of the school hurrying to catch the school bus for his ride home.

At first she thought about running after him, but then decided she could return the phone the following day, or that evening if necessary. But first she wanted to see what he had on it.

Boys are so stupid, they’d put anything on their phones. I bet he’s got some juicy texts, she thought, and that decided her on holding onto the phone until the next day. He was hard to miss at school. She’d find him easily enough, and he might be nice to her after she returned it to him.

A sexual tingle ran through her loins at the thought of his lanky black body humping hers. Yeah, tomorrow is fine; now let’s have a look at what’s on this thing.

Just then, Paula felt the phone vibrate in her hand and noted that three pictures had been sent to Mout’e. A moment later, Paula’s mouth fell open. “What the fuck?”

At first she didn’t believe her eyes. She quickly ran through the three pictures and confirmed it—Bari had deliberately sent the black basketball star nude pictures of her, and the last one was of Bari with a finger up her ass as if in invitation to him.

“Ohhh, that little bitch Bari Hallin’s sending Mout’e pics. Hmmm, what’s that fuckin’ whore up to?” Paula thought, and then she began wondering how she might make this information pay her dividends.

Now Paula kept mostly to herself in school but was considered an expert on vampires by the girls – the boys might have done so too had they not all but shunned her from her appearance and caustic mouth when conversing with them. In truth, Paula was much like any other teenager; she longed to meet the right person, although she did not distinguish between boy or girl in the usual sense. She longed for a sexual partner, and Bari was one of her fantasy lovers.

What separated Paula from her classmates was the length of her periods. The medical profession considers any menstrual period lasting more than seven days as menorrhagia. This would also include bleeding so heavy that one would be forced to change their tampon or pad more than once per hour which can easily lead to an iron deficiency, or anemia.

Paula was receiving treatment for this condition and it was suspected that she might have a hormone imbalance as estrogen and progesterone regulate the buildup of the lining of the uterus. An excess of these hormones can cause heavy bleeding. Her doctors were also looking into Paula’s use of anti-inflammatory drugs, anticoagulants, or hormone medications as they too can affect menstrual bleeding. More importantly, they had ruled out benign growths or cancers; but other possible causes were still being studied such as lack of ovulation, or anovulation and adenomyosis, where glands from the uterine lining embed in uterine muscle, can cause heavy bleeding.

All this left the highly intelligent Paula somewhat depressed and generally fatigued from blood loss; and more importantly overly aroused sexually. Here was a young woman longing for her first sexual experience, but unable to do so because of her menstruating condition.

Now she had Mout’e’s phone and it seemed that suddenly her life had changed for the better.

Monday 9:20 AM

Bari saw Mout’e in the corridor between homeroom and first period class, and caught up to him and asked: “So what do you think, Mout’e?”

“Oh hey there, Bari; think about what, sweetness?”

“The pics of course,” she said, having the good grace to blush after getting the words out.

“Pics, what pics? Oh, man ... you sent me pics? I haven’t been able to find my phone. Looked everywhere, tried calling it but I don’t get an answer. It’s like its shut off.”

Bari was horrified. Lost the phone ... what if someone found those pics?

Needless to say, the lost phone would occupy Bari for the remainder of the morning and her promise to confront her brother’s tormenter, Ginger Armistead was now the furthest thing from her mind. She didn’t seek out Ben to tell him about her pics either, preferring to keep that from him in hopes that the phone would be returned to Mout’e before the day was over.

It was time for the next class and she and Mout’e separated, saying they would meet for lunch, but they didn’t because the text came in to Bari just before lunch.

Hi Bari ... Found something I know will be of interest to you. Meet me at the Corner Bookstore at 4:45. Come alone and don’t you dare be late. PS: Love your ass, Bari. XOXO

Bari made a special effort to avoid Ben for the rest of the school day, but it wasn’t easy.

Monday 2:45 PM

Ben caught up to Ginger Armistead and her girlfriend Becky Stonebridge as they headed for the parking lot as school let out.

Becky saw him first and nudged Ginger, “Here comes your lover boy and he looks pissed.”

“Hi girls, have a nice day yesterday? I mean after the party?”

“I heard you had a little accident there, Ben,” Becky laughed scornfully.

“It was no accident; Ginger sucked me off and then pretended I’d tried to rape her.”

“I did not!” Ginger blurted in surprise.

“I have two witnesses,” Ben said. “It seems she had a bet and I spoiled it somehow by showing her my dick and she forgot what she was supposed to do and gobbled it up. I’ll tell you Becky, she can give decent head, but I’ve had better. Maybe you’d like to try me out, you know, see if you measure out better than Ginger here.”

Both girls were stunned by his attack and for once at a loss for words.

Ginger finally recovered enough to deny everything Ben had said.

“Well I expect you have no choice in the matter but to deny it, and yet so many people saw me walking off while you made a scene because I left you there.”

“Ginger ... are you sure... ?” Becky began only to be cut off by Ginger’s snarling “I’ll get you for this, Hallin. You wait and see!”

“Too late, I put the word out on you this afternoon. You’ll be popular with the underclassmen for a few days, until they get tired of asking you to meet them under the bleachers. Oh, sorry Becky, but I dropped your name too. You can both be very busy tomorrow night and every night after that.”

“Go fuck yourself, Hallin,” Becky said, spitting his name out.

Ben turned on his heel and left them standing there fuming. He couldn’t wait to tell Bari how he’d handled the situation.

Monday 4:40 PM

There it was no doubt about it; she had been stupid to allow her face to be in some of the pics. Still, it hadn’t seemed a stupid idea at the time. She’d only sent him the pictures of her ass and pussy to get him hot enough to have sex with her. Harriet had sworn all the girls were doing it. Tracy had said she’d done it for her guy too. Bari couldn’t bring herself to believe he had shown them or even given them to someone else. He’d said he’d lost his cell. He wouldn’t lie about it. And whoever sent the text had his phone. It was that simple.

Then reality set in. But why do they want to meet me? What do they want? Who the fuck could it be? Well if some creep thinks I’m putting out just to get the pics back he’s got another think coming. I can get Ben and even Mout’e to beat his ass.

Five minutes later Bari stood at the back of the bookstore as the text had instructed her too. Surreptitiously the high school senior checked her phone again for what felt like the hundredth time in the last five minutes.

Who was it that she was meeting? She had cast furtive glances at the few people in the aisles as she walked to the rear of the bookstore but saw no one that stood out. She slipped the phone back in her pocket and fidgeted with the strap of her book bag. The text had come that morning between second and third periods. Its contents were clear: she was to meet whoever it was here between 4 and 4:30 or everyone would soon know what she had done.

She had been waiting for at least 20 minutes now and was beginning to feel panicked. She checked the message again, just to make sure she was in the right spot; she was. Sexual Psychology was where she was told to be, and Sexual Psychology was where she was. She had not seen or heard another soul enter that aisle since entering the store save the old man working around the cash register.

Looking at the pictures again she berated herself for the thousandth time. How could I have been so fucking stupid? What will Mom think if this gets out? Ben will be sooo pissed. I don’t think he’ll ever forgive me. And Mout’e, Jesus ... I won’t be the apple of his eye anymore that’s for sure.

Bari was about to check the mysterious text again when the voice froze her in place.

“Hi there, Bari.”

Bari dropped her phone. It bounced towards the end of the row and she fell to her knees and scrambled to recover the phone that contained evidence of her indiscretion. She didn’t think she had left the message or the image on the screen but she just could not be sure.

“Are you okay?” the other girl asked, genuine concern in her voice.

“Uh, y---yeah. Thanks. Just dropped my phone,” Bari replied nervously while thinking, it’s not like she didn’t just see you drop it. At least it was only Paula Pierce, a girl she knew next to nothing about, but who she had always regarded as kind of a harmless wannabe Goth-girl...

“You look a little pale, are you sure you’re all right?” Paula inquired, secretly relishing the fact that her calling Bari pale was a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

“No ... I um, I’m fine. Really, I’m fine.”

So um, what are you looking for? I mean here you are in Sexual Psychology. Checking out fetishes?”

“Err, I—I was checking out Freud. You know his stuff on interpreting dreams and stuff.”

“Oh, well before you ask me why I’m in the same section; I’m checking out Karen Horney. No pun intended, Bari. That’s her real name. She’s an influential neo-Freudian psychologist known for her take on feminine psychology. When Freud famously proposed that women experience ‘penis envy,’ Horney countered that men suffer from ‘womb envy’ and that all of their actions were driven by a need to overcompensate for the fact that they cannot bear children.”

Paula’s spouting all that information about someone Bari had never heard of only served to confuse her more. She had to get Paula away so that she could meet her mystery man.

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