A Week to Remember - Cover

A Week to Remember

Copyright© 2019 by Paris Waterman

Chapter 2

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2 - This is about two families, neighbors if you will, and their sexual experiences over a week's time. It involves incest among other sexual proclivities, so if that's not your thing, just pass on it. PW

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Group Sex   Black Male   White Female   Anal Sex   Analingus   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Voyeurism   Size  

Sunday 6:10

Judy smiled broadly when she saw Kara standing on her front porch waiting for her. She got out of her shiny red Miata and said: “Hey Sexy, ready to have some fun?”

Kara forced herself to stop staring at Judy’s short, tight black dress, adjusted her eyeglasses before meeting Judy’s eyes and said, “I guess so.”

“Whoa, thanks for the compliments on my dress.”

“Oh, my god, I’m so sorry. You literally took my breath away. Where ... how ... I mean Judy...”

“It’s okay,” Judy said trying not to laugh. “I’ve had this baby for a while;” she did a model-like turn, stuck her derriere out at Kara, made her laugh, and then said, “It cost a fortune, but every time I look in the mirror I nearly cum in my pants. I really look sexy and you don’t have to tell me so. I KNOW IT!”

“Well you do!” Kara said still laughing.

“You look pretty good too. Now hop in.” She opened the door for Kara before heading around to the driver’s side.

Kara slid in, feeling the cool leather on the backside of her thighs. She dropped her purse on the floor and buckled the seatbelt as Judy restarted the engine.

Judy looked over at Kara, her eyes catching for a moment on her exposed cleavage before locking onto her eyes and smiling, “Ready?”

“I suppose...”

“Good.” Judy shoved the stick into first gear and floored the accelerator. The powerful little car roared away from the curb accompanied by the screech of tires. “Nothing like peeling rubber!”

Kara’s heart was in her throat as Judy weaved in and out of the early evening traffic. “Do you always drive like this?” She asked as she grabbed the door handle for support.

“Like what?” Judy asked as she flung the car onto the entrance ramp to the Oscar Levant Memorial Parkway, shifting smoothly through the gears as the car accelerated past seventy miles per hour.

“It’s sixty-five, isn’t it?” Kara said and closed her eyes and silently prayed that she wouldn’t end up on the nightly news wrapped around a bridge abutment.

She felt the car lunge from one side to the other as Judy wove around the slower moving traffic on the parkway. She was repeatedly pushed back into the firm seat as Judy accelerated, then was thrown against the seatbelt when she braked as slower moving cars boxed her in. Through it all the muted roar of the engine and the howling of the tires filled her ears. She cracked one eye open to look at the speedometer and immediately wished she hadn’t, it read eighty-five miles per hour. She was horrified to see that Judy was looking in her purse for something and hardly even looking at the road. She was just about to scream out and ask what the hell she was doing when Judy held out a small silver package.


The situation seemed so wildly unreal to Kara that she actually felt herself begin to giggle. “No.” She gestured towards the road ahead. “You’re going to get us killed you know. Will you please slow down?”

Judy smiled and put the gum into the center console. “I was hoping that you were one of those women that got turned on by speed.” She smiled devilishly over at Kara as she allowed the car to coast down to about seventy-five. “I guess you’re not the type.”

Kara giggled again, “No, I don’t think so. In fact, I may never ride with you again.” She sat back in the seat and released her death grip on the door handle. “You scared the life out of me doing that!”

“Awww ... you’re such a spoilsport.” She said as she pulled the car down an exit ramp on the east side of the city. “So, how was it?”

Kara paused at the non-sequitur. “How was what? The drive, I told you, it terrified me.”

“No ... how was it?

Kara’s cheeks flushed with understanding. “Oh, it was pretty good, you know.”

“So you were thinking about sex, huh?”

“Well, yeah.” Kara felt her cheeks heat even more.

A wicked grin spread across Judy’s lips, “Did you cum?”

“No!” A pause, “Why ... is that why... ?”

“Of course, just to get you in the mood to party, you know?”

Two blocks later Judy pulled the car up to the front of a plain concrete building with a single bright blue door. To one side of the door was a line of women waiting their turn to get into the club; at the door was a huge beast of a man that Kara figured weighed at least three times as much as she did. He was dressed in a tuxedo and sunglasses even though it was raining outside. Over the man’s head was a small blue neon sign that said “Wantons.”

Kara looked at the mass of people waiting to get in and wondered if they were just going to stand in line all night. As she looked at the line of would be club goers, something nagged at her brain but the warm sensations washing through her wouldn’t let her hold onto a single thought for long.

Judy left the car running and got out, looking down a t Kara. “Are you coming?”

“Don’t you have to park the car?”

“He’s coming now. He’ll park it for us, come on.” She walked around the front of the car and Kara found herself staring at Judy’s long, shapely legs as they were highlighted by the headlights. Her arousal seemed to increase as she found her eyes continuing to follow Judy’s ass through the form fitting black dress she wore. Opening the door and getting out, Kara thought, I’ve never owned a dress like that. I’ve never even tried one on. Now I wonder if I should run out and buy one. Maybe first thing tomorrow...

Kara looked at the crowd of people waiting to get into the club and wondered why they weren’t heading towards the end of the line. As they approached the hulking man at the door he smiled respectfully and pulled open the door.

“Evening Miss Judy. Good to see you again,” he said in a slow, sonorous voice. He looked at Kara, “And a Good Evening to you too Mrs.”

Judy smiled, “Good to see you to Frankie. This is my friend Kara.” She flipped her long brown hair over her shoulder and jerked her head in the direction of the street, “Can you ask Glenn too make it easy for us to leave later?”

“Of course. I’ll have him take care of it right away.” He nodded his head, “Have a good evening,” He nodded at Kara, “You to Mrs.”

Craig & Allan -- 6:23 pm

The Grall boys were finishing their dinner and excited about their prospective dates that night.

“I think Marilyn’s a sure thing if I can get her in the backseat after the movie,” Allan said smugly.

“You mean you haven’t scored with her yet?” His brother Craig scoffed.

For the record Alan had scored with Marilyn the previous Friday but wasn’t sure she’d put out with another couple present unless... “You sure about being able to nail Stacy, bro?”

Craig laughed. “I can tap Stacy Marchese anytime I want too.”

“What is she a skank?”

“She’s not a skank,” Craig protested, “I recall you saying you’d do her in a heartbeat a few weeks ago---before your slut Marilyn spread ‘em for you. I think you’re the last guy in school to fuck her.”

Allan laughed but felt the arrow from his brother strike his heart. It was true; Marilyn was a slut as far as it went. He’d heard several guys claim to have fucked her and two of them described the little devil she had tattooed on her groin, so they weren’t lying.

“Well I’m far from the last to do her,” Alan said defensively. Then seeing an opportunity to drive his older brother’s newer Mustang, Alan tried to win him over, saying: “You know if you let me drive your car tonight, you’d already be in the backseat. I could get Marilyn going when we park and when Stacy sees us making out she’ll warm up quicker for you. Then being in the back and all, you should be able to nail her just about the same time I start fucking Marilyn.”

Craig seemed receptive to his brother’s suggestion, but remained non-committal. “We’ll see, lemmie think on it, Bro.”

Allan changed the subject then, saying: “Say why do you think Mom was so secretive earlier?”

“Who knows? Maybe she has a date. She deserves a night out.”

“Well yeah, but we didn’t even see her leave. That’s strange, you know?”

“What’s strange, Allan is the idea of you thinking I’m not getting laid. I’ve been doing Stacy for a month now.”

“I thought you were boinking’ that Gwen Tropila.”

“I am. By the way she gives great head. She told me she likes you a little and wouldn’t mind blowing us both at the same time. That’s what I call strange, man.”

“Yeah, sure the fuck is!” Allan wondered if he had time to jerk off thinking about a double blowjob from Gwen Tropila before they left to pick up their dates.

The Club – 6:30 pm

As they walked into the crowded club Kara looked around wondering how it was that Judy got the VIP treatment at the door.

Just a few feet into the club Kara was stunned to see a woman on her knees opening, or trying to open a tall black man’s pants.

“Don’t mind her,” Judy said off-handedly. “There’s always a few of them around.”

A few! The thought registered in her mind and wouldn’t leave.

Judy placed her hand at the small of Kara’s back and guided her through the crowd towards one side of the club. As they walked, Kara kept looking at the woman still on her knees. Judy had been correct; he was slapping her across the face with his erection while the woman lunged toward it missing each time while the onlookers roared with laughter.

The feel of Judy’s hand kept distracting her. She tried to ignore it but she found her thoughts continually leading back to the touch.

As she tried to make her way through the crowd a woman in a very skimpy blue dress turned around just as Kara was passing. Kara managed to stop just before bumping into her and stood face to face with the woman for a moment. She was very pretty, probably about twenty-five or so with shoulder length blond hair and incredibly blue eyes. Those blue eyes were now looking at Kara with a predatory glare as her mouth twitched up into a small smile.

“Hey Sweetie. I don’t remember seeing you here before.” She leaned in close as she spoke so that their breasts touched. “I’m Sylvia.”

Kara could feel her own hard nipples pressing into Sylvia’s full breasts as she stared into the woman’s bright blue eyes. Sylvia shifted a little causing Kara to gasp softly from the stimulation of her nipples.

The blue eyes seemed to gleam with lust as they traveled from her eyes to leer down into Kara’s cleavage for a long moment before looking back up into Kara’s eyes. Then the eyes flicked to Judy, standing beside her. The lips formed into a knowing grin and she looked back to Kara, she winked and her red lips formed a kiss. “Good luck Sweetie.” She turned away and melted into the crowd.

Kara was thinking of Sylvia’s amazing blue eyes as Judy pushed her gently onward towards two empty stools at the far end of the bar. As Kara placed one foot on the rail and started to set herself onto the stool, she felt Judy’s hand slide down from the small of her back and give her ass a firm squeeze. Judy left her hand resting on Kara’s bottom as she slipped up to stand right beside her.

“Yes, Darling, there’s girl—girl action here too. I didn’t mention it earlier for fear of scaring you off. Treat them the same as you would overly ardent high school boys. They’ll understand.”

“But Sylvia ... she seemed persistent.”

“Yes, well she’ll take no for an answer or risk being thrown out of the club. Remember, just say NO.”

Once inside they settled down at the bar and ordered margarita’s which Kara found surprisingly strong.

A very muscular Hispanic pranced onto one of the three small circular stages, did several bump and grinds that drew shouts of glee from the female audience then bellowed, “We’re partying naked tonight! Let me hear it, ladies ... Woo Hoo!”

Most of the women echoed him, calling out “Woo Hoo” back at him. In return the man whose name was Hector, ripped off his pants leaving him clad in just a g-string that didn’t conceal that much of his enormous appendage.

Kara couldn’t believe her eyes! Judy giggled gleefully and said, “Didn’t I tell you they’d knock you out with their size!”

“You mean the others are even bigger?”

“Ohhhh, yeah; well some are and some aren’t. But they all aim to please, and you can pick whichever one you want, Kara.”

“What do you mean I can pick whoever I want?”

“You’re a first timer ---that gives you a preference. It’s tradition.”

A mousy brunette ran up to the stage and reached out to touch Hector’s appendage.

“Judy ... do you see... ?”

“Yes, Kara, everyone does their thing here. Just watch, before long you’ll be doing far worse than that. Um, that’s Emma; she’s leading the pack as usual,” Judy laughed. It was a lewd laugh and one Kara had never heard from her before. “She’ll take on a couple more guys before she leaves tonight. She gets her monies worth, at least she has at every one of these shows that I’ve been too.”

“Just how often do you come here?” Kara asked as she squirmed about on her barstool.

“I’m coming here once a month now. This is my fifth time all together.”

“Isn’t it expensive?”

“Yeah, but it’s worth it. You’ll see.”

Two women off to Kara’s left were now dancing bare-breasted with one another. Kara automatically scanned the crowd for Sylvia and found her across the room with another woman. The blue eyed blonde was working her hand up the other woman’s dress and even at this distance Kara could see her hand moving to the woman’s groin through the tight material of her sequined dress.

Tearing her eyes away, Kara finished off her margarita and was surprised when the bartender immediately refilled her glass again. A cheer brought her attention back to the stages, where Kara saw Judy approaching the center stage where a tall lean cowboy with the most vivid abdominal muscles she had ever seen was pulling Judy up on stage with him.

Kara’s hand pressed down into her own vulva and she moaned and grew wet. I don’t believe my eyes, Kara told herself. I must be dreaming.

The cowboy’s actions had raised Judy’s dress up to her waist. Kara was startled to see that her friend wore nothing under the dress. The cowboy raised Judy even higher and with nearly every eye in the place on her, he began to lick her ass.

Just then a fortyish pudgy woman off to their left yelled out, “It’s time girls ... let’s get them out here and let it all hang out!”

That seemed to signal the men behind the curtain into action. Eight young men all dressed in a sort of macho tuxedo with neither the jackets nor shirts having sleeves, leaving their muscular arm bulging spread out in a straight line along the irregularly shaped stage and the music changed to a raucous number to which the group began to dance a more-or-less choreographed routine. The shouts from the women, encouraging the men to “take it off” soon drowned out most of the music.

Soon enough the jackets came off and were thrown behind them. The clip-on black bow ties quickly followed. Again the shouts of encouragement from the patrons were loud. The men kept up their dancing, still fairly well in sync and began unbuttoning the frilly fronts of the shirts which they discarded to ear-piercing whistles and lewd comments from the crowd of women. Already there was a line-up of women along the sides of the stage, women wanting to stuff dollar bills into the waistbands of the men’s pants.

Kara noticed with some embarrassment the loud-mouthed fortyish woman seemed to take an extra-long time with one guy; gawking wide-eyed as she saw her entire hand disappear into his pants; she was sure that the woman was holding his penis in front of everyone!

Gradually the men reformed their chorus line. When they put their hands at the fly of their pants though, the women again began yelling for them to take it off. And they did, but to the surprise of the women, instead of working at zippers and stepping out one leg at a time, the men gave a mighty yank and the pants pulled apart with Velcro fasteners down both sides and suddenly they were left wearing only a G-string with a special pocket---a pocket made specifically for holding their family jewels.

Even flaccid, as they all were, Kara had to admit that these men were impressive and she wondered what they would be like hard. She was acutely aware of the feel of her panties against her freshly trimmed crotch (she had refused to shave there although Judy had pestered her to do it.) In fact, everything that touched her skin seemed to be stimulating her more than ever. Even the feel of the soft fabric of her dress on her thighs as she crossed her legs seemed to be more sensual than any of her former husband’s touches had been when they had still loved one another.

She looked around her at the other nearby women and found them staring raptly at the sights before them. Some were licking their lips as if they could taste the men. Almost all of them were clapping or yelling for the men and most of them were holding bills out to insert in the tiny G-strings.

Judy nudged Kara and she got off her stool with some trepidation and like the other women,

walked over to the stage. When one of the men squatted before her with his legs spread, she couldn’t help herself; she reached into his G-string and fondled his semi-hard cock while he grinned devilishly at her. Kara tried to hand him some dollar bills, but he pulled her close and kissed her before accepting the money. She staggered back to the bar to find Judy laughing uproariously.

“If I hadn’t seen you do it I wouldn’t believe it,” Judy said after wiping the tears from her eyes.

The music got louder and more frenzied as the women began screaming as the dancing men made their cocks jump and fly off in every possible direction. The crowd around the stage was now two and three deep with women wanting to touch the young men. Still it startled Kara when one of the men reached down and pulled Judy onto the stage with him.

He laid her on her back with her feet toward the crowd. Her tight black dress was suddenly gathered around her waist, displaying her all-but-bare pussy to everyone. With one quick swipe, the young man pulled the pouch off his erect cock and balls as he settled between Judy’s legs, his own legs spread wide to provide a view of his activities. Judy shrieked happily and guided his big cock to her wet pussy and took his full length inside her.

If the noise had been deafening before, it was now twice as loud as he began fucking Judy hard and fast with his big prong for suddenly it seemed the other men were all reaching out to grab a partner, and in short order there were eight couples either fucking or sucking with wild abandon.

What stuck Kara after she had a moment to collect her senses was that the women shut out of the sexual activity appeared to accept it and either stood sipping their drinks while watching, or started dancing with one another. There were several women who also paired off and began kissing each other and fondling their partner’s breasts which were suddenly free from any encumberments.

Kara thought she had escaped the first wave and was half relieved, half disappointed when a ninth man stood in front of her just inches away and held out his hand. The invitation was unmistakable, but his erection, covered only by a thin layer of cloth, was not. Kara started to shake her head no, but her hand, seemingly with a mind of its own, reached out to him. Before she knew it, he had carried her over to and then onto the stage and set her down on her hands and knees.

In the next moment he unleashed the monster and Kara was amazed, awestruck and speechless. The only time she had seen a cock as huge as his was at a bachelorette party when the bride to be was given a giant dildo as a gag gift. But this was real.

The head was purple and fully engorged; it looked like a lemon sitting on top of that big, fat shaft. The veins were sticking out of the sides of the shaft, making it look ready for business. Kara couldn’t see his balls, but could imagine them being big too. He stroked his shaft a few times and it was like he was pumping it up. That big purple head throbbed, and a little sparkle of fluid was oozing from the tip.

He looked over at her and smiled.

She sat there with her mouth open, just staring at it. “It’s beautiful!” Kara whispered and meant it.

“You can touch it if you want too ... it’s up to you ... I’m not pushing or anything.”

Kara continued staring at it as she squatted in front of him. When she did, he used it as an opportunity to flip her skirt up over her ass and began rubbing her derrière. Kara made no protest when he eased the thin thong she wore to one side; she even parted her legs while he moved his erection closer to her face.

When a woman touches a guy’s dick for the first time, there’s an implicit agreement made.

Kara was really still pretty buzzed from the margaritas and the itch that needed scratching since the men had started waving their cock around while dancing.

There was no denying the arousal she felt looking at the magnificent penis on display mere inches from her. Kara was unable to stop herself from feeling how heavy it would be in her hand. She slowly took him in her hand, marveling at how small her hand was and how large his cock was.

Only Kara couldn’t get her hand around it. She ran her fingers over it, exploring the feel of it. Her pulse soared when it throbbed and she sensed its power, and she absently began stroking him and finding the head velvety soft, wondered how it would feel in her mouth.

“That a girl,” he said, as Kara wrapped her other hand around it too; she had never used two hands on anyone before and her pussy was steaming at the idea of having this humongous weapon inside her.

Kara never felt him opening the buttons on her blouse and lifting her breasts out of her until the cool air caressed her hot flesh.

Basically topless at this point Kara was thinking of two things, getting his cock into her mouth and then at some later point into her twat. Still she was concerned enough to ask herself, Will that thing fit in me?

Belatedly she realized he was talking to her and she strained to hear him through the screaming and loud music going on all around her.

“Can I touch?” he asked a second time.

“Yes ... please!”

He leaned forward and very gently took a nipple into his fingers. He rolled it then pulled it out as far as he could before releasing it, and then took it roughly between his fingers and twisted it. There was a sudden flash of pain followed instantly by the most pleasant sensation in her breasts since the twins were nursing on them.

Kara moaned. He reached over and took the other nipple and did the same thing, pulling on it as he twisted. They got even harder.

Kara was panting heavily as she continued to stroke him, giving him a slow, two-handed hand job. Then, eyes hooded with lust, she leaned forward and kissed the head of the beast.
He answered with a moan and pulled hard on both nipples, pulling her down to his hard prick by her nipples. Kara lay across his lap on her side facing him and his magnificent cock. Just beyond them, about eight feet away another couple, a redheaded woman was being fucked from behind by a long, blond-haired dancer Even to Kara’s eyes it was evident the woman was climaxing from the man’s rapid movements in and out of her well furred sheath.

With a quick decisive move, she wiped the hair away from her face and began to kiss and nip all over the big thing. She licked the head, making it nice and wet, then went after that special place under the head of his cock where all the nerves are. Her ex-husband had loved when she did that, and evidently so did her present partner, for the huge prick started to bounce and she stopped, not wanting him to cum ... just yet. As she took his purple cockhead into her mouth Kara envisioned being filmed doing this and it brought on a mini-orgasm that surprised the hell out of her.

Concentrating her efforts on sucking him off, Kara attempted to take more than his knob into her mouth and found it was so big that she had to stretch her mouth so much that it actually was uncomfortable although it eventually popped in and as the shaft wasn’t as thick as the crown she managed to get about five inches total into her mouth before giving up. Then Kara ran her tongue around it and he began to moan even louder.

“Oh my god, that feels so fucking good!”

Pleased with his compliment she tried to take even more, but couldn’t and began to choke until he pulled two of three inches out. She compensated by resuming her handjob as she sucked him off. He didn’t seem to mind in the slightest.

He moved his hands to Kara’s ass and massaged the cheeks. One of his hands moved down to her lower thigh and started to caress it. The other kept squeezing her ass, which delighted her. Kara moved a leg further up, allowing access to her pussy if he wanted it.

He tentatively moved his hand further up her leg and began to rub his way north. When he got to her crotch he rubbed around the thong on both sides without touching her pussy. He did that for an insanely long time, (actually roughly four minutes) while she sucked him feverishly. It seemed to Kara the wet sounds of her blow job were clearly audible to anyone in proximity. She wasn’t embarrassed as she had thought she’d be. After all, what were those same people doing themselves?

Finally, he rubbed the back of his hand against her thong covered pussy as if by accident. Kara moaned and opened herself even more. But he took his hand away. Totally frustrated, Kara continued blowing him but sent the scrabbling fingers of her right hand fumbling past his hand and under her well saturated thong where they immediately stretched the lips of her vulva--- dragging, distorting and flexing them; never directly touching her clitoris, but holding her liquidly cunt wide, teasing and stroking it with an incredible voluptuousness.

Soon enough she was grunting with satisfaction and his cock fell from her mouth as her fingers tickled the tight, spongy flesh with her long, curved nails.

“Enough!” her exasperated blond-haired partner barked hoarsely. “You need a cock in you and you need it now!”

“What?” Kara said drifting out of her sexual stupor long enough to realize he was real.

“You’re playing with yourself. Wouldn’t you prefer that I fuck you, or let you suck my cock?”

You want to fuck me?” Kara asked plaintively.

“You must be crazy, lady, but yeah I’m gonna fuck you---now!”

Without another word he very carefully impaled her on his rigid nine-inch cock.

“Oh ... please ... don’t move!” Kara pleaded.

“Have I hurt you?” He asked, alarmed that he might have done something wrong.

“No---no. It’s just been so long I---I need a minute to adjust to you---your cock.”

“Oh, sure, just say when, or start moving on your own.”

Kara stared up at him in partial shock; almost unbelieving that this man could fill her as much as he had. She thought about a butterfly she’d seen years before, pinned to a piece of card board. That’s me ... he’s pinned me to him with his enormous penis. And with that she began to move and he responded in kind, leaving Kara feeling wantonly euphoric, splayed and split like a melon just cleaved.

Then she was fucking back, pawing and clawing at him, reveling in being filled one second and almost empty the next. Her skin burned wherever he touched her. She couldn’t recall ever having been made love to, or even fucked so completely.

Her blond-haired lover was into it as well; she knew he did this as a matter of course at least twice a week, and yet his face revealed his true emotions and they were feral, totally savage. He couldn’t have stopped if she’d begged him to.

He brought a free hand to her face and she moaned looking at him wide-eyed as his fingers slid down her cheek to the line of her jaw, and then the curve of her neck. She closed her eyes as his fingers settled there. She sighed, and then groaned, “I’m gonna cum!”

Instantly he began to jackhammer in and out of her at a pace Kara couldn’t believe. She started cumming as he intensified his pistoning then stopped. She came for roughly two minutes before she slowly let her body sprawl flat upon the stage. Only then did he ease his condom sheathed cock from her juicy pussy.

He made a point of showing her his cum filled rubber before disposing of it. Kara would learn later that the men all did this as a means of assuring their partners there was no danger of becoming pregnant or infected with an STD. Then he helped her to her feet and said he might see her again later and walked off.

Only then did Kara think to look for Judy. It took her a moment to find her as it seemed that every woman in the place was engaged in sexual activity of some kind. But she caught sight of Judy some twenty feet away on the stage to her left. One burly man had just pried his condom clad cock from her pussy as she knelt between another man’s legs sucking his cock.

She moved toward her friend if only to watch. Judy was fellating him furiously, until her partner suddenly yanked his cock from her mouth and exclaimed, “You want to taste me, Judy?”

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