A Week to Remember - Cover

A Week to Remember

Copyright© 2019 by Paris Waterman

Chapter 1

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1 - This is about two families, neighbors if you will, and their sexual experiences over a week's time. It involves incest among other sexual proclivities, so if that's not your thing, just pass on it. PW

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Group Sex   Black Male   White Female   Anal Sex   Analingus   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Voyeurism   Size  

Friday -- 10:40 PM

To paraphrase Charles Dickens, It was the worst of times yet the best of times---for Ben Hallin. It was his first high school beer party; he was working on his fourth can of Bud. He had also just succeeded in reaching Ginger Armistead’s right breast.

“I bet we look pretty sexy on this couch,” she whispered encouragingly in his ear before nipping it with her teeth. Ben had never made out like this before. He was worried about his erection becoming an embarrassing focal point and discreetly attempted to cover it with one hand while the other continued its convergence on the lower curve of Ginger’s breast.

Ginger had surrendered her virginity to an upperclassman sometime ago, a fact lost on the virginal Ben. To her he was merely another notch on her bedpost; a challenge from Becky Stonebridge made her seek him out; get him to drink those beers and guide him to this point, and hopefully using her feminine seductive powers, further in order to win the bet she’d made with Becky.

She considered it a good deal even though she had to pass on Glenn Dodge, the best soccer player in the county, who had been eying her up from the moment she walked into the party. Ben was a good-looking guy, and appeared to be fairly well endowed ‘down there.’

“We, um ... maybe we could use a little more privacy,” Ben stammered as he felt her nipple for the first time through her top and the bra beneath.

“Tell me about it,” She replied good-naturedly and ran the palm of her hand over his bulging dick. “Mmm, there might be a room upstairs, wanna see?”

Ben needed no further urging and they went up the stairs past several couples making out on the steps and found a recently used bed waiting for them.

“Do you think I’m weird taking you upstairs like this?” Ginger giggled as she stared intently into Ben’s beer glazed eyes as if trying to pry an answer from them.

Ben’s cheeks flamed with embarrassment as he tried to figure out how to respond to her highly personal question. She must be ready to give it up to me, but what was I expected to do? He wished he knew more about sex other than what he’d heard in the locker room.

“Oh ... no---no!” he said watching her plop herself on the bed, and then surprisingly, she handed him yet another beer.

“Here, maybe you need some courage. I’m going to get more comfortable.” He automatically opened the beer and took a gulp, but his eyes were fixed on the seductive senior as she calmly pulled the top over her head then casually tossed it aside. And, with the wide-eyed Ben looking on, she reached behind her, unfastened the bra and let it fall from her shoulders, baring her twins to him.

Ginger was a natural beauty and knew it. She had stunning, jade eyes framed by a curly head of amber hair with blonde highlights that covered her shoulders. She never wore much makeup for she didn’t require it because of her nearly flawless complexion.

A moment later the sultry Ginger leaned against him, one hand kneading a breast and the other hand inside her lacy panties, her fingers playing underneath.

“Jesus!” He exclaimed in astonishment. Ben had dreamed of this moment while masturbating, but had never seen anything close to it in real life.

“Like what you see?”

“YES!” he answered his voice a raspy echo of its usual self.

She knew Ben, like others before him would be putty in her hands from then on, for his manhood was jutting out like a pole straining to get out of his pants.

“Don’t say anything ... just watch,” she whispered seductively.

It’s doubtful Ben could have done anything else even if had he wanted to as the sexy teen squeezed the flesh around her pale brown nipple, forcing it to point toward Ben. He was so fixated on the scene before him that he didn’t focus on her face until the moment she raised the breast and licked its nub with the tip of her pink tongue, leaving the nipple coated with her saliva.

And when she sucked the nipple into her mouth a moment later, Ben finally exhaled having held his breath for an inordinately long period then exclaimed, “Fuckkkk!”

He also ejaculated in his pants.

Ginger heard his groan---recognized it for what it was, and swore, for this meant she’d lost her bet with Becky.

“You son-of-a-bitch. You didn’t! You’ve ruined everything! You’re a fucking baby! Get the fuck out of my sight. I need a man, not a fucking baby!” Get out! Get out! Get out!”

Everyone heard her. Everyone saw Ben stumble down the stairs, mortified and half drunk as he ran out the front door to his car.

He almost flooded the carburetor in his haste to start it; but the engine finally caught and he roared away, narrowly missing two parked cars and just scraping a third but avoiding a serious collision. He did not stop, but fled the scene reached his home and left the car with the tires on the right side of the car on the sidewalk and the left side in the street.

Saturday – 8:47AM

While Ben slept off his humiliating night upstairs, two fortyish divorced mothers gathered in the Hallin kitchen for their usual Saturday morning coffee klatch.

Judy Grall, Kara Hallin’s neighbor, two doors removed said, “Your son’s car is parked ass backwards out front. I think he had a few too many last night.”

“That’s ridiculous, Ben doesn’t drink...”

But she went to the window to see for herself.

“I’ll be damned. You’re right, he must have been drinking. I think ... yeah, there’s a scrape along the passenger side about four feet long. He definitely hit something.”

“Or someone,” Judy amended.

“Christ, I hope not, I’m going to wake him up and find out.”

“Maybe you should let him sleep it off. My boy’s have both come home this way; just the one time each. I let them suffer from the hangover. It seemed to teach them a useful lesson.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right. The car’s not going anywhere and the scrape doesn’t look that serious. I’ll let him sleep it off.”

Kara asked Judy if her sons had ever had an accident. Judy had two sons, Craig, 19 and Alan, a year younger; Kara had twins, although not identical, a girl, Bari and a boy, Ben. They were eighteen and seniors at Volker’s High School, along with Alan Grall.

“Of course they did. Alan ruined his car the second time he took it out on his own. Craig made it through an entire week before his fender bender. Thank God neither one was hurt, nor anyone else either. After that their driving got the attention it deserved, but I still have my fingers crossed every time they head out.”

Kara was somewhat mollified hearing this. “Yeah ... I suppose its part of them growing up. I still worry though...”

“Of course you worry,” Judy said touching Kara’s arm. “It’s part of motherhood.”

The two women had met moving into their homes adjoining the Duck Creek Golf Course in the Gulf Coast Town of Chastened. Their friendship was forged in mutual respect garnered from helping each other after their respective spouses left them for other, younger women.

Judy kicked the real topic off by putting her coffee cup down and saying: “I know I probably shouldn’t say this Kara, but we’re friends ... have been for what---seven years now?”

Kara, wearing a tattered housecoat, no makeup and disheveled hair simply nodded and took a sip of her coffee, but looked at her friend with sudden interest for she seldom spoke to her this way. “More like eight, but go on, you were saying...”

“You look like shit right now, Kara. What the hell’s wrong?”

“You really want to know?” Kara replied calmly and not a whit defensively.

“Yeah, course I do. I meant it when I said you look terrible.”

“I haven’t had sex in over fourteen months; ever since I went out the day the divorce became final and let myself get picked up by a salesman at a lounge downtown.”

Judy laughed, although it was more of a grunt than laugh, and then said: “Well I can’t say it’s been that long for me. But I know where you’re coming from. I’ve gone without it for at least nine months. Thing is, I took care of that need by going to a Chippendale’s show at the Tivoli. It was fun ... real fun.”

“I thought that was closed down.”

“It is, but these other guys rent a place for their shows---they’re like the Chippendale’s and the ladies pack the joint. Um, it’s not advertised, you know? Word of mouth fills the place.”

“You got laid there? I mean, in front of the others?”

Judy giggled into her hand, as if trying to cover her face. “I did, and no one seemed to care. It turns into a bacchanal, you know?”

“A bacchanal? I’m not sure what that means, although it must have to do with sex.”

Still sniggering, Judy was forced to cough in order to reply. “It certainly does. They serve wine and cocktails, no food, unless you count the whipped cream they squirt on the men’s...”

Kara was shocked. “They show their penises?”

Still snickering, Judy gasped, “T--That’s the main attraction! I managed to show some restraint, but when Helen ... uh, I better leave names out. Its better all around, you know?”

Kara nodded, but waved a hand gesturing for her to continue.

“So when Hel ... I mean she went down on this Greek God of a man ... I’m saying he had a washboard abdomen on him and at least a eight inch whopper to go with it ... I went after this black dude who had an even bigger pecker and gobbled him into my mouth and sucked like a hungry baby----which in many ways I was.”

“No fuckin’ way! A Black dude?”

“Ohhh yeah ... all the way too! He came all over my chest. Did I mention that I bared my tits for him to cum on?”

“Christ Judy, I can’t listen to this ... I---I...”

“Oh I was soooo fuckin’ hot. I was out of my head hot, Kara.”

Judy caught herself squeezing her left breast, saw Kara looking aghast at her and tore the hand away while fumbling for the right words to restore control of the conversation.

“Listen---listen ... Christ I’m sorry ... I got carried away, but it was so fuckin’ hot---just thinking about it has me boiling between my legs.”

“JUDY!” Kara shouted to quell the other woman’s outburst.

“Sorry---Sorry, It’s just ... look, what I’m trying to tell you is you need to get laid.”

“Maybe I do, but shit, Judy...”

“Kara ... what I’m trying to say is that after that Black dude ... finished off on me I—I turned around and found myself facing another dreamy bastard. He must have been 6’5” or close to it. ‘Wanna fuck, beautiful?’ he asked. All I could say was yeah!”

“Judy, I don’t...”

“Next thing I know I’m on all fours. Mind you, I’m surrounded by screaming females. I’m also in front of a full-length mirror. So I can see myself as he starts in on me. The women are whooping and hollering, throwing back shots like you wouldn’t believe. I’m not the only one naked and getting fucked either. Musta been two or three others like me around the place. But I was in front of the mirror watching as he kissed my ... Kara, I was on fire. I was a bitch in heat. I would have let him do anything to me.”

“Did he?” Kara now riveted to Judy’s story had to ask.

“I remember reaching back and putting him inside me. I remember him spraying his sperm into me. I remember coming harder than I ever dreamed possible.”

“Kara ... I’m going back there and I’d like you to come with me.”

Kara’s mouth was so dry she had to swallow twice before getting the one word out. “When?”

“Tomorrow night.”

“What ... what should I wear?”

Saturday– 11:00 AM

Bari was bent over the sink doing something with her hair and her legs were splayed out a little to get her down to the height she wanted without having to bend her knees. She couldn’t help but glance into the mirror in front of her to see her reflection in the larger mirror behind her. She was pleased by what she saw there---the long, shapely legs; and the thighs---each one a model of perfection until they reached what she considered the neatest little ass in the whole world.

Yeah, I’ve got a great ass, she thought. The girls are envious and Mout’e raves about my booty, as he calls it, so it must be true.

She examined her pear shaped breasts, flicking each nipple to make them stand out, and thought, they could be bigger; they may still grow some, but I’ve got nice puppies. Nice and firm. Mom swears they won’t sag much if at all as I age, and that’s a blessing. Thank you, Jesus.

Bari thought back to the previous afternoon with her black boyfriend, Mout’e Benson, a 20 year old basketball prospect from Nigeria who was finishing off his high school academics while acclimating to the United States prior to entering the University of Florida on an athletic scholarship. They had been making out in a secluded corner at the upper portion of the football stadium during lunch break.

“So,” Bari had asked teasingly, “what else would you do to me if you could?”

“Kiss first,” he’d said and she gladly obliged. It was a long, French kiss that ended with his hand well into her blouse and inside her bra cup toying with the nipple.

“Ohhhh,” Bari sighed when their mouths parted.

“No—no, not just yet, sweetness,” Mout’e whispered, then seized her lower lip between both of his and sucked on it before releasing it and kissing her again.

Bari was dizzy with lust. She had never gone this far with anyone before, but was ready to give her virginity up to him should he want it.

“You are such a naughty girl, Bari,” he’d said, and made her shiver with each word.

“Am I?”

“You know you are!”

“If---if we were alone in a darkened room what would you do to me?”

“I would do many, many things to you,” he’d said and reached down to adjust the bulge in his slacks. Bari giggled. She’d felt she was in total control and pushed him further.

“Sooo, name one, Mout’e!”

He’d laughed; it was a deep baritone and not the shrill type sound most of her peers would have made under similar circumstances. “For such a naughty girl I would have to punish you.”

She’d giggled, delighted that he was as bold as to threaten her with a spanking.

“First I would tie you up. Oh yes, I would have you standing up while tied, you see? Then I would give that delightful ass of yours the punishment we both know you deserve. Your best friend sits there watching and cheering me on. When I am done, I fuck your brains out. You come so hard, you hang limp from the ropes.”

“Ohhhhh!” Bari sighed, already breathing heavily.

Mout’e’s hand had wormed its way between her legs and begun rubbing her slickened pussy through her dress.

“Mmmmm, you---you shouldn’t...”

“And your friend masturbates and cums at the same time you do.”

His words caused her to forget what he was doing to her. His hand slipped under her dress and began rubbing her pussy through her silken panties.

With eyes tightly closed and in a raspy voice she croaked, “Can ... can you make it any dirtier?”

Mout’e laughed and slid a long finger under the elastic of her panties and straight into her sodden pussy.

“It’s your mother watching.”

Bari was quiet for several heartbeats and then whispered, Oh ... my ... Gawd!”

Mout’e took a quick glance around. No one was anywhere near them.

“You---you’ve got me so friggin’ close ... touch my button and I swear I’ll cum forever!”

He laughed again and moved his long finger several times. Bari bucked once, twice, and then came with a shriek in his ear. Her twitching ass set him off, and Mout’e came in his pants. They both whimpered for a few more seconds then Bari shocked him by laughing hard and in a normal voice said: “Oh, baby, did you ever make me cum! That story was fabulous, Mout’e! I promise I’ll never tell anyone else.”

They both started laughing at that, wondering if they could pass off their orgasms as uncontrolled giggling. He edged his hand from between her legs and they started laughing. It was a mutually guilty laughter.

She was surprised to see him take a handkerchief and stick it down the front of his slacks while using her slight frame to shield what he was doing from any possible onlookers.

“You came too?” Bari said the delight in her voice unmistakable.

“Um, yeah, of course. You’re a hot bitch you know that.”

She couldn’t suppress a giggle when he brushed the front of his slacks off, surreptitiously feeling for any wet spots in the process but found none “Got practice later. Guess I’ll see you tomorrow then,” he said: and walked away.

Bari was still tingling from her orgasm when she reached her own bedroom after school let out two hours later. She showered, masturbated and lay on her bed thinking about every single word spoken between them earlier, especially his story. She grew aroused again and masturbated a second time, using her favorite vibrator.

Saturday – 11:15 AM

Bari finished dressing and thinking the house empty, was about to head out to the Mall and look for a new top to wear to school on Monday. But more to the point, she intended to impress her boyfriend Mout’e Benson so that he’d take her to the moon again like he had Wednesday night. Just thinking about his kisses had her reaching for her vibrator, but she managed to repress the sexual urge although she was unable to stop thinking about Mout’e. Unfortunately, he’d had basketball games scheduled for both Friday and Saturday nights so any sex was definitely out of the question over the weekend. He also insisted they keep their relationship secret for as long as possible, not wanting to have racial tension flaring up because he was black and she white.

Passing her brother’s door, she found it ajar and knowing that was unusual, Bari peeked in and saw Ben sprawled on his bed when he should have been out mowing lawns. Feeling it was her duty to see if he was all right, she entered his room and touched him lightly on the shoulder.

“Hey, Ben ... c’mon Ben, it’s Saturday and after eleven. Haven’t you got some lawns to work on?”

He groaned, “Leave me alone ... I wanna die!”

“Too much to drink at that party last night? I warned you...”

When he continued whining, Bari grew concerned and sat next to him. Although they weren’t identical twins, they still were very close and sometimes felt they could read each other’s minds. This was one of those times; although she couldn’t actually read his mind, Bari knew something was definitely wrong with her brother and pressed him until he opened up.

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