The Play - Cover

The Play

Copyright© 2019 by Unca D

Chapter 5

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Richard, a Tech sophomore, has the hots for co-ed Crystal but she is cold to him. Independently each decides to join the Theatre Guild in order to earn a humanities elective on their transcripts. When they both are assigned leading parts in the Guild's fall play she begins to warm to him a bit. He learns she is phobic and mistrustful of men. He confides in her a dark secret and when she learns the two have more in common than she imagined she starts to emerge from her shell.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   School   First   Oral Sex   Petting   Safe Sex  

Daylight roused Richard. He regarded Crystal, still asleep and facing from him. He rolled to her, slipped his hand around her waist and she stirred.

“Good morning,” he said.

“Good morning.”

“Sweet dreams?”

“The sweetest.”

“Any regrets?” he asked.

“Only that we didn’t do this sooner. I could still feel it as we cuddled ... my pussy was tingling and throbbing in such a pleasant way even as I fell asleep.”

“Is it still tingling and throbbing?”

“No. I will never forget last night, Richard -- the tender and gentle way you went about it.” She put her hand on his chest and began running the soft pads of her fingers back and forth on his right nipple.

Richard stroked her arm. “Are you hungry?” he asked.

“Not really ... I’m not really a breakfast person. I’m usually pretty hungry by lunchtime.” She continued stroking his breast. “Are you?”

“I’ll manage ... We’ve seen each other naked and made love,” Richard observed, “but we don’t know each other’s breakfast habits.”

“Ever since the rape I’ve lived under a dark cloud of uncertainty. Now the cloud is gone and it’s a bright sunny day. You changed my life last night.”

“We changed it.”

“Even if our relationship doesn’t last I’ll be forever thankful.”

“I hope it lasts a long, long time,” he said.

“So do I.”

Her touch was having an impact on him and he felt the stirrings of a fresh erection. “Are you trying to start something?”

“I want to do it again. Are you able?”

“Ready, willing and able,” he replied. “I should whiz first, though.”

“Good idea -- I ought to, also. You go first.”

He stood and picked his briefs up from the floor. “If I had known your intentions I would’ve brought some fresh clothes.”

“If you had known, you probably would have discouraged me.”

“I probably would have. “These briefs are starched from last night.”

“Guys get wet during foreplay?”

“This guy sure does.” He tossed the briefs back onto the floor. “I’ll just go commando -- it’s only to the bathroom and back.”

Richard stepped from the suite’s bathroom. The door to the other bedroom opened and a tall and slender girl with short light brown hair emerged, nude. She glimpsed him, covered her breasts with her arm and her mons with her hand. She gasped. “Who ... who are you? What are you doing here?”

Richard forced his gaze above her collar bone. “I’m Richard Wrenn -- Crystal’s boyfriend. Sorry to startle you.”

“Crystal has a boyfriend? News to me. She said she was having a friend over. I didn’t realize she meant overnight.”

He started to extend his hand and then thought better. “My daddy taught me that in this sort of situation I must look a lady in the eye. Are you Kylie or Rachel?”

“I’m Rachel.”

“Pleased to meet you. If you’ll excuse me.” Richard headed back into Crystal’s room. “I met your suite mate Rachel,” he said with a chuckle. “I don’t think she expected me to still be here this morning. I didn’t know which towel to use so I’m letting my hands drip dry.”

“Towels are in the bottom drawer of my dresser,” she said pointing. “I should have set one out for you.” She handed him one. Then, Crystal slipped into a robe and headed out the door.

Richard draped the towel over the back of her desk chair. The toilet flushed and he heard a muffled conversation. Crystal stepped back into her room. “You didn’t tell me she was...”

“Buck nekkid?”

“Yeah ... She said she thinks she likes you -- you were very gentlemanly toward her.” She slipped out of her robe and stood facing him. Lifting her arms over her head she undid her pony tail, shook out her hair and then re-tied it.

“That is a sight I’ll never get bored of,” Richard remarked.

“What sight?”

“A buck nekkid you.” He approached her from behind, slipped his arms around her waist and began kissing and nuzzling her neck. Then he cupped his hands under her breasts and began stroking both nipples with his thumbs.

“Mmm,” she purred, “feels really good.”

Richard slipped an arm under her knees and his other behind her back. He scooped her off her feet, carried her to her bed and set her on it. They lay facing each other; Richard began playing with her breasts.

“Doesn’t have to be elaborate,” she said softly. “I just want to feel you inside again. I want to feel the intimacy.”

“This time without fear of fear itself?”

“Exactly. Make me come.”

Richard began running his fingers through her pubic patch. “You have such a pretty bush.” He tugged gently on her hair and stroked the outsides of her labia. Then he worked a finger between them. “A bit dry down there.”

He caressed her cheek and then ran his finger between her lips. She parted them and he slid his finger into her mouth, coating it with her saliva. Then he slid his hand down to her mons and began stroking her clit.

“Feels good,” she said. “I can feel my juices starting to flow.”

Richard slid his finger down. “Oh, yes,” he replied, “nice and wet, now.” He dragged some of her fluids onto her clit and resumed stroking.

He gazed into her green eyes and could see the arousal building on her face. Her breathing slowed and deepened and he watched the muscles in her abdomen make little twitches. He could see her ribs moving under her flesh.

She slipped her hand behind his head and guided his face to her left breast. Richard drew her nipple into his mouth and nursed as she ran her fingers through his hair. He could feel her racing heartbeats in his lips.

Crystal’s breathing became open-mouth panting. Then she drew in a deep breath, held it for a moment and let out a sigh. Her body lay dead still for a split second, then she gasped and moaned. Her legs and belly shook as her orgasm peaked. “Stop,” she panted. She caressed his face and covered it with kisses. Then she eased him onto his back and ran her hands along his legs.

Crystal turned her attention to his stiffly erect manhood, wrapping her fingers around it. “I love feeling your pulse in it,” she said.

“It’s just me -- just Richard.”

Reaching for the strip of condoms she opened one. “Is this the right side up?” she asked.

“Yeah.” Crystal unrolled it onto his organ. “You on top this time,” he said. She swung one leg over his hips and knelt straddling him. “You put it in.”

This time she grasped its base with confidence and guided it to her pussy, easing it into her vagina as she lowered herself onto him. He locked his legs with hers.

“This is what I wanted to feel,” she said as she caressed his face. “I feel so close to you right now.”

“It’s why it’s called love making. We’re giving our bodies to each other. We can feel the love and trust flow.”

“Trust,” she replied. “I trust you, Richard. When I’m with you I feel completely safe and at ease. How long can you stay like this?”

“For a while.”

She lifted onto her elbows and began running her fingers across his nipples. “What if I do this?”

“That will keep me up a little longer.” He gazed into her eyes as she caressed him. “You are so pretty,” he said.

She smiled. “If you say so...” She lowered herself onto him and kissed his lips. “Go ahead and take your pleasure.”

“There’s an unwritten rule,” he said.

“What’s that?”

“The one on top does the work.”

Richard held her across her shoulder blades and the small of her back as she began rocking her hips. “Is this good?”

“Longer strokes,” he replied and began a complementary rocking of his hips.

“You said I had to do the work,” she protested.

“No rule says I can’t help.” He caressed her firm buttocks and slid his finger into her crevasse. He could feel shorter coarse hair tapering from her labia back to her anus.

Crystal increased the vigor of her humping and began to grunt with each thrust. Richard now felt his climax was within reach. He rotated his hips for more friction. His heart was starting to throb and his breathing grew heavy. Grasping her buttocks he pressed his hips against hers and groaned as he ejaculated.

She lay atop him and he caressed her back, now slightly moist with perspiration. “Here,” he said and began to ease her off of him.

“Don’t leave ... feels so good.”

“I have to grab the condom.”

“Stupid condom ... I wish we didn’t need one.”

“So do I.”

She lifted up far enough for him to hook the condom’s rim with his nail and then she sat up and knelt. Richard disposed of the used condom. “Maybe I’ll go over to the Health Center on Monday and see what they recommend so we don’t need them,” she suggested.

He held her under his arm and he began caressing her back. “Mmm...” she said softly. “That will put me to sleep.”

He could feel her body relax as she drifted off, her breathing turning deep and regular. Richard rolled to his side slightly and slid from under her. He held her against him, pulled the covers over them and closed his eyes.

When he opened them again he saw Crystal beside him still snoozing. He caressed her cheek and she stirred. “Mmmpf ... What time is it?” she asked.

“Ten thirty.”

“How long were we asleep?”

“About forty-five minutes. I can’t think of a better way to kill a Saturday morning, can you?”

“Uhn-uhn,” she replied.

“Are you getting hungry?” he asked.

“I am. My stomach is starting to growl. I need to take a shower. I hadn’t realized how messy sex is.”

“Messy sex is good sex. I’d take a shower if I had a change of clothes. Why don’t you take a quick shower...”

“With this hair it’s never quick,” she replied.

“Can you skip washing your hair until tomorrow?”

“I suppose I could tie it into a bun and stuff it in a shower cap.”

“Once you’re done we can go to my dorm. I can shower and even pack an overnight bag ... assuming I haven’t worn out my welcome.”

“Oh, you have not. Your welcome is just as bright and shiny as when you walked in.”

“We can go to lunch and then figure out what to do before dinner.”

Crystal removed her hair tie. She attempted to corral her bushy hair and stuff it into a shower cap. Then she slipped into her robe and picked up a basket of toiletries. “Give me about fifteen minutes,” she said.

“Take as long as you need.”

Holding hands Richard and Crystal headed across campus and toward the Quad. They approached a long, low building. Richard scanned his student ID and the door unlocked. He led her up a flight of stairs.

“I’m on the second floor,” he explained. “This floor is co-ed. I like being on a co-ed floor -- it’s less rowdy than the all male floors. The women’s rooms are at this end. That’s the women’s bathroom. If you should need to use the facilities, this is where you’d go.” They continued down the corridor and stopped at his room. “My room is about halfway. It’s about equidistant from both bathrooms. Let me see if Brian is at home.”

He unlocked the door and poked his head in the room. “Brian? I guess he’s out somewhere.” Richard opened the door and escorted Crystal inside.

“This is ... Spartan,” she remarked.

“It’s a roof over my head. The place is solid, built out of cinder block, not the flimsy drywall at Whalen. This dorm is a couple thousand a semester cheaper than the newer ones. Over four years, that adds up. My side of the room is on the left. I’m going to take a quick shower and then we can go to lunch.”

Richard undressed. He opened a closet door and tossed his shirt, briefs and socks into a laundry bag. Then he slipped into a gray terrycloth robe and picked up a towel, soap and shampoo. “You’ll be okay here for a few minutes?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Don’t worry about Brian if he should show up. He’s a good guy and he won’t pester you.”

“You didn’t tell him about...”

“Of course not.” He kissed her lips and headed out the door.

Richard returned from his shower. He unlocked his door and saw Crystal sitting on his bed. “Any sign of Brian?” he asked.

“Nope. That’s quite a sound system you have.”

“Yeah ... I built it myself.”

“And, you’re a chem major?”

“Chemistry with a minor in electrical engineering,” he replied. “I’m interested in laboratory instrumentation.” He pulled on fresh clothes. “Shall we go to lunch?”

Richard locked his door and they headed down the corridor to a skywalk that led to the Quad cafeteria. They picked up their trays, went through the line and sat across from each other at a table.

“Do you have plans for after lunch?” Richard asked.

“Yes, unfortunately. Saturday is the day I do my laundry. I also have a report due this coming week that I haven’t even started, so I need to get busy on that.”

“Yeah ... I have work I need to do, too. Dinner at five?”


“We can meet in the Quad main lobby. What about afterward? The Film Society is showing a Hitchcock double feature -- ‘Vertigo’ and ‘Psycho’.”

“Physics building?”

“Yeah...” Richard consulted his phone. “First feature at seven.”

“Only if the shuttle is running,” she replied. “Otherwise I’m not up to that walk.”

He manipulated his phone. “Last shuttle is at five. Oh well -- I’m sure we can find something to do.” He scrolled to the events calendar. “Hey -- the Astronomy Club is holding a star party. Their observatory isn’t that far of a walk -- just up the hill by the campus radio transmitter tower.” He looked out of the cafeteria window. “It’s clear enough now and it gets dark early enough.”

“That might be interesting,” Crystal replied.

Richard spotted Brian in the cafeteria line and waved to catch his attention. Brian carried his tray to their table.

“Crystal -- this is Brian, my roommate. Brian -- Crystal Greer.”

“Nice to meet you,” Brian said. “You were great in that play. Both of you were great.”

“Thanks,” she replied. “Brian, what’s your major?”

“Electrical Engineering,” he replied.

“Brian’s what we call a power jock,” Richard added, “his specialty is power distribution networks. He’s a junior and has a provisional job offer already from an upstate power company.”

“Wow,” Crystal said. “That’s impressive. I’m in the Computer Science department for Software Engineering.”

“Some of my minor classes cross over into that,” Richard remarked. He finished his carton of chocolate milk. “If you’ll excuse us, Crystal and I have a ton of work to get to.”

“Very nice meeting you, Brian,” she said.

Richard escorted her back through the skyway to his room and picked up his duffle. Holding hands Richard and Crystal headed out of the Quad and toward Whalen. He escorted her into the lobby. They embraced and kissed. “See you at dinner,” he said.

“I can’t wait,” she replied and reached for his duffle. “I’ll take that and stash it upstairs.”

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