Helen's Hangers - Cover

Helen's Hangers

by Tony Tiger

Copyright© 2019 by Tony Tiger

Erotica Sex Story: Her husband doesn't pay attention to them anymore, but a neighbor's son sure does to their mutual delight. That's just a beginning.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Teenagers   Tear Jerker   Cheating   Sharing   Interracial   First   Water Sports   .

Her huge chest hangers were a blessing and a curse. They got her noticed by guys but also were sometimes an uncomfortable nuisance. When she was naked with a man, she liked that she could get lots of pleasure from them and a few times had the experience of a guy for each one at the same time. She laughingly called those “double dates” and had fond memories of the two taking turns between her legs while both tits were kept busy.

She finally settled on a man to marry but got disappointed after a year and a half when he didn’t keep her twat filled enough anymore. That wasn’t what she’d expected and she wasn’t happy. Her frustration led her to teasing Robby, a teenage neighbor boy who cut the grass and kept the yard neat since her husband didn’t want to do it. When she saw his football body as he did the work bare chested, her tits tingled and her pussy itched. How to seduce him? That wasn’t something she’d had much experience with.

One afternoon as he was finishing up she came out into the yard with a beach towel and some tanning cream. Spreading the towel out on the grass she told Robby she was going to tan and she’d like him to put the cream on her. She nonchalantly dropped her top and her massive mammaries swung free. She laid face down on the towel so he could do her back and much of her buns since she was just wearing a thong bikini bottom. Then she rolled over. He hesitated until she said firmly, “I need that stuff all over. Get busy.”

His hands felt so good and her nipples stood up proudly. When he finished, she asked, “Would you like to tan too?” When he just sat there open-mouthed she pulled him down and began rubbing cream on him. His shorts were bulging, she’d noticed, so she pulled them down and her mouth got full of young meat. The next thing he knew she had mounted that eager organ and her huge hangers were in his face, begging to be played with.

He didn’t leave at the usual time that day, staying until she shooed him away before her husband got there. He’d return in two days to do more work ... and whatever else she wanted.

Helen thought it ironic that her husband had a rare case of hornies that night. She had to do a bit of sex acting and get it over with quickly since her pussy was tender from the unaccustomed level of use it had with Robby.

Her young man was a fast and eager learner who was always ready for any sex play she wanted. He was completely obedient and he would lick her ass and especially her pussy even if she had just squatted out in the yard and peed. When he did that she got the idea to piss on him, especially on his genitals and in his mouth. He returned the favor and, at her request, learned to piss when his cock was erect too. She’d seen that done on some internet porn videos.

When she finally got the courage to do it, she had him drink lots of water to fill his bladder and mounted his hard cock. She told him to let go inside of her and she squirmed as the hot stream tickled her insides and ran out around his shaft to rain down on his pubes and run over his balls. It felt to her like a long and steady ejaculation instead of the usual pulsed one. When he finished, he withdrew and licked her piss-wet pussy to an orgasm, then put his dick back in and got his too.

One day Robby was really focusing in her chest pillows when he casually mentioned that it would really take one guy on each to give them full attention. Almost reflexively Helen responded with, “Do you know any who would be discreet?”

Robby quickly came back with, “I have a brother who just turned fourteen, so he is legal if you don’t mind a virgin.”

That got her thinking and she asked him to bring the brother, named Chet, along so she could meet him.

Two days later there were two boys at the door. The back one actually, because Roby had long been arriving through the fence gate from the mid-block sidewalk. With the tall fences around every yard his visits were not likely to be noticed.

Helen looked Chet over. He was a slightly younger version of the boy she’d been screwing. He was into soccer so had developed a nice body too. He’d been filled in about the reason for this visit so when Helen said, “Strip,” he didn’t question but quickly complied. Helen dropped her top and went over to hug him. Being shorter, his mouth was right at her nipple level and she stuck one in it. Glancing down she noted that his cock was already hard and approximately the size of Robby’s.

“Robby, I’m going to lie down and you show him how to make me feel good.” What a delight with twenty fingers and two mouths to work on erogenous zones! She had a pillow under her head to watch what was going on. As Chet worked on a tit his erection was rubbing on the front of her thigh. Suddenly she felt a hot liquid down there and she saw his bone spurting cum on her leg. He jumped back, getting some on the bedsheet as he tried to apologize.

“Chet, that was a compliment. Just get a washrag from the bathroom and wipe it off. I know a better place for the next time that happens.” Robby was grinning. His erection was ready for action and Chet’s hadn’t wilted.

When it got to coitus, Helen asked Robby to hold back from cumming after he demonstrated penetration and thrusting for his brother. As expected, Chet blasted off after just a few strokes and Robby re-entered. Helen was enjoying this a lot, as much watching the boys’ reactions as the actual act itself. Chet was ready for more when Robby shot his load and pulled out, revealing gaping pussy lips oozing pearly cream. And so it went with Helen reluctantly calling a halt before her husband came home.

Her sex life was in high gear now! She’d like to screw both boys every day but kept things a little bit under control by limiting the fun to every other day during the week and the occasional opportunities on weekends.

Ah, but her pussy hadn’t hit full speed yet although she didn’t realize it. The above schedule had just gotten settled in when, on a day that the boys didn’t pump her, there was a knock on the back door. She quickly grabbed a robe and looked out to see Raul, the Hispanic man who lived next door. Putting the safety chain on she cracked the door. “What do you want?”

“Oh Miss Helen. I would like to have fun with you like the boys do.”

She as puzzled and suspicious. “What do you mean?”

He held up his phone to show her a picture. “I see you and boys in yard naked and doing it.” Sure enough, apparently an upstairs window could see her and the boys fooling around. Damn!

She replied, “No, I cannot do that with you.”

“But Miss Helen, do you want me to tell your husband? Let me in.”

She was stuck and opened the door, unsure of what would happen next. Raul was very polite as he entered and her tension went down. He took charge, “I see your big ones from far away and want to see them close now.” He reached out and opened her robe to expose those magnificent mammaries. She held the lower part together. His hands did feel good as he tenderly caressed the sensitive flesh and when his mouth found a nipple a flash of pleasure raced to her crotch.

He was a big brown man, a construction worker with muscles, and quite a bit taller than she. Noting that she was not resisting, he picked her up and carried her to a bedroom. Her robe fell open and he gazed at her body. “Miss Helen, I have no woman so want fun with you and make you joy.” Unable to resist she spread her legs and her pussy looked inviting.

Raul dropped his pants and a big uncut brown cock popped out pointing straight away from his body, too heavy to point upward like the boys’ did. She’d never seen one quite like that and her vagina lubed.

He was gentle, apparently mindful of the effect the big boner could have on a woman, so inch-by-inch her pussy got stretched and filled. Helen couldn’t resist making her pleasure noises as the biggest filling ever happened. She just laid still and let him have his way and, when he hit bottom, reached down to feel several inches of his shaft that wouldn’t fit. He suckled her breasts as he began moving in and out and her first orgasm wasn’t long coming. She heard, “Oh senora, you like! Me too.”

Her depths were soon flooded and the big brown shaft began to shrink. She almost hated to feel that but knew it had to happen. Ever polite, Raul asked, “When can I visit again?” She mentioned the next day the boys wouldn’t be there and he smiled and hugged her before exiting the way he had arrived. Putting a washrag between her legs to catch the copious deposit, she poured herself some whiskey on the rocks even though it was late morning. What an experience! How her life was changing! But was she losing control?

Her two teens were eager to stick their dicks but she held out until the planned work was done. At least she was boss here. She also dictated who stuck it in when and what positions they used. When her pussy was awash with young sperm, insured by the two loads each of the hard young cocks had spurted, she took a shower and started supper. One thought that popped into her mind from time to time was, “How many housewives have a sex life like mine?”

Raul was right on time and obviously ready. As his big pecker stretched her pleasure portal he asked, “Was this busy yesterday? I think it was.” She just smiled and he began pumping hard. Her body responded and she clawed at his back as her orgasm hit. Just one of his was more intense than the smaller ones the teens triggered. It was early and he said he’d be back just before he went to work. She had to nap after he left.

It was just as good when he returned. This time she rode him and his strong fingers and hands did good things to her swinging tits and bouncing buns. “Damn,” she thought, “fucking is SO good. Why did I bother to get married? It would be so much easier to do what I’m doing now with no guilt or worry about getting caught.”

As the old saying goes, “Be careful what you wish for; you may get it.” Raul had just gone to work after titillating her twat as usual when she got a phone call from the hospital. Her husband had been brought to the ER after collapsing at work.

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