The Happy Cure for the Big Bio-sexual Virus Mistake - Cover

The Happy Cure for the Big Bio-sexual Virus Mistake

Copyright© 2019 by Sterling

Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Kevin and Megan each tailor a virus that is designed to fix the other's sexual shortcomings. But the two viruses together are highly contagious and cause havoc. It is up to Dr. Shaw to fix human sexuality -- and he makes things better than they were originally.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Humor   School   Science Fiction   Incest   Father   Daughter   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

Dr. James Shaw was proud of what he had created.

Most people had a healthy sexual appetite, but no one felt any compulsion to have sex. Masturbation to a modest orgasm was easy and satisfying for both sexes. Sex was practically guaranteed to be pleasurable. No foreplay was required. The encounter ended with an orgasm for both of them whenever either party had had enough, though the “One, two, three...” technique meant you had the satisfaction of giving your partner a big orgasm instead of a more modest one, and who wouldn’t want to both give and receive such a gift?

There were no physical limits on how often someone could have sex -- men’s orgasms resulted in dry twitching, without ejaculation. Reproduction happened when a very particular set of circumstances occurred. Only when the woman was fertile, and actively thinking she would like to get pregnant, and the man was also thinking he would like to impregnate her would an ejaculation occur -- a copious one with a dozen shots -- that was highly likely to cause a pregnancy. It was mildly uncomfortable for the man, so he had no reason to wish for an impregnation unless he decided that he would like to father a child, not acting out of a selfish desire for pleasure.

People had wider sexual tastes than before. Women were happy to get it from the less attractive men, and vice versa. Restrictions on incest were gone.

His project had disrupted the contraception industry, though the business in morning-after pills was still booming. He had virtually eliminated the market for prostitution. Rape was virtually unheard of. Sexual problems of the sort that had motivated Megan and Kevin to unleash their viruses in the first place were pretty much entirely gone.

Unplanned pregnancy was virtually unheard of. Birth rates dropped dramatically everywhere. Even in cultures where men want to have a lot of children, the women who felt they had enough had plenty of cover -- no man could tell whether his wife just wasn’t fertile or if she was not wanting to get pregnant.

Sexual shame and the need for secrecy were also gone. In many workplaces, lunch time was good for a couple bouts of intercourse -- or maybe ten, if someone was both especially attractive and horny. Little kids saw their parents and older siblings having sex all the time and thought nothing of it. When they were old enough they joined in.

In short, almost everyone was having a lot of satisfying sex.

There were still marriages and long-term commitments. Your lover you kissed on the lips, got to know well, and slept beside every night. You had sex with them too, of course, but that wasn’t something restricted to the marriage. Lots of couples, and some singles, had children in nuclear families. That aspect of society hadn’t changed much, but there were no unwanted children.

Jim smiled as he reflected on some things that maybe could have been done differently. They didn’t need to get rid of the incest taboo. But with the original rogue virus he’d already been having lots of sex with his daughters, and so had sons, daughters, mothers and fathers throughout the world. Why make them feel guilty? And he had to admit that the thought of stopping his sexual encounters with his three lovely daughters without once feeling the completion of orgasm would have been hard.

As for the strength of the sex drive, they could maybe have set it lower. But sex was fun and rewarding and part of the good life. Why relegate it to a small corner of life?

As long as the sex drive was going to be strong, it was really handy to do away with the need to have sex in private. It was tied in with shame. Less need for privacy meant less shame, and less shame meant less need for privacy.

There was some concern that worker productivity was down, but in compensation so was crime, war, drug abuse, and child abuse and neglect. Besides, a little drop in productivity wasn’t enough to outweigh the joy of sex. Lots and lots of joy. Lots and lots of sex.

Jim’s two older daughters had moved away, and Kendall would be going soon. But there were plenty of other girls in the neighborhood, along with the women. And his wife too, of course.

And that girl Amanda, from next door -- she had just discovered sex and was really enthusiastic. She was pretty special. His cock started growing as he thought of their next encounter.

He was seated at the kitchen table, enjoying a cup of coffee. Just then he heard approaching footsteps and the kitchen door opened as Amanda let herself in.

“Mr. Shaw, could you make make me pregnant?”

Jim smiled. A lovely little quirk of hers, that game. He wondered if he felt up to ejaculating today or not. He definitely looked forward to the orgasm he would have as his cock was buried deep in her pussy. By now it was fully stiff.

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