The Happy Cure for the Big Bio-sexual Virus Mistake - Cover

The Happy Cure for the Big Bio-sexual Virus Mistake

Copyright© 2019 by Sterling

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Kevin and Megan each tailor a virus that is designed to fix the other's sexual shortcomings. But the two viruses together are highly contagious and cause havoc. It is up to Dr. Shaw to fix human sexuality -- and he makes things better than they were originally.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Humor   School   Science Fiction   Incest   Father   Daughter   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

Kevin was on top of Megan and his hard cock was inside her body, right where nature intended it to go. They were doing missionary position sex, his cock driving deep, excitement building, building... “Oh, yes!” he said, groaning as his ecstasy was upon him, his cock shooting gobs of sperm deep into Megan’s vagina. As the last twitch died away, he savored the pleasure. He was fully satisfied. He opened his eyes to see Megan giving a weak, forced smile. “You didn’t come? Bummer. Next time I’ll last longer, I promise.”

Kevin and Megan had met because they were both junior researchers in the US biological weapons program -- a program whose mission was of course limited to understanding threats and devising defenses against them. They knew their superiors liked it when the bio weapons people paired with their own. It minimized the chances of someone revealing highly classified information to some lover who turned out to be a foreign agent.

Megan didn’t have much previous sexual experience, and none that had been very satisfying to her. She had masturbated on and off, starting when she was a teen, and had no trouble reaching orgasm, but she always felt lonely after solo sex. All she had had were a few relationships ranging from a week to a couple months. The guys liked to fuck her and she felt good being able to satisfy them, though she knew that was no big accomplishment on her part. But as for her own pleasure -- not so much. Sometimes she got excited and felt it might lead her to orgasm, but the guy always came before she got close. There had been that one guy Bill, who was terribly sweet. He had used his tongue on her and it had felt magnificent. She had the nicest orgasm of her life. In each of their three encounters his penis only got half hard, and not for long -- not long enough to penetrate her. He found that frustrating and she found it confusing. He confessed he feared he was gay as he broke up with her. But those three orgasms he had given her ... they were terrific.

Kevin just made a face when she gently raised the idea of giving each other oral sex, though he said he wouldn’t mind if she gave him a blow job. For foreplay he tried doing things with his fingers that were OK, but before a minute was up he said she was just so sexy she was driving him crazy, so he’d mount and penetrate her. “Doesn’t that feel good, baby?” he’d say. She smiled and agreed because it did feel good. “Yeah, just keep doing that,” she’d say. But she figured it would probably take ten minutes. Sometimes he said, “You’re so sexy, can’t hold back any more.” Sometimes he didn’t say anything. But he always finished -- in no more than three minutes.

She searched the web for things they could do to help her come. She asked if she could be on top. He grudgingly agreed, but as she was up on top of him he looked like he was at the dentist. He clearly resented it, and she couldn’t get close to an orgasm with a partner who looked like that. She tried putting her fingers on her clit while he was going in and out to try to get more stimulation -- another thing she read on the web. But when he noticed he stopped thrusting. “What, the natural way isn’t good enough?” He wouldn’t resume his motion until she removed the fingers, then he got his usual lusty smile and had his usual orgasm.

So when they’d been together a couple months, she started putting him off when he asked for sex. He was disappointed as it went down to once a week from their initial pace of once a day.

He asked, “How come you hardly ever want to have sex any more?”

“Women are supposed to come during sex, and I never do, that’s why I’m not so enthusiastic.”

“Oh, I wonder if there’s something wrong with you. Ever asked a doctor about it?”

Megan had perfectly adequate orgasms when she masturbated, and she wasn’t feeling emotionally troubled. The ones from Bill’s tongue had been great. She felt pleasure during sex, just never enough to finish. It was a common problem, and it required some flexibility on the part of a woman’s partner, and Kevin just didn’t have any flexibility. In all other respects he was a wonderful guy.

“Do you think maybe doggy style would work better?” he asked hopefully. She didn’t think so.

They used to talk about moving in together, but not any more. It got so a whole month went by with no sex. Kevin really didn’t like that sort of gap. She felt horny, but when she thought about how she wouldn’t have an orgasm she felt less horny, and when she thought about how she never had had one with Kevin, she didn’t feel like sex at all. It didn’t help her outlook when she saw him flirting with Grace, another young woman at the lab who looked very nice. It didn’t help at all. But in response she had sex with Kevin for his sake as often as she could stand it.

It so happened Megan and Kevin both worked in a division studying how viruses could change sexual functioning. She had the tools in place to devise a custom virus that would fix Kevin. He would simply be unable to climax until his partner had an orgasm first. So he’d have to last long enough for her to feel satisfied. She would make sure it wasn’t contagious. It would just be Kevin. And even if they broke up, the virus would also make him be nice to any future partners too. Wouldn’t it be good for him to always have to please his partner? It was of course highly unethical and illegal, so she put the idea of out of her mind. It was just a fantasy. Then Grace came along. She didn’t want to lose Kevin, but she wanted satisfying sex. If it was just him, how much harm could there be? But then she thought of how Grace looked at him with obvious interest. Megan concocted the virus and let it loose. She would have to wait a week. The viral infection would take a week to have its effect on Kevin.

Kevin was thrusting in and out of Megan’s vagina. He’d been going for maybe eight minutes. He was fucking her with enthusiasm. For her, the pleasure built and built ... finally! Her body shuddered, her vagina twitched, and she felt the heaven of sexual release. And then he had his own, seconds later. Success!

“You came! That was great!” he said when he caught his breath. She gave a big genuine smile and they snuggled happily before they broke apart to sleep side by side. The next night was successful too. She thought she’d fixed the problem.

But then things took a turn for the worse.

When he entered her and started thrusting, it didn’t feel quite right. It was mildly pleasant, but it just wasn’t the sort of sexual excitement that would lead to orgasm, no matter how long it went on. And she knew that with her virus in his system, it would go on and on. For a while Kevin seemed happy, then after half an hour he started getting frustrated. She told him she was starting to get sore, and he nodded, said he’d finish soon, and kept thrusting. She told him she actually was sore, and after a pause, he pulled out. She wasn’t actually all that sore, but she had had enough.

“Damn, that’s frustrating!” he said.

She tried masturbating but found she couldn’t reach climax that way any more.

The next three days they tried sex with the same result. On and on it went, for her just mildly pleasant. He was obviously excited but couldn’t finish. The third time they went at it for a full hour, with the same result. After that one she got a urinary tract infection.

Their conversations used to be easy, one of the best parts of the relationship. Now they became strained. He made snide remarks and she realized she did too.

They decided to take some time apart and date other people.

Now she noticed something she’d never noticed before -- she really wanted sex. Sexual intercourse. She really, really wanted it. She wouldn’t ask Kevin. Absolutely not. But there was Daniel ... he was a socially awkward nerd type, but he had made clumsy passes at her when she first arrived. She had had to explicitly tell him she wasn’t interested, so then he avoided her. Now she was so desperate she put herself in his path. He didn’t seem to get the positive hints any better than he had gotten the negative hints before, so she finally swallowed her pride and asked if he’d be willing to sleep with her.

He was willing. His body might be pudgy, but his cock was thick, which felt good. He lasted all of thirty seconds before he came. He asked if she had come and seemed genuinely apologetic that she hadn’t. She felt the same mild pleasant feelings she had had those last times with Kevin but nothing leading towards orgasm. After he left she tried masturbating but got nowhere. She invited him over the next day too, and the second time he lasted five minutes. After ten minutes lying together she noticed he got hard again, and encouraged him to do it once more. This time he lasted fifteen minutes and he made clear he was holding off until she came. She used her fingers, and he adjusted to that with a smile. But the fingers weren’t leading her in the right direction either. She encouraged him to finish up, and he did within a few seconds.

He was willing to lick her out, and it felt nice. She gave him some pointers on how she liked it best, which he cheerfully followed. As far as she could tell, he was doing it just as well as Bill ever did, but she never got near an orgasm. She suggested doing it doggy style -- something she’d never done before -- and used her fingers freely that way as his pubic bone was not in the way. Still nothing. He came, and said he had to admit that position was really special.

She figured she’d had her fling with Daniel and had no intention of going out with him again. But after two days she just wanted sex. Really bad. Daniel was willing. They started with him going down on her, still to no good effect. And then he mounted her missionary style and she at least felt the craving for sex go away, even if it still didn’t feel exciting the way sex usually did. This time he went on for half an hour, and she encouraged him to finish up. But he kept pumping and pumping, his excitement giving way to visible anxiety, and finally he gave up. She told him not to worry, that it was natural that it happened sometimes.

But he didn’t accept her invitation to get together again.

Her attempts to seduce a couple other men at the lab were not successful. The urge for sexual intercourse grew stronger and stronger.

“Um, Kevin?”

“Oh, it’s you,” he said without enthusiasm as she stood in the entrance of his cubicle.

“Yeah, it’s me. How’s it going?”

“Oh, fine, fine...”

“I was wondering if ... if...”

“You were wondering if we could have sex?” said Kevin with a smile.

“Um, yeah,” she said, looking down.

“OK, but we’re still seeing other people, right?”

“Oh, right! It’s just sex.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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